•aa. �Y� . � .. . , _ _ . �_ . . _ -. rt-"0�"w'1SRT!J
<br />— V .Y� `~� t t'�j . • •C A�C, - � j � • � � ` .ltL .r . y .-y ' 4 . �i `tiTSYY$OC�K =_ --=.
<br /> � . ;. f.+IC ��� • . . (.� p� F r.�'c _— —__.. �._—.
<br />��i� � � *.r` , C7r.. ��dF��^t-.4 • � • �z ' +ll' l r — . - _. _--—.
<br />� . � � � 9'�t`� ��� . . �. �.
<br /> _, 4 , ' � ` � < t!!:�Ra�rar'a�tgA3 to RetnsL�t�. 1�e�c�eza��a►+a3�ns.earraea.r etne tma m.r�h4 m tz�a a�far.�ewra d , =
<br /> �,q�s�g�,�n�1 msc�tH�aad al anr t�6r�r to tIIa ag,�r.at ta)S aays(tu cw�aSRec veri¢e as�gy�tm.��r�►' . —
<br /> - -� � . , . � s�Yss�1l bata�ta�a1 M�F+��tY Pu�r�nt ts eaY Pa�ar cf saii c���+�is SsauKY'tnstnar�►�ar(D)er.�Y a!a� --
<br />—M . � �antatCi�O����t Thoss cccF43�►s are U�t Botro�er�: (e) paNs lsn�t e��w=ttctf Et�an+meuid b�dus�a�r t�
<br /> . � ; �.
<br /> . ' � , ` Secu�$I tns�t and ttfe Naio es 9 no asxe4�an ha0�(ti)�anY��at�ssll oU►er cau����(�)0�
<br /> _��.,,,,<. � . � . `•� , 30��y�h�0 ML3 Seeun3Y tnsVuaeeri��selidhQ.but nai�ad 4n.�a4sonabv attmney�t�end(b3�tu�fi o�c� ___
<br /> . ` ' ` � . as L�►dar r+saY reasanabN�a4uf�to assus�that Uto 6en a9 tNs StcuftY tn�w�►L trndafs tt�tas b tho ProyaRll attd.B�i��: .
<br /> .'', r� ;..,. W 6aY 1hY sum4 siCtRb bY�a Sae�Y�aNs!Ccntysuo trt�eh�� �A��3ns�tHo�8�t1f��t ta n�is4�f�t1W rt�•<
<br />= ` ` • ' an 0 t t W a D�o�s s x�t r'.d t�Y si�rtl cem�h tl�P�et�ctti+a es Y�o ss�eferattom hs�or�sEad. , ,.
<br />_ .. • , ' ' �yDty tn qtte ass o!a�undar P�uayaDh 17 wif► �t � .
<br /> _ . , 19.Saie ot Not�:Ct�ange ct L�oan Senrtaer m� Hota a� a v� � h a�s Nors tto�.an�► __
<br />_ _ . ` ' t�an `
<br />-�= -_-�--'--'=-�` fnBCtsmart)maY tr9 scid ot►e�ar�t�3 etBltotA D���t0 Hatraw4r. A S810 maY�: [n o et�ar�On tt�a�bTY����
<br />=_ � ` .,:; • Qu�unQe�ttta Noti Ettd this Secuttlt� TharA ntsa rt�Y W��moctr l�H�wz -- .__.._ __..__ __
<br /> _ 'qa�►Sec�eer►ttut ea0pets rt�rdt�iy�ycr� ye�n nat3�of tt�s .
<br /> _ . ��, af ths Lort�Senf+cer anr�ta a sata ot tP�e KoUa. U thers ts a chut�at tlsa Loan Savfcsr.Barta�rer w�Ea 0�
<br />_ � . . �Itan�b aerArdanC�w�D O�Dfi t4 e�v9 end ByD��fata. ttta n�tica an'9 state tha n9trA 8std BQ�ass a!tria row Laitt�
<br /> . � `` an0 ths aQBass to wtdch O�Ymen�a 8hmdd tr�msd� ?Ae natioa w�a�i ea�n enN oihar t�ta�attan re�ired bY aF�y�
<br /> • 20. H�rdous S'uE�sLgtttx� enr�ao�er stiast not csvse or permt tne o�e� use. d�yosv► stors� or esw:� ot a�►�t
<br /> , � . Ba�sAa9 not do.nar a3ow et►Yane eise to Co.e�►yMlr�effaeth0 Ou P�op�lY Wt ta tn
<br />- ' �dpua 51�DSnnpes on or tn 11t9 ProPenY•
<br />- , , . � vtoialion of uql���Law. fia P���e�ra sentencas ehal�noi epAH to tt�a pe���st��W P+rq�rb�d smtl '
<br /> - , . quau�ias a!Hrittda�s 9�st�nces that s�Q�atll racc�nimd t�be��to agm�81�estQe�tttol uses and to m�hC�nQw7 W� ,
<br />` 4 ' �� eteirn.derttattd.t�w's�+��o4her 6Ct5�EY enN po+�+�a '
<br />_ . • . . eartow�t s�+1�nlGNlr 4�����the PcoO�f►on�wruQaus Sr�st�rxs��vYau�wr�!t�of wh1�h 8erta�r hss�liO ..
<br /> . cepufai�y e�er�cy or prl�rua D�f! �
<br />- ` tuio� U Ba�Cwer tB1ms.or t3 aot��1f�Y�ar�i f f a t M o f t!►. t t�t m Y �nav�1 Gr ottwt� ��II
<br />� .� . HestQOUS 9tb5Lant�at[ecthp trie F[�p� �s neces.`�atY. BQttOVrer shal�UY taka aI n�c�ss�f►ce��df�1� h��
<br />- " � . � � EmNrent�tal La�r- �
<br /> - � A4 u58d h Mb P�Dh �• ��p�s :+LbSmstees' ets gtoss s� dofr�d as ffida ot �a8 r� ti'7
<br /> Emrkonrtiental Lsw and tho to�oaing substaneex 8�0�• k�asen� othar ftaz�a�g or ti�Qe Pe�oteiim Oeod�s:�� P��� Nd
<br /> � asEesWs ar femiafQeAyQe. en0 raQinactHe masertals. as used In thTs ptr�A 2D,
<br />- ' . � t�rpictdes. vofaLTe sotuents. materiels contal�U►9 sE aQ n
<br /> - . 'Envtro�tal Laxr maans te6�af taws end �aws ot ths jiuisdi�ion wtiec� me Ro�erty► ts �e tnat �efata to naaih. �tfr �
<br /> - . � env�onmsttai D�- -
<br />� � � NO1wUNifORM COVENANI� Botrowar end Lender(uRAa eowe�ant an�a�ee as to0ows:
<br /> � � 21. Acceteretton: Remediea. Lender ohnll �(va nott�e to Bomower pNor to accet�n ioi�owtn� �_ " �
<br />- �� Borirower's breach of any icovenant or agreer�nent tn thla Seanity Instrument(but not prtos a�Q d��
<br />- � under parogTaph 17 unlesm apPlicable taw peovidea otherwise} The noUce st�atl �eeif�: ()
<br /> � � (bD the aetion requtred to cure the detaui� (c) a date, not less than 3m daya from the datc the nottee ts
<br />_ � . _ - given to BoQrow�r, bY whlcS� tt►e defauit must be cured; end (dy that faldure �o�eure tt�e detau(t oa or �-_
<br /> ro
<br /> ' betore fhe dete apeci8ed In the not[ce may resutt In acceferetIon of tAe sums aecured by thi�Securtt4i �'�
<br />- ' Inawment nnd �ta ot the Rroperry. The notice ahaU turther inform Borrower ot the right to reinatete aftet �-
<br />_- � . eeceferatloe and the right to drtng a aou� act[oo to aaaert the no�rexistence o! s default os nny other ,'^ ,' �
<br /> ���� eetense o! Borrowu to aeceteretion and aata {t the deiault im not cured on ar bstore tho deta specNied
<br /> � � tn the noSee, i.ender at Its optYon may requlre Immedlate psyment tn tUlt of el4 sums aecured by titts � :.
<br /> � Security InsbumeM without turthar demand and �ay invoke the power ot aate nnd any other renesd�es ,��
<br /> - .. , . permitte� by apPitcal�le law. Lender sha11 b� entltied to coliect all expenaes tncurred tn pwsutn� the ,t;�.r �.i, .
<br /> reme d tes pro v l de� tn thls para g r a p4��1.tnctudtng,but not Itmite0 to.�eeaonable attomeys'tees aata �os3s ��;;,.� . ..� .
<br /> �--
<br /> .. a...s�� ,�
<br /> � � �� ot tttle evldence. ��' '��
<br /> �f ��;
<br /> � � Ii the power af sate Is tnwked, Trustee shall record a notice of detautt in eaab aounty in whi R� ,'��'�y;s- .;'"`,
<br />- � ��rt ot Me P�operty[s tocated and shatl mntt co�lts ot aueh noUce tn the manne�prescrt�ed by app ,.,.
<br /> Itcabte [aw. ATter the tlme �equ[red by ,,;,� %`� 'F�
<br /> _ . . . ' �aw to Borrower artd 4o the other persona pr+escribed bY pPP �;;�`:,� .;�;�`�� "-
<br /> " . . � ' � . eppitcabte 1aw, Truatee ahnil give pubilc notice ot �te to the persona nnd in t1�e manrter preacribed by ,<:�;'.`.��.�.•....�g.a_
<br />- � . � • epplicabla law. Truatee, without demand on Borrower, shall aetl the Property at publie sucUon to the ; �,,,;,
<br /> .. � . . � htgheat bidder�the ttme and ptace end under the terre�s deslgnated in the notiee o!sale U one or more ` � ',;;,��,
<br />_ . . � � parcets and fn arey order Truatee determinea Trustee mey po�one sale ot all or any pareel o! the � _•-..�„�
<br /> . ProPert�l dY P � w_- _ ..__
<br />� �� ub11e ene�flunc�ment et the Vme an0 pince oi eny previousty schedu[ed sate. l.end�r or ifa : ��,:
<br /> destgeee may purchase the Pro�ert�l at arry sale. � �,��
<br /> : � . Upon eacetpt of payment ot the price bld, Truste� s4�t! de9�ver to t�e purchaser Tar��'sa �eed . '
<br /> � ' ••�� conveytng ticm P�roperty. The reciteta in the Trustee'a �2e0 s�ail be prlma taele evidenee a� ttte truif� of :
<br /> .:�.:,
<br /> � � Plbe statements nsade 4Dsereln. Trustee shntl appty 1he praceeds ot the aate tn the folto el��oq�e Tn➢istee's �
<br /> � � • � �asts enA expenaes af exercistng the power ot sete, end the eale. Inaluding the paym � '
<br /> � tees acWafty Incuned,not to exceed 3_,°� ot the prinefpa9 emovnt of 14�e note at the tlme o!the ,
<br /> � %�`� declaretion of detaWt, and reasonabte attoraey's tees as permitted by taw; (!a�t�e11 sur�s secured by thts ,.
<br /> y`�.�'�� Security Irn�rum�n�end (c)eny exceaa W the peraon or peraons tesalty entitier9 to i� ; ��
<br />�;� ' 2?. RECOnYEyattCQ. Upon Payment of aa sums secu�e0 by thfs SeeurdY tnsbumen�Lender shai request Tmstee to rscanveY ttia �
<br /> � �h�81 recarrvel►��penYd w�Wartanty an�'a e�to th�e sa"a�0�an bge0�r ent�led oc h.�Sti��son m persans shsfl , '
<br />_ ;:.-
<br /> . O$f►enY recnrd�ton CoSts. � �-
<br />- ; � 23.SuJa�tttuta'�ruatee. vmdar.at 14s aptTon. may from tine to tYnB remave Trustoa and ePAnint e suceessa►bustee to ar►y
<br />� . � Ttustee eADCinted here�mQet by 8n HS�tur.tertt�dCGtQed in th0 eounb tn whieA tht4 Seeur�Y 1n5bttmet�t is reCOrded WiUtout earnel►�es ot
<br /> ' tha ProPe�Y•sueeesset bu5tee sha�suceeed to aD the t3b.P�end duttes eant�ed aAen TrusiOe he�ein en0�y►eDOfie�b hw ,
<br /> �. - � . ' 24.iieqttest tot Notices Bcaawe ce�ests that eoPles of tfle notices of daffiuti and sab bt�sent to Banowera ed�ess wt�ict�
<br />- � . . is lh9 PtoPORy► ���- .
<br /> , . '`� �.. 25.Rtders t�thts Setur6ty lnstrormenL tt ono ar more �s aro mcoeutc0 Dy Barrowar anA reeerded mgether w$h thts . .
<br /> -- � � . �ae,uay mswme�►t ene cavenanrs eno a��s o� eacn Such rtd� S�Qo heorpotaffi4 hto Atfd s�aU sm9n0 and SuA?� tAe . �.
<br /> - � . � covenonts artd aD��af this S�cur3Y Insbw�ent es H N�fiQ�(s)we�a Part of triis Secufitf►Instrunr�nt
<br /> . . � . ,
<br /> _. , —, - _ :. 1 VaZe a ot s Form 3C2a OJio
<br /> _ l
<br /> - __ - Fi'vii6tdGitaF�l - - . __-
<br /> _ .� " '_ • . � �.
<br /> .
<br /> .• .
<br /> ' ' - -- -
<br /> . , �._ _,�__.�._._.-.- ^_" _ --- -
<br />