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d E� y . vyeHa . . .. .. . . . . , . —• - , ,o . . , ' ' �r. . . ' <br /> , �`.���+s—. '. . ,�l, .. 2 � �� •�� � r <br /> f —3 — ��� ' .. . � ` . . . . _^ � ' �G �1L'l5 .� L <br /> y. � '� � • ' .y, ' k:t ' - - . . . •. .s :5�,-y.^,':r +r fr � _ <br /> . .i. ' ;f� �r. - . � ', t b ' ' , ; . � '�6: -•• �- � , _ <br /> . * ._ • ,r '�-_....s-. X. ' i' _ . - �. ._. _ .�,ss c. _. <br /> � ` . ' � . . . Y r.' 4 r'r <br /> -- �c . .. � , • . . " �� �v�/i�V ` •{. <br /> -..=�,r�- ''f ' TOGEfHER WIT[�a11 the improvements aow or hereafter ere�cted oa the pmperty,and all easements.appuc�tenauces.aa.d V�r ' .�.F�.- <br />-,::�.` � . .' •,`. fixaues aoiv or hereaftPr a part of tlietPmpFrq'- All rqola�ts �nd additioas shall also be covered 6y this Security .. �-.'.':_' <br /> . ,�--�: {=t.�� <br />— , • Ia�trument.�111 of tlie Eoregoing is referred to in this Security InsUUment as t6c°Praperty." , • •�.;:..:,_,. <br /> -�_:.`2� i _'.` .�h. ..s . .�._.-_, <br /> �ORROWER COVENAN'fS that BArro�ver is lawfully seised of the estate hereby comreyed aad has the right to grain and .i�:�_: <br /> -> ���• � . ' , cottvey the Property and that the Property is unenciunbered.exrept for encumbrances of record. Borrower wariants and�vill . t,.:�t,,'�.,;1A�; <br /> - ' . • defcnd generaliy d�e tit[e to the Prope�3y against all claims and demands.subject to any encambrauces csf reoord. . . •� :T�=' <br /> • `,'��;. • � � 'fHIS SEC13RTfY INSI'RUMENT combines unifom►oavenants for.national use a�d aon-unifoTm oovenants wiW timited �`',,'.'.�':r,Y <br /> -. , �' , variauons by jurisdiction w constitate a uaiform sea�rity inshvment covering real pmperty. . `E <br /> -_ '`;. ' . i3NIFORM COVEL�TANTS.Bon+awer and Lcnder covenaat and agree as follows: ��`,'` . <br /> �; <br /> - ' `. : '°� ' 1. Pa�seitt aY Friadpa)and Itrte�sh, P.�+ePayment and Lait C�.vges. Bo��ver shall prcmptly pay when due tIie <br /> � ' prinsipal of an8 interest on the de6t e�ideaoad by the Note and acsy prepayme,nt and late cfiarges due umder the Nate. ` t • - ��' <br /> , _ l.fiutds for Taaces and!��+**e�Snb,ject to applicable t�w or to a written waiver by L.ender, Borrower s[iall pay to � = �-'•.�= <br /> - , " . �'� '��� Leader on the day momlily payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in fuli,a sum("Fands")for.(a)yearly taxes �,;;;;'"�*����. <br /> . ' � � aad.ass�++,Pnr�v�hich may attain priority over this Security Ir�strument as a fien on the Pmperty:lb)Yearty Ieasehald paymenfs_ ,:;;;��A.`�-� <br /> � � P�Y• Y' Y P P�Y!� P P Y'..,��-- <br /> ;- •: � , . or und rents pn the Pro if an .(c)Yearl hazard or ro drance remiums:(d)Yearly tlood iasatattce remimns, :_•.-..-,-z,�:. <br /> . . , • if any:(e)Yearly mortgage ussuranse premiums.if any:and(fl anY soms payable 6y Borrmver to aa:ordaace with ` • _°_=_----- <br />_' � • � ' . the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mnrtgage insurance pmmiums. 'IT�ese iteau aie called"Escrow Items.` ___ <br />- ' �` Leader may,ai atry time,collert aad E�oIA Funds in an amount not to exceed the ma�cimum amou�t a [eader for a federally „-�-__.:- <br /> ; � ` •, related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's essrow acoount under the federaf Real F,state Settlement Pracaedures Aa of =- <br /> �.. ' ' l974 as amended from ame to t�e. 12 U.S.C.Sec�on Z601 et seg. ("RESPA').unless another law tl�at appSies to the F�s =--_-- <br />_• . , �� � sets a tesser amount. If co. [.ender�y time, coliect and hoid Furtds in an amount not w exoeeA tbe tesser�a�. --- <br /> � � . � L.eMer may estimau:the amount of Funds due an the basis of current dat,a and reasonable estimates of eapenditaies af fat�e _ <br /> � ' . ° Escrow Items or otherwise in a000rdance with applicable law. ' "- <br />� , , The Funds sl�all be hetd in an insritUtion whose deposiu are insure� by a fedeTal agency.�irsuumentaliry, or enrity , ��� <br /> - .�.� .. . � � • (inct�cding Lender.iF I.ender is such an institutian)or in any Federal Honte Loan Bank. I:entier sha11 apply the Faads to Qay she <br /> . .. ----.�--�-- -,-�-�-- . . _ . _ . .. . _..-- - �--�� - � - . <br /> . . ---- - -�� --- -. . <br /> , • . , Escrow Items.Lender may not cbarge Borrower for hotding and appiying the Funds,annnalty analyzing the e5crow acuaunt,or <br /> ° ..� verifying the L�scmw Items.untess I.ender pays Borcawer literest on the Funds and agpticab2e laa permits Lender to make such <br /> •• • � ° . a charge.However,Lender may require Borrower 4o pay a one-time�charge for an indegendent real estate tax reparting servioe <br /> . , ..` ' , . used by Lender in connectian with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. ITnIess an agre�ment is �r�ada or . <br /> '� ' _ - -, - applicabte!aw requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be r�qaired to pay Borrower azry imer�st or eamings on the Funds. — <br /> �.. ' . , .. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing.ho�vever.that interest shall6�paid an the Funds.Leader shall give to�orcower. <br /> � , without charge. an annual accounring of the Funds. showing cr�dits and debits to the Funds and the purpose;for which eaeh . <br /> , " debit to the Funds was made.The Funds aze ptedged as additional securiry for all sums secured by this Security�nsuumeat. . <br /> " ' '•- �'-�� -�-� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitte3 to be heid by applieable law. Let�e�er shaU ucxount to Borroarex <br /> � • _ for the excess Funds in accordanee witd�the req�iremerrts of applicahle lativ.If the amaFUnt of.ifie Funds held by I.ender at�ay . <br /> _ �� , , '� � time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lender may su notify Borrower in such case Bozrower � - <br />:-;.' '. � shall gay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower staall make up the deficieacy in ao tnorc than � _ <br /> � . • � '' twelve monthly payments,at Lendei s sole discrerion. � <br /> . . "�'" Upon payment ia full of all sums secured by this 5ecurity Inshument. Lender shali promptly refund tu Borrower any <br /> � � . . ' Funds held by Lender.If.under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acyuire�r seU the Property,Lender.prior to the aoquisidon or sale � <br /> • ' ' of the Property,shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of ucquisition or sale as a credit agai�st tfre sur�s se�ured by <br /> • . � this Securiry Instrumen�� <br /> ' �_ 3.Appflcatton of Payments.Untess applicable law pravides otherwise.all paymea�ts received by Lender under paragraplss � �? � <br /> — ' , . . . 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to any prepaymert charges due under the Note;second. to amounts payable under pazagraph 2; � ��; <br /> • � . � third,to interest due;fourth,to principa]due:and any tate charges due under the Note. �--_ <br /> • .:''' . . � 4.Charges;Lienv.Eorrower shail pay alt taaes.assessmenrs.charges.Cnes and impositions attributable to the�roperty <br /> � �,: , " .: �ahich may attain priority over this Security Instrument. and leasehold paymenu or ground rtnts,if any.Barmwer shail pay ' <br /> . '� .tlt�obligations in tke a�aer provided in paragraph�2.or if not paid in that manner.Borro�ver sl�all pay tl�.on time dimctty <br /> � '. �. . �• . �o the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounu to be paid under this paragaph. <br /> ' . if Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shal!promptly fumish to[.ender receipts evidencing the paymenis. � <br />=.; . . • Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien W.",ich has priority over this Security lnstmment unless Borro�ver: (a)a�rees in � <br /> ' ? � •� • - writing to the payment of dte obligation secvred 6y�;e lien in a manrter aoceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien � —� <br /> LL;�. � by, or defends against enfarcement of the lien in, legal proceedin�s�vhich in the Lender's opinion operate to preveni the , _-=- <br /> _ - � . ..,;;;, a_�:forccment of thc lien;or(c>secures from the holder of the lien an agreemcnt satisfaMory to Lender subordinatittg the lien to - <br /> '� t ; � <br />