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.� /, • � <br /> , . ..,.r , -- <br /> .�6s � --- <br /> � � . ��iiN: -' � .. . _ .. . . . .i ' Ai,��• ' ' �: <br /> .. 1 ' �'tw.'1!(J't�V]... �� .... � . . .. n i� . � �i.y0](/�� .. , <br /> ., • <br /> -'l .".. . . . t...s... ' . <br /> . � �- -�rr..�..i..._1-•....e..�...._....�-_..�....i.w....��.......r.r.....r�rw...a.�....._.....r......_........._�.......�"'_"' "".._......�............._..._.._�.. .._ <br /> �.t;;. <br /> _:1�'.�- . . '� n.r�.r�-•=__'tif_ .�__. <br /> ,l.:,. ...7..35._ <br /> . . e�v►:r�neavo �� a ''�N <br /> �•��- ������ ����: <br /> 9. Pc;,:�st�. Corrorfcr n�;rcos to nol;o eIl p�yra:�►to on th�accurcd Cabt e�h-n du�. Un:000 Cm�o�:tcr nnd Lcndcr c�rca otitCt�,rico, any <br /> poyr�icn4o Lendcr roccSVD9�lQ61 C4If6VJEf 0? �OP QOIPOlY37�0�S&113�iI �JIII Il�C�j3�!_A VITOI QD Cii�l CIli0Uf1S0 narrowcr prico on 4ha r.wcurcd dcbt _ . <br /> oxctualve o}Interest or princlpd,incond to I�tere�t,snd t�an to ptlnclptl.If ptKlol ptepayment o4 tha eacured Bobt occur�tar eny reeton,It wftl <br /> '. �� nat re9uco or cxsws eny tchsdui�d p�yment uncll th�a�cw�d d�bt 1�pyld In tuil. <br /> 2.CIMm�Apainit 7itt�.6orrowu vrill pay eil hx�s,+i�esoment�,end otbr ch+�rpn�ttrlbuUbte Io tho�roperty when du��nd wll!dsf�nd tille � <br /> to tho p�opertY e olnet eny clalm�whlch would imp�tr the Ilm of th!s dend o}tr��t,Lendor mey roqulra Borrowe�to ee�ign eny rlght�,cl�lms or •• - <br /> d�tencea whlci��row�r m�y hws�p�in�t pWtl�t w?w wpply Ubo►ar m�t�rl�b to Improw or m�lntdn tho prap�rty. <br /> 9.Intur�nce. Oorrawer wlll keep the property Insurod undar tumo acceptaGls to Lender�t Borrower'� oxpenae end for ler�der'e benotit. All , ___ <br /> Inauienco pt.i+cl�o�hsll fr�elude a e'tl+xlz�d mmtaa�a el:u�e In•r a9 len�ar.L:.r,Q.r wii!G� nc��ZCd c�lo:.a pa�;co cr es th�In-urcd nn cny cuch ° - <br /> � Ineur�no�po�icy.Any Iniurana prac��da mey bo�ppll�d,within Lendu'�ditcnli�n,40�lthsr the n�tontlon or npalr of tFw d�m�pM pr�perty - <br /> or to the�ecured debt.If Lend�r rsquksi mottpa9�insuranc�,8arowsr�Qree�to m�int�ln tuch Iniuronr,s for n lonp e�Lender nquln�. � ��`` _ <br /> 4.PropNty.Qarrowsr wfil ke�p the praporty in pood conditlon ond m�k�dl npaln na�onably nocofsery. . �, <br /> 8.Exp�nu�.Borrow�r egres�to pey dl Lender'�expsnae�,lrtctudlnp reuombt�attorneys'foe�,If Borrower break�any covenenta In thi�doed 4�. <br /> of crust or In nny oblip�tlon�ecursd by thlt deed of trwt.Borrower wiil p�y the:a�mouM�to Lender ef provided In Covenant 9 of thl�deed of � <br /> , trust. . � .�,, <br /> " 8.Prior S�curity Intw��U.Unbis Borrower fint obte!ro lendsr'�wHtten con��nt,P.arrow�r wUt not mok�or permit any ch�npea to tny prior ' ...a'== <br /> •ecurity IntereY�s. Borrower wltl parlam NI of Borrow�r'�obllpation�under any prlor mortp�p�, deed of trust or other�scurity epnsment, ,yy,,j <br /> includinp Barrower'�covemnts ta m�ks paymant�when due. � � <br /> 7.As�tp�n�r�t of R�nu�rtd�otRs.Borrowor as¢tpns to Lender the rent�end pratit�of the property.Unlese Bor►owe►artd Lender h�vs ayreed • �'�'�jr <br /> otherw�f e In writtng, f3orrowar mey collect and reuin the renta�a lony as Borrower I�not In defsuit.If Borrowar defeuln, Lender, I.ender's <br /> ,� epent,or a court eppointed raceiver may tske po:�es�lon�nd mana6e the proparty and cotlect the rente. Any rent�Lend�r collscts ahdl bo <br /> apptied flr�t t�the cost�of manspin�the property, fncludln4 cou�t co�t� end ottorneye'fees, commlrslons to rontd ipento,ond eny other �_., <br /> necesanry retated exp�nsen.The rem�Tnlnp�mount oT nnt�will tMn�ppty to paymenU on ths socured da6t at provided in Covanmt 1. ,��;;�{"'�:_� <br /> a <br /> 8.Le�:tr�!de•Ccsr!c���;Plenned Unit DewN±,^!!�*�.Borra+uer esreee to comp{y tvlth the provleiona of nny le»ss if thl�deed oi truat la nn ' _ : �' <br /> e leacehold.I�thlo de�d of uust Is on a unft In a condominium ot s plenned unit dsv�topment, Bonower wJll pertorm all ot Borrower'�dutie� • -���:_ - <br /> under the coveneMs,by-lawe,or r�pulation�of the condominlum or ptanned untt dav.:lopment. . _ � „�►�.�-- <br /> 9.AuUwdty o}L�nd�r to P�rform fa Bortoww.If Borrownr faile to pertorm any of Borrower'e dutiea under thia deed o}trutt, Lender mey ����� � <br /> pertorm tho dutfea or cauae them to be per4ormed.Lender ma y el�n 9arrower's ntmo or pay any amount If noceoaery for pertormence.If any .. ° <br /> construction on th�property(s ditconUnued or rtot csrrled on In�reaionibte mannar,Len der mey do whatever is necesaary to protect Londer's <br /> security fntoreat In the property.Thl�mey Include completing the con�tructlan. ' � ' <br /> ��. <br /> . � Lender'o fallure to perform will not preclude Lender trom exercislnp any of ita other righte un�er the lew or thta deed of truat. . , . <br /> •.w „ <br /> Any amounte ptfd by Lender to protect Lender'e eecurity Utorort wlil be eocured by thlo deed of truat.Such emounts will be Gua on demend s�,��', __N <br /> nrttl will baar(nterest from the dato of th9 psymerrt untll pald In luil at the Intercat nt�in effect on the securod debt. ''•'�—;,� � <br /> 10. D�fauit and Ace�Natlon. It Borcowar teils to maks iny peyment when due a breeke eny covenmts under thi� daed o} tru�t or any ?� <br /> ., obtlpatlon oncured by this deed of trust or any prlor mortqeye or dsed ot truat, Lender may accel�rate the maturity ot the securerl debt and � , <br /> demand Immediate p�yment and may Invoke the powe�of sale and eny other remodies permltted by applicable Isw. •� ���_ <br /> — -----—--- . . .. N�����4�i�rl��J _._. . ..�.� __ �,�s at:t;a r tt�-at�-t-utt ar3 :;s��.nt•a se�� •••n w�t�4 _m; , - _ <br /> : !�. ; <br /> a�.� ����n nvw�v����w'�. �=o ='rv'io�'i To �i •• ••� n a '. . ��� ' —� . �•. .. -. .- <br />- -_—--_,'.__. . �N� 1 Q l+o o rw um� w _-- -_ <br /> " ° horoto,at the address of each such person,a�set forth herein. '�:� , <br /> �- 12. PowN of SY�.I4 the Lender invoker the power of sele,tha Truatoe ahell firet record In the offica of the repister of deeda of each county � ��t <br /> " whereln the autt proporty or some part or parcel thereof i�ettuited a notica of defauft contelninp tho Informetfon reyulred by law. The Truatoe „ , <br /> thall Uso matl coptee ot tha notice oP def�uit to the 8orrower,to each penon who le a party hereto,and to other pereom ae proseri6ed by „ <br /> epplicabte lew.Not le:o than one month sfter the T►u�tee recorda the notice of defeuh ar two months if the bust property is not in e�y <br /> ,,�5 incorporated City or vill�p�snd i6 used In fuminy operetiona carried on by tha i►uitor,the tvyatee shall pive pubiic noUco ot eate to the penona ' <br /> end In the mannsr preseribad by appplieahte law.Trustee,wlthout demmd on Borrower,ehu11 eetl the property at publie euct!on to ths hlphest , <br /> bi�!der.If reQulnd 6y ths Farm Home�tead P►otectlon Aot,T�vates shsll oNer tM prop�rty in two sepuete aeles os required 5v epplicabie law. � � <br /> 7rustee may posipone tals of�110►�ny pucsl of th�properry by public ennounr,ement ef the time and ptace ot any previousiy�cheduted aaln. ,� ' <br /> Lender or itt dnaipnee may purch�se the property at any sale. . <br /> ., . Upan rocaipt ot paYment o}ti�s price 61d,Truatee ahali del:ver to the purcheser Truttoe's deed conveyin0 the property.The rocitlali contatned in � �� � � <br /> Yruatee'o deed shall be prima facis evldience of tho mnh of the etetemente contained th�reln.Truetee shall eppty the proceeda of the eald In tho l ` ��" ` <br /> followlnp order: (U to aIl expense� of the onle, includfnp, 6ut not Iimited to, neaanebte Truetae's teae, reasonabte ettorney'� feee end I "' ;� <br /> reinetetement fes�;lb)to sll sumt secured by tt+i�deed of truat,end lal the bitance,lf eny,to the persons legally entttled to recelve it. � <br /> 13.Foncio►un.At Lender's optlon,lhis deed of trust may bo torecloaed in the monnor provide by appilcable law for forecloaure of mortflagea '� �. ��, <br /> on real prope►ty. ` ; . , � —�,:� <br /> 14. ImwcUon.Londer may enter the props►ty to inspoct it If Londer pivos Borrowor notico boforohand. Tho notiao must stato tho roasonablo f � ', <br /> cause for Lender'e inapectlon. ' - <br /> ' 15.Cond�aUon.Borrower easla�ns to Londor the proceeda of any award or clalm}or demag o�s aonnected with e Gondemnation or other taking �., � <br /> , . of all or eny part of the property.Such proceeda will be epplied ee provided In Covenant 1.7his assignmont Is sub��ct to the terma ot any prior � �.�!� <br /> aecurfry apreemont. , <br /> . . . - r� - <br /> , 18.Wrv�r.By exercising any remedy evaflable to londer,Lender dooe not pivo up any rights to lator uso any other romady. By Rot oxarcisi�p I � ' � <br /> eny remedy upon Borrowor's de}autt,Lender does not walve eny rl�ht to leter consider the event a dafault If ft fleppen9 again. , ✓� t� <br /> i �.' i <br /> ' 17. Jolnt md S�wrr UabNity• Co�ipner. 8uccason �nd Aaipns Bound. All duties undor thfa deed of truat ere joint and sevaral. Any � ��►. ,, �,�' <br /> Dorrower who co•alpn� thie deed of Vuat but doos not co•slpn the underIying debt Instrumontls) does so only to prant and convey that i , r� <br /> 6orrower'e intereat i�the property to the Trustoe under the te►ms of this deed of truat.In eddition,such a Borrower agroaa thot the Lender end ;. <br />- anY othar Borrower under this deed ot trust may oxtend, modiH or meke any other chan ea In the terma of this dood of trust or the securod i <br /> dobt without that Borrower'e consent end without releasing thatBonower irom the terms o�thla doed of t►ust. <br /> .. . � <br /> Tho dutioa and bonefito af thia deed of trust shall bind�nd bonetit tho cuccoscora and asQlpns of Londor and Borrowor. <br /> 18.NoUc�.Unlesa otherwfas redutred by law,any noUce to Bo�rower ahell be plven by deiivorinp it o�by mefif�g It by coriified mail addroased to . � � <br /> Borrowar et the proporty eddrmaa or eny othor addrasn that Borrower hea piven to Lender.Borrowor will givo nny notico to Londor by cartlfiod , s• <br /> mefl to Londa►'t address on pafle 1 of thit daed of tru�t,or to any oiher eddress which Londor ha1 designated.Any othor notfce to Londor shatl , <br /> bo sent to Lendar'e eddresi as stated on peye i ot thte deed ot trust. •� <br /> C,ny noUco shn11 ba doemed to havo been piven to Barro�vor or landor when givon In the mannor stetod ebovo. <br /> . ,, <br /> ' 19.TnnHw of tM Prop�rry a�B�flcfat tnt�ra�t tn ths Borrow�s.if ell or eny part of the property or any intorost In it is sotd or transforrod , <br />- wfthcut LenAer's prior writton conaent, Lender mey domand immodiete payment ot tho socurad dobt. Londar may ulso demand immodiato <br /> payment (f tho Borrovrer is not a netu►al pereon end e beneficlel fnterost in the Borrower Is cold or trnnsfarrod. Howevor, Londor may not <br /> demand paymunt In the r�bove eftuations ii it is prohibited by fedorel law ea of the dato of this dood of truat. .` <br /> • 20.R�conwyartc�.Whnn tha oblipatlon ee�ured by ttVa dead af uust has boon peld,and Lender hno no funhar oblipatlon to meko ndvancos '�,' <br /> ' undar the Insbumente or aprsement�sacured bV thla deed of trust. tha Truatnn ehatl,uFtn urtttan�oquost by tho londcr,roconvay tho trust , <br /> � pro eriy. Yho Lendar shall dettver to the Borrower,or to 8orrower'e auccesaor In Intore�t,thu truet deod and tho notu or other ovidoneo of tho ; <br /> - a _..Ey . <br />- - - --- �--- ---------- Wrt�alMt OV vOYUt�ivY�W��V�trv�Oltvn NY7 oit7�O4ViVOtM�4V�t0• '—'- <br /> 21. Suec�ata TruttN. lender, ot Lender's option, may rerROVe Truateo end eppolnt a successor truaceo by first, molling e copy of tho <br /> • sutstltution of trustee ee reputred by eppllcabin Irw,end then, by fiting the subatitutl�n of trustee lor rocord In tho ofilco of thc+ raglstor of doods <br /> ot oach county In whlch the trust proparty,or some part thereof,la situatod.Tria succoasor trustea,wlthout co�voyanco of tha proporty,shall <br /> succeed to eb Uie power,dutloa,euthority a�d Htia of the Trustee n8med In tho dood of miat end of any 6uccossor trustoo. <br /> � � � <br /> i <br /> E <br /> ' . ra+ae a o�si <br /> .. �• euixus svenMS,�ouo.MH esaai n.iooas�as�n wmm,�ocw�erar�e e„ere+ ' <br /> " .� <br />