<br />That CENDANT MOBILITY FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation,
<br />acting by and through its duly authorized officers and agents, has made, constituted and appointed,
<br />and by these presents do hereby nlalce, constitute and appoint BURROW CLOSING
<br />MANAGL'MN 'I' CORPORA 'LION, its true and lawful Power of Attorney and DcSi`Ynatcd Closlll,�
<br />Agcnt in its name, place and stead to do and perlornl the following acts, which are limited to real
<br />property and any irllprovCrllcrllS and fixtures located thereon which are owned by CENDANT
<br />To ask, demand, Sue for, recover, collect and receive all such SumS of money, debts and
<br />demands whatsoever as are now or Shall hereafter become due, owing, payable or belonging to the
<br />undersigned; and haVC, use and take all lawful ways and means in the naive of the undersigned, or
<br />othn
<br />cvise, for the recovery thereof, by legal process, and to compromise and agree for the same, and
<br />grant acquittance or other sul'licient discharges for the same for the undersigned, and in the name of
<br />the LIIldCI "SIgI1Cd to make, SCaI and deliver [lie Same; to compromise any and all debts o %ving by the
<br />undersigned and to c6nvCy, transfer, and/or assign said property in satisfaction of any debt owing by
<br />it, to bargain, Contract, agrec for, purchase, receive, and take said property, and accept the seizing
<br />and possession thcrcol', and all deeds, and other assurances in rile law therelor; and to lease, let
<br />demise, bargain, sell, remise, release, convey, mortgagc, convcy ill trust, and hypothecate Said
<br />property, upon such terms and conditions, and Colder such covenants as said Designated Closing
<br />Agcnl shall think tit; to exchange said property for other real or personal properly, and to exccLltC
<br />and deliver the necessary 111StrL1111ClltS of transfer of Conveyance to Co11SL1111111a1c SLICIl exchange, to
<br />CXCCL1tC and dCIIVCi' subordination agreements SLlbordlllating ally hell, Ci1CLtmbrance, of other right Ill
<br />and to said properly to any other lien, cricunlbrancC, or other right therein, to execute any closing
<br />doCL1111CI1tS with respect to said property including, but not limited to, closing statcnlerlts, affidavits
<br />and other diSCIOSUI'CS; also to bargain and agree for, buy, sell, mortgagc, hypothecate, convey in trust
<br />or otherwise, and in any and every way and manner deal ill and with the irnprovernents and CxturCs
<br />located on said real property, including any authority to utilize its eligibility for VA Guaranty; and,
<br />also for the LIIldCrsigrled and in the name and as the act and decd of the undersigned, to sign, seal,
<br />execute, delivery and acknowledge Such deeds, covenants, leases, Indentures, agrCC111CIllS,
<br />mortgages, deeds 6f' trust, hypothecations, assignments, notes, receipts, evidence of debts,
<br />aSSlllllptloll ilgl'Celnents, scttlerne 1t dmilncllls, releases and Satisfaction of mortgage, and SL1Ch other
<br />illSlrL1111ClltS in writing of whatever kind or nature as may be reasonable, advisable, necessary of
<br />proper in the premises, but only with rcspccl to said property.
<br />'file undersigned expressly names BURROW CLOSING MANAGEMENT
<br />CORPORATION and the following persons named hercinbelow as Power of Attroney and
<br />Designated Closing Agcnts for CENDANT MOBILITY FINANCIAL CORPORATION and grants
<br />cash of' them, collcctivCly and individually, the absolute authority and power to complete all
<br />d0CLII11CIlls SCL (61-01 hCrCillaboVC to be cxecLltcd by the 1.111LICrsigned fur the purpose of conveying
<br />real property in its entirety.
<br />Richard A. Smith
<br />Director
<br />Richard A. Smith
<br />Chairman
<br />Janes E. Buchman
<br />Director
<br />Duncan 1 -1. CocroTl
<br />ExcC1111VC ccPrc»Licnl and�"i�easti»c�
<br />