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� #, , w'� <br /> �;� � � <br /> .tf;_t- _ <br /> � .. .. �-' v fi/ " ' . . ��3.� <br /> • . <br /> r(� . <br /> . <br /> . •vdN " ' -. . .�iNt .. . " . �; ' .• , <br /> . <br /> . . . . , ..a <br />_'.:�....._._-n•:.a ...�-. ..r .v.. � �...�s+�te...�._i� .. ._....-.._.._......_.....__"___._...__...........'_'__.... .". " . <br /> •. . __-,_ • t '� _ – — <br /> �. � � ..... � � . <br /> • ' , <br /> www�r: <br /> �. . ,_ .. . �.."__ .. .......""'__�'' �....- � �� <br /> _ .. '!.._.__.__. .."_"_. . :, <br />��:.�+4•1. .��::t� _ . .<„'. <br /> . ., �, '��'������D � :�,,�„ <br /> �� . <br /> „ • , } <br /> • G. Ur,lcc�c;.;!IOtSelo lo��proe::d�o nth��r:l�o,r.;l pny�uonto rccclvcA byl.ov�dcr un:icr tho holo r.r.r.1 pnrcprcpho 1 nnd 4 hcrool ohr.11 bo c+�p!Icd dy Lcndor <br /> . ^ . (Irot in p��,�zo��t of caic�art��atirt9lo to Lortdo�6y Oottoti•�ot unAot puc�rc�h 4 harooi,thon to intoroat pnyc.hlo on tho Noto,thon to iho prfncf�r.f ol ' , <br /> � the Note, erxl th�n ta Intve�t�rsd princlpel on�ny Purthor eQvanaeo or othot indobtodneoo eeoured hereby. ��„� <br /> � e. Qorrower ehdl k• the 1►ro ort !n �s. � <br /> �p n y Qood rppei►end chall not aommit wayto or permit Impairment or detoriorrtion o1 tho?rape►ty. <br /> 7. If M�Uotroe��r f�lle ro;e)mslntein or pay Ihe promlum�br the roqafrod In�urortoe o}the Proporty,or bl poy tsxea bufore dollnquonL or al poy any • �` - <br /> , wnount du�uodn a pdot mortp��or tnut ds�d b�tor�ddlnqu�nt,or dl m�int�lo th�Property in pood rspair,or�)p�rtonn eny of th�covenAnh or '��=_ <br /> ... �p��am�nt�of tN�Tn;o4 Deed,th�n L�ndsr mey ot In option p�y c�ah inounno�premlum�,uxe�,mortaspe or truat deed payments,or meke repaire I '. '�:` - <br /> . end dleburee euoh ei�m�r.rtd v4�e�tn�eotfon�a It decm�n�co�ar.�y�o�mtoe4 Ito Interoot�aithnut arivfn�m nffeot�np{to rlpht to or dofcult '�� <br /> anJ�co�l�rat�th�dWt eeound h�rAby bec�u:�of any�uoh fNtun of th�Bvrrowe�. Any�mounte eo dieburred by the Lendea enstl con�titut� �` <br /> ,. ddiNonal Ind�btMtwt�o}Bortawer�ocurod by tM�T�u�t Da�d�nd�hdl beer Interost irom th�dete nf diobu►sement�t the rete payebfe undet the � " }�� <br /> Not�. Nothinp oontNn�d In thl�p�r�p►aph�h�ll require Lor+der to muke eny auah dieburosment�or take eny oatfon whetaoaver. ,�• <br /> • � �, „ <br /> " .. 8. landrr m�y mek�ot cwu to 6�mads re�aonebis entde�upon end Inepeatlon of the Property. I '� � � <br /> 9. The proc�ode o1 eny�watd ot clrm for demep��,di�sot or oonaaquentlal,In conneation with eny aondemnetion or olhor tskinp ol the Property, I � <br /> ,• ar port thersof,or tor conv�yanoo lo Neu of aondemn�tlon, are haroby eactpned ond ehnll be peld to 4nnder to ths extent o}tho fuil nmount of the P'� <br /> nmaininp unptad Ind�bt�d��r�s�oured by thlr T�uet D��d. , <br /> I}the Property b�bsndoned by Dotrowor,or if,sttet natfoe by Lender to Bmrower thet the condemnor offero to make en owerd or oettle e cloim(or <br /> dem�pea,Bor�owe►f«I�to retpond to Lender within 30 daye eiter the dc�te su�h notioo ie mdled,Lender io euthorited to colleat and apply th�proceede <br /> to the sum9 secured by tl�i�Truat De�d. <br /> ' , • , Cond�mn�tion proce�d�or�ward��hdl be ct�dited to the I��t maturinp Inat�limento of the Indobtednses sscund�nd ehell not oxceed or poetpone .. <br /> ths due d�t�of ths Instellm�ntY r�f�rrsd to in p�repr�pha 1 end 4 henof or chanpe ths�maunt of euoh inet�limsntr. I ' <br /> • 10. If the Lsndsr I�oue�e partial releeae of thie Truet Deod,the ptoceeda rer.olved thetefo�sholl bo oredited tu the iaet mnturinp insteliment�of thn I � <br /> ind�btsdneea secured hereby. > _ <br /> , �i It Lender either volunterily or Involuntoriiy becomes e porty to nny suit o�lopnl proceedinp�olnfinp to tha Property,Noto or thie Truat Oood,thon I ' ��' <br /> Bor�ow�r will nlmbut�e th�I.�r/d�r fo►eil costa end,to the extent permitted by law,reesonabla ettorney fee�I�curred by the I.eMer reletlnp to�uit � (r��°�+ <br /> • or I�pel prooeedinpe end seid eume ahall conotitute edditional Indebtednese aecured by thfe Truot Dood and bee►Interest et the rete poyeble under the f ' �r". <br /> . Note,un2i1 peid. I . �i�:_ <br /> ' ' �. <br /> 12. Aa�dditlond eecurlty Botrower doea horeby eosipn,tranefer end tet ovor to Lender,In caeo of deisuit in tha p�riormenco 01 any of th�term�or -�'., <br /> . conditlone o)thl�7�utt Desd,the Note,o►the tormo of ony indebted�ese secured hereby,nli of the rento,revenucs end ony incom�of�ny type I �'�•,1 •,. <br /> wh�teowe/to be dadv�d from the Property,includinp lend controct paymente. Lertder,in percon,by apont or by roceivsr,wfthout repud to the , y '�'A_� <br /> �otvenoy o�iosulvenoy of the Borrower or the v�lue of tha Property,ehall be entltled to taka possesefon of,ropair,rent end manaps the Prop�rty nnd = <br /> to colleot the rente,revenuefl end incom�Iherefram end it may pny out of eaid income eil expensea of repalr end co�to fncurred in rentinp end menapnp ' <br /> „ �=- <br /> , ° the Propsrty end aoit�otinp rontet��nd fo►peyment of in4u�ence proMume with eny remaininp bolence to be epplied to the leat m�tudnp peymente " -- <br /> __ --°--._ ot�h.dahe..���r��....hy, �� R ••••�•! •.. ••a!thls Tr��s 4es4-^d�_.•:_...�•^ az aar.trat�uzch.a::r at tr.a 5::.�;ri. - - ----- - --- <br /> -R'-'• L'•---• .s"5, --%`�• -- _.. �..� ._ .. �o�. - _._. <br /> . person ehall pay ell ronto,paymente end profite eocrued or thereohor eccniinp to the Londer until Svnher notiae from the Londer. <br /> „ 18. If all or eny part ot the Ptoperty or eny Intereat therein ia deeded,cold by lend aontreot ar otherwise aonve �d elienetad or further encu sred � ,+ " <br /> Y , mb i <br /> eith�r votunterlly or fnvotuntarfly without Lende►'s pria written nonsent,�r if the 7rustor is e corporetion end there 19�cha�pe in ownerehip of 5096 <br /> or mote of ths oo►pontion'a 4tock,or it the Truetor le e partneiehip snd there lo o chanpe In tha membernhlp or s disoolution of the partnsr�Np, I � , <br /> excludinp(el�trensfer by operetian oi lew upon the deeth of a�ofnt tenant or Ib)the prent of eny leaeehold Intsreat not contdninp en option to � <br /> purehne�with-al�ese term of two ysare or lesa,or(a►the creation of the purchese money security Intereot In houcehold oppllenceo,then lender mey, � , <br /> et its option,decl�re•NI eums secured by thle Ttuat Oeed to be Immediatoly due end peyable. In the evant the Lender co�sente to e�y such ohanpe <br /> in owMtsMp,oontrol o►�laso7utlon or trenafer of eIl or e�y part of the P�operty,then Lender mny at Ite opYlon edJust the Intereet rete to the prevaillnp I �' <br /> rate of Intoreat that ie nharped on new eecu►ed loone of the typa eocured by tlue Trust Daed ot tho ume ot the chanpe In owne►ehlp,control,dtesotutlon 1� <br /> of trenafer end may cherpe e trenefor fee, f " . <br /> „ � , r <br /> i , <br /> 14. Upon 8orrowsr's breech o}any coveno�t or epreemont of 8onowerin thle Truex Doed,includ�np tho covonent�to pay whon due eny oume eecured � <br /> by thlo Truot Doed, Lender et Ite optlon mey doclore a11 ot the eumo eecurod by thlo Truat Oeed to be immedletely due and payeble without turther <br /> d�m�nd end may Invoke the power of eals endlor n�y other remedles permitted by epRlloebla lew includinp the tlpht to toreclose thie Tra�st Deed In ! ; ,.. � <br /> • tM menner provlded by lew for the foreclosure of mortpapee on reel eetete. Lender aholl bo onfitled to collect all roeoonoblo coete ond expenses � . �= <br /> Incuered in punulnp�uoh rsmedlee Includinp,but not IimfteA to,end to the exte�t permltted by luw,reasoneble enorney feee. ' � ' <br /> • ,`� If the power of ee;e fe Invoked,T►uutoo ahatl record a notico oi dofoult in oaoh county In whlch the Proporty or soms port thoreo}ie locnted end provide � a, <br /> notloe thereof in the menner preacribed by epplioeble law. After the lapse of suah time ea moy be roqufred by oppliaobte Inw,Trusteo shall pive publlc � � r <br /> � notfce o}aele to the penone end in the monner ptescribed by eppliooble lew, Truetee,or the attorney for the Truotee,without demend on Borrower, ` �,�' <br /> ehell aell the P�oporty et publia ouctlon to the Nphoet blddor ot tho time nnd pinae nnd undor the torma deslpnated In the nottoo of aele In one or more � <br /> pnrcele end in auch order os Yruatoo mny dotormino. Truuteo may poetpono 6ale of oll or nny percet of the Prope►ty by pubtia nnnouncement et tho � f 4• <br /> , tlme end ptece of eny preNuucly echedu�ed aale. Lende►or Lendor'o desipnee may purchose the property at ony aole. �� <br /> r, ,�. <br /> r.' <br /> ' ' Upon teoelpt of peyment of the p�ice bld,Trustee eholl deHver to the purcha¢er e Truetee'e Dood, without werronty,conveyiny th�Propeny sold. The '1�., � � <br /> . ncitelt In the Truetee'e Desd ohntl be prlmn fecle evidence of the truth of the etntemnnte mede thereln. Truetee ehall suppty the proceeda ot the oele • <br /> � � in tho followln�ordor: el to ell reesonable coots ond oxpenaes of the sele,Includiny,but not limlted to,Trusteo'e fees of not moro then Five Hundred . T <br /> end No1100(fS00.00)plue 1/Z of 196 of tho amount aocured he�eby and remainlnp unpald,nnd coete o1 title evidence;b!to oIl sums aoeu�ed by thia <br /> Trust Ooed;end o1 the exaee�,If eny,to tlie pereon or poreons legalty entltled thereto. ' � <br /> 16. Any forabearence by Lender in exerclsing eny rlpht or remedy hnreundo�, o�otherwfee efforded by eppllaeble Inw,ahall not be o wuiver o}or <br /> preclude the exorcise o}cny ouch ripht or romedy in the ovont af aontlnulnq�r future breaohee by the Borrower. � <br /> � 18. Atl remedles provlded fn tMe Truet Deed ere distlnct nnd eumulative to eny othe�riAht or remedy under thle Truet Deed or aMordod by lew or oqulty, , � <br /> ; end mey be exercited concurrently,independently o►succeseivoly. If 6or�owor hae given Londnr e chattel mortpago,o►aecurity apreomont on personol �Y <br /> property es edditlonul aecurity for the debt aecured hereby,fn the event of doforlt horoundor or thorounde►.Lender ahelt have tha ripht end optlon to <br /> lint forcclons on tefd pereond prop�rty wlthout preJudioe to ite ripht to thereolter sell or[orecloco the Proporty or to pursuo ull secu►Ity at tho snme <br /> tims or to purtue the pereonel property efte�the eele or foreclosure o}the Proporty. <br /> 17. Upon payntent of all sume socured by thfe Truet Doed,Londor ahull�equoet Truotee to ror,onvoy tho P�oporty nnd ohell surrondor thle Truot Dced ', <br /> „ and eIl notea evidencinp indebtednesa aecurod by thie Trust Doed to Trustoe. Truetee ohall roconvoy the P�operty without wurronty to the poreon or ' <br /> p�roona lone�ly emitled theteto. Suoh pereon or pereone ehell pey oll coato of rocordotfon,it eny. '; <br /> .,� • 18. LenJe►,et Lender'e optlon,moy from time to tlme removo Truetoe and oppoint e auccoasor trur�tea to ony Trusteo nppointed horoundar bv on —. - <br /> � _ - ` imirvment recurdeo in[ne counry m wMCn�MS Truet Ooec1 fo rocorded. Without conveyunco of tho Proporty,the suctocsor truetoo shell succoad to ' <br /> ; •' ell titte,powa►a�d dutlea conforred upon the 7rusteo herefn end by cpplfcnblo lew. i <br /> l 19. Except fnr eny noUces,demerxlu,requeate or other commu�icntione reQulred under epplloeblo low to bo givon I�onother mnnner,�vhonever Lendor, <br /> Botrower o�T►uetee plvee or serves ony notice (includinA, without IGt�itntlon, notice o1 delnult end notice of eatel, demande, rac�ueotu or othor <br /> �. corrHnunlcat(on with recpect to thbe Truot Deed,onc�suoA notice,demnnA,roqueet Qr nther communicetion ehell bn fn�vntinp und ohull be u(fective <br /> or�y if ths seme is delivered by pereonol eervice or mniled by cottifiod muil,postoge prepnid,return rocoipt roqueated,addressed to tha eddrese oa oet � <br /> ' ,� forth et ths OeQinNnp of tAe Truet Desd. A copy of�ny notfco of default, ony notice ol oa1a.�e�wred or permfttad to Go plven herounder,ehotl bo <br /> ' �• . mdled to sach pereon who I�a pe►ty horeto et tRe oddreas eet forth at the bepinni�p o1 tAle Trunt Dood. Any pnrty mey nt any t�mo chnnpe ite add�eea <br /> for sucA�oticae by deliverinp ur meilinp to the othe�portioa heroto,o0 oforesold,a notice ot cuch r.hanpe. Any not�co horoundo�ohoil bo deemed to <br /> Aove to been piven[o Uorrower or Letxler,�vhen piven In tho manno►dc�tgnotod ho►oln. <br /> 20. Tho covenonto end apreemente hero�n conto�ed chall Cind,and tho uehto horeundor uhnll mu�o to tlio rccpect�vo he,n,roprosontutivos,suscesaure <br />_ nnJ ess�pns of tha pettino. All covonontn and oproemento of tno Burrawor chntl bo�omt nnd ca•.�ra1. Whon�ve►roforonco�u mwfe eo the sfnpuln� <br /> hereunder,it shall Include the pturnl end the pturul ohe�l inctude the cinguler. <br /> �� <br /> . i - - _ ----- <br /> - --_ _. _ <br /> - - <br />