i,. . ,',, 5���i :{:",n��(`:, '�f°:�;t . - _ .
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<br /> . , � rY�7{icti_":��-
<br /> Borrowcr m�y curo auch a dcfnuft and re!nst:'o, ¢s provldcd (n pnmpraph 99, by czunlnp tho actlon or pro�ccd;n�to ho " ..�?�-
<br /> dlamlo3cd v4th o rul�nfl thnt,In Lcndcr'a pood tailh detcmilnnUon, prcc!udca tadc.lturo of tho �orcct�rcr'o Intcrcat In tho Prnpery or �' :�.�,���_
<br /> • othtr matcriul Imp�lrn�nt oi ll�o Iicn crc�tcd by ihls Sccu�ty Inawmcnt or Lcndor'o accuYly In4�rc�1. Borrortcr oii^fl ct�o 6o In _,
<br /> � dc4auU II E�orrowcr,du�inp 4ho lonn appll��tlon procoaa, �avo matcdairy falso or InaccurQto lntorrnaUon or atattimcnta to Lcndcr (or - - -
<br /> � tallcd to provldo lendor v�lth any matednl Infonnatlon) In connection vrlth tho loan avldenced by tha Nota, Includlnp, but not -- -'-
<br /> Iimited to, reprosent�uUons �ancominp BorroweYa occupancy o4 tha Property as a p�lncipal realdanca. If thls 9ecu►iSy �v �, . _—
<br /> instrument le on o teasehoid, Dorrower ahail compty wlth atl the provfslono of tho lease. If Borrower ncqulros tea tlUo to thn� _
<br /> , Property,the leasohotd and Ihe tee titlo ohall nol morpe untose Lender egraos to the merpa In w�iling. ��
<br /> 7. Prot�ctlon of ���ed�r's Rights In the Proparty. (1 BPR6WN tella to periortn the covenente end igreemante M• ' • ,—
<br /> contnlned In ihle 9ocudry Inatrument, or Ihera Is n lagal proceoaln{� Shet may elanl0canlly eifect I.onder'a ►Iphto In the Praperty ' . ._ _-_
<br /> ' (such ae a proceedlnp In b�n{wptcy, prob�te, for condemnatlon or foAdlure or to enforce lawe or reguktlone),then Londa may � -
<br /> do nnd pay for wh�tever la nece�oary to protect the vatue ol the PropeAyr end L�nde►'e dphte In the Property. Lenderb �ctione � „ • •~ -
<br /> may Include p�ylnp eny euma eecured by m Ilen whlch hee priodty ova thle 9ecurity lnatNmet�t, eppea�ing In court, paylnp ►�►; ��,I''�,�i�,..
<br /> • roeeoneble nttomeye' (eee end entariny on the Rroperty to meke repelro.Qfthouph Landa m�y teke actlon under lhle panpreph =i
<br /> 7, Lenda doea not have ta do eo. � ��,�'
<br /> Any smounte dlebureed by Lender unda parnyreph 7 ehell uecome addltlonsl debl of Dortower eecured by thl� 9ecuhty
<br /> Inotniment. Unlese 8onowAr And Lender aflree to other terma o1 pnyment, theae emounts oh�tf hr,rr Interes9 trom Ihe d�t� of � . ��
<br /> dlsburaement at the Note rate snd ohall be pdyable,v�lth Interesi, upon notics hom Lender to 3onower requestlnp p�yment, � -!��
<br /> ,-.
<br /> 0. Mortgap� In�ur�na�. If Lendar requlred mortg�ge Inaurance ea a condltlon of maklnp tNe lorn aecurad by thla � .
<br /> Socurlty InatNment, 9orrower shell pey tha pramluma requlred to malntaln tho moKpage Inaurance In etteot, If,for any reasan,the �� � �'
<br /> mortgsge Insurence coverage requlrad by Lender lapeea or ceanos to be In ettact, Borrower ehall p9y the premluma roqulred tu ,� �
<br /> obtaln covemgs eubstantlalty equNalent to tho mortgepo Inaurance prevloua(y In efteat, at a cost subatantlally eg�lvalent to tho
<br /> cost to Bortower o1 the mortgage Innurance prevlousy In ettect, irom an eftemete moRgage Inaurer epprovad by Lender. II � �:,
<br /> aubatantslty equlvalent mortgage Ineurance covemge Is not evnll�bls, Borrower ahall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �•
<br /> I onatwolilii ol lhe yeany modgape Inaurance premlum being pald by Bnrcovior when lho Insurance coverago lapsed or ceased lo -� ,±
<br /> be In oftect. Lender wlll aaept, use end retaln these payments as a loae reserve In Ileu o1 mortgage Insu�ance. Losa reserve ��^ �'``-
<br /> payments may no longer ba requlrad, et the optlon ai Lender,If mortgaga Insurance coverage((n the amoun4 end for the pertod •�• .�-
<br /> thnt Lendor roqulres) provlded by an Inaure� epprovod by Lender ngnln bocomes avallable nnd ia obtelned. Borrower shall pny r ,.�°�
<br /> the premluma requlred to malntaln mortgage In3urance In eitect, or to provlde n losa reserve,unt�the roqulrement for mortgafle � -
<br /> Insuranca endn In nccordence�vlth any wrltten agroament behvaen Borrower nnd Lander or appllcable Inw. �"::�=-•
<br /> 9. (n8p8CtlOt1. Lender or Its agent may meke reasonable ent►les upon and Inspectlona'of the Proporiy. 4ender sheu glvo i���
<br /> Borrower reotico at the tlme oi or prlar to an Inspectlon speclrying reasonable causo for the Inepectlon. °"""'
<br /> :��
<br /> 10. C011demnetlon. The proceeds of any award or clalm for demages, dlmot or consequenUal, In connectton wlth any � • �` �
<br /> condemnatlon or ather taktng o} nny part o}the Properry, or tor conveyanee In Ileu of condemnatlon,are hereby asalgned and � . `�
<br /> shull bo pnld to Lender, ;,��- -
<br /> In the event of a totel teking of the Property, the proceeds shsu be applled to tha sums securod by thls 3ecurlty .�' %
<br /> Instrument, whether or not then due,wkh any excess pald to Bortower. In tho event of e par��l teking of the Property In whfch i`�-� -
<br /> the talr market value oi tho Property Immedlatety betore the tektng Is equal to or greater than the amount ot the suma secured �
<br /> by thls Securfty Instrument Immedlately before the taking, unless Dortower and Lender otherwlso agree In writing, tho suma
<br /> aecvred by thls 3ecurtty Inatrument shall be reduced by the emount of the proceeda mulpplled by tho tollowing fractlon: (e) the , �••%
<br /> totel amount oi the sums securod Immndletety before the taking, dlvlded by (b) the falr marfcet velue of the Property Immedlately
<br /> b6iore the taking.My balance shall be pald to Borrower,In the event of a partfat taking of the Property In whlch the felr market � ' �,
<br /> value o}the Property Immedlately before the taking Is loss then the amount of the aums�ecured Immodlately bafora the taking, � ' y .
<br /> unless Borrower and Lender othervvlse agree In wrltlnc� or unless eppllcable law otherwlso provldea, the proceeds ahall be
<br /> applled to the sums aocured by thls 3ecurlty Inatrument whether or not the eums are then due. � , -,�
<br /> Ii the Property la abandoned by Borrower, or If, after noUce by Lender to Bortower that tho condemnor ofters to meke an ' r ; ,
<br /> award or serile e clalm for damages, Bortower fails to respond to Lender wfthln 30 days after the date the notice Is glve�, .'+
<br /> Lender Is authortted to collect ctnd appty tho proceeds, at Rs optlon, elther to rastoratlon or repafr of the Property or to the i '� 'r '
<br /> sums secured by thls Securiry Inetrument,whether or not then due. � ��
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agreo In writing, any appllcatlon oi proceeda to p�lnclpal shall not exlend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referted to In paragrepha 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of such paymenta. � ?���.�;
<br /> 11. Borrower NaR ReleasAd; Forbearance �y Lender Nnt a Walver. Exlenslon of tho Ume for payment or '�� #` -
<br /> modHlcatlon of amortlzatlon of the sums securod by thls 3ecudty Instrument granted by Lender to any succeaeor In Interest of
<br /> Bortower shall no1 operete to release the Ilnbllriy ot the odglnel Bortower or Borrower's succesaors In Intereot. Londer shull not ,� �
<br /> be requlrod to commence proceedings agalnst any successor In Interost or retuso to extend tlme tor payment or otherwlse �
<br /> modlty amortlzatlon of tho sums eecured by thls Socurity Instrument by reason of nny demand made by tho orf4lnal Bonower or ;,;��'
<br /> Borrower's ouccossors In inte�est. Any torbearence by Lender In exerclsing eny dght or remedy shall not be a walver ot or �'�
<br /> procludA the oxerclae of any rlght or remody. � .
<br /> 12. Succeasore and Aeslgns �ound; Jolnt und Several Llablltty; Co-slgners. The covenanto and � '
<br /> agroements of thls 3ecurlti Instrument ahRll bind end benefit tha successora end esslgna ot Lender and Bortowar, subJect to tho ''►r.
<br /> provlslons of parngraph 17. Borrower's covenants end ugreements shall bo jolnt end several. Any Borrowor who co•slgns thls • � ,?'
<br /> Sacurfty Instrumont but doos not exocute the Note: (a) Is c:o•slgning thls Secudty Instrument only to mortgage, gront end convey '
<br /> thut Bortower's Interest In the Property under thc+ tertns oi thls Socurlty Inatrument; (b) Is not personelly obllgatod to pay the �
<br /> , sume securnd by thls Secudty Instrument; end (c) agroes that Lender and eny othar BoROwer may agrea to oxtend, modlfy,
<br /> torbear or mako any accommodutlona wlth regard to tho terma oi thfs Sacudty Inatrument or tho Note wlthout thnt Borrower's �
<br /> conoont. �
<br /> 13. Loan CltergBE. If the loan socu�ad by thls Secudty InsWmont Is subJect to n law whlch sots maxlmum loan ^
<br /> chargea,nnd that law Is flnally Interpreted so thnt the Intorest or other lonn charges couocted or to be collected In connectlon
<br /> wlth tha loan exceed the peimltted Ilmlts, thon: (n) nny such Ioan che�ge shall be roduced by the nmount necessnry to roduco •'
<br /> tho chargo to tho porrntttad Ilmlt; and (b) any sums nlready colleoted hom Bonower whlch excaeded pertnftted Ilmlts wlll be
<br /> retunded to Bonower. Lender ma� chooso to mnke thls retund by raducing the princlpal owed undor the Noto or by making n
<br /> dlract payment to Borrower. Ii a retund reduces prfnclpnl, tho raductlon wlll bo treated as a partinl prepaymont wlthout any
<br /> prepayment chnrflo undor tho Noto. .
<br /> 14. NOtICee. My notica to Bortower provldad for In thls 8ocurity Instrument sholl bo glven by dellvering It or by malling It
<br /> 6y firet clnse mell unless appllcablo law raqulro3 uso of another method. Tha notfco shall bo dlrected to tho Properry Address �.
<br /> or env othor addreso Borro�var doalanates bv noUca to Lond�r An��nt1�.n �r, i o�rto, nhatl r.o..�„a. ti., r,.a� ..�000 mou •.,
<br /> -•_ _. _ _ __ _ _ -- o••-•• -� •-�-• -�-- .._.. ._ ��:�_
<br /> ' Lender's addrosa atntod hereln or any other uddrosa Londar doslgnatos by notica to Borrower. My notice provldod for In thls
<br /> � Sacurtty Instrumant shell be doamed to hnve been gNen to Bartowor or Lander whcn glven as provldosi In thls puragraph. �
<br /> 1b, �overnfng Law; $eV6feblllty. Thia Security Instrument shall ba govemed by tedorel law end tho lew o1 the
<br /> � �urlsdfctlon In whlch tho Properry Is locuted. In lho event thut uny provlslon or clnuso of thlo Security Inetrument or tho Nota �
<br /> ' con111ete w(th appl!cabla law,ouch con0lat shall not aftect other provlsfons of thts Security Inswmcnt or tho Noto whlch can be
<br /> , piven qtfect wRhout the conNcting provlslon.7o thls end t{tv provfslons of thls Socurity Instrument and tho Nota nre declared to
<br /> ' ba 3overnbla. .
<br /> . 16.Borrowor'a Capy. Borrower ahall bo gNen ana confortnod copy of tho Noto and ot thls Securlty Instrument.
<br /> i � F7310.LAA0(10/941 Poqo 3 01 5 ��`� `
<br /> �� 94105
<br /> I
<br />