{ �3 ' x: .�.' , `'` � _ � ..'�. . � � � ' s . ' .� • . .t• ,
<br /> LL o` i `e. . <<'. . - .<' � . '--
<br /> � , n • � , .y• � • ' . ' •a.� ' ,. . r - . . ; c�-. ° . °-� - ; - - ,' . . .•i.:°+ - ""r'` � . .�
<br /> �_, y��, . �s-' _—
<br /> � ;�� � �, '+..' � 6 • , . ' '
<br /> , ,; '
<br /> - . ..µ-"� . � r���flii
<br /> _ . `.• ` •' � . . � `
<br /> - _ � ' , ' • 11.�Ups Qeta�s Ra�e�+�rt�. Upoa•dafcuft by Tnistar in tha poyment cf ar perfcrmm�'e�af.4he t �c s e1 .
<br /> the ttote.a�a�r Penev�ois,madi�cotFans ar eatensions ther�of,ar the poyment of any other inQeh4ednass sea�dtrereby ar in the pPrtormance
<br /> _ _ .A•a�, .�� - :�'� of mry of�ha convananis ar�Sees:ents h�reunQer.6er�iteiiuy rswy dect�e ctl wms seurred hereDy&nm�f'rote�y dua�d payaRle c�the s�ne � � � -
<br /> ' ' . . , - sh�f tliereupar�6acart�due�d pcyatib withaut presentmeat,derr�ena,protest or rtotice o!any ktnd.The�eufter,8enefir.�t mey deli,rer to ., , � `-`:w,
<br />__ , ' ' TrustQe o w►itten dect�tion of defautt art�demand tar safa.Trustea shot{have the power of sate ot the�rapeety and ff Borteficiary deeides the..'. � ��
<br /> _ • � ` `. Prop�rry i�to @a soid if sh�i dr�sosis wtth Trustee this Oeed of T�ost cnd the Nate or rtotes mtd mry other doewnents ertd,erning eYypn�itures°`�� ' ` ,t'� `'�` •�-
<br /> . , _ � seeured hereby.and sttoli deliver to Trustee o written�sotice o/detaufi and eiection to crosse th�Property xo 6e sofd,a�Yrustee,in tum,sliaif ri. .� r�-.��
<br /> •' '�• � prepore a s�r.�it�rtatice in the fonn required lry iow whicfi sho116p dufy filed ter tecard by Trtrstee. • . . '� �¢•" -���--
<br /> • ,� �. • (o)Jlfte�ths ta�se of sstd�time as moy be repuired by faw faftewireg the recardottan o►ttotioe of Cafduft,m�d Notice ai tkfqvlf aarl ttotice o�:� � =----
<br /> , Sata havinp 6rtn g'sven us ce�uired 6y h�er,Tn�stee,withaut derrw�d on tn�sfor,shall sell the praperty in ona or mare�tels artd tn sech arder �., ;�-��t
<br /> :.- . , os Ttustw�msy determine an the dnte m�d at tha time m�d plate des�+a4ed in said Hotire of Sate,at pubiit audinn 4o the hiphest tiidder,ttra pw• =-
<br /> - � �. �< --- ct.���ay�t�incashi�ta�rtuf
<br /> ,...
<br /> --r—; ia �af!he Unitecl States at ths time at sate.fie person cortducting 9hs sa'.s may.for Qny cwse ha or stse �. �._ - . . .
<br /> " • � . . . deems eAped�ent,pastpo�tlte sola from tim�to time w�til i!sl�nll be compieted and,in every sunc�asa,notice of pastpor�enrec�t s1�D 6e given
<br /> °� by pubGc dec�aratian thereof hy sud�person oi tha Ymie�pfnce tost apy�inted for the saie; rovided,if tl►e sa�e is o �
<br /> � - P R stpossed tot tonger th�
<br /> - �." � � •• o�!1)day beYond thr day designated'm the ftotice of Sate,notice thereof shnil be given in the sume mam�er os the migi�'!Ftotice ot SaTe.
<br /> --- . � - � . Trustee sko11 exeaute and deGver to the p�chaser its Qeed canveying the Pro�ert�sa safd,6vt xathotrt arry comrenm�t ar xrorrmtty,express,ar
<br /> : . , i�ptied.The recitals in the Qeed of mty motters or tacts sholl be concfusive proaf of the tauthfutness thereof.My penen,imtuding vnthout
<br /> , � , . • , Gmitntion Trunee,may�urc�se o4 the sate. .
<br /> � • : (b}.Ylrhea t�ustee sells purs�nt to the powe►s herei»,Tnrstee shofl orpty the praceeds of the safe to poyment of the casts m�d expenses ot � �
<br /> � � • , exercis'u�the power of sate a�of the sate,iadud'mg,withoul Gmitation,tlte paymenf of Tncstee's Fees inwrred,wfiich Trustee's Fees shn(!nnt •
<br /> . , . ,, in the aggregate tacceeA the foSlowing amounts bosed uyon tFe amaunt secured heTe6y and remnining ur�aid: S percerrtum cn the 6al�te
<br /> . • tAereof=and then to tha items se!tortb in subp�agrapfi(c)ha:eof in ths arder theretn stoted.
<br /> � (c)Atter yoying the items speufied+n sub�arograph(b) �i tbe sofe is 6y Trustee,ar the proper caurt mid other costs of farectosure and sale � `
<br /> �, • , if the sate is pursuont to ju�dol foreclosure,ttFa praceeds of s,te sha11 be appGed in the order stoted 6etow to the payrtxrrt bf:
<br /> ` • ' . ,� (1) Cast of arry evidence o1 ti41e prowre�m com►ection witb such sate and oi any revenue required to 6e paid;
<br /> . . ' ,• F•... t2) Attameys fees: . _. .._. _
<br /> •, . � f3) At!sum:theo secured herehy; . �
<br /> ' . (4) lumar t►us9 deeds,mortguges,or other fie�otders;artd � . . � �•
<br /> • , . . � �S) ihe remainder,if mry,to the perscn or persons tegoUy eMitled thereto. � �
<br /> . (d) N the BeneTicinry of this Deed oi Trust is o bontc as defined 6 He6rasko Iaw,an stotemem cantained in ��� ��
<br /> Y Y m�y ofher setteun of this deed
<br /> � , • notwithstandinfl,the B�nefiamy sholl aot 6a entitied to reteive or tcke and debtor sholl not be obGgafed to po�►or givej atry topfession of' �'�-
<br /> [�8- .��.
<br /> •, '_ � • mPnt,power of attome�to canfess judgment,power of attomey to qp�ear for o 6oROwer in o judiciai proceed'mg m agreertrem to poy the costs -
<br /> , 01 cot�edion oi the attomeys'fees,urtfess wch ons af collection woutd not otherwise 6e prahi6ited by Ne6rasko taw.Pruvided,however,thot =--
<br /> this sedion does not opply to the Tnrsgre fee referred to in parograph 6@).Provided turther,that this parogroph sholl not oypiy to this Deed of �
<br /> . Trust,i1 the Beneiiciary is not o 6cm)c. .°
<br /> . . ' . � 12. Ad�iii�rd Se .:tfs;:,.`
<br /> ar�bstra�en4s.T�ustor,ot its expense,wiU execute ned deliv2r to the Beneficiary,prom�iy upon demm�d,s�xb s,ecuri- �-•�:�
<br /> _ • • . . . ty inshumenis as may 6e reqvired by 8enefitiory,in farm and substance satistactc�to Beoe�ciary,covering mry of the Property tonveyed by - �• '
<br /> . . this Deed of T�ust,which security irr�n,�nents shail be additionol security tor Tnsstar's faithtul pr�farmunce of uIl of the terms,coveoants and �° '�.'` `' •`
<br /> �--�- ' conditions ot this Qeed o!Trost,ft��missory notes secured hereUy,mid any otder security insfvumeMS e:ewted in cormection with this tran- ' (� ` "
<br /> � .' saction.Such instnrments shall 6e fev�er!�d or fi�ed ot Tn.sstar's expense. • ''-''
<br /> . . , . . 13. A�pintsn�t et Spcee:s�r Ti�stt�. BeaeRciary mey, irom Time to time, by o w►itten inst�umeM executed and atknowiedged by �:r� .�,e.,•
<br /> � Benef�cimy,maifed to Ta�ustor and�ecordeA in the county or counties in wfiicfi the Propany is IocatRd and 6y othenvise campiying with the provi- ,;.• "°"
<br /> sions of the appticabfe[aws oi the State oi NeDrasko,substitute o successor ar successors to the Trustee rtomed herein or ocNruj hereurtder. �' �;�f"�
<br /> � 14. p�s ettent.Benefici #r !� t'
<br />. N my,or its egenfs,representotives or wo�kmen,are authoriied to enter at any reasone6te time upan or in arry p�t :�,rit� '.
<br />_ � . of the Rc�erty for the purpose of ins�ettirmg the same ond for the purpose oi performing any o1 tfie acis it is authroiied to perferm under the �"qa9`=r.�%�•�;�
<br /> , : terms of the QeeA oi Trost. f,���:. .�.�
<br />_ � ' 1 S. Q�tian to PoreeF�se.Upan the occurrence of rnry defauh hereunder,Beneticimy sholl haue the option to tcnedose this De2d o(Trust in � � � �`��
<br />_ . ,, ,. -
<br /> ' fhe monner provided ba[aw iar the toreclasure of mortgoges on real proyerty. _'=�`• �� yk;,
<br />- . • 16. forfbe�ra�n��P3en�}ictar�Itot�W�.ar.Arry forebearance by Beheficiary in exe�cising mry righf ar remedy hereunder,ar otherwise � - � ' ,i.°�t,`�_
<br />` �.�' • aHorded 6r oppticabte faw,sha11 not be o waiver oi or preclude the axercise of ony such right or remedy.likewise,the xraiver by 6eneficiary of •�.`�R. . �: .� -
<br /> . orty detauit of Trustor urtder this DeeA of 1�ust shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or similm defwlts suDsequently otctming. 3�,'_
<br />� � � 17. Te�hr ltot Rete�sed.Extension of the time tor poyment or madificotion or amortization of the sums secured by this QeeA of Trust `
<br />,` f �' anted 6 Bersefisi to �
<br /> . . 8► y my mry suuessor in interest oi Trustor sholl not operote to release,in any monner,the licbility of the miginal Trustor ond � •�
<br /> , . • � �!� ?�ustor's sutcessos in interest.Beneficiary sho11 not be required to commence proceedings agaiase such successar or refuse to extend time ior f � ±
<br /> ;,•,;:.,.
<br />- ,:_,.�:::•,. • payment or otherwise modify amo�tiiotion ot the sums s�cured 6y this @eed of Trost by reoson o1 any demond mode by the originol Trustor and i� ' "
<br /> �1` ' . Trostar's successor in interest, . ' �
<br /> '�• . �' 18. Reeeficiw�•s fewan.Without atfetting the liubility of tha Trustor or ony other person liabfe for the poyment oi any obfiqotion he�ein �
<br />��`�''r� �� � me�ianed,mEd without of fecting the lien or charge Q#this Oeed oi Trust uDon any portion ot the P►operty not then or theretofore reteosed os ��
<br />"'"�� . . . �tecurt /or the(uf l amonnt o1 aq � ' ' •
<br /> h► unpai�abfigutions.Qertetici�y moy,fram time to time and without notice,(i)retease arry persan so liabtg,(iR) •�
<br /> . � . e�tend the motnrity ar attar mry of tfie terms of ony such obligaticrrs, (iii)gront other indulgen�es, �iv►reteose o►reeamey,or cwse to 6e � � �
<br />'. � � reteased or recanveyed at uny time ct iier,eiitiary's options mry parcel,portion ar all of the F►operly,(v)toke or retease any other ar additionol • ,
<br />�•��.� � '; ' security tor arry obtigotian heretn mee�t�ar.ed,or(vi)make eompositions orothet arrangements witb debtort in retotion thereto. ' � '
<br /> ;;, . � 14. f�fes Ad►a�as.Upon request o}trustar,Trustee ot trustee's optian,prior to reconveyartce ot ihe P►operty to T►ustar,may mrike �
<br />��:� � ' future odvm►ces to Trus�or. Such(uture advonces,rrith interest tfierean,shaU 6e secureA 6y th;s Trust�eed vrhen evidenced by promisso�y • ,'�
<br /> � � � _ . • . rtotes stoting thot said rtotes me secured hereby;provided thof ut no time sholl the setured printipul,future advunces,not irtcluding sums ad• •
<br /> � • vanced to protect the seturity,exceed on oggregote principof omount of S 2��00.00 . . • �•
<br /> _ . . : : : 20. R�eea�eTaxe 6�Trestee.Upon wrilten request of BeneCtiery stotirtg tho!oll sums settlred hereby hove be¢ti poid,or�d upon su►rendcr ' � '
<br /> _ . , • . of thls Qeed of trust and the Note to Trustee tor canceltotion ond retentron and upan payment by Trustor of Tiustee's tees, TrustPa shnll �
<br /> . retanvey to trustor,or fhe person or persons legally entitted t62r2to,wiihaut warronty,nny po»ion of the Property then held hereunder.ihe � .
<br /> . ,. _ , teeitaSs in suth recom►ayante o!any motters or facts shnll be tonclusive praof O}the truthtuiness thereot.The grante¢in erry reconveyance may
<br /> . Irc►desni5ed as"the person or persons teqolty entitled thereto". .
<br /> s
<br /> —'_-° .,_ . ..__,'._ . �
<br /> - --- -- � :., .. . .� �i. ..:=�
<br /> . �
<br /> -�t. ' .. ' _ . . - . • +
<br /> !i. . . • . .
<br />