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.. :��r ' , j�` <br /> �� ' �ti� <br /> . " µ� .. .. . . " , .� . <br /> - � - , ., �ar � �T(/�,Ye.� . I'+HLa..--. �., . ,g,�.. . . .. , ..1'i ..�[L�t b . ' ,. . _r.- � �,.r��. �� ., _ .... �h <br /> '�-�.Y9� 1o�`o�eerwYwi../.:: '�!� i'y�.p�,�f!��0���,i` .. ._. _ _ ,.... ..+/r.�.��ay4fp�A1�'"' _-. <br /> - ,.�aa�..r«.,.a1rY7 uw..�...,..r�. > .. ._... . �____. . <br /> p�.:v� t M4�Yn <br /> `=.�'""� �'q,"' 1,����� ��%� ;,:..- <br />• �. .;•.. <br /> �ubstnntially cquivalcnt mon�a�c insurnncc cc�vcragc is not nvailablc. Borrc�u�cr shuli pay to Lend�r cach tni�nth u!�um cqmd to <br /> � onc•t�sclf'th of dic ycarly mort�a�;c insurancc premium hcing paid by Borruwcr whcn thc insurancc covcragr,lapscd nr ccoiscd a� �'°= <br /> Ir�:i►i effect. lw:nder will�irccpt, u�ce�utd retpin these p,►.ym4 nts ns u Ic,ss mservc in lieu �if mnrt�;nRC imur�mct�. la�ss reserve „`"-- <br />_ _, p;rymcnts may nn lonycr bc rcyuired,ut Uic o��tion nf'I.cudcr, it'mnnE,a},c insuranrc cnvcraZc(in ilir amuunt untl li�r tl�c periud „ ;...._! <br /> - tl�at Lcndcr rcyuires)pr��vided hy�in insurcr upnmvcd by I.cndcr ngain becotncti nvnilnblc und is oUtuincd. finrrciwcr,hall pay __ <br /> ` the premiums rey�iired to mi�intnin mortguge insur�mce in effect,ur tu provide a loss reserve, until the rec�uirement for mortgage ° <br />� � - insurnncc,cnd5 in ncc�rdnncc with any wriuen agrccntcnt bctwc�n Finrrowcr und l.cndcr or applirablc law. <br />� � 9. insp�ctlun. l,ender nr its�i�ent muy mnkc rc:isnuublc cntrics upcm imd inrpections at'thc f�roperty. Lcndcr �hall givc , <br />_�. -:,.� porrowcr noticc at thc timc of ar prEor to uu inspccdnn spccif'ying rcasunublc cuusc fur thc in��pcction. � °- <br /> `' �� lQ. Q;nndcmctiuNon. Tl�c procceds of nny nward nr cluim fnr dumngcs. direct or conscqucndal. in ronncctinn with uny " . ,,�.� <br />� ° cundemuetion ur��ther takiog oi'any part uf t!u Property�, or for cunveyance in lieu of candernnation. are herehy c�tisigned nnd '_�� <br /> - shall hc paid to Lcndcr. _� <br /> ,., <br />'�� " „ .. M the cvcnt of a totul tuking of thc Property,thc pmcccds shull bc.ipplicd to thc sums sccured by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt, '=�'• � <br />-� whcthcr or not thcn duc, with any cxccss puid to Borrowcr. In thc evcnt af u partial taking of thc Property in whirh thc fuir �'� <br /> •. � market value of thc Froperty immedintcly beforc thc taking is cqual to or greuter than thc amount of t6e tiums sccure<l by this , "�. `; <br /> ' Securiry instrument immediately bcfare the taking, unlcss Borrower and Lender otherwisc agree in�vriting, the sumti sccurcd by .�n�y; <br /> this 5ecurity Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceccls multiplied by the following fracti�n: (u> the total `Y �^ <br /> � • ` uuwunt of the sums securesf immcdiatcly bcforc thc tal<ing, divided by (b) thc fair markct vulue nf the Yroperty immcdiately , � ' <br /> before the taking. Any balance sh�tD be paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking ot'ttte Property in which thc fair ' ''� <br /> �r t <br />�� markct v11ue of dte Propeny immcdiatcly bcforc thc taking is Icss thun the amount of the sums securcd immediutcly bcforc thc .�'`, <br /> taking, unlcss Borrowcr anJ L.endcr atl�cnvisc agrcc in writing nr unless applicable luw othcrwisc provides, the procccds shall „ <br /> - be applicd ta thc sums sccured by this Security Instrument whethcr or not thc sums arc then duc. . - <br />� If the Property is nbandoncd by Dorrower,or if,aftc�noticc hy I.�nder to Borrowcr that the condemnor offcrs to make an _ <br />} award or setde u claim for damages, Bon•o�ver fails to respond to Lendcr within 30 days after the date thc notice is given. .�. <br />'• � I.ender is nuthorized ro collect and apply the procecds,at its option,either ro restoration or repair uf[he Propeny or to the sums � � M� � <br />.� . � secured by this Securiry Instrument,whethor or not then duc. - „ �„ <br /> IJnless L.ender and Borrower otherwise agrec in writing, any applicution of procecds to principal shall not extend or � ' ' ' ,y,i <br /> otit nne the due date of the mnnthl a ments referreci to in aru�ra hs I and 2 or chrn e the amount�f such a ments. �—� <br /> p ,•p YPY P b P • 6 P"Y -- <br />_ _ ll.Borrower Not Relensed; Forbenrnnce By f.�ender Not»Waiver. Extension ot'the time far payment or modification <br />-_ � af amortization of the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest ot Borcower shall ° - <br />_ " � not operatc to rcicasc thc liability of thc original Borrowcr or Borrowcr's successor�in intere�t. Lcndcr shall not hc reyuired to ��' , <br />� commenee proceedings against any successor in inicrest or refutie to extend time far payment ur otherwise madify amortiiation �3�i. <br /> . of thc tiwns securcd by this Security Intitrumcnt hy ruis�m of nny demand madc by the uriginal Borrowcr or Borrawcr's ' � <br /> �' . succcssors in intcrest. Any fc�rbcar;mcc hy L�:ndcr in cxcrrising uny right ��r remcdy +hall ni�t bc u wciivcr��f ur prccludc thc ,.�� T,, <br /> � , cxcrcisc of uny right or rcmcdy. �` <br /> 12. Succcssorw und Assl�;ny Hound; Jnlnt und ticvcrnl I.lublllty; ('n-sl�;nc�w. 7'hc cuvcmmts ;�nd �igrccmcnts nf this ��'-�` ���� <br /> � " Scrurity Instrumcnt shall bind und bcnctit thc sucrestiur. and ussigns of' IAndcr and Burruwcr. .uhjcct tu thc pr��vi,iuns i�l' ...�°. <br /> paragruph 17. Horrmvcr's covcnunts :uid agrccnunts ,hall hc juint and ticvrraL Any R��rrowcr who l'U-11(1,IIS ihis ticcurity .i � . <br /> ° Inslrumcnt but docs nut cxccutc tlm N��tc: (al is ro•.ri�,nin�; tniti iccurity in,cnim�m uniy iu murcgagc. grani an�i runvcy iLid —`�---= � <br /> . Ilurruwcr's intcrc�t in thc Pruperty undcr thc tcrm,uF thi+ Scrurity Instrununt: lNl is not persunully ubligutcd tu pay thc tiums �.:''*� <br /> " sccured by thiti Sccuriry Instrumcnt:and(cl agrec.Q�cu L.cnd��r anJ any uthcr f3orrowcr may agrcc tu cxtend, m��Jify. f'orbcar ur .� � . `+6 <br /> ' nuike�ury ucconunodations with regard to the tenns uf thi,Securiry Instrument ar thc Note without tt�at florrower'+cnnsent. �. <br /> " l3. l.oan CharE;cw. If thc loun sccurcd by thiti Securiry Intitrumcnt is,ubjcrt w a luw whirh �cts maximum loun charges. � <br /> und thut law is finally interpreted so that the interest nr nther loan rhargex rullccteJ ur to be rollected in �onnection with the �: <br /> luan cxcccd thc pc�mittcd limits, then: (u)any surh luan chargc shull hc rcdurcJ by thc amount necessary to rcducc thc chargc s <br /> to tlic permittcd limit; und (b)any sums ulready collc�tcd fron� Sorrower which excecded permittui limits will bc refu►idod ta . �� <br /> ' ' Borrower. Lender mtry choose to makc this refund by reducing the principal uwed undcr thc Notc or by mnking a dircct � <br /> � ' payment to Borrower. It' u refund reduces prmetp�l, the reduction will i�o tro.deJ .�> a pa�tial prepayment without any '• �.; <br /> prcpayment charge undcr the Note. „ �.�'�'' <br /> 14.Notice.9.Any noticc[o Borrower pmvidcd for in this Sccurity Instrumcnt shall bc given Ny delivcring it or by mailing , �� <br /> it by first cluss mnil unless applicablc law rcquires usc uf xnothcr mcthoJ. Thc noti�e shull be directed to the Propr.ny Addretis � <br /> or uny otl�er address Borrowcr dcsignatcs by noticc to L.endcr. Any notice to L.endcr shall he given by first class mail to • ' �,��,,�,,, <br />,. Lendcr's addres+ statcd hcrcin or any othcr uddress Lc:ndcr dcsignates by noticc w Borrowcr. Any nutice pruvidcJ for in this � ��.-� <br /> � Security Instniment shall bc dcemcd ro have bcen givcn ro Borrowcr ur l.endcr�vhen given as providcd in this puragraph. f " • <br /> 15.Governing; Severnbility. This Sccurity Instrument +hull be gavcmed by fedcral law and the law of thc - - <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locuted. In the event that any provision or cluuse uf this Security Instrument or the Note �' , <br /> contlicts with applicnblc law,such conflict sh:�U not affect othcr provi,iuns of this Sccuriry Instrumcnt or thc Notc which can bc � �y�• <br /> , ' givcn effcct without the conflicting provision. To this cnd thc provisions oF this Scruriry Instrument and the t�otc arc dcclured <br /> to bc sevcrublc. " ��', <br /> '�` 16.Borrmver's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confi�rmed capy uf ttt�Note and��f thiti Security Instrument. I ;. .x <br />� 17.Transfer of tl�c Property ur u Iietteticlul Interest in Bm•rmver. [t'all��r any pan of thc Prapcny or any intcrest in it I `' •� <br /> . is sold or transferred(or if u benafici:tl intcrest in Borro�vcr is suld or transf'crred and Borrowcr is not a natural person)withi�ut I '�', f� + <br /> • L.cnJcr's prior written conscut, L.cnder may, at its option, rcyuirc immcJiutc paymcnt in full uf all tiums yccurcd by this '`. <br /> � Sccurity Instrununt. Howevcr, this option shall not bc cxcrcised hy Lcndcr if cxcrcitie is prohibitcd by f'cdcr�d law as uf thc datc � '.• <br /> . of this Sccurity Instrumcnt. � "�__ <br /> If Lender exercises this i�ption. I.ender shall give I3orrcxver notice of acccleration. The notice�hall provide a period of nat I • <br /> Icss than 30 days From the date thc noti�c ix Jeliverecl ur mailed within which R�irrower must pay all tiumti ,ecu-ed by thi.r . <br /> Security instrumcnt. If Horrower fails to pay thcse sutns prior ro thc expiratiun uf this prriod, Lcndcr may i�rvukc any rcnudirs � : <br /> .� permittccl by thiti Security Intittumcnt without furthcr noticc ur dcmunJ�in Borrowcr. I `' <br /> ' 18. Borro�vcr's Rl�ht fo RcinsQtte. If Borrowcr mccts ccrtain conditions, Borrowcr shull havc thc right ta huvc , s <br /> cnforccmcnt of this Sccuriry Instrumcnt discontinucd �U any time prior to thc carlicr uf`. (a) 5 day+ (or �ttch uthcr periixi as I <br /> . •tpplicab►c I,nv may spccifp for rcinstatrmrnU bcfore salr u( thc Propertv pursuant tu any puwcr ��f�ulc runtciincJ in tliiti � - <br /> Securiry Instrumcnt:or(b)cntry uf a juJgment enfurring thi�Srruriry In.trumcnt. '1'h��+e runJitiun.are ihat H��rruwrr: (a1 p.i�•+ , <br /> � Lcndcr ull �ums�vhich thcn would bc Juc undcr this Sccurity In.trumcnt and th� Nutc.i�if nu urcrlrration hu� urrurrrJ: (hl � � <br /> , " .. , • cures itny dcf.wlt ��f uny othcr covcnants or agre��mcntti; (rl pay+all cxpcnxs iucurred in cntirrcing thir Sccurity In�U�umrnt. <br /> • including, but not limitcd to. rca�unuble allorncys' Fcrs,cuid(d) tillClti tiUlll actiun .iti Lrndcr miry rcawnably rcyuirc tu ati,urc , •�Y <br /> . . that Ihc licn of thix Sccuriry (nstrumcnt. Lendcr's ri*hts in thc F�rnperty und Eiun•oa�cr'� obligation tc� pay thc xums ticcured by � - <br /> 4__,,__ _ , ___ _ this Securitv Intitrwnent shall cuntittuc unrhunt!e�. Upon rcinslutemrnt bv Burrciwrr. this Sccuritv Iustrument cmd thr : . ..._ _ . ___ v <br /> — -- - - . ..—_ <br /> r' - ubligatiuns sccured hcrcby shull rcntnin fully cff�ctivc ;�s if no urrcicrutian haJ ur�urred. Huwcv�r. thiti right tu reinst,uc yhull � . <br /> h not.ipply in thc casc of acccicrution undcr par�graph 17. i ' <br /> � 19. Sale of Notc; Cht�n�c of I.oan Scrvlccr. Thc Nutc or a partial intcrc�t in thc Notc (togcthcr with thi� 5rcurity 1 ; <br /> t InstnimenU may bc siild one or ntur�times without prior notice tu Rorrc�wcr. A tialc may result in a rh�ui�+e in thc rntiry(knuwn � <br /> 1. as thc"Loan Scrviccr")thut collcct�:monthly paymcnts duc unJer thr Ncuc and this Sccurity Insrrumcnt. Thcrc al�a may hc anc • <br /> �� ��r morc changcs of thc Lc�un Scrviccr unrclateJ to a salc of thc Nntr. lf thcre iti a rhang�of tlir Lu:m Scrviccr, Horrciwrr�+�ill bc ' <br /> i " givcn writtcn noticc of'thc changc in accordancc witli paragr.�ph 14 applicablc l.nv. Thc nuticc will titatr thc nann and � <br /> uddress of thc ncw Loan Scrvircr and thc address to whirh paymcnt�tihould hc macic. Thc noticc will :dw runtaiin any uthcr � <br /> intixmation rcyuircd by applir.iblc la�v. <br /> 20. Huzardous Sobstimccs. Horrowcr shall nut rausc or perntit thr pr�scnr�, uti�,ditiposal, �turagc. nr rrlcau <br /> " Hatardc�us Subst+�nccti un ur in thc Propcny. Horro�vcr sh,dl not do, nor ;�Ilow ;my�mc clsc t�� Ju, anything alli�rting thc � <br /> Property that is in vinlaticm of.�ny �nvironmcntal Law. Thc preccding twu scntcncrs shall not apply to thc prescncc. usc, ur � " <br /> ., storagc on thc Property uf tinutll quuntitics ul'Hi�tarduus Substunrcti th.0 arc gcncr.dly rccugnitcd tu bc apprupriatc tu normal ; <br /> residcntial uscs and to maintcnancc crt'thc F'roperty. � • <br /> Noyo a oi d �+- .� . Form 3028 9/90 ' <br /> r� " i <br /> � . _ <br /> . . . �, .. . .... . .... .. . ........_. _ .. ., . ,. . . —. .� -�- ----- ._._.. -•----____v _ <br />