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<br /> . .. ..,._. - -
<br /> ,.w.
<br /> w••�ie;p�.v��- - , . `' ' ......-.--..�----........_._. _ ..... ..._.. . . - - . �f,.
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<br /> " �' ,4���, `� �f F.• '.�►a�
<br /> �`�"'���h�.�cntorcwr,.ni of -
<br /> 4�. �o�ro��eP'o RIph4 4o I�cl�at�to. It Bcrro��icr m�as ccdli�cond�tlflns, Borroe:cr OhaA li�v�t w��nc o � ,
<br /> I ' this S:�uriiY lnoW�n�nt d!�contL�ucd ol eny IU�:� prl�r to Iho c�Pt':r ah(n)5 dayn (ar cuch othcr p�dod na egp:'c3bl�I�e�r��ay G��cUy for � _
<br /> Qon;.lntcnrnt► ��foro euU ol Iho Property pursuant to eny po�•fc�00 eab conP�lnC�1 In lhb £CCUrRy Inotruir��nt; cr (b) Cr�try ot a {vd����_nl �
<br /> ento�chp ih19 Sccur►3y innt�ur�o+�t. Tho�o cOnditlon� aro lhat Barrowar (a) pAyn E.end2t ell aum9 whfch then would be du• under thl� �;,,.
<br /> S�curiry InsWment snd lh�Note as M no accefer�tlon h4d occurtad;(G)cure3 eny dof4uK ot any otho�Cov�tsnf cr oproomsntl; (a)PaYe ,,.`�
<br /> `��:._.
<br /> e�er.pen�e9 hcurred wi entorohp lhf�&ecurky Inatrumont,hclud6rafl,bul not f�rtsNed !o,reaeonabM attomoye' Iw�;and(d) uk�m tuah�ctian , r�
<br /> ae Lend�m�y rdtaontby rpuP�to a�tun th4t Itu Iiwi o}thb S�curih Inswmanl. lw:dera rfphts In the Propwty and Dorrou►er�ctDl'QAtion �r
<br /> to pay the eurrs� 3aCUred by thi� SeCwfty Inatrumsnt shaN canthu� unChanped. Upon rah�tgtatnant by �ortowu, Ihh &�CUr)ty InoUum�nS
<br /> and t�e oblt�utbn� sacur�d hereby eha8 carw�i tu{.y c(7;.cttra as V no cc�c:_r�tlon hr,d occumad. Howevar, thls rfght to roinstitY ohell nol �
<br /> appty h th�cas�of�ccsbrntbn under RareOr�ph 17. �•
<br /> 1�. Sale of Notn; Chenpe of I.oan Servicer. The iVol¢ or o pertlel Intsr9st In lho Noto (topYthor wkh thf9 SoCUtRy "'�'T"•'
<br /> Instrunsent)may be sotd one cr more times wRhout prbr notics lo Bnrtpwer. A eata may resuA In a chanqe h ihv eniNy (knoxn t9 th� + -�r
<br /> ^Loan Servlcer")that colbcta monthy payments duo undor tho t1o10 and thb SecurNy Inatrument. Thena olso may b�ana or moro Chtnp�f •� �y
<br /> ol the Loen Serv�sr unreiatad to n sela o1 tho Note. II thero Is o chan¢e ol the Loon Se+v�e�. Bortower w�l bo pMon written nol�a of thY � ,.
<br /> chanpa in eccordance wqh para9raph 14 abovo nnd nppl!ca4t� taw. Tha notfco wtu state the nemo and addross o!th� �nv Lou� S�vic�r � �
<br /> and the addr4ss to wh�h piymenW ehouid be made. Th�not�e wIY o�o contah any other hforrr�tbn requind by 4pp�cabp Irw• I .
<br /> �0. Hszetdou� Subste�YCes. Burowor shap not causs or pamR tno p�sonco, uao, dspoub atoropo, ar roto�a� ot any �
<br /> Har�rdou�Subatuicss on o� In tho Propt�rty. Bo�rowor shall not do,nor tibw enyono elav to do, anYthhy �Hsctfn9 IM PropKty thtS H b I „ „
<br /> vbiatbn ot eny Environmentol LQw. The precedhq two sentencea chaY nol appy to lh�presenca, uso, or stonp� an the Prop�ty of smill �,
<br /> quantktas o1 Harardous Substences thet em penera�N recopni�d tc+!+e oDPropri�to to normal rosldentyl ua�� ar►d co rtwhtsnutic�ot lh�
<br /> Property. •s'•�
<br /> Dor►ower shaU prompty pNO Lc�ndor writte� nottce ol eny L�vastlpatC�e� clalm, d�n.nd,Mw&uN or olhe� eatbn by any govamm�ntal or
<br /> repuintory a�oncy or private paRy hvoNhy lhe Property end any Ha�erdous Substance or Envfronmentai Law o}wh@h Bortoww has sctual „ •
<br /> � knowledge. 14 Borrower leams, or Is notitiod by any povemment�� or regulntory authority, that any removal or other rertadirlbn of �ny ; �
<br /> Hezerdous Substance nHecCnp the Propany Is nc�cossury, Borrovrer shaU promptly lnke ait nocessery remedial actbn3 Ln uccardance wRh . �_
<br /> �—
<br /> Bnvironmontai Law. �/�
<br /> As used N this psragrctph 20, 'He:ardous Substancesn are lhoso substences detinad us toxb or haurdous a+ibstances by
<br /> � Env4onmontal Law 8nd the tolbwinp substances: gasol�na, kerosane, other flemmabb or tox� peuo�um products, toxb pest�Wes and ���i
<br /> ' herb�ide9, volatlle sohrents, materials conlafniny asbestos or 4cmzatdehyde, ond redbactive materlais. As uced h thls ptrapraDh 20, ,
<br /> 'Envlronmental law" m9ans faderal lavrs and Inwa of tho Jur�dSCtbn where tho PropeRy Is bcatod that retato to health, safety or � c ,R� .�.;:^�
<br /> environmental proteotbn. � _---
<br /> , , NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenant nnd aproe as touows: i / --
<br /> . l �:. ����!�:�y��n; qpmP.ilaa; Lendea chalt atve notice to Borrower prtor to acceleretton follow[n� I _��'=
<br /> . Borrower's breach of any covent►nt or egreereient fn thts Security InaVument (but not prtor to e�ceiersiion �` � -
<br /> I under paragreph 17 unless applic�ble law provide� otA�erwiso). The nntice ahall speclty: (e) the �ietetult; i ` ,
<br /> � i {b) the ncUon req�ired to cure the deteuit; (c) a date, not ler;s than 30 deyg hom the date the n�tice le
<br /> � � + given to Borrower� by whlch thr, defautt must bo cured; end (d) that fellure to cure the defeult on or �
<br /> � betore the dete specliled in 4he nMice may reEUlt in acceleraUon of the suma secured by thla 5ecurity �
<br /> InsVuenent and �ale of the Property. The notice ahe�l turlher inform �orrower of the riyht to relnetaLe efter � .
<br /> necole�eUon end the right to bring e court ncUan to aaa�rt the non-�x(stence of s detault or eny other ;
<br /> defense ot Borrower t� acceleratlon and aale. It the deteult la not cured on or before the dete spec(fled � , '
<br /> fn the noUce, Lender at Its optlon mey requlre ImmEdiete peyment in tull of sll sums secu�ed by this ; ' �;
<br /> Security IneVument without further demand end mey invoke the power of sale end any other remedlem ;,�
<br /> .• permltted by epplicable lew. Lender shati be entiUed to collect nll expensea incurred In pursuing th�
<br /> remediea provided In thla paregraph 21� inaluding, but not Iimitad to, reasonabte attorneya' tees and coMe ; ."`G
<br /> of title evidence. '� '
<br /> If the pow�r of sale i� Invcsked� Truetee shall recurd e notice o4 deteut4 in �a�h county In Wh�I�able
<br /> parf of the Property ta loaated and ahatl mail coples oi such nottce In the manner prescrlbed by epp
<br /> taw to Borrower end to the other persons prescribed by appllcable lew. Aiter the time requi�ed by t
<br /> • eppitcable law, Truetee shail give pubUc notice ot eule to the persons nnd in the manner prescribed b�► / ��''
<br /> � applicable lew. Truatee, without demand on Bor�ower, shall seil the Prmperty et publlc euc4io�n to the ;".
<br /> higheat bidder et the time end place and under the terms desfgnated in the notice of eale in or�e or more
<br /> paraels er+d In nny order Trustee determines. Truatee mey postpone sale of ell or any parCel of the ,� ;
<br /> . Property by publl� ennouncement at the tlme and pl��e of �v�y previously scheduled sale. Lender vr Its �
<br /> deaignee mey purchese the Property at any sala ,
<br /> Upon reee(pt of poyment ot the price bid� Trustee ahall detiver to the purcheser Trus4e='s deed
<br /> conveying tho Property. The recitsls in the Truatee's deed shell be pri�aa tacle evidence ot td�e truth of
<br /> t0�e stetementa mado theretn. Trustee shall apply tho proceeds ot the s�le ln the totlowing order: (a)to nll .
<br /> � coats end expenses of exercising the power of sate, and the r�7e, Including the pay�aent of the Trustee's
<br /> teea actuelly Incurrec'. not to excecd 3 °•6 of the pruncipal amount oi the note �t the time of the
<br /> declaretlon of deteul4, end �eesonebl�e attorney's feea a�permitted by law; (b) to all sums aecured by thle
<br /> Security I�at�ument; end (c) nny excess to the person or persons tegally entiUed to I�
<br /> 22. Reconveyonce. Upon pnymant of e11 sums securod by 11'�is Security InsWmt�nt, Londer shall request Trustoo to reconvey lhe
<br /> Property end shaU surrander this uocu�ity InsWment and all notos oridonchg debt 6ocurod by thFS Sc�cur+ty IncUUment to Trusloe. Trustee
<br /> 1 shaY reconv�y Iho Property wkhout wartanly and without chuge to the porson or pasons leaaly entkbd to R. Such person or ptxaon3 shall ±.
<br /> pay ony rece�ditbn cest�.
<br /> • _ j 23.Ss�bat�tute Trustee. �en�or, et fts optbn, may aom une�o trnc+ removo Trustoo and nppoht a successor wstoo eo nny
<br /> _-.._
<br /> ��.� W:.�w....� ........�.., nI
<br /> __.. . .. � .....__�._�. � �
<br /> Yrusteei appohtnd horeundor by an hstrumont recorC�d m tno Cou�ry n wncn inis au.vrn� awu���A.n.� •w�....o..• ••�.••....• .....•-��—.-- -• - - ,
<br /> the Propary. successor trustee shall succoed to nll tlie titic�,powsr and dulbs contarad upon Trustee herein end by applicable L�w.
<br /> 2�3.Requeat qor NoUeea Borrowor roquosts that copi�os af th0 notfces ot do(nuft and sule bo Sent to Bonowe�'s addross whfCh
<br /> � Iha Property Address.
<br /> 25.Hiders to thls Sacuriry Inutrumen� If one or moro ridors nro oxocutod by Borrowur and roCOrdad toaothor �vith thls
<br /> Sc�curity InSUUment, tho Covenunts and aproements ot each such ridar shali be inCOrporalud 4ito nnd shnll amond nnd suppktmont tho
<br /> Covencints antl agreements of this S[3curity Instrumpnt as if lh0 rldOr(s)wero Lt p8rt of this SeCUrity Instrumant.
<br /> � ;
<br /> ' I Papt♦ ol 6 Form 002o V/W . .
<br /> 1 FtU2AlM0(70191)
<br /> 1� � 6�
<br />