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. - �s�� •��i'_.�i.` _.;r: ,. . . " �': ' . ;;'�1:`,�;' ., . � �,�.,.. <br /> _ v <br /> .� . �an:.. a ' ' ' ,"' .. 1. - . .. .. . . .-.� . ' � ,. ._ . <br /> i r' �,y,.. �_ .. . , . '/„ . , , y �hh �R+.+HU•.n.. . . . =J. ,r�...n � .M�t � <br /> i Qti'^M�'l�y}i y� � ��y �. _ . '•. ti r.�� :�Ati�l��iN}�k'lj1�.�.�:_. , .. - .�i I'}lrflut� lI'll_ .. > T.+e <br /> i�...+.+iliL�r..�•!r:'(' <br /> \�/fL�'�� II ��k)YY4�hM.•_._..._._.._�.--_�lt_'__1_t�l� i�lYlbWi� rIr'tr:.... f — -. <br /> .'�. 1 <br />�vas.ei:G..'-$1lL�:.��YY �..L. .���....�__ <br />;;;-:. _..:.-�:-:;-- ,'�Q,°�O�a3"�'S • • �'� ..._ - <br /> .. <br /> ���ti. <br /> aQulnst futuro rnonthh/Installmont�of Funds.ff Iho amount ol thn Funds hold by Bonoflclery shAll nut bo sufilclunt to pny taxos,assossmonts, X-r+}" <br /> � Insu�anco prcmlums and(;round renG�n�lhcy lull d�r�,lhutor clinll pr.y ro Bonollclory nrry nmounl nocossary to malco up tho dollcicncy vilthln thlrty n,^,., <br /> d�ys l,om tho dsfo notlr,u Is mall�d by Qnnnllclary to 13uator raquostlnr�pcymont thorcol.Upon paymont/n lu/l ol oll indoC�oUnoso,Bano!lclnry slrall <br />; � � promptly rotund to Tiusror any Funds hold by Bonoticlary. Il tho riust Proporly le suid undo►the prnvor o1 salo or tho TYust Pioporry Is othorv�iso <br /> f;; � �'�: ncqulrod by Bonoflclary,Banol/clary shnll apply,lmmotllatoty pdor ro tho salo ol tho riust Proparty or!ts acqulsltlon by Bano/IClary,am Funda ho/d __ <br />- � by Bonullclnry at thn tlmo ol oppllcnNon oa a credlt agnlnat tho IndcbroUnos�.lf OonoNclary oxucutos a vnitton walvor ol busror's obllpatlons undor <br /> I� , thts parr�praph 4,Tiusto�covonants end ar�mos to pt�y,boPoro fho samo br.como dollnquunt,ail taxos,assosamonts,�ncuranco promlums,pround .. . <br />`:ist._.,:. ,.�, . ' rents,and all otha�chsrao9 whntsocwor Ia�IOd upon or nsaossod,pleced or mudo ar�alnst tho TFusf Proport}! 7iustor lunhor a�ruos,upon wrlttan <br /> _ �t.,,r.�.Y��•�':.,: <br />�;.'R^ . roquast by Bnneliclnry,to promptty dolNe�to Benal/clnry all rocolpta lor the psymont ol such chnrges. 7Yusror IIkaNlso aproos ro pay nll toxtrs, �'�t�i;1'�.1:-'_ <br /> • assessmenfs nnd other chnrgos/ovind upon or assoseod,p/ncetl or mado agolnst,or maASUrod by,dils Dovd of TYust w tho rocordetlon h.oreol. •• _ <br /> r=��;:..;�.• :'�, G Appllcatlon uf Paymonts.All paymonts rocolved by Beno�lclory as ta eny dobt,llablilry or obl�patlon uwod ro Bunoliclary by Trustor may bo upp!!cd by , ��,.; --- <br /> �'"''d �� "'�� �� • Bonaf,�clary to tho payment of tho Indebtedness or to nrty auch other dobt,Ilabiliry or obllDadon,In any on7or p�mannor o!opplicAtlon wl�lch .�:�i�y�;y,._ <br /> Bennffclury,!n�ts absaluta dlscrotlon,daoms approprlate.Unfoss otltonvlse olecttrd b/Bonoflclsry,ony such payment shol!bo deamed spplfed/lrst _. <br /> �• • to tho pnymont of arry debt,Ilabllity a obUpatlon othor than tho Noro. ,�;,;,;�� <br />+ , B. Chnrpos;L/ens. Trustar wlll koep the Tiust Property froo Irom oll!lens�+nd vrtcumbrencos whlch!n any way may,!n tho/udgment af Boneflc/ary,heve � „�+:,„� <br /> � ' p�loAty ove►,or lmpcilr tho sacudty ol,thls Deod ol 1Yust hut Tiustor nead not d�schargo any such llon so fong ns 7rustor ahall agree,In wdNnp,to ;,: � <br /> - ' '" pay tho ob!l�nNon securod by such I/en!n a mennor accaptable to Bonoliclary and shallln�ood fe�th contest such Ilan by app�opdate legal ;+ � ;jr;�•�--` <br /> � ,__ —. <br /> proceud/n�s el(activo to prevent tho onfor�oment ol the Ilen and the loss o1 any lnttrrost!n or part o/the Trust Propvrty. � '9`'-- - <br />�Y ��• � � 7. Hozard Insurance. Tiusfo�shall kosp rho bulldings and other lmprovements now exlsting or haroefter erected on the Tiust Properry lnsurod by .' ;,a . �;�ti�x�'�" <br /> ,.� 3'��:...__- - <br />. ' lnsumnco carrlvrs satisfuctory to BeneBctary egalnst loss by flre,hazards lncluded In the torm��extendod cove�ago"and such other hazards, : ;,�:,_�.�.i - <br /> CBSUnitlos and contingenclas As may bo requl�d by Benallclary,!n such amounts and lor suCh pedods as may be requlrod by Bone/lclury. Tho �. . `L,,� <br />- pollty o/lnsu�anco shall be In lo�m scceptablo to 8ennf/clary,provldo that tho same may not bo ct+ncellQd or modifiod wlthout/lRaen(1&)days prfor .h� ,. � .,' <br /> " tviltten noUce to Bene!Iclary,nnd sha!!have loss ptaya6le prov/slona!n lava of And!n lorm accepteble to Beneflcfary.All premlums on lnsu�nrca _.ti��i _= <br /> ., ' � pollcles shalt bo pnld In the mnnner provlded unde�paregreph 4 hereo/o►,!/not puld!n such mannor,by Tiustor making pnymant at least plteen(16) •-Y_�__ <br /> _ � days pdor to the due date,dlroct�y to fhe lnsurance Carder.Boneticlery shA//have tho rlDht to hold the pollclos and rene�vals therool and Trustor shelf ::,��,;.,__�,___. <br /> , pmmptiy Iwnlsfr to 8enefldary alf rensNaf rrotico�nnd a!I pald promlum rocelpts recolvod by It.!n no avent shall Bone/Iclary or Tiusbe be held r.�n. <br /> �� respons/blo!or falfure to pay+nsurnneo premlums or lor arry loss or demego adsing out ol a dofect!n any poGcy or arls/ng aut ot arry fel/uro ot arty :.,.°�,:---- <br /> � Insurence compnrty fo pt+y fa arry Ioss or damage Insured sgalnst or!or fa!!uro by Tiustor to e/lect the lnsurttnce requlred hereunde�In tho event o! _,.''`— <br /> " loss,Trusro�shall�lve p�ompt notice by mall fo tho lnaurance can/er xnd BonofiN.ary.Bonelklary may make prool of loss I/not mado prompily or!n .','y`F,=r-,_„_. <br /> ' proper lam by husror.All pollcles o/msmence end any and aU relunds ot unaernod premlums are hereby asslgned to BenatlGary as additional �. �:�,;. <br /> .;�.:.�:.a.— <br />� " � socudty for tho payment ot the Indebtedness. In the event o/9eneNdary s exerclse o/the power of safe contalned here/n,o�ln ths event ol ��_,_��___ <br /> /oroclosuro,ell►lght,tltfe ond lnterest ot Tiustor In and to arry Insurnnco polky th�n!n loron shall pass to the purchaser at tho trusteds sofa or .;.�;o�ys�A.1� <br /> � fo�eclasure sala In Case o1 trny loss,the/nsurence proceeds may,at the optlon of 6enellc/ary,Le applied by Beno!lclary upon tho Indebtedness, or -,y.�;� <br /> �,, . <br /> �� arry parl thorao%and!n suCh orde�snd amount as Benellclary may detormine;a sald Insurance proceeds,at tho opdon of 8ene!lClery,mny eltha� �:.Y�__�_ �•� <br /> � bo used In repfaCing orrestoring the Trust Property pertlaily or fotAlty dostroyed to u condfdon sads(actory to Benef/clary;or said Insurenco ;�4,_�`� <br /> proceods,or any portlon thereof,may bo re/ensad to Tiustor. Un/oss Beneflclery and 7iustor othenvJse ny�ee In wrlting,any such appllcatlan ol , �� . _. <br /> � Insurence procoads shaA not oxlend or postporto tho duo date o/the Note,or any Inatallments called for thereln,or Change tho amount ol suCh <br /> � Instellments.!f tho bust Property!s acqulred by BanelkJary pursuant to the exerclse o/tho power of sale or othor lorec/osure,nU i/c�ht,tltio snd _ <br /> lnterest ol TYustor!n and fo a►ry Insurance procoeds payable as a result ot damage to the Tiust Property prlor to the sale or acqulsltlon sha/l pasc to i,, <br /> - ..___„_,__.__�..����w..�...,�r..a erro.�,.�pQ�.,�►,o Anrf arnansos.lncludlno atlorneV feus,lncurrod!n collecNny such proCeeds,then In tho menne� � ��� <br /> . .. _.. anmm�.�[�ry an o pr.................. . � - �. <br /> . , • nnd!n Ihe ordor provided hereln. ` � , <br /> B. Proserv�Non and Malntenance o/7iust Proporry.Tiustor wlll keep the bulldings and oiher Improvements now a he�oalter eroctod on the Tiust ., <br /> Property In good repafr t�nd aondillon nnd wl/1 not commlt o►pormit waste, wlll not alter the deslgn or structural charQato�constltuting any bulldfng <br />• now or AorQARe�eroctod on and consHtuting the TiuBt Proep�ty withuut the prlor wrltten consent ol Bnnelklary,wlll not do any ect or thing whlch <br /> would unduly impalr or dopreclate tho valuo of the Tiust Prope►ty nnd wlll rtot abandon the 11vst Property.Trustor wl1l not remove any Ilxtures <br /> •-� canstitudng the Tiust Propurry un/ess tho anme aro Immedlatoly mp/acod wlth Ilke property subJoct to thv Ilen and securlry Intorost ol lhls Daed of <br /> :,���� Tiust and ol nt leaet oqut+l veluo and uHilry. '7usfor wlll compty wlth s17 present and futuro o�dinancos,ruguladons and requ/rements of eny � � <br /> govommental6ody wNlch sre appl/cable fo fhe riust Proporty and to the occupt�ncy and use thorool.I!thls Deed ol Tiust!s on a unit In e �{� � <br />,. ,• condominlum o�a plannvd unit deve/opment, Tiustor shall peAovm ell oi Tiustor's obll�ntlons under thn declaretlons or covenants creatlng or � � � A: <br /> � ,, . , govornfng tho condomtr�lum or the planned unit dovalopment the byfaws and rvguladons of the condominlum or plannad unit developmont,and the .� <br /> . . consGtuent documonts. ����� <br /> � 9. lnspoct/on.Bonoflclary or Its egonts may,at a!I reasonable tlmes,enter upon the Tiust Property for the purpose o�Inspectlon.BonellClAry shall have , �'* <br /> � • „ no dury to make such lnapoctlon and shall not be Ilable to T�ucror or to any person!n possosslon il!t makes or fells to make eny such inapecNon. . , , �� . <br /> � � -•� • . • iQ Protoct/on o!Security.!f busto►fal/s to peAorm any of tho covonants and agmomants contalned!n thls Daad of Tiust,o�!1 any ectlon or procoeding •,�; { �=s <br /> , � !s commenced whlch doos or moy advorsety ahbet the TYust Property or tho Interost of Austor oi Beno�iclary thereln o�the tltle of Tiusror therero, �',_ .�F,� <br /> �,., .. thnn Bonoflclury,ntlts optfon,muy perlorm such covanants and agroemonts,make such appenrancos,de�vnd ngalnst and ImresUgata such actlon ., ,"� �-,y <br /> or proceeding and tnke suCh othar actlon es Beneflclary deems nocessary to protoct!ts fnterost Including,but rtot Ilmited ta dlsbursvment ol <br />-' roasonablo attornoy feos and ontry upon the Trust Proporty to maka repairs.Any nmounts dlsbursed by Benollclrtry pursuant ro Mls parag�aph 10, � <br /> wfth lnterest thoroon,shnll constituto IndobtDdness ot Tiusta snCUmd by thls Deed of Tiust.Unless Tiustor end Beneflcary ag�ee to othe�terms of 5�g, <br /> , paymont,suCh amounfs ahafl6e payeblo upon rtotlCO fram Baneficlary to Tiustar roquesting payment thomol,and sholl bear fnterest/rum the date • �, <br /> of dlsbursemant at tho dolnult rero,!I eny;set(orth In tha Note,or othenviso et thn hlghost rato pormlttod by law.Nothing contalned In fhis parng�aph 7r:;;:., <br /> � shnll roqulm 8eneflclary to lncur any oxpense or taho nny actlon horeundei Trustor lrrovocabty Qu�horlros snd empowors Bonelfclary to nntor upon °:/;�_ <br /> tho�Yusf Properry as 1lustoYS agont and,!n 7iustor's namo or othenvlso to po�►orm any and all cwenants nnd ngmemonts to bo peAormed by �%'�,•.:. <br /> - 1Fustor es hvroln provldod.Bonel/clary shell, et its optlon,bo subrogated to any oncumbranco, flon, clalm or tlnmand and to ull rlghts and secuilties T�• �, F <br /> � lor tho paymont tharoof pald or dlscharged by Benoflclary under tha provlslons horoo/end a�ry such subrogatlon rlphts shall bo eddltlonal and t' A` <br />-- , , � r,umulatNe secwlty for thls Deed o►7iust .'� <br />_� • 11. CondAmnetlon.Tho piocoeds ol any eward or clalm for damagas,diroCt or consonuontlal,!n connactlon wlth nrry condomnatlon or other tdking ol tho •!� <br />- - Tiust Pmporty,or uny purt thorool,or lor conve3yanco m Bou of or fn anUclpation ol condamnsBon, aro horohy asslgnod ro snd shnll bo pnld to �, �: <br /> . Civnoliclary. nusror wi11/llo und prosQCUte.In good(elth and wlth duo tlillgonc�t!ts clalm for&ny such a:vnrci or payment,and wlll causo tho same to bo , <br />�� collectod nnd pold ro Boneflclnry,and,should it fall ro do 50. Tiusta/rrovocaby authorizos and omp�wors Bonoliclary,in thu n�me o/Trustor or � <br /> othcnvlso,ro!llo,prosocuto,settle a compromiso t+ny such clalm nnd to collect,rocelpt for ctnd mtaln fho procaeds.1�tho Tiust Proporry is nbandoned ; � <br /> by Trusto/oi e/ror notico by 6onoficfary to Tiusror that tho condomnor o�lors ro make nn mvard or sottlo u cln�m!or damages, 1Fusror fails ro respond ro . �'; <br /> Bctnoliclary wlthln Ihlrty(30)deys altur tha auta such notico Is malled,BeneliGary!s authorized to colloct nnd trppty th0 procovds in tho manner • x <br /> : IttdicUrod h�min. Tho proCOOds ol ury aweid or clalm may,altar doductlng eil masonnblu costs etnd vxponses.Including attornoy leos,whlch moy have • <br />-= , � been/ncurrod 6y BonofiClAry In tho collvctlon thomot,ac tho solo dlsCttttfon of Bvnofictary,tw mfoasod to Tiusto�eppued ro iesroratlon of liust Proporty, <br /> T or uppllod to tho paymont ol the fndobrodnnss.UNoss Benelicicrry and Tiustor othenvlso agroo In�vrlHng,eny such oppllcation ot procoods ro I • <br /> Indebtadness shnll not oxtand or postpono tho duo daro of tho/Voto o►tho paymont ol eny(nsta!lmonts calfod for thomundor. <br /> � ' 12. Tiustor Not Rcloasod.Extvns/on o�tho tlmo for perymont a modificatlon ol any umortizndon o/the Indobrodnoss gmntod by Bonellclary to arry � "�� <br /> "' truccossor!n Infcrosf o17�usror shall not opvrato to re/oasa R►arry mannor,tho liubiliry of Tiusta and Tiustors succossors in Intorost.Sonollclary shn�l �..� <br />�� • not be roq��/rud to communco pmcoodings agNnst such succossor or roluso to oxtond dmo for paymont or othonviso modily e�mortlzanon ol fhu <br />�� Indebrodness by reason of arry dmnAnd mndo by Trusror and Tiusrors successors/n Interest � ,r d <br />— --------- - ._ � . .._...__..__ .._____..__.�o_........,�.., a..o..,...,m.w,�.r.�rn annnticlmv vilthln Nr�nN f901 davs of thU Clostt ot eUCh f1SCAI yoar ol f_ �• <br /> -------------�-�- �a rrnurrt:ra���avrrrraiivrr.vpvn r <br /> � vyuw.v........v........p ......._. .....�._..--'- - <br /> s,� .. )Yusto6 tho consolldatod bu/anco shoet and sftltemont of oa+nings o�hustor and any nnd c�ll guo�untors ol tho Indobrodnoss socurod horoby,d any, ; <br />� and villl provldo nnd dlTlivor to Bonoflclnry such othor l/nunclul(nformAtlon nnd(n such monnor as 8vnoficiary may masonably mquost f�om tlmo to � 1 <br />� ,; . tlmo. � ' r <br /> , 14, Flnanclnl Covonnnts.In addlffon to nrty other IJnanclal comnunts of Tiustor mado 1n ony othar agroomont.Inst�umont or documont. Tiustor shall <br /> � comp$�wlth and shall causv arry ond o!!puorantors o►tho lndobtodnoss socurod horeh/ro Comply with,or be in compl�onco with,tho following i J <br /> !lnanclul covon8nts:(lhls p�ragroph shall not oppty i/covenants nnd roquiremvnts nro not sot forth horo�n.) . <br /> 15 Schadulo of Lousos. WiMln ton(f0)days alfor dvmand, �iustor shall fumish fo BonoNClary p SChodulo,cortdlod fo by 1lustor,sotting torth all lonsos r <br /> ' • ol tho Trust Proporty,or nrry portlon thomof,lnclud/ng In ouch cnso,tho nAmo o�tho tOnnnts or occupnnts,a doscnptlon of fho spuCO occuplod by <br /> suCh tvnpnf o►occupant,the rontnl poyabl0/a such spaCO,Und suCli otho�inlormaNOn and docum.onts wlth rospoct to such loasos nnd fenanclos i <br /> ns Boncflclary mriy roosonobty roquost. ` <br /> " 1G Ca�annnts of hustor wlth Rospact fo Leasos.Wdhout tha pnor wntton consont ol8onolic�ary. Tiustor shAll nof,d�roct/y or�nduoctly.wrth rospoct to I � <br /> � c�ny loaso ol spaca In tho hust Proporty,or orry ponlon thomol,whethor such luoso is now or he�eniter�n ox�sronco. ; , <br /> I <br /> � �. <br /> I � . <br /> •�.. , <br /> � " j <br /> .. <br /> � � �� _ _ _ <br /> . <br /> �.�.� _ <br />