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. , . -�r�ir • , � .. ;,�_. <br /> i �� . � . . . � - <br /> - .���. _ . . . _ . . , ���.. <br /> '* .:,ry�► , . . . _ , . . . .. .... .. <br /> �Ma&.� - .. .. . . ., � � <br /> �. �'��ti: , � „ . . .,.. -- <br /> . , �. -wa+pt':ti� .�,..rnr�YYdMNpI�.: , �.... <br /> � „ .+,w,u,w�M�1�n�,�w,..,.,. ,.. . � -;,.�_—::s��- -- - - -------• _.......__.._.._.----- ., <br /> r. . : ... � .. ..�. � .�.�:'�iL.. . .._�.�-........... . .......i - =i <br /> .. <br /> ��1: .�._..`__.�.__..._.�_�u_� -. . '__ ' <br /> ' __3._..__._... ......:...�_� "_.�� ...�: <br /> w.���.�.... • .._.�....�.t--_............�..._._ - .� ' <br /> .. .� .""_'�_. :.���. •�!lr��- ��._ <br /> �4 ������ �., .. � ��=Y' <br /> c�vcraar�sc � 'a n_` <br /> 9. Pry;na�te. QorroL�cr cpwcn to motro cll t�ayincnta on tho cccurcd dobt ��han Auo. Unl000 Oorrowcr and l.ondcr aarco othcnvlao, eny �� ,�- <br /> peymArnn Landor rocnivae from Borrowe� or for Borrower'e benalit wlil bo eppilod Iirot tu eny arnoun4o Florro��ar ot•loo on tho uccurcd dcbc y„„ <br /> '� rot ieduce or oxcuee�c y�ochedutod peymenttuntllihe aecured c�ebt fi pald In fuljel prapayment ot tiie eecured debt occurs tor eny reaeon,It w111 <br /> 2,Cidinr Apt�yirt�t 7tti�.Barrower will pay all t�xe�,stseaement�,enA other cherpee e¢triCutoble to the property whon due�nd wlll datend titis <br /> doteniei which+8oerrovuer mey�h�vs�ap��n t p�►dtieipwho�uppfy libor or miter!eb to Imppave or milnt�InBhe properryeeslpn eny riphte,cloims ur � <br /> �..:t• , <br /> �.ln:urc:zs�.�Darro��cr srfll hcop ther pro�orty Insured under terma aecepteble to Lender nt Borrowor'B oxpenso und for Londer'e benefit.All �__ <br /> Inwrancs pc�liclee�hrll Inciud���t�ndaed mortp�y�clwa�In��vor of Lender.Lander w(II be nemad ac loca poyco or oa th�insured on eny euch , . -.. <br /> Imurancs policy.Any Imuranc�procnd�rnay 60� pli�d,withfn Lsndar'�dl�crotlon,to sither the restaretlon or repalr of the dami�ed property . _ . <br /> or to the sncursd debt,I}4ender roquirot mortpuye Pncus�nce,Borrower aqreo�to msinteln tuch Inourence}or�a lony ef Lender requlrot. •"�•,�^=;,, <br /> 4.PrapMty.8arrower wlll k�ep the propsrty In pood conditlon end make ell repalrE re��onebry nocoesary. ,� ., �- <br /> 6.Ex{»ns�r.fiorrower syreea to pay ell Lender's expenae� I�ctudlnp reawneble ettornsy�'feos,1f Borrower breeke eny covenaM�in this doed " � ,; ��.` �� <br /> of truet or In eny obtipetlon�saured by thlR deed of uu4t.�orrower wlll pey thare emount�to Lender aa provided In Covanent 9 of th�e deed of „ „�� <br /> trust. .••- �- <br /> socu�rit�y8 tn e�reste��8ortower�w111 peNorm sllf oftBorrower i oblipit opieundei my p�rlorr�mortflepe�deed of truit or�toihercieecurirytepreemei,t, -�, _ °� -�. -�-_ <br /> ,+4.`:.. <br /> Includinp Borrower's covenents to miks peymente when due. '' - .�`'�" <br /> a.A�ai�nm�nt o}R�nu��d Pro11t�.Barrower seslprt�to Lender tho rent�end profiU of�ha property.Unleae Borrower and Lendar heve epraoc • ' � � ' <br /> otherwise In wrltlnp, Borrowm may coltect cnd retsln the rente es lonp ee 8orrower Is �ot In deteuit. If Borrower defaulto,Lander,Lender'e , �. <br /> apent,or e couR oppolnted recsiver meY tske possesalan ered me�ape the property snd cofiect the rents. Any rento Lender coilectr shsl!be , <br /> epplled firet to the cotts of mampinp the property, Inciudinp coun cost�end ettorneya'tee�, eommiaslone to rental egents, end eoy other _ .�,,�i-. "!:•= <br /> nocessary ral�ted expensos.The rematN�p emount of ronte w111 then apply to psymente on the aecured debt as provided in Cavenent 1. ,,��.� <br /> ' �-�-- <br /> � 8.L�a�Mddr Cundomidun•e;P�enned Un't�ov�topm�n4i.Borrawer at�reac to eomply t:tth the pravielona ef a�y leaae if thla deed of Vust le on __,y-,�-�� <br /> under the�covenents by fawi,�or repuletiona of the condo��intum�o, �lanned unit developmentnt, Borrower wfll porform ell of Borrower'�dutlea � .�„":_s-` <br /> �'(�fIP�' <br /> .'�iru�'.:_'... <br /> 9.Authodty of Lmdu to Partorm 4a Burrow�r.If Borrowor fella to perform eny of Borrou:er's dutloo under thla deed of trun, Lender may ,�,��.--._. <br /> porform the dutles or caute them to be performod. I.�nder may slgn 8orrower's neme or Pay ony amount ff necessary for porformence. I}eny •{. . , <br /> canstructlon on the property li dlscondnued or not carrlod on I�e rea4onebte manner,Lender may do wh�tever I�noceIISary to protect Lender'e C},t,Yk1��;�.- <br /> securlty Interest In the property.Thla msy Includo completlnQ tha conatruatfon. ___ <br /> " Lender's taUura to perform wltl not proclude Lender from exerclalny eny ot Its othe►rlphts under the law or thf�deed o}trw4. •,.�+„<<�:,. <br /> AnV amounte pald by Lender to proteot Lender'e eecurlty Interett wlll be eecured by thla deed af truet.Such emounts will be due on dnmand '�S`�:��'�- _ <br /> ..-.�� <br /> nnd wI11 Goar Interoat from the date of the payment untll peld In full at the Intereat rate In eNect on the encured deht. �• '� °i+� ��� <br /> � :.;,�`. <br /> 10. ��¢ault and Acc�l�nUon. If Borrower fall� to m�ke e�y p�yment when du� or bnsks eny covennnts undar thfs deed of truet or a�y _ <br /> obligetlon secured by thle deed of truat or eny prlor mortgn0e or deed of truet, Lend�r mayed by epp!Icable lewurity of tho eecured dobt end r ,:� <br /> demand Immadlate payment end msy Invoke the power ot nalo and eny other�emedle�permltt {�� :. <br /> : �.?�i� �";_i.,_ ; <br /> 11,q�qu�st fa NoUe�of D�f�uk. It Ia hereby requeeted that copioa of ma noiic•a oi uoP:�ii s���esta��s:!!c se�h�.1P-►`-nn whn la r�erty '�� ' ;, ; <br /> hareto,et tha addres�of each such person,a�set forth hereln. �?f ' . <br /> 1x. Pow�r o}9�I�. If the Lender Invokea the power of sNe, tho Truetee shall first record In the offlce of tne replstor of decds of each county ,. !.� <br /> whoreln the truat property or some part or p�rcol thereof I�sltuated e notico of default contnlnin tho Iniormatlon requlred by law.The T►uatee � �}� <br /> oreto,and to othor ersona ai ptetcrlbed by <br /> ehnll elsa mall cuple�of the notice of defeult to the Borrower,to ench pnrson who la a portV P }+ <br /> eppllcable lew.Not less then one month�ftor the Tru�tee recorda tho notice of default or two monthe If the truet property Is not In any . <br /> Incoeporeted city or vlllape�nd le uaed In ferming oporatlona carrled on by the truetor,the fruatee shell glve publia notice of eate to the poraone �� � <br /> end in the ma�nar prescribed by_�pppllcable law.Trustee,wi4hout domand on 8arrower,ehall cell the proparty at publla auctlon to the hlphn4t , 1" �� ' <br /> �� bldder,If requlrtd by tt�e Ferm Nome�tead Proteatlon Aot,Truetoo ehell otfer the property In two sepnrete eales ee roqulred by eppllcable Isw. � ; <br /> Truatee mey po�tpons�ete of sll or any ptrr,el ot the property by publlo ennouncement�t the tlme end place of eny provlouely eche�duted sele. ;., <br /> Lander or it�de�lpnee may purchsse the property et any�ale. ,. ' <br /> Upon recelpt of paVmant of the prlce bld,Truntee ehell dellver to the purchaser Trust�e'a deed conveying tha proporty.The recltfnle contelned ln F fi�f <br /> Trustea'e deed ehell be prlme fecle evldfonce of the truth ot the stataments contalned thereln.Trustoe shall apply the proceods ot tho aale In tho ,� <br /> foilowlnfl order: (e) to a l l oxpenaea o f t he o e t e, I n c l u dl��p, but not Ilmltod to, reaaonable Truetoo'e foes, roaeonable ettornoy's feee end <br /> relnAtetement fees;(b)to all�ume aecured by th(a deed of trvet,end lcl tho balence,ff eny,to tho peraons{oflally entltled to recelve It. . ; a <br /> 19.For�clo�u��.At Lender'e optlon,thle doed ot truet may be(oreclosod In tho monnor provldo by oppllcublo law for foreclasure of mortfleQa� . � . '^�m <br /> on real property. ` '� .• `�\' <br /> j;�,.t:�.. . • � <br /> 14. Insp�ctlo�.Londsr mey onter tho properry to InspoCt It It Lender glves Borrowar nqtico boforehend. The notica muot atoto tho roasonablo ��� , <br /> . cause far Londer'e I�spoctlon. � <br /> 16.Cand�mn�Uon.6orrower aset na to Lendor tho rocoeds of ony award or clalm for damaflos cannocted wlth o condomnotlon or othor takinfl I �i.�_ <br /> of all or any part of the property.�uch procoeda wIP bo appllod es providod In Covenant 1.Thls aaslgnment Is subJoct to tho turma of any prior �:, <br /> socurity agroomont. ; i; . <br /> i �. <br /> 18.W�Iv�r.By exerclafng eny romedV eveilabla to Londer, Lender dooa not plvo up any rlghte to letor uso any other romody. By not oxorclslnp � : <br /> any remedy upon Borrowet's dofeult,Lender doos not walvu any ripht to Iater conelder the ovent o dofault If It heppons apufn, ` �; �_ <br /> 17. Jolnt �nd 6�v�rd LI�bIRty Co•dpn�n; Succ�ssw� �nd Asslpns Bound. All dutloa undor this dood of trust aro Jolnt and esovoral. Any ��• ,, � <br /> Borrowar who co•alnns thls deed of trust but dooe not co-slgn tho underlyInp dobt Instrumontls) dooe eo only to prent and convoy thet � ' �� <br /> Borrower's Interest In the property to the Truatoo undur tho tarme of thls dond of trust.In uddltton,such a Borrowor oproas thot tho Londor and <br /> any other Borrower under tti�a doed of trust may oxtend,modl�or mnko any othor chnnfloa In tho torms of thle docrd of trust or tho socurod <br /> dobt without that Borcowor's conaent end wlthout roloaelnp thnt orrower from the torms of thts dood of truat. ~f <br /> Tho dutl0a end bonefits of this dood of truat shnll bind and bonatft tho succassors and esal��is of Londor and Borrowor. '. .' <br /> , ' . � <br /> 18.Notle�.Untosa otherwlco roqufrcd by law,nny nottce to Borrowor shall ba plvon hy dalfvorinp It or by melllnp It by cortlflod mafl nddrossod to . • <br /> Borro�ver et the propnrty eddreas or any other nddreas that Borcowor hao 9ivon to Lendor. Borrowor wlll{ylvn any noxfco to Lundor by certlfled ;, <br /> malt to Leodor'a addreae on paye 1 of thla deed of truat,or to eny othor addrass whlch Londor hos do&Ipnetod.Any othor notice to Londor ehall <br /> „ be sent to Lnndar'e eddroea ee statod on pege 1 of thl�deed of truat. "9 <br /> Any noUce shall be deemod to have hoan plvan to Borrowsr or Londor whon plvon In tho mennor stotod obovo. <br /> 19.Trasste ot th�Property or�B�flclr lnten�t In th�Bortow�r.I}all or any part of tho proporty ar any Intoroet in It la sold or transforrud . <br /> ptiymont�lf thelBorrowor Is not onnetuiel epedeon endde bonoticlal intoroat�nrtthotBorrowor isusolddob trmmforred.Howovor�Londorm oy not � ..t <br /> dcmnnd payrnent In the ebovo sltuntlons It It Is prohfbltod by fodorol low os ot tho deto of thfe doad of trust. „ <br /> 20.R�eonv�yx�c+.Whon tho obllgatlon socurod by thla dood of truet has boon peld and Londor has no furthor obligutlon to mako advoncos • '� <br /> undar tho In�VUmonto or e roomnnto socurod by thle doed ot truet, tho Yruatao shotf upon wtltton roqucst by thn Londor, roconvoy tho trust � <br /> - _........., n.�i o.,.m..noi��e t ivar co t ho Borrowor.or to O o r r o w er'e succossor in Intorest,tho trust dood and tho noto or othor¢vldonca of iho <br /> -_-.-..-------�_..- . `.-.,.- M,,,p�,.�_ ...---••--- - �- � <br /> � obligetfon so eetlstled.Dorrowor ohell pay uny rocordatlon coste. <br /> 29. Suec�taa Tne�t�a. londar, nt Londor'e o tlon, moy romovo Trustao ond npnofnt o succossor truatoo bv flrnt, mnflinp o copy of tho <br /> ' substltutlan ot trusteo ae requlred Dy eppllcablo Pow,and tnon,by tflln tho aunstltutton of tru�tao tor rocord fn tho oifico of tho rogister of doods <br /> succo d to ell the pov+oh tdutiea8 euthorlty ond tltlo oft ho Truotoo na�aa°��cn dood ot t uat nnd ot onyls�ccossor tructoo,of tho proporty, sholl <br /> t � <br /> � -� fpege?ol?I <br /> ! , -� �ANREFY9 SY6YfM8,INC..BT.C10U0.MN 6e]01 11•Cf10�997•21��1 FOI1M OCaMT6N!EI18A1 _ _____ � � <br /> � ' <br />