<br /> y�. � ; �sy � t .F � .. �v � ' fi �� �t�s�� • � r_ -_ � - - —___
<br /> �a 4 "g� —
<br /> -c � � ��h'•b�" � c� r � � `� 21 �R'- �'t4.z�l.�t''�� +,�.i�:�.��y�r ���`
<br /> x :..i_� _�,'. �-.' :x2x.��. .. ��i = _ - _--
<br /> �.� �L' w �i�a�4Al..,.��x'f� I� -_ �.ec -- - - --- ------
<br /> -_�-r,-r��i � .{��_ ���� . ... . • t . � _ . . . .� . -_ ___
<br /> ` „_� . �
<br /> _°�" --- ' T�GfBTHER ZRiTTH.al1 t�e impmv¢menss aow ar hereatter ersc�d on tdie p�ogeaty,arid ai!��nu.uppuiteaanccs,�sfcl :-�__--
<br /> - --_y --__-�_ �ixtars aucv or hereafter a g�rt of the pmp�iy. AlI repl-.�^�-*^,�-^-*-� aad ad�i�Ioffs�sl�a!! also be coveac�i by this St�ri¢y ` � _
<br /> '��`� . I4strtue�at.Rll of the foregoing is rsferm�t to i�tEris Sesiuity Insaumsnt as the-`Pivperty.° ; � �`
<br /> ���,� � � BORR+QWER�4'�IENANTS that Borroiver is lawiully seised of the estate kereby coaveye3 and has the nght tu gsant aa� � ` --
<br /> -_-_-=�� convey the Pcog�rty and that the Prope.rty is unenaimbered,encept fpr en,�umbrances of reaord. SarrUwer svarrants and wii� • _--
<br /> _ _ . �_._i . " __ �__
<br /> — `' def2ud geaeeally che citte m th�Pm�r against aSi ctaielts aad demands.subject to any eacumbranres of record, ---
<br /> � `� T�I6S SEGURtY'Y INS�'FtUMENT com6iaes uniform Covenaius for national use and nort-unifann covenants with limite�
<br /> s'�"��'� �` `eariat'sorts by juridicti�a to cos�satute a uniform seauity iastrutnent coverin�reat P�P�Y• - -
<br /> '� °�` �}` UMFORhi COVENAN7S.Barmwer and Lendee wvenant aad agae as follows: � . �'� ��
<br /> � ���' l. Pa mi'of Pri�dgal and Interesh Prepayment aad I.�te Borrower s1�a11 ro tl pay when due the =�
<br /> � , ytax ��• P �A Y � ���r
<br /> � a__ principal of and'uuerPSt on the deht evideQCed bp t6e 1Vote and any prepaymeat and[ate charges dae under the Note. � :x _
<br /> ' c- {,•x� � Z.FuIIds far Tax�s and Insm�ce.Sabject to applicabte 1av�or�to a written waiver by I.endcr. Borrower shall pay'to . .;��-s��:��� =��-
<br /> = ax s
<br /> �`'��`z `�• Lendes on the day aiontlily payments are due uader the Note,until the Note is paid in fiitl.a sum("Funds°)for.(a)ye�ly t�ces �'�� _� -----
<br /> �n��;� ss,,���;' and as,�rszmeats which may amain priarity over tbis Securiry Ins4rumem as a lien on the Property:(b}yeasly leasehotd paym�is' -t' ''-�rn=__
<br /> �.4,3
<br /> �,,.� 1�,�.`,:• or gronnd renis on the Property,if any.(c)YeariY i�atd or property insurance preauums:(d?Yearly flood iasu:ance premivats, ;t; ��
<br /> � �.. if any;te)Yearly mortgage insurance ptemiums. if any:and(f�an3+sums Payabie by Borrower to Lender, in acaurdance witb �,�'��`
<br /> ." �K r '�= ' the pravisians of paragraph S, in lien of the payment of mortgage insuranse premiams.T6ese items are calted"Escinw Items." �+=���� _
<br /> �,�����s Lender may.at aay time,wltect and hoid Funds in an amount not to eaceed tbe maximum amuunt a tender fnr a federally -�.,,�
<br /> '.-. �,� .; relazed mortgage loan�may require for Boaower's escrow accouat ander the fedeial Real Fstate Settlement Pracedures Act of �: �,�, �� -�-
<br /> .��,�.�,,�; 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"),untess another law that applies to th,e Funds "' —
<br /> �'�s����' sets a lesser amu�mt.If so.I.Qnder may, at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount•not to exceed the lesser amount. � 3 ���---�-
<br /> '�'``'` Ixnder may esrimate the amount of Funds due on the b3sis of current data and reasonable estimates of expendimres of futare '�`i�.:�""�=-��
<br /> �:• � , - -
<br />_ =d ....' Escrow Items aratherwise iu accorrance with agplicable la�r. '�_°�---�=°
<br /> s��'�.`�'`��� � Tt� Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insuied by a federai agency, instramentality, or entity 'R�:� —�"-�
<br /> . .. �.�_•.;
<br /> . .. . ;. �_...�•; • (iitcla�Lender.if Lender is suci�an institution)or in any Fede:al Home Lasn Bank.I2a�er shall apply the Funds tn pay the ',.�•,zs:�.
<br /> - - _- . Escmw Items..�.ender may.not charge Borrower for boldinSand.aPPlyiug the Funds.annually analyzing ihe:escxaw.acc.qunt,or_ . ': T �':�''�''--
<br /> : .:" verifying the Fscrow Items,unless Lender pays Barrower interest on tiie Fuads ated applicable law permits Iander to malce such "��'��.
<br /> • < ' a stiarge.However.Lender rr�ay require Borroner to pay a one-time charge for an independent real est�:e tax teporting service .�_-- ''
<br /> , used by Lender in w�necann �vi�this loan, �uiless applicable law pravides otherarisr_ Unless an ageement is made or � ���-����
<br /> -V-. ;��r=.;'.-' agplicable!aw requires interest to be paid.Lender shall nat be cequiced to pay Borrower a�y interest or eamings on ttx�Funds. . _ �
<br /> , `t%�'1�•`• ��' •Borrower and I.ender inay agree in writing,h�wever.thai irrterest sttaU be paid on the Funds.L.ender shall give to Borrawer, � � - -�r .
<br /> � , ' without charge, an annua!accounting of the Funds, showing crediu and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each '� �Y`_'- '
<br />• ' �,_ " � debit to the Funds was made.The Funds aie pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by this�rity Instsument. `'� .
<br /> , . ' T�r�e Funds heId by Lende?-•���ed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable L::.�.I.ender shail account to�urmw�r � •� �-�'�'�; �
<br /> . ' for ti�•�eicess Funds in acwr�:uith the requiremenu of�plirable law. If the amot��.::'the Funds held by Le�:.�at any -, r t: �' •
<br /> . , � ti�e i�cot sufficient to pay the�s,.--�w Items wk�due.Le���may so notify Borrower i��riting,and.in such case Eanower , ��3`'y�'r:� �°
<br /> . ' ��ay to Lend�r�..ra amovnt necessary to�--�..�:ar`up the deftciency. Borrower shalt make up the de�r�..�cy in no mnre than
<br /> . twe�c e inonth{y pay6tents.at Lender's sole dls��an. � � �
<br /> . � • r s s m refund to Borrcwer an � . .a
<br /> _ �pon payment in full of all sums secured by th�s Secunty In.trument. Lender hal}pro ptly y t_� _•;��.�
<br /> _ . '" Funds held by Ixnder.If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seli the Properiy.Lender,prior to the acquisiti;r or sale � :��. �
<br /> , . �_", of the Praperty. shall appIy any Funds held by I.ender at the pme of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by ' .�"`,.y� �.
<br />-:•.- - '. > this Security Instrument. ,.���
<br />, � 3.Appllcatton of Payments.Unless applicable law pmvides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under Qaragraphs "' ��• �e��:"-
<br /> PP� �Y P eP Y S P Y P� P ' �'' ^.�
<br />• � �`r�_i:' ., . 1 and 2 shall be a hed:first,to r a ment char es due under the Note:second, to amounts a able under �*ra h 2; , �' f�� >�:
<br /> � .`� � thitd.u=interest dae;fourth.to principal due:and last,to any,late charges due under the�e:ce. ,.•;�;�_-. � �
<br />__ _-" • ����-..•-• 4.C6atges;Lietts.Borrower shall pay all taxes,assess:aents,charges, fines and impositions attsibutabie to the Property ..:,;, '.�.
<br /> - - �...� :----.. �'�'•n:.:. �.�_ -_
<br />_ �• which may attain priority over this 5ecuriry ia..mvment, and leasehoRd payments ar ground rents, if er;•. �orrower shall pay y-
<br /> = these obligations in diw manner provided nn pzra�•rsph 2.os if not paid in tha:�,:anner.Borrower shali g��c�em on time directly .. . '��=`
<br /> ,,��• � • to the person owe�l payment.Borrower shaU pr�mptly fumish to Lender al!r.�tices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. • ' ��_
<br /> 'y;�,.; .� �• If Borrower malces these paymeuts d:�.�ectly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lend�r receipts evidencing the payments. �;.���;-�,,' ;
<br />_ ' '��`-"`� .�� Borrower shall promptly disr.E�::.:ge any lien which has priority over this Secarity Ir�crament unless Borrower: (a)agaees in � ',�.r�;.�'. •'�._�;
<br />__ � • writing to the payment oi the obli�ation secured by the lien in a manner a c a�le to L ender:(b)cor.teT�in goo d fait h t he lien �; .;: ��" � ����•�
<br /> : � �s.t,..
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings wi�iqz in the Lender's opiniea aperate to prevent the ••��%-.
<br />- , . � . enfaro�nent of the lien:or(c)serures from the holder of the!%en an agreement satisfacrory to Lender subordinating the lien to . '� , � �'�
<br />�. , , this 5yaairiry Instrument. If Len�determines that any part ef ti:e Property is sub,{ect to.:[ien which muy attain prcr.y over ' � �f #
<br />�}� ' this�urity Instrument.Lendcr m.�y give Borrower a notice i-:.'.ntifyi�g the lien.Bortower shall satisfy the lien or c�!�e one or , � �-��
<br /> = � ' ".�� more of the actions set forth abo�•e within 10 days of the giving of notice. _ _ `
<br /> . A e
<br /> = . � Form 3028 9/90 z�
<br /> _ ,: .
<br /> . ' POpo�018 . . . '
<br />�'.. , . • • ;1� . .
<br /> . . -' � -
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