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�� . . . i .. .. <br /> .. '��'° ,. . . _ '� . <br /> �- ':tC17 "� . . . .e . ,� �' .. =�wr,. <br /> .r. . . �`, : �, " - ,� .. .. �� ; . , . ' „' ,, .,y�+r:�'.''�4+Y�' 1.. <br /> . <br /> . , <br /> i - - .. YrAMt .w1.._,..__�......,—.—'—.....'--.— _.---'--'_....�.........._.r......w.._..,...,_�a..... �...,....__.---_.—._..�... , <br /> ..n.F . _.__._.__..__...�.___�" �-,i-_ . .��1 ., - "_._. <br />_�... ., � Cfs`J�;:^!'dBF� ��0�7°��'.Zl. I a"c--...� <br /> 9, p,;;;�:c„t�, t'_orrorfcv cgrc�o Yo m::co r'1 �,^,�z�n4o an tho ccr,urA Acht r�hcn duo. UNO::oI��r o�•+c► rnd Lcndcr orroa oth��r.laa, cny i '�� <br /> � p:l;�z;�to A.ert��r reaclL:,a Prnrn Coraoe�er oa or L'airo��av'a hcr,:fie riA ho c;�p:!��iirot to ony cm�unto Eo►rouor oe�oa on Iho cacurc�cfclt j � <br /> oxcluclv�04 In4erc�k or pcinci�cl,occond to I�ZCracr,c:::1�i�ot,¢o piiizr,Ip:L If qr.rtir.1 prcpny�ont of tho oocurc��lcht occuro for cny rc��on,14 e:;:! _ <br /> �" not roduco or excusa eny Boheduted paymans uatfl ths teoured ctebt ta paW In tuil. � " -- <br /> ' 2.f�len�A�{nat TitN.8arrownr will pay ell t�xe�,��ousm�nta,end otMr aharp�a�ttdhut�hte to the rop�rty whon duo anQ wlll d�t�txl Utl� � - <br /> to th�prop�rtYsp aimt�ny ct�imo whlch would Impelr ih�li�n o4 tM�desd of truee.Lander mny raqulre�or►owa to�aalpn eny riplit�,clalm�ot � <br /> � detense�whlch 6arrower mey have�pefnat parNes who cuppty tabor or metedelo to improve oi malntaln Yhe groperiy. �;- <br /> �.In�unna.Borrow�r will k�ap the prnp�rty Inaund utid�r t�rm� �eo�ptnbls to Lend�r et Borrow�r'o�xpmu 1tb for Ur►d��'�horwHt.RH I � <br /> iniurenc�erolioleo ehr�l InoU�de e etendard mortpaQe clauts In fevo►of l.endor.Le�der wlll ba nerreed ae loie�iayee ar es the Intured an any such <br /> - t�ru:L�zc��u"oy.A�sy lncurc�e��racecdo m��l bo e*p:lcd, �•;Itt:n Londcr'o dlceroUon,ta U4h�r tfs�reatoratlon or rc�dr ot tho d�me^�:1�rn�e�cY � ��- <br /> � or to tM s�cur�d dsbt.lf Lender raquires morgp�pe Cnwnnae,k3arrowar epress to m�lnteln�uch Inivrenas fo►a�lonp e�Lendn nqu`Ire�. I . ., - <br /> 4.Piraporty.Borrow�t w�ll keep tho property In poed oondidon end meke eil repairo ro�sooabty neoeatery. � ��,,." <br /> 6.�w.Borrow�r spress to p�y eil L�ndsr'o sxpenta�,lncludinp reasonebl�ettorrssyi'fee�,H 8arrows►brnaiu�ny aoven�nt�In thl�dud `� ,� <br /> of tru�t ot tn��y oblipsUon secured by cM�deed of tn�st.Borrower will pay theue emount�to Lender�s provided In Coven�nt 9 of thi�d�od of It ,�._. <br /> . tfutt. f _ '� <br /> 8.Priar 4�c�xity Inteno�.Udesa Burrower firet obteins Lertdet'e wdtten conaent, Qottowor wfll not make or permit eny chenpes M my pdor y - __: <br /> o�cudty lnt�nst�.Rorrowsr wiil pertorm eii ui Bmruwee'a o6Hpotlona under ony pdor mottpope, d�sd o} tru�t or ot7er oecurity epraem:rt, ' ,,�— <br /> - • includinp Borrowu'�cov�nant�to mabn p�yment�when due. � �?�:_ <br /> :���p� <br /> 7.Ass�mnnt of R�nb�nd ProBl�.Bo�rower efsipns to Lender the ronte end protite of the property.Unleer Bottowsr end L�ndsr hevs pnM �� :�; ,� <br /> � . _, otherwfne in w�1Unp,Borrowar mey coileot a�nd rotel�ths ronte e� lonp ea Qorro�ver la noi in defmuit.If Borrower de}eulte, Lender, Lender'� � " <br /> apeRt, or a court eppointed raoeiver may teke poe�aesion end manepe the property and oolleot tho ronte. Any ronts Lendet collectt shMl E� �. „ �!':; � <br /> epplied firet to the coats ot manepinp the�roperty, includinp couvt aoote artd ettorneye• fees, commisalone to rentel aGento, end any otAer .y , <br /> neoeasiry rsleted expenses.Ths remNninp emount of rente will then�pply to paymento on the oecured debt se provided in Ro�anant 1. � � �'6� <br /> ,. _ �,� �t,r�,lyiM� x <br /> 8.LnaNhdd�•Condomkiiurtfr,Pi�nn�d Unit 0�wloprtNnu.Bor►ower eQrees to aon�ply wlth ths provialon�of�ny tea�s(f thle d��d of trutt(r on . � <br /> e laeashotd.I�tN�de�d ot trust la on e unit lo e condomiMum or o ptenned uNt development, BotroWer wfll pe►fortn ell of Baerowe►'s d.iti�s �� ^*°E�7 <br /> uodar ths oovenante,by�lswa,or ropuletions ot the condomlMum or pinnned unit do�rolopment. �� ' , — <br /> 9.Authnfty of L�ndn to P�efam fa Barow�r. If Bmrowsr fella to�pedorm eny of Borrower'e duties under thlo dsed of trwt,I.�Mn may '"�s;W <br /> pe►form the dutiei or oeuae them to be performed.Lender may sien Horrower'o name o►pay ony emount if neoeasery for perfonnenoe.lf eny ��.��r <br /> aanatn+orian on the pruperty le dieaontinuad or not ca�ded on in e reaeoneble mannar,Lender mey do whateve�is neooaeery to proteat Lendet'o - <br /> eeouritylnteroet In the ptoperty.TMs meykiolude complednp the con�truatlon. �.,;�;.,�,,� __ <br /> Lender'o feilure to perfomi wfll not proclude 6.ender from exerciflinp ony a4 Ite other riqhte undor the law or thle deed of truet. +!�� <br /> Any ertwunt�pald by Lender to pruteat Lender'e seourlty intereat wfll be seaured by thle deed of trvet.Suoh amounta will be dua on dem�nd ��''±.:?�-� <br /> , and will 6eat Intereet irom the data of the peyme�t until paid in full at the intereat rete in effeot on tho seeured debt. , ' '� ti�_?�!�?' <br /> n � 10. Wta�n�nd Aeal�nUon. If Borrower fails to make eny peymant vehen duo or broeko any oovenente under th:e deed of truat o► eny � ��!. -� <br /> oblipetion aecund by tM�desd of truat or eny p�lo► monyape or deod of trust, Lender may eooelerate the mnturity of the csaursd de4t �M S <br /> ' dem�nd immediate payment end mey Invoko tho power of oale and nny othor ramodioo pormittcd by epatir,eble lew. ,_�- <br /> 11.R�pwst fo�Hotia of D�foult.It la hnreby requeated thet aoplea of the notloea of defeult eM esle be eent to eaah pereon who le e p�rty i .��1.�� ,.v <br /> __ heraro,�t the eddroas of eenh auoh Qerson.e9 set forth herofn. � � 1�� <br /> 12.Pow�r o}BNe. If the Lendsr Invokoa the power of sele,the Truetes shell(irst reoord In the offloo of the repister of deedt of eaah oounry j •:��S •�;, <br /> ': wheain 4he trust propsrty o��oms pa►4 or peroel thr►eof is eitueted e noHoe of defeult oontalning the infortnetion required by I�w.Th�Tru�ta� �, <br /> ;�•- eh�ll ateo ;meii aoptof of the noUoe of defeuit to the Borrower,to eaoh pereon who le a party heratq, end to other pereonr ea pro�oribed by � " :.F;:{` � <br /> eppfic�le i�w. Not la�s th�n one month sfter the Truttee reoarda ths notloe o} defeult or two month� if the trust proporty li not In �ny • _�•- <br /> Incorpora2ad city or v1llaQs ond lo ucsd i�ferrr�iny operetlon9 oerded on by the truetor,the f►uetee ehall pive publio notioe of eale to the persont <br /> end In tfis mn�net preaoribod by_appplloe6le law.Truatee, without demend on Borrower, ehell sell the property nt publlo euotton to the hlyheot �'�`„ <br /> bidde�.It vequired by the Farm hlomeateed Proteotion Aot, Truetee shall offer the property in two eeperete eales es requlred by eppllosble lew. •� �' <br /> Tru�tae may po�tpon�sale of ell or eny parcel of the property by public ennounoement et the time and plaae ot ony p�evlously soheduled ede. - . <br /> Lender m it�d��ipnee may puroheeo the property et eny eale. <br /> '�'�'.� <br />�. : ���y <br /> Upon v�csipt of peym ent of the prioe bid,Truetee ehell deliver to the purchaser Trustee'e deed oonveylnp the property.The roaitials oontelned In ,�� <br /> Trunteo's deed ahell be prima facle evidianae o}the trvth of the etetemento contafnad thorefn.Truatea ehall epply the proceede of the eale in the �{ <br /> followinp ordsr: (e) to dl expeneea of the eele, Inciudinp, but not limited to, reesonnble Truetee's feea, reeaone6le ettorney/e fees and � �����N <br /> teinstatem�nt feer, (b)to ell sume seaured by thie deed of truat,end(o)the batence,if eny,to tha pereons legally entitled to rnoeive it. • .. <br /> 19.Fonddur�.At Lender's opUon,this dead of truet may be toreclosed in the munr�er provide by opplioeblo law for foreclosuro of mortpeyea � " <br /> on rs�l prop�rty. I % R_�-- - <br /> " �. <br /> 14.irnp�ctlon. lender may enter the property to Inegeat It If Lender pivee Borrowor notioe beforehand.The notiae muet etate the ronsonable I / � �'• �c <br /> oeuse for lende►'e inepeotion. I " <br /> 16.Cond��natlon. Borrower eeaiQne to Lender the prooeede ot eny nwe�d or oleim for demapes oo�neutad wlth a oondomnution or othor teklnp ! �* <br /> of all or eny psrt ot tho property.Suoh proaeede will be epplled ee proWded In Covenant 1.Thla eesfgnment fe subJeot to the terme of��y prlor � X�'� = <br /> ��au►ity�pnemant. � }�`�� <br /> � J— <br /> 1a.W�lwr.By exercleinp eny romedy aveflebte to Ler�der, Lende►does not pive up eny rights to later uae ony other remody.By�ot exerciatnfl � *�•t! <br /> eny remndy upon Botrower'e defeult,lender does not waive eny dpht to latnr oonaldet the event e defeuit if it happena opeln. • •='' <br /> � 17.Joint and 8�ww! Ll�bllity: Covlpn�n; Ruccawon�nd AttiprN Bound. All dutlen under this deed of truat are Joint end severai. Any i � ��` �,'' <br /> Borro�wr who oo-eipns tAlo desd of truet but doeo not oo•sipn the undeHVfnp debt inetrumentfel does o0 only to flrent end oonvey thet ! �. „ '�� <br /> Borrower'e Intere�t in tM property to the Truatee unc�er the[erme ot thle deed of truet.In edditiun,euoh e Borrower a0rees that the Lender end i e . <br /> eny other Borrower under thia deed of truet mey extond, modifv or meke eny other ohangeo In the torm�of thin deed of truet or the eeeured ;, • <br /> debt without thet Borrower'e consent end without rolonsing that�orrower i►orr the terms of thia deed of truet. ,. <br /> The dutie�end benefite of this deud of 4ruet eheli bind end beneTit the euoceseore and essiens of Londer ond 0orrower. � �� <br /> . , „ : <br /> 18.Notlt�e.Unlaae otherwlae requlred by lew,en notioe to Eiorower ohail be Biven by deliverinp It o►by mefllnp it by certifled mall addreased to = ' <br /> te <br /> Borrower�t the property oddreas or eny other dreae that Borrower hae 0iven to Lender.Borrowor will pivo e�y notico to Lender by oerti6ed <br /> mdl to lender'e eddrens on pepe 1 ot thJe decd of trust,or to eny other�ddreae which Lender hes desipnated.Any other nutloa to Londer ahdl ; : <br /> , be ssnt to lnrxie►'e e�cln�a ea etated on pe�e 1 of thfe deed of truot. � <br /> Any naticm ehall be deemed to nave Doen glven to Borrower or Lender whnn givon in the manno�oteted above. % <br /> 18.Tv�nv?1r ot ttN Vr�rty a�Eor�ftd�i f�t�r��t In th�Qonoru�r.If dl or any part of the property ot eny Interoot in it lo eold or trensferred � <br /> rilihout Lender'e pflor written con�ent, lender mey demand immediete pe}nnent ot the secured de5t. Lender mey oloo damend immediete ! <br /> - p�ymont if the Borrower Is not e neturd peroon end e beneflclel Intereat fn the Dorrower la sotd or tronaferced.However, Lender mey not � <br /> • dnmand peyment I�the ebove s{tueUons if fE Is proNbited by fodavel lew ne of the date of this deod of truet. _ <br /> 20.R�conwyana. When the obildeUon oeaured by thla deed o}truut hes been paid,ond Lender has no turther oblipotion to make odva�eeo <br /> under the Instrumertte orep reemente securad by this deed of t�uet, the Trustee eheil,upon written request by tAe Lander, reconvey the truet , <br /> , • property.TI»Lender shNl doliver to the Qorrower,or to Botrower'e sucoeasor In interest,the trust deed ond the note or ocher evidenoe ot the - <br /> � . a4kSaUon so seUetied.Qorrowor ahall pay eny rccordeUon aoete. . <br /> - - ZL 6uctyttor Ttusu�. Lenaer, et �enciere oprion, mey remova irustee erw eppoint o cuoaeaaor truatoo by tirrst, maainp e oopy ot tne ' <br /> " " , substitutfon o4 truatee es roquired by appliceble lew,end then,by ti�inq the aubatituUon of truatoo to►rocord fn tho oNico o}tho ropisto►of doeda - � <br /> � of eeeh aounty tn whlah the truat propeny, or enm�part thereof,la eituated.The auoeeasor truatee, without conveyance of the proporcy, ehell <br /> ' , oucceed to eil the power,dutfos,outhotity end titie of the Truatae nomed in the dood o4 trust nnd of ony sucuesoor tru�toe. � <br /> �' , . .,j <br /> .' . � <br />_ � <br /> � .. <br /> � fR�pe 2 0/?1 i <br /> DANKEIl9 SY3TE619,iHC.,ST.ClOUD.IEN 60J01 11�800•JG7•Z3N1 fC1LN OCPb1T0�NE EABht <br />_ � --- � <br /> . 1 <br /> .� .� " � <br />