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<br /> `- '.�4 ` Paymen�s�ay�to longer 6e required,ai the o�t4on of Leader.if mo2tgage iDSUI3ItcC Glvetage(illlhe�ISitat eitd fos�hC pet[B$ � �
<br /> ° ,::�, .„•,'.2:.:,... 6ecomes availaDte and is o6tsined.$ormwer shall pay :
<br /> '��i`:;i�g,'.:- : that Leader [eqnire�)Pmvided isy an insurer appr4Yed b�t L.e�d�I again
<br /> Z-'� :�.���,.. � ` � the premiums re�quir�to maintain�ortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a loss reserve,uni'sl the requiremgat for mortgaoe . ;
<br /> '� .. . " , insurance eads in acoosdanse with any vYrittea agreement�vees Borrawer and[.ender or applIcable law. .
<br /> „�.�,=y'�.: � `,'�'`; - 9.Iaspectlon.°Lender or its agenf may make reasflnabie entries iipan and inspecdnas of the Property. II�emier sirall give
<br /> r-_.,. -_• • �. . . t , .
<br /> �:��` Banuwer aotice at the tirae of or prior w an insgea�on'speMfyiag reasanabte cause for the itispection. �
<br /> '' r '' , , 1Q.Cottde�n�tIon.Ths proc�ds of any award or claim for damages, dimt or cansequeatial, in qa�ection�vith any , ;
<br /> ��.'.;:•. . rnndemnatean or other taking of any paR of the PropeAy,or foz canveyance in lieu of condeffination.are here6y assigned�d' ,•� .
<br /> <, ` sha116e paid to LEnder. �
<br /> _- - In the evefu_of a Wtal ta�ng of the Property.the procee�s�shfill 68 applieEi to the swns se�.vred bY 4his Sec�uIty�Im�, �
<br /> ',j• - .
<br /> � " whether or not then due,with aay excess paid to Borrower.In the evenY of a pataal tabug of th�PrQFertY in,which t}te faix �,'
<br /> � • market valae of the Property i� �arPiy i�fore the taking'is e�{ual to or greater than the amount of the sams sectued by t6is'
<br /> . � . Secueity�ent iminediately 6efo�the takuig,unless Borrower aad Lender othecwise agne in vvriting,t�e sums sscured by . .
<br /> , ;r ��: this Secwity L�rume�t shali be ceduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the fattnwing fzatxioa: (a)t6e tcrtat ; , .
<br /> c
<br /> � , �'.• ` amount of t6e sums serured immadiately before t6e ta�ang,divided by(b)tha fair market valae of the Ptoperty im�iatelY . •�
<br />°.`,;;� _`i •�` ��� before the taldng. Any balanoe sha11 be paid to Borrower. Lt the eve.at of a paitial t�idag of the Pmgerty in v�ic�thc fair •.: .
<br /> , o .. � market value of the Prope.�cy immediatelY 6efore the tatsing is less than the amount of the suins securzd immediately bSfae di4'.+ �.,
<br /> �u;.,� , taking;untess Borrower and Leacier otherwise agree ia writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proce�s�il, �
<br /> ;� , . ° be applied to the,sums secared 63+tbis Security Instrument whPther or not the sams are then due. �•; ��
<br />:. �:, � .. • : ' If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after natice by I.eader to Borrower that the condemnor offets to-`...
<br /> .. . ' award or sextle a claim for damages,Borrower fails to tesQond to L.ers�2r within 30 days after the date t�e notire is giirat,�-
<br /> � � . ' Lender is autharized to coltecx and apply the pmceeds.at its optioa,either w resEoiatian or repair of the Prapeiiy ag t7 ttie swms,' -••
<br /> 'E �. �� • . �, seaired by this Security Instrumeni,ahetber or aot then due. . � ;`;�.; � .
<br /> .,,�.."'�. L._ � . •- lication of � s ta ' ' 1 sh�ti'�.�te�id,tu.
<br /> '-' -:--� . .-- --..Unless-LenderandBnrrowetotherwise.a8ree.in-wM?n8,-a'°Y aPP. --.------. F� PT►�Pa .
<br /> ; . � •,,;. . _ . . _
<br /> , � :� ' • postgone the due date of the manthly pays��referred to in paragrepl3s 1 and 2 or chaiige the�iount of sucb�ts: .
<br /> � � . " 11.Borcower Not Re2eased;For�-�ce By Leader Not a Wai�.Fxtension of the tf.m�for gaymeat or��r--'_ `'
<br /> . � . � . of amartiration of th$sums secured by tlus Securiry Instrument g�anntrd B�r i,ender to any succe�or in int�rzst of iw;;..w�. .
<br /> ,.. � .:-:.. . not operete tQ retease the liabiiiry of the original8orrotver or Borrower's successors'in interest.[.end�sha11 nut be__��._�
<br /> � ' . • epIIanance proceedings agains7�y successor in interest or refiise w exteus!time for paymei►i os otherwise modiff ainorn�
<br /> � ' � of the sumc secured by this SYrar�ty Ins�'ament by reason of any �d ruade by the original Borrower,or R^!-�±�a!�'
<br /> � • • su�cessois in interes� Any forb�rance 6y [.ender in exercisin�any ri�:t or rema�dy shall noi be a waiver of or���=-�.
<br /> ,� ' . exercise of any right or remedy. • ' �;`'� -
<br /> � � ' • ' 12. Sncotssois aad A�gns Boand; Joint aad Serera! LiabilIty. Co-sigQe�s.The cavenants and agr�,xs ,:'°..
<br /> , A gns
<br /> , '� •. . . Sec�rity Insmiment shall bind and benefrt the successo�s a�d assigns of L,ender and Buao�ver. subject to tBa..pt�visions ut '� '.' �
<br /> � ' paragraPh 17. Barrower's covenants and a.;�reEments shall be joint and�sev�eral. Any Borrowes w ho co-sig�s��:.'�is S�t s+.. .;
<br /> ' Inttmment 6ut�es aot eaecute t6e Note:(a) is co-signing this SecaTity Inswment onZy to morr2�,�$,grunt aad canvey tls�t;�:�
<br /> •- . . • Borrowu's interest in the praperty under tTie cerms of this Secarity ir�sement:(b)is not personallv.c�','s�ated to pay.the su�''' . ,
<br /> " secured by this Security Insmiment;and(c)agrees that Lender and arry otfier Borrower may agree tn e�if�r,s8,modiS�r.foriiear o:
<br /> �� � •� make any acoommodarions with regand to the terms of this Securityr Instrument or the Nate without that Sorrower's consen�•
<br /> _- • , • 13,Loan Charges,If the loan secured by this Secnrity Instrnment is subjax to a law which sess maximum loan charges;
<br /> - � � . � '��'' and that law is 6nally interpreted so that tne interest or mher loan charges coliected or to 6e colle�ed in connection arith'the
<br /> � .. � � .`�,��,� loan exceed the permitted limiu,then: (a)any such loan charge sBaii be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chatge
<br /> • to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pernritted limits cviq be refunded to
<br /> 'i:`�_�_.:_';.�.,;_' ,' Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refuad by reducing t�e principal owed under the Note or by�ng a rlireCt .
<br /> • ' • payment to Borrower. Ii a refund reduces principal. the reductivn will be ueated as a partial p�+epa�ment �aittiont azry
<br />- ' � � �. 's';; prepayment ch�rge under the Note. • • �
<br />-;.:1 . : . , f:� .
<br /> . 14.Nottces.Any notice[o Borrower psovided for in this Security Insuument shall be given 6y delivering it or by mailing
<br />''`< ' , '. - .it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Pcoperty.Address .
<br /> ' ' ' ,';,��.;�: '.. ' or any other address Borrower designates by nodce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first ctass mail to
<br /> �:��' [.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender.designates by notice ta Bonower. Any notice provided for�in this
<br /> :,�. ,,,..• . .
<br /> '� . Security Instnunent sha11 be deemed ro hati•e been given to Borro�ver or Lender when given as provided in this paragrapb.
<br /> �<<:
<br /> -.� ' � °' 15.Go�t�ning La�v; Sevet�aDility. TY�is Security Instrument.shall be govemed by federal law and the law of t6e
<br /> -•'�'.:�� � ' juzisdictian in which the Propetty is laca:�. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nc� ,
<br /> `; `. � • aiafticu with applicabie law,such wnflict sh�ll not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nc�z+vhich ca�be
<br /> �.'- � . . � � . gic�n effect a�iihout the mn3licting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the I�eFw aze declar'ed
<br />�. ..� ` . ' to be severabt�. ' _
<br /> .. 16.Boreu�er's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed wpy of the Note and of this Security Inswment.
<br />:t �`•:. � .. . . Form auzs srso _
<br /> J,�j�,. •
<br /> ' • � a,5oao+e
<br /> , i.'i�, � - . . -
<br />.. ���.� . • .
<br /> .� a : - � . . � _.
<br /> - �.. ' .. L:•' f . � _
<br /> . •�� '.. ''. , . . . . ' . . . . ' , � . ' .- :� . , .... � , ' . a_.. . , . •• .-�, .- �—_
<br /> - •� . .. , .. ' , - . . . . . . .. . . ` . � _ � . . - . . ' _ . .
<br /> • .. . , . , - � . . . . . . .. . . ., .... . . . . . . . . ' ..t' ..
<br />:_'71 - • - ' . _ . - . . �. _ . � ' ' ' . . . . .. _ : , -� �t . . ' �.
<br /> . . . . .. . . . -
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<br /> ._._ _. ..__-� . .._ �� • .
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