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<br /> ^`��) ,�I -:'�'Pi ":.c�g:.� ,',`--; . ,� ,C- � ..F ' ::�,'., . r,t _ t�;tic. ' - ;S --'�'" --
<br /> s.. ,,,,,w ' i �' },��i i �-. J e7��:t� '� . -�- ♦ r,-s �� � !r`._.' '` vk S "?<�4°- r„�v y , _. _t �"4t'F..,- -
<br /> � �• � f .- "f.:, f �,c .im. . � �. �'`,'�'�(���r ��a4'.i. '�\Rf�s�
<br /> _�� . _ 's�- .�� I� I� Yt..� .♦ .� 4 �. '�.. .y } . _—._.
<br /> �
<br /> 'F � i�..:_�}eb; r :'�-„�, 4 . rr� .}4- �1'.. �`,y k'f' $ :, .�y r,t a.{ � •. �� �r F�
<br /> ��i � 3 u'F.#�.� ,-.�� �'5:�,,"i`` �.'"y x��-.t �'.�' �i'���"�'��i��K
<br /> "" � c.
<br /> �`�'-- _ . , c , • � -.
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<br /> .��"��+� ' - . . ' ���� - . _ . • . - -��-��`�,
<br /> sr . � �` L.. L �'�:__— .
<br /> ����. 'TOGEfHER WfF�i atl the improve�eats now or hereafter����prag�rty.and all easg�eqts.aPpu�enansrs,aad • ��'��#,��
<br /> �,; �,� fxtures now ac �er a part of the pmperty. All replaceanents aad additions sha�I atso be covereci by Nis Sesurity , �� �� =-
<br /> ,�� Instawmerrt.dll of the foregoing is refemEd tQ ia this S�uity Instrumerct as the°ProPertY•° , �t � �
<br /> .,rn-:r.-.� p� �.$QRRUEVER COVENANTS that Sarrower is lawfutEy seised of the estatc 6eretsp oaaveyed aad has thz cight to gmnt and, "� �.. �.�� :
<br />--=r=�':r�.�`;``' ronvey the Progerty aad that the Propeity is unencumber�. exoePt far encumb7anses of rernrd. Borrower warr�tts and wiit � �� ,��� c;�•�:-:;.'�
<br /> :�,$�' defead genemlI�+the titte to the P.ropeity against all claims and demands.subject to any ensumhranQes of reconi. � - 1� t`:� r,
<br /> ---�}�; -> . .
<br /> -- :.�.:� � '�'f�S SECURITY INSTRUIVIENT combines uaiform covenants for'national use and aon uniform oovenanu with limited . �� �..
<br />='`"'°^`'''.t� '': . variations 6y jurisdic�tioa m constimte a uniform�securiry iustnrment oavering ieal pmperty. , . ' , ": —
<br /> � �4 •'�rai,-",�, ` UNIFAIRM COVENANTS:Borroc�rer ar�d�der co�enant and aD ee as foltovls: . ,. , , f , '��..
<br /> � ` °:� , 1.Payment oY Ptdaztpa!aud Intere�t; P+rel�aYment aad Late Cha�ges. Borrmxer shall promP�Y PaY wheri due the .
<br /> = `` �'sa�a!af and intei�Qn the deE�t evideaced by the Note and anY P�Y�.and Iate�arges due under the Note. . ` �r„�"
<br />,t...,:'•". �. .,i• 2.Femds for Ta�es aad Iasm�aaoe.Subject to applirable law or to a written v,aiver fiy l.ender. Borrower shall pay to ,�.�:
<br /> sc=��_ I�der�n the day inanthlY paymeats are due uuder the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")far.(a}yearty taxes : � . .—��
<br /> �..•::<<, .
<br /> <j�.��_: . and assessments whic6�ay attain priority aver this Secnriry Insunment as a lien on the Yroperty:(b)Yearty teasehold payments " . , '' �:
<br /> �,-�,��z�'f<, ar ground renu oa t6e Progerty.if acry:(c)Ye�rtY hazard ur property iusurance premiums;(d)Yeariy Rood iasucaace preaniums. . ; ` ��
<br /> ��' �: Y ..' if any;fe)YeartY mortgage i�s.premiums.if�y:and(fl any sums payable by Borrower ta Lender. in aalordance witb ,'* �
<br /> � ��:��.� t h e pmvisinns o f paragrap b 8,in lieu o f t h e p a y m e n t o f m o rt g a g e i n s v r a n c e p r e m i u a�s.T h e s e i t e m s a r e d l e d"F s c r o�v I t e m s." ��r�
<br /> ,_ , ,�' , Lender m a y, at an y time,collect and hold Funds in an amouat aat to exceed the maximum amowit a lender for a federeliy , ` �,'£'`
<br /> -�:;,�.;.>..-::; related mortgage Ioan may mquire for Borrower's escrow accouat aader tl�e federal Real Fstate Setttemeat Procedums Act of . .. ��`� `�t
<br /> .,-� ..��
<br /> �z r�^�`�`'�,-� 197�es enleIIded�'IOm timC LO time, I2 I3.S.C.Section 2t01 et seq.("RESPA°},untess another law that applies tn[he Fuads .;,. �;: ` ;. ��
<br /> t
<br /> `s 4�>`���:.:-.�� sets a les.ser amowu. If so. Lender may.at any time,coltecx and hold Fuuds in an amonnt not to exc�ed the lesser amount. -�-:�
<br /> ;'���� `�-� - Leader may estimate the asnount of Funds'due on the basis oP cor�ent data and reasona6le estimates of expenditures of future � , ;��{:.�-�:.��
<br /> -�r.�::-��`,' Escro�v Items or otherwise ia aca�rdance with a�pSicable law._ .: ' �4 V--
<br /> '�`°"'�;. _ The Funds shall be [�.rit.an institution whose c�t�{�a�iLs ate insured by a•federal agency, irsswmeMa�;ty. or enaty �' ,s�-;.'�;'��:-
<br /> ��_.V» • (iaa��iding I.ender.if Leitder;::wu�i an institution)or in�g-�-ederal Home Loan Bank_�.ender shal!apply the Fands w pay the
<br /> :; '� . �:. Escrow Items:�I.ender may nat c"^.�:g�Borroa�z for holdi�and'applyin�the Funds,amivally analyzing the escrow accouat,ar =;„ . ;—
<br /> r,� __—
<br /> :_ 1 :� • � '- � verifying the Fscrow Items,unless Lender��s Qorro�rer interest on the�uRds and applicable laA permits Lender to make such '� �L �E��
<br />"�7 '� `• a charge. Hocvever.I.ender may•require Semr�er to pay a one-time c'-�for an independent real efitate tax reporting senrice � �""�'"
<br /> � �}sed�by Lender ia wnnedion with this �oan, unless a7�;1�.,�ble law p�rides other_wise. Ua2ess an agreement is made or ;`�� •"��.: ���"�
<br /> �`.,
<br />- . ,:_ .' a�i.�6te law requires interest to be paid.Le�ider s�al}aa�'be required to pay Borc�.:M�any intecest or earnings on the Funds. ,�'.�•� ' �� ,;�.
<br /> � . Borro�eer and Ixnder may a� in ariting�.f:,a..�aver.that interest shall tie paid on tfi:�¢unds.Lender shali give to Borrower. �, ,:R M��= << ,. _
<br /> ' • wittwut charge, an aanual accrounting of t�e�-+:r.ds.showing credits and debiu w the Funcls and the parpose for which eacb ��::�:' M
<br /> :. �Y . i}�t� �•
<br /> � ` de6it to the Funds was made.The Funds ara���dSed as addidonal secvrir�fzr al!suci�s secured by tbis Security Instrument. . •�. � � ,,� • ..
<br /> ' ,.� •� If t�e Fwtds hetd lry L�'eacee�z�-��amounu pem�itted to be he��sjr applicable law;Leader shaU account to Borrower '� �•�`i ; f;.�a':;.'_:-
<br />' •:�r � n for the exc�s Fuuds in accord�uu�s:%'�, �°.° �' r
<br /> , C....requiremenu of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds heid by Lender at any ' � �
<br /> �.���.�� : .`"f. . time is not sufficient to pay tl:e G-�r�ow I:��ct,c�hen due.LeQder may so noiify Borrox�in v��riting,and.in such case Boaowes i�'�r,���S�v�r: :'�,' , ;
<br /> _� . )'. ` _ ' � �'l;�rii,i'�•� i ,� s
<br /> �, � �;t : , s h a ll p a y t o I.e n d e r t h e a m o u n t n e c e s s a r y t=�a k e a p the deficien c y. Barrswer sha,t�.ke u Q the deficien c y in no more than �... ����� r,
<br /> 'r���"" twetve montiil a ents.at Lender's sole discretion. � '� � ` .
<br /> �f,�,���f;.., y P Fm � z.; •�i�
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumerct. Lead�..lall promptly refund to Borrower any ; r;;;� �
<br /> -�����`Y�� Funds held by Lender.If,under paragrap6 21, Lender shall acquire or.sell the Projre�t}�,i.ender,prior to the arquisition or sale . ',�� .
<br />_�;x��':;f�?.,'• ' .
<br />-.,�_�,;:Y,.r . of the Property.shall apply a�Funds held by Lender at t9:e time of acquisition oT sale as a credit against the suans secured by . �t��. :;r�i
<br /> ,, 7= :, � this Security Instramerrt. • �.i- � �, � :.
<br /> _-1` '. 3.Application of Payments.Unless appficabte law provides othetwiz��.aIi pay.ments received by Lender under paragraphs • � -_ -
<br /> . --=`�;�'. ) . . . '��i �:.%��.�
<br /> � 1 zrd 2 shall be applied:first,to any pnpayment chatges due under the�otr:second.to amounts payab2e under paragraph 2; �:,�f . "�R
<br /> '�"�""""`;� . qzir�,w interest due:fourth,tn Crincipal dae;and last,to any late charges due under rl�Note. �
<br /> _� �..� -��";
<br /> .���_ . 4.Cliasges;I.iens.Bomssvrer shall pay all taxes.ussessments,charges. fines�vi i�positions attributabte to the Propertg� . ��,-
<br /> '���: ,` } which may attain priority over this Secudty Instrument. and leasehold payments or gro�fnd r•�. if any. Borrower shall pay ,��'�' ,��
<br />