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-'b - �t ('�. . . <. ..(..� ,f` ' . .A_ . . �.- Y ti- ....� ' ' _ - ..'n ,.4' y`Y "? . <br /> , . ;��, . G' i 4_ . � ._, _ . •f'� _ ;. '.'..'.. 'c " ' __ � ! � �'i'• ?: _ _—_ <br /> (�, ji, . <. - � . . . . ' P . . . ��.•�J }.�_',�4,�,�. — — <br /> �d T . .. 1 ��{i`b , � � . � 5.. . �,` f<'` �"U� ��__ —. <br /> � > C. �S � , ' �� .. � . ' �. � . : L .a , �ri - _ � .- -_— <br /> � `h -S `a"`_ _�` c �� '� �.G. <br /> �4 ,-:wo..: - .:� i''4'+t3.� <br /> t . Y�, q _h . .- '_ .. ,'f� . c . .. �..c. � C _4 _ �,3 ��c --_ <br /> 't� ` '� S � _ ' ___ .<..-. sa___ _ _--_ -- <br /> ---i� . ` , � __ �,�r.. <br /> 7� t. `a,. t ' f `/' ���oY��� � . — _-- <br /> i�, ` ,� r. . TQCiEfIdER W1TH alI the impmvenaents aow or�r�erected on tb.e prog:ety,aad all easements.aPPtiutenanc�s. . -Y=_-_ <br /> >;�. ':':�,.' ':f: h,,�,.,: and 6xmres uow or he�eafter a pa�t of the praperty AII zeplacemeuts aad addWoas st�all also 6e cove�6y diis Sec�ity — <br /> � •` '`�' p :�, Instrame�t All of ttie foregoing is refeaed W in tIns S�[ttiry Instaumsnt as the"P�op�rty." � — <br /> °;i.•.` � BORROWFIt COVEN77ANTS that B`aaower is lawfiilly seised af the estate hereby coaveyed and�as the right to gant . __ _- - <br /> snd c4nvey th$Property and that the Property is unencumbe�ed.eascept for encumbrances of reco:d. Bozroiver vraaas►ts aad _ -_ - — <br /> �, �. .' � . . . w�l defend geneiat�}r the titte tt�the P�operty againsc aU claims aaci demands,svbject to arry encumb�ances of ceconf. `--- <br /> ' � ' THIS SECUBITY INSTRUMENT comb�es imiform covenants for national us�e and nan-unifoiw coveaants ariti� --- <br /> . . -. . timited variations by jm�isdiction to constiaue a mrifoan searrity inat�mm_QII4 COV2[l1lg tE"dI QTOQ�dfl}�. �.. -�_____ <br /> ; a : UNIFOItM COVENANTS. $aaower aad LeQdercoVeaani and agree as follows: ---- <br /> , '. i. Payment of Prindpa!aa�d;PcePaymeni aud Late Ct�arges. Bflnower small F�mP�Y Pay when dae t9e <br /> . , Prmcipal of and interest oa the de6t evidenced by the Note and auy preFayment anQ late chaiges due imder the Note. � <br /> ,, � Famds for Tages and Insarauo� Subject to applica6le laa or m a wriuen araiver by Lender,Bmmwer s�a12 pay to _ <br /> . '. , �. � � L.ender on the day monthly paymeIIts ane due�mder the Note,until the Nate is paid in ta11,_a snm("F+inds")fo�=(a)Y�Y • -- <br />- . ' � taxes and assessments which may attaia prioaty over this Se�auity tnstrunnsnt as a lien on the Property,(b)Yeady IeaseHold ' <br /> - ' .�,,,. . � Qaymeats ar gmund rems on the Praperty. if�y; (c) Yeaz1Y ha�ard or property insurance piem�iums:f�Y�Y Q� <br /> ' • � insuiance piemi�s. if any: (e)Ye�Y mort8a�e insaiaace piemiwms,if any;and(�anY s�ms PaYal�le by Honower to � <br /> su <br /> ' . . .. . Le�der,in accordance oiith the pmvisions of paeagrapfl 8,in lien of the p3yment of ffio�tgage ina�irance premtums. T6ese <br /> . . . .. items are called"Fsciaw Items." Lender may;at ac�8 iime,coIIect and hold Fitads in an amouni not w exceed the��+••,,��r, <br /> , � amo�t a tender for a fec(erally relate�mortgage ia�may require for Boirawds escmw accaua2 ander t�e federaI ReaT <br /> - .< • Fstate Setttement Pmcea�s Act of 1974 as amend�c�cum time to time.i2 II.��.§2601 et seq.("RFSPA"Z,�l�ss anotbea <br /> <` taw that?�lies w the F�3�ets a Iesser amount 5ff so,:i.ender may,at aay�,,collect and ha2d Fimds in�a�owat[wi to <br /> ,�r,, excee3��ser a��u.. �.endrr'y���.estimate t3�e a�ount�'i�,.�ds dux c�fhe 6asis a�€enaent data��reasr.a�Ie -- <br /> , j�t,�F�;~ . esau�t�:.-�u�expendit�af fuwre�Ctems ozoihecwise im.��.zdanca wie�appTicaLIe ir�aa_ . , : : _ =— -- <br /> , �f ,�- - .Ti�eirtmds�sha���freld in an�u�Yons��sse deposits ara ias�ed.tay'�f,.�deral_:��:,.insr"rn,�r�riy,.ess�•l... <br />, ,,y;�";, '�,� r�- - � .. (including Lender,if��n:er is such an instiwtiaa➢�.in any Federal Home I.o�t3aak. I.�?�sshall apglg�iYeL'�.»�s ---- <br /> � ;��''�; . . ° . the Escmw Items. Le��r may not charge Boaower for holding aad applyiug the Puiids,z�ually 2aS���iuw <br /> , account,or verifyiug the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borcower iaterest on the�mmds and appii.q'�s�e�aw pertaits . <br /> Lender w make such a charge. However,I.euder may requi:e Boimwer to pay a oa�time charge for aa iadependent ixai <br /> _ ` . estate tax reporting service�sed by Lender in sor�uection with tiiis 1oan,ualess applicabie law piovides oiheiwise. Unless an -- <br /> . � � agreement is made or applicable law requires inte�st to be paid,Lender shaU not be reqt�ued m pay Boimwer a�r inteiest or � <br /> . . � eam�gs on the Fvnds. Bomnwer and l.ender may a�in writing,however,that iaterest shall be�aid on the Puads. Lender � _ <br /> . " . . •� shall give to Bormwer..without charge,an anuual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debtts to the fi�t►ds aud the ,�,_.,,...,, <br /> '. . . pw�pose for wtuch each debit to the Funds was made. The F�ntis are pledged as addidonal securiry for all sums secuted by , <br /> :. ._ . '. '-. thisSecurityInsavmen� � -- <br /> � ' � If the �nds held by Lender eacked the amounts permitted to be held 6y applic3ble law. Lender sha11 ac�ouat to = --- <br /> ` Bor�wer for the eacess Funds in accordartce with the requirements of aQplicable luw. If the amount of the Punds held by ';'+�,., <br /> • ' ' � • Le�der at uny time is rtot sufficient to pay the Escraw Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in �,,� <br /> '. • such case Borrowcr shaU pay �o L,ender the amount necessary to make up the defcicncy. Borrowcr shal! make up the ' ��`� <br /> • . _ .'. _ _. deficiency in no moie than twelve monthly paymeats,at Lender's sole distretion. <br />• , ,� � � .. " � Upon paymcat in fuil of ali sums secured 6y this Security Insnument,Lender shall pmmpily refund to Barcower any . , <br /> . _ � Funds hetd by Lender. if.uader parsgraph 21.Leader shall acquire or sell the Froperty.Lender.prior to the ucqu�siaon or .��. , .- <br /> . � . : sale of the Property. shall upply any E§�nds held by L$nder at the time of acqaisltio»or sale as a credit against the sums , _- <br /> _ . secured by th9s Security laswmen� . . <br /> � .. �., 3. Appllcatton of Paqmenta Urtless appficable law provides otherwise. all payments mceived by Lender under ,-�� �: � <br /> • paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fi�s�to any prepayment charges dne under the Note:second to amounis payable�nder - . <br />-, • paragraph 2• interest due:fourth.ta principal due;aad las�to any late charges dae under the Note. ° ��.. :_�--=- <br /> . . a. Charges; Uea4. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments. charges. fines and impositions attributable to the �.. - �� <br /> ' property which may attain priority over this Securiry Insbumen�and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower �: ,.�:�� :� <br /> - � • ' shaU pa y these ob}i gations in the manner provided in para g r a ph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on - �`,��-.'�, � <br /> ' . . . dme directty to the gerson owed payment Bonower shaU pmmpdy fumish to Lender all nouces of amounts to be paid under <br /> � . . this paragraph. If Bozrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall prompdy fumish to l.eader receipts evidencing . T.T ;..�i,;�• _- <br /> . � � . the payments. ��4- <br />- �• � Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Inswment unless Boaower.(a)age�ees . . ,. �R-: <br />= � � : . in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good fv�b the ��� • � s Iz-� <br /> - . � r.•,_ <br /> . ' , lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien proceedings which in the Lender's opinian operate to prevent the :�t.�, .�.._�,,.., <br />�- � � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ageement sadsfactory to Lender subordinating the Gen � . � •, ��`:= <br /> '' � . . . to this Security dnswmen� If Lender determines that any part of the Firoperty is su6ject to a lien wtuch may attain prioriry . ' , ' � <br />,� y ', • : . . over this Security[nstrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Boaower shall satisfy lhe lien or take _ �� . � '� <br />, . . one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. . <br /> . "' � S. HaTard or Property Insu�aaoe. Bortower shall keeQ the impmvements now existing or hemaftcr ec+ected on the � - , <br />, '" : Property insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"eatended coverage"and any other hazards,including � _ <br /> � . • � • floods or ftaoding,for which Lender requizses insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the • <br /> . , • ` � <br />_ r : ' . � <br /> _. • ' ' , Fasm 3028 9l90 fpage 2 nj6 pugte) <br />- � , . <br /> — . • , ' .; <br />_ ,. , <br /> a T�y <br />° �ie ' � <br />.= r � � - - . . . . ' _ .. � � � � �43' _ _ . .- . .. . . - . -' T . . ..t <br />_ Ir . � , �. � . . � . . . . ,. � .. ' c> ,*" . <br />_-:.O f• . . . . . . . . „ . . <br /> .. �y : • .. .� • . ' . . . . • . .. � " ' . _ a.. � � . .. • � ; : .. . .. . ' � _. ' . . . - . <br /> ,� , . . <br /> ._ . � . .- , � �. ._ .' � . . . . . - . <br /> . , <br /> �'.�. _ . .' . - ' .�„ �� . � . , . . - � -;• - � . � . . '. i. . . ; . <br /> _�i.''"�} • _ , �r. ' ����: . .�:� . - . . , , -� � . . . _ .. , : . ',/-� - <br /> . } .. ,t1 ' ' ,`' .. r .r'. . ,`'� ,' . . . � , � � . �,��1 , • •. . ' . � . . . .� - �� - <br />- � . 1 - . . ' . � • � ... � . ' . , . - • <br /> . ,,,. <br /> . ....}� .�- <br />__..�_3.. . . . ... ... . . <br /> , � . <br /> .__..— "' ..".i_ __..� , .,_,_. .. ._..._""'- :...,_''�' "� __ _ - _ _ _�u'_�.._ -- _ .l. <br /> . '. � <br /> F . -: __.-_ . _.__.�_ --_ ._ _, _ .. _. - _ .. - - __ , >_ - . • . -- _-._ _-�', ._ '___'.., . - <br /> - � . - ' _ • - • . , . ' . . � , - - � ' � - ' ; ; ' . _ � � - . " .- ' � • � . � � .+` . <br /> . , . . . . . . � - � . ' � . . . _ - . . i•" ' . <br /> ?� � � . :,. . .. ' _ . ' . . -. ' • - . ' . 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