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, r A <br /> §�4M <br /> � - . �r.�;.: <br /> ( ��'YiR - ' . ..." <br /> " ' . . . �Ifl'MU'A.. . � � ' J f( .. . . _ —. <br /> /� <br /> .a�..�.��aw�a'�i'�';L�.__.. ......_ '_._._..::.__..._�......._...._._...'_""'"'"_' "'"_'_'_"__"__�...."""'. ..._'_'.._"_�_'�':. " '_ <br /> '_—_ ..."_..__"'.'". �.._'___'__—'�... 1� <br /> ' ��� <br /> 'Borrovrcr may curo such a dcl�ult crsd refnstnta, oo providod In p�ragraph 10, by cuuolnp tho actlon or procc�d'nU to bo •.. <br /> diamisocd e�Ilh a nrllnp th�t, in Le�dcr'o pood inith dctcrminntlon, prceludas fortcltura o1 iha Bor�o�vcr'�Intcrc�l In tho Properly or .. <br /> I olhcr matctlal bnpalmicnt ol tha Ilcn crc�tcd by thla Sccuiity Inolrum;n4 or Lcndcr'o accu�ry htcrc;;t. porroercr ohnll elao Go In � <br /> dciault If Dorro���cr, dudn{� iho lonn cppllcatlon prucca�, p�vo matcrt�ly lelso or Incccuioto Intorm�tlon or otntcrncnto lo Lcnda(or��� - <br /> tulled to provido Lcnder with any matcdal fntor�nallor+) In conncctlan v�lth tha lunn cvidcnccd hy Iho Noto, Inciudlnp, bul noi,�� �,_' <br /> Iimited to, reprasontatlona coneeminp Banower'e occupnncy of Il�o Property ao � principnl roalde�ico. II tltla 9aeurtry �1 • � <br /> Inetrumont In on e Icasehotd, Oonower ehnll compy �viih all the provlslono �f tho leaao. II flonowe► aoqu!roe tco t�tlo to Iho ,�'�� <br /> Property, the leasehold and tha tee U41a ahall not mcrge unlose Lendcr eprees to tho merper In wdllnp, � � �� <br /> 7. Proto�¢tlon of L�ndsr'� Righto In the Propsrty. If BoROwa telie to pertorm the covenunte anci apraemente � I ^ , ,�'�� <br /> contnlned In thls Recudty Inatrument, or thero Is n lagel proeecd!np lhot may algNllcantty atfeol Lender'o rl�hle In Iho Prope�fy � `�'- <br /> (euch as e Nroceeding In banlwptcy, probeto,tor condemn�ilon or forte(turo ar to enforce I�wa ar repul�Uono),ihen Lendor may i , �,�c_ <br /> do end pey for whetevtr Is neces�ery to protect the velua o� the P�operty end I.onder'e rlQhte In Iho property. Lender'e nctlono "'�� <br /> mny Includo paying nny sums sacurad by e Ilen whlch hn3 prioNry over thls 9ocurlty Inatrument, eppxnrinfl In court, pey�np � - <br /> reasonabie attomeys'fdea nnd entering on tho F�roperty to meke repalro. Althouph Lender mey take nction under thla panpnph . �` <br /> 7, Lender doea not have to do ao. �''ti <br /> Any amounts diabursod by Lender under perepreph 7 shall bocome eddl8onnl dobt of Bortower nocured by thls Secudty — <br /> Inatrument. Unlese Borrower nnd Lender agrae to other terms o1 payment, thsse amounte ¢hnli bear intereat hom the deto o} ' �`'+ <br /> disbursecnent at the Note rete ena shell bo payablo,with Intcrest, upon notice from Lendor to Bortower requeating payment. � ,; <br /> 8. MorQgege InBUrenCe. if Lender requlred mortgage Insurance oa u conditlon of ineking the loan aecurod by this : <br /> Secudry Inatrument, Borrower ahal0 pny the premlums required to matnteln the mortgape Insurance In oifoct. If, tor eny renoon,tho � <br /> mortgugo Insuranca coveruge requlred by Lender lepsas or ceases to be In ettect, Borrower ahali pay the premiums required to �� <br /> obtaln caverage substantially equivElent to the mortgage Inauranco prevtousty In of(ect, et a cost substant;nlly uqulvetent to the � <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage Inaurence previouuly In eftect, irom an etftemate mortgage Inaurer approved by Lender. If „ • <br /> aubstnntialy equNAlent mortgage inaurance coverage is not oveltable, Bortower shall puy to Lender each month a sum equel to , � <br /> ono•h•rcifth of tho ycadyr mortgaga insuranr,9 premlum be�ng p�ld by Borrower when the Insuranee coverac�e lapaed or ceased to - - <br /> bo in efiect. Lender wlil accept, uso and retaln these peyments as a losa reserva In Ileu of mortguge Inaurance. Loas reserve v <br /> payments may no longer be requlred, nt the optlon uf Lender, if mortpage Insurence coverage Qn the amount end for the perlod � <br /> that Londer requires) provldod by an Insurer epproved by Lender agaln becomes nvnllable¢nd is�btalned. Borrower shall pny . + "�c- <br /> . the premlums requlred to maintaln mortgaga inaurance in eflect, or to provide a loas reserve, until the ��equirement for mortgage � ' <br /> Insurance ends In accordance with eny wdtten egreement beriveen Borrower und Lender or sppllcable lew. '�r,��- <br /> 9. InepeCtlVn.Lender or tts agant may mako reasonnble entrles upon and Inspec4lons of the Property. Lender ahall glve ��: <br /> Bortower notice at the time of or prbr 4o en Inspectlon epecifying reasonable cnuse for tho Inspectlon. <br /> 10. GOtldeollnatlotl. The proceeds o1 Any award or claim for damages, dliect or consaquenUal, In connection with any <br /> condemnatlon or other taking o(any part of the Properry, or tor conveyance In Ileu of condemnation, are hareby esslgnod nnd A i��;_ <br /> shall bo pald to Lender. • � :� , � <br /> In the event of a tolel tnl<Ing oi the Properry, the proceods shall be appliad to the euma securod by thla Security y:�'i;�•�':„� <br /> Instmmont,whother or not then due,wfth any excess puld to Bonower. In the ovent of a partlal taking oi the Property In whlch �_____:::..,r,..�"__ <br /> -• tne falr market value of the Properry immadlatey before ihe taking ts equal to or grenter than the amount of the sums securod j�� '�; <br /> by thls Security Inatrument immedlatety before the taWng, unloss Bortower and Londer otherwlse agree in wrlting, the sums . f ' `.' <br /> secured by thla 3ecuriry instrument ehali be reduced by the amount ot tho procesd� mutliplled by the tollowing fractlon: (d)the � <br /> total amount ot the suma secured Immediatety betore the taking, divlded by (b)the falr market value of the Property immedlatety `..,;�� � <br /> betore the tekinp.Any balancd ahail be peld to Borrower. In the event of a paAlal taking o1 the Property in whlch the tair market � <br /> valuo ot the P►opsrty Immedletey before tho teking Is less than the amount of the sums secured Immedlatefy bofore the taking, <br /> untoss Borrower and Lender othenvise agroe In wrtting or untesa eppllcablo law otherwlse ptovldes, the proceeda shall be � " <br /> applled to ihe sums secured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not tha sums are thon dua. � <br /> il tho Property is abandoned by Bortower,or H, after notice by Lender to Bonower thet the condemnor offws to meke an � �y' <br /> award or sattla e clalm tor damagos, Bor�owar falls to respond to Lender wlthin 30 daya atter the deto the notice Is gNen, ' * , <br /> Lender Is authorized to collect und appty the proceeds,nt its optton, either to restoration or repalr o} the Propcirty or to the ' <br /> sums secured by thls Security fnstrumant,whether or not then dua. . <br /> Unless Lendar and BoROwer othenvlse agrea In wHting, eny applicatlon of proceads to principnl shull not extend or <br /> postpono the due date ot the monthy payments referred to In paragrephs t and 2 or change the emount of such paymente. ' `�•:\_� <br /> I 11. Borrower Nat Releaaed; Forbearanee ey Lender Not a Wefver.Extenslon oi the timo for pnyment or " � �� <br /> � modi8cation o} amortizaUon of tAo suma secured by this Securfry Instrument grented by Lender to nny successor in interest of <br /> Bonower shall not opemto to roleasn tha Ilabfliry ot the originnl Borro�ver ar BoROwer's successors in Interest. Lender shnll not � <br /> be roqulred to cammence proceedings egalnsl eny succeseor In Interest or refuso to extend time tor payment or othenvise "��,;1 �I:I <br /> modity emor4fzeUon of the 3uma secured by thls Security Instrument by reason of any demnnd made by the original Bortower or � <br /> Borrower's successors In interest. My lorbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waNer of or �` ' <br /> preciuda tho axercise o(any ric�At or remody. <br /> 12. Successora and Asslgns Boured; Joint and Several Liabiltty; Co-aignera. rho covenants end •�� '•�� <br /> agroements of this Security Instmment shell bind end benefit the successore and asslgns of Lender nnd Borrower, subJect to tho `1c,� 'r <br /> provi3lons o} paragraph 17. Barower'a cove�ants nnd agreeme�ts shall be joint and several. Any Bortower whn co•slgns ihis • <br /> Securfty InsWment but does nat execute the Note: (a) Is co•signing this Security Instrument on�y to mortgage,grant and convoy <br /> that Borrower's Interost in the Property under the tertns of this Securiry Instrument: (b) Is not personalty obligated to pay the � <br /> sums 3ecured by thls Securiry Instrument; end (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, ' <br /> for�car or mnko any accommodn8ons wlth regnrd to tho tertns of thls Securhy Instrument or tho Nota wfthout thut Bortower's ' � <br /> • consent. � <br /> 13. L09n ChB�geS. If tho loen secured by thls Secudty InsVument is subJact to a Inw whlch sels marJmum loun . <br /> chnrgo3, nnd thnt luw Is finNly Interproted so thnt the Interest or othe� toan charges coliected or to be col!ectod in connecUon <br /> with the loen excued tho pertnitlad Gmits,thon: (a)nny such loan charga shall ba reduced by thn amount nocossary to reduco •' <br /> tho charge to the permitted limit; nnd (b) nny sums nlready collacted irom Bortower which axceeded pennitted limfts wfil be <br /> retunded to 8ortower. Lender may choose to mnke thls retund by reducing tho principal o�ved under tho Noto or by making e <br /> dUect p�yment to Bortowe�. li a refund reduce� prindpul.tho reductlon wili ba treated as a purtiul prepoyment without any <br /> prepayment charqo under tho Noto_ _ <br /> 14. NOtIC99. My noUco to BaROwer provEdcd tor In this Securiry InsUument shNl bo given by delivcring It or by mafiinc�(t <br /> � by first ctass mui! unless npplicabta Inw roqutres use ot nnother method. Tho notice shall bo directed to thv Property Addross ' <br /> ar nny other address Borrower doslgnates by notico to Le��der. My notico to Lender shall ho alven hv fvst rli�a ..,n� f.. <br /> �— � Lrndcr's nddress stnted hercto or any other uddrass Lender designutes by notico to �orrower. Mp notico provided for in this <br /> , Securiiy I�sUUment ahall bo daemad to hnvo been ghen to Bortower or Lendrr when given as providad In thls parngrnph. <br /> i 15. Governing Law; Severa6itity. Tnis Securiry InsUutnent snnn bo govemed by tedeml law and tho iaw ot tno <br /> Jurisd:ctton fn which the Properry is locnted. In iha orent that nny provision or Gauso oi thls �curity lostrument or tho Notv <br /> � � conflicts with applicablo I�w, such conflict shuli not affoct other provis;ans of thlo Security Instrument or tha Nottt whlch can bQ <br /> gNeri oftect without tho conAicUng provisian. To this end iha provisfons of Ihis Security In�trument and tho Natu nm dedared to <br /> ba smemb!e. <br /> 16. Borrowe�'s Copy.Bortower shall be gNen ono coniormed eopy ol tha Noto nnd of this S�curity Instrument. <br /> i <br /> � I F131�.Lh10 (tON4� Faac 3 of 9 �!Y <br /> I � <br /> � I 9d10J <br /> , I - <br />