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<br /> 99�9t;a9g�4 L��ED 0� Tt�U�T �• Pc��2 I � ^�''
<br /> �.�ac�Ps�2b�J (C�tttAruod) �`��°���a�rl� i .
<br /> .. _ _. ..._... .. . . .
<br /> f'A3UGC`11�:7 AFJ�P.7t�IFJY�:5JAt1C�Sl'r Ytf::PY70F�:RYV. Yru�tor agrc��Ihw!Yruato�o po�����lan ond u�o of Ih�Vr�p�rty ni�a��bo pov;,rnod by
<br /> thn(o;towin�proNSlons: � • �_
<br /> PoaseatEon�d Ua�. Un'dl Iha occurrc�nca of on Evant of Dutautt,Trwta muy (a)romaln In possosslon nnd control of Iho Prop2Ay, (b;use. I ��"
<br /> „ � ope:at�or manaQe the Propercy,nnd (c)col►ncl any fonts from tho P�operty. i �• '��
<br /> „ + Duty t01YlNntMn. Trusta ahall mal�laln Ihe ProNorty In tenpnlabta candlllon and promplry portorm ell ropnlro,ropincumants,nnd mnlntonnnco �
<br /> I neCOSSary to prQSarva ft,y value. I �'�
<br /> ,��A
<br /> �i3�f401ia v4�Jiiii:�iL`Q�.�k� IutYfi3iliiluf(�OU�tiJu,'�10�"'1k'Iu7�(jOU3�U���II�1C7�'QI�p6:Al�"fC�:1_'J;nnd'YhrcaL^,11�^.d�CI,^.�SO,"(!'1 U�'Jd 1111h19
<br /> Deed of 7rus1,shaR hiw Ihe same meaninps as set forth in lhe Comprehensivo EnNronmental Response,Campensnllon,and Llnbillty Act of i " ,��,
<br /> 1980,as qmertded,42 U,S.C. Sectlon °601,et soq.("CERCLA'�,the SuperfunA Amendments nnd Heauthoriiatlon Act o}198A, Pub.L.No.
<br /> . 93-493("SAAA�,Ihe W�vardaus Malerials Trnnspodntion Act,4�J U.S.C,Soction 1801,et soq.,the Resourca Const�rvation and Rttcovory Act, ! � �?r
<br /> 49 U.S.C.Sxlion 6901.et aeq,,or olhc�r flppl�abte etate w Fedaral laws,ru!es,or reputellons sdoptod p�rsuant to nny ot the toreqoinp. The � , .
<br /> terms"hazerdous wasta'tnd'Tazardous substnncu"aholl also includo,wlihout Ilmltatfon,petroteum end pehoisum by�roducts or eny haclion �,
<br /> ttoroof nnd asbosto9. Trustor roprosenls¢nd wartants to�iendsrlhat: (a)Dudny the perlod o}Tmsla's oxnorshlp o}tho Proporty,thero has � �
<br /> been no uso,peneradon,manw�octuro,otauge,trantmpnt,disposal,roloeso or lhre918ned retease ot eny hoserdou�wusto or substanco by nny ' �,
<br /> psrson on,un�r,or about tha F'►opc.�ty; (b)Trustor har no knoti�l�dp�ot,or roason to belleve ihat there hes been,oxcopt as provlously �
<br /> dlsciosod to und acknowledped by Lendc�in wdtinp, (I)any use,penorulion,manufacture,storago,heafinent,disposal,rolease,or threafenod i
<br /> rslea,e o}any hazardous waste or subslance by any prlpr ownore a occupants of tho Proporty or (II)a�y actual or threatened Iiligatlon or � �.
<br /> ctn►ms of eny klnd by any person relatlnp to such matters;and (c)Excopt ss prevlousty disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender In w�itinp, I
<br /> ,. �� (I) neliher Truslor na any lenant. contrector,a0ent or other uutho�izad user of lhe Property shall use,eenerate, manutaclure, store, troat, ,
<br /> dispose of,or relaase any ha�ardous wasto or subslance on,under,a nbout fho Proporty and (11)nny such nctiv(iy shall be conducted in
<br /> compliance wllh eli applkable tederei,state,and local Inws,rogulaUons and ordlnar�ces,Includiny without Ilmltatfon those laws,regutauons,nnd •
<br /> ordinances descr(bed cbove. Trustor aNhorines Lender and Its egonl5 to enter upon the Property to muke such Inspectlons and tosts,al „ .
<br /> Trustor's expense,as Lendar may doom appropriale to determine compliance of the Properly with th(s sectlon of the Deed of Trust. Any
<br /> InspecGOrw�r tbst�maGe py Lander sheil be ta Lende�s purposea onry end shuN not ba cor�truad to crcato uny responsib!llty or IlaDility on ihe � ••
<br /> part of Lunder to Trustor or lo any olhar person. The roprosontaUons and wartentles contalnod hareln are basod on Trustors due dilipence In •
<br /> Investlqatinp the Propariyr fa t�e�ardous waste. Trustor heroby (tt)releases and walves eny tuture claims agalnsl Lendar for Indomnity or �
<br /> contrlbutlon In the evant Tmstor hecomes Ilnble for cioanup or othor costs under eny such laws,end (b)agrees to Indemnity and hotd h4rm!ass � . ��v.'
<br /> ' Lendor agalnst any and eli clalms,tosses,liubiGlias,damagos,penrUllos,and exponses which Londer may directly or Indlrocliy sustaln or suNer � r?-,
<br /> resultinp from n breach ol lhis section of Ihe Daod of Trust or ns g consoquence of any use,peneratlon,manutacture,storaao,dispasal,retease ! r _
<br /> � or threotoned relettsn occurttrvp prlor to TruStor's ownership or fntoresl In the Proporty,whethar or not th9 samo was or should hnve been � _ -
<br /> �, known to Trustor. The proWslons of this seeUon of the Deed oi Trust,Including the obliyaflon to indomnify,Shell survivo the pnymont of the �J '�
<br /> Indebtedness end the salistaction and roconvoyancc�of the Iion of this Deed oi Trust and shall not be eHocted by Len�ers acquisltfon o}any �"
<br /> Interest In the Properry,whelher by toroclosure or otherwise.
<br /> �:;� :
<br /> � Nuleance,Wsste. Trusla sha0 not Causa,conduct or permit nny nulsnnce nor Commit,pormit,or suHOr any sMpping of or waste on or!o the
<br /> ' Property or eny portion of Ihe Properly. Without flmitinp the ganernBty of tho torcigoing,Trustor will not romovo,or 4rant ta any other party the � •� � �.�?�:
<br /> rlght to remove,any Bmber,minerats(Indudinp o�l and gas),soll,pravol a rock products without tho prlor w�itten consent ot Lender. � � ••'-
<br /> i . �°-'"-=—
<br /> j Removd o}Improvementa Tru3ta sheil not demollsh or remove any Improvements hom the Real Proparty withoul thu prior wriflen consenl � � - .i�'��
<br /> " ot Lanoer. i�s o Condiaon to ioe �emovai oi Bny improvemenis, Landa may rtlquiro irusior i6 niuAn uiiandn���o����a��sr���r i:,La���er ta =--
<br /> ropince such Improvements with Improvempn�s of nt least equal value. ' •
<br /> Lender'a Ripht to Entet. Lender and Ils pgonts and reprosent�tivas muy enter upon the Real Proporty nt ell rousonabto timos to flttend to
<br /> Londer's Interests and to Inspect lhe Property tor puryoses of Trusior's complianco wlth tha terms end condittons of this Deed of Trust. .
<br /> Compilence wilta CflvemmtnlN Reyulrementa. Trustor shuli prompUy compry with all Invrs,ordinuncos,end rugulation5,now or hereafter in
<br /> BtteCt,of ell Q�vmmmontal euthoritios appticable lo iho us�or accupancy of tho Properry, Including w(thout Ilm(tellon,the AmeriCnns With ,
<br /> Dlsnbilities Act. Trustor mey contesl In yood fafth any such taw,ordinancd,a reflulaHon and withhotd complianco dudng nny proco�ding, •
<br /> Includlnp epproprlate appeals.so lony es Trustor has notiflcd Lendor In w�ilinp p�ior lo doing so end so long as,In Londer's sole opinion, �
<br /> � Landors Interests In Ihe PropPrly a�e not jeopardizod. Lender may requtro Trustor to post adequate sa:urity or n surety bond,ret�sonnbty , , ',I
<br /> sntisfactory to Londor,to protect Lander'e lnterert. � �
<br /> Duty to Protect. Trustaaprees naithor lo abandon nor lonve unattendod the Properry. Trustor shall do all other acts,In addltion to those acts � ��
<br /> set forlh abovo In this seclion.which hom the charecter snd use o1 tho Property are reasonabiy necessary to protoct end preserve the Pmperly.
<br /> DUE ON SALE-CONSEHT BY LENDER. Lender may,nt its option. dectare Immediatety due end paynble all sums secured by thls Desd of Trust j �,
<br /> upon tha sale or transter,withoul the Lend�rs prior wrliten consent,ol ail or any part of tho Real Froporty,or nny Interesl In Ihn Reai Proporty. A ";��;�_
<br /> ^snle or trensfet'mosns the conveynnco ol Rofll F�operiy or nny ripht,tille or Intorost theroln;whothor lepal,benoflclal or equltabie;whethor voluntary ' �' .
<br /> or involuntary;whothpr�y outrlpht salo,dat�d,Installmont Sal9 contrpCt,land contract,conhnct for dood,loas¢hotd intorest wlfh n torm grontor than •
<br /> threo(3)years,loase-opdon contract, ot by sale,assipnmont,or hansftx ot any beneflclN Intorest in or to any land trust hotding tltlo b Ihe RoN '
<br /> Property,or by any olhflr molhod of Conwyanco of Real Proparty Interest. It eny Truslor Is e corporauon,partnershlp or umlted IlubilUy company, ( •,
<br /> ' transfer atso lociudes any Chanye En ownershlp of more lhan lwenly-tve percent(2546)of tho votiny 6tock,parinerahip Interesis or Iimitod Ilahllity �' � ,
<br /> company Interosts,as ihe case may be,ot Trustor. Howover,this opti0n shall not bo oxarcist3d by Lender If such exercise Is prohibited by fodnral � ;•"
<br /> law a by Nobreska taw. !' .
<br /> TA)(ES AND LIFNS. Tho foltowinp provisions rolatlnfl to tho texes end I!ens on the ProForry ere a pnrt ol this Deed of Trust. �_ ,:'
<br /> Peymerlt. Tn►stor shall pny vihen duo (and In nIi ovonts prtor to delinquenoy)all texos,speclal taxes,essossmenis,chargos(inCluding water � `
<br /> and sower),flnes und Imposttions Iaviod ngalnst or on account of the Property,and shall pny when duo nll clnims for work dono on or for ,�'' � •:
<br /> sorvices rendered a matodat(umtshod lo thp Fropsrty. Trustor shall malntnin tho Proporty hoo of nll Iinns hnving pdority ovsr a equal to lho ' �'
<br /> Interost of Londor undor Ihis Qoed of Trust,excopt tor tho Ilon o(taxes and nssassmants not duo and oxcept as olhenvisa proWdod In this Dood w
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> Rlyht To Contest. Trustor rtiay withhotd payment of any tax,assessmpnt,or ctulm In connectlon wlth n qood fnith disputo over tho obligallon �
<br /> to pay,so lonp es Londora Interost In tho Propnrty Is not joopare�zad. If a Ilon nrisos or 19 filed as a rosult of nonpayment,Trustor shail wilhln a
<br /> fittoon(16)days ailvr tha Ilon edses or, 11 n�inn ls filod,wilhin filte3nn(76)days efter Trustor has notice of the fiiing,secure tha discharfle of the
<br /> Ilan,nr If requaEtod by Lender,deposit witlti Lendar cash or n sutAclont corporato surofy bond a other scacudry salistactory lo Londor in an ,
<br /> � emount sulfidant to discherflo Iho Iien plus any costs and oltornoys'feos or othet Chsi�e5 Ihut Could ItCCrud as fl rosult o1 a foroGosura or sala
<br /> under tho{len. In any contosf,Trustor shall'defond Itsoit�qd Londor and shall sntisty nny udvcxse Judgment bofCro onforCOmont ngoinst thp v
<br /> PropoRy. 1Yt�lw shail name Landw as nn Btldillo�eiebRQ9e�undar any surety bond fumishod In Ih�contost proceodinfls. •
<br /> Ev�denCO of Raymant. Trustor shnC upon demand fumish to Londsr sntlsfactory oNdonco of paymont of fho toxos or nssossmonts nnd shall ,
<br /> nuthoriw tho appropAbte govemrnontal official to dolivor to Londor nt nny Umo a wriRon statomont of the tnxos and nssossmonts aflalnst lho
<br /> PropoYiy. �
<br /> No11CC of ConatluCtlon.Trusta shM v�otify LondE�r nt lensl fifit3on(16)deys befora any work Is commoncnd,eny saMces aro turnishod,or ony 7
<br /> matodn�s aro auppliod to lho Propo�ty.II pny mechc�nic's Iton, rnnterialmon's Iion, or othor Iion could bo assortod on uccaunt ot tho work. � �
<br /> sorvicos,or matotlats. Trustor wiil upon roquosl ot Lender furnish to Londor udvflnco assurances ssUsfACtory to Londor that Trustor can and will
<br /> _... AaY Ihe Cost af such improvem2nis. '
<br />_ _ - -- - ..... _ � - - `
<br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE INSUiiANCE,Tha lollowing provislons relatlr�to Insudnp tho PropeAy aro fl ptut of thls Deod o�Trust. .
<br /> ' . � MelntenenCe of InsuranCe. Trustor shn;l procuro and mnlntaln policles of fire insuranco with standnrd ohonded covarafle ondorsomonts on o ,-
<br /> j roptacomont bnsis fw tho tull Insu�blo valuo coverinp nll Improvomonts on tho Rual Properly In an nmount su(ficlunt io avoid applicnllon of any
<br /> 1 colnsumnco Gnuso,nnd wiih a stnndard mortpageo cluuse In favor of Londor. Grantor shall ttlso procuro nnd mnlnlaln comprohenslvo pvnoral
<br /> � Ilabfliiy Insurance In cuch covo�upo amounts as LonAor mny roquost tiviih hustoo o�d L�ndar bolnp namod as flddillo�al insurods In such unbllity
<br /> � Insuranco policlas. Addillonn[ry,Grnntor ahall maintnfn such other Insur�nco,InCtuding but not Ilmitod to hsznrd,businoss IntorrupUOn,nnd .
<br /> boltar Insuranco,ms Lender may rousonabty rcqulro. Policlos shu�be wiitton in form,nmaunts,covompos and basls reasonnbly nccoptnblo to
<br />- Londor and Issuod by n compnny or companlos roasona6ty nxoylnblo lo Londa. Trustor,upon roquosl of Londcr,wiil dnlivar fo Londar trom
<br /> • time lo timo the paiiclos or cortiflcatos of Insuranco In fam sulisfnctory to Lendor,Includlnp sllpuiutions lhat covnmp�s�aill not bo cancoliod or
<br /> dfminlshod wilhout el bnst ton (f0)dsyr3'p�ior writion�otice to Londor. Each Insurenco policy al,o shall Includo an ondorsomonf provldinp Ihal
<br /> covorugo In tavor of Lttndor wi�nof bo Impalrod In any wny by any ctct,oml„lon or dofaull of Grnntor or ony olher porson. �hou�d Iho Roal
<br /> • Proporty ot uny Nmo bocomo tocatod In o�aroa doslgnutod by lho Diroclor of tho FodcrN Emorgoncy Manapomont Apancy as a spectnl nood
<br /> � 'r hnzurd nrea, Trustor ugrpog to obtaln and mulntrJn Fedornl Flood Insurance fo iho oxtont such fnsuranco Is roqulrod �y Londor nnd IS or
<br /> bocomos avnflnblo, for Iho lerm of Iho Ican und tor tho(ull unpald ptlnclpal batanco of Iho loan, or tho maxlmum limll of covarngo Ihnt Is
<br /> S , • '
<br />