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` ' `��. . `._ ., S. : .:� tw� _ . ���i.�l. .r=�{�� T . ;['.- � ,�,r�ti6. �_.P.r 'c°TSC,`"+zz✓c —_ <br /> � . , <br /> .�+a'r .t .. F c< < . <br /> ..•. -�n <br /> t. � G'�'< i S� '�r .� r.,r .�� i_. t.c� `�'z�{�i.a''t tt ._.�Y"vi_� ? � K _ ` a,�$Q..�.�� --- <br /> � ���'� +e��si:� ��f'��G±��'.�',:a�L'����'�'L�i1�75S��AM�6�t3F�"'�"s-_{—�,. _- _ <br /> yk :ssu'�' - — - - —- - - <br /> �`� � . �� . � , �... <br /> .g s.aa�� :. . :� . ..f ... v...-..,..n,��. <br /> --°.��r.�--.�� = sub5t�rialty�c�(taivafeat,mort�age nn�����u�nt`avai[abte,Borrov�er shall pay w Lencter each momh e suai et�u�l.tcr <br /> ..,-�..�„�-,�--�: an,°-ltwelfit�o�r 8s�yeafYY�attga8e iasuraace pr��6e4ng pai3 by Bariowet v�I�the m�,�n�coverage tapsed ar ce� �� -- <br /> :- �"'� � 6$in effc�L.egder will asoept,use and redaia these paymeats'ns a lass reserve in tt� of mnttgage i�nce. L+oss eesetve ���__ <br /> -� ,�x,F� .�' 'payments may ao innger.i�re�ired,at titsap2ion of g,ender,if mongage insu�ee co�ersge tin the�a�annnt and for the peti� � F�-:�_ ___ - <br /> :_,�-'-� ttt�Lendei�eeguires)lT�ide�by,aa ins�er apptaved by Leadet agaieti h�a,vaitab�e 3ad is obtsiaed:Botra�.ve�s6a11 PaY � .,�.,. ; __ <br /> =y��"' � the�iums r�Nir�cl to�n mostgage insurance in effect.or tn pmvide a loss rrserve.umil the r2quirement fai mortgage :� <br /> . .�_.)Y ��: 'L ". �—._.- <br /> _.,r'��i�r.. insumnoe ends ir►ascurdaace with any written ag�ment 6etvue�n Borrawer and l.ender or appiicaMe iaw. -L � - <br /> � , �.ir�spedinn,l�endw or its�ent may mak�ceasvnabie enuies upon aad utspections of the Property.,Leades shall give r5"�`i� :� <br /> �,; . rs <br /> � �,�r§�' Bozcower nasioe at the tlme'of or prior ta an inspection sgecifying�easonable c�fnr the fns�ection. � �r q ,� <br /> - # �U Candanastton. The praaeeds•of uny awazd or c1a�m for damages:direct or conseqt=ential, in oonnecaion with any <br /> � �;:_�. '. ` ��� ��� .TT <br /> r .n ;:. . . co�demnation�r otEter taking of umy Qart of ths Property.or for conveyance m li�of�herebY assigaed anQ �.• a �,��. — <br /> `� ,�-;T , .:�,, : shal!6e p�aid to I�eader. . � . <br /> � In the evem of a tntal takiag of the ProPertY•thz prnceeds shail tse applied to the sums securec�by this Securiry Insuum�u. �.`, x',;.�z - <br /> > _`- ` -�" . �ther or t�Qt then due,with any excess aid w Bormwer.In the event of a partial taldng of the Property in which the fair <br /> t •u � 's '4 .. <br /> �' - � • market value of the I'roperty imntediateiy�fore the ts�Idng is equal w or greater tit�the amnunt o€�Ehe s�s sxcured tsy ilsis . = <br /> �.,�.`••��f• -- <br /> � �`<�t.�•• ge�rity Iastrameat immediately before the taYsiag,�less Borrov�rer and Lender athernuise agree in wrifing.the sums secuzed by � <br /> ��f.:: ;}•,"�` this Seairity InsS�ument s�ali 6e reduced by�the aiuonnt of the proceeds uwl6plie� by the following fraction: (a)the mtal � r �,�� <br /> � •�` �:.,., , auwunt of ttte sr�ms serured immediatety hefore the taking,divided by(b)the fa�r market value of the Property imniediately ' . +-'-_ <br /> ��;;�-�e•'��`� trefore the tnl�ng.�tny baiazice sbaii 6e paid to Horrower. In che event of a parda!cakin8 of the Praperty in which the fair , ;y{ .r — <br /> :�=}r�3=_��.,:^-_s.:- mar�set value of the property immediately before the ta�ng is less chan the amount of the sums secaue�immediately before the � '�._ ` :. :-"�` .•_— <br />=�-�a;�� in writ�n or unless licabie taw otherwise.provides.�he proceeds s6a11 _ ;.�,.:=-:-:�. <br /> ,:-.�,�,�,-�:� takiag,unless Borrower and Lxnder othenvise agree S aPP �`;`;.�. �r _. <br /> � be applied w thc sums sec�e�bY this Se�ritY Ins�whether or not the snms are then due. :.�,�4*.a-�, _: <br /> �-siTiJN.s�� - � <br /> = -' `, ...;.,;��;�;� If the Fropezsy is abandone�by Borrower.or if,after notice by Leader to Bomn�ver that the condemnor offezs to make an ' .��.�,.;�L��. <br /> ^,:^:�:....�. <br /> ,� � -, awazd o�'sectte a claim•fot damsges. Borrower fa�s to respond to Lender�vithin 30 days after the date tIte notice is given, 3 �,� �,�_ <br />- `:�``''`"t�`=•;i Lender is an�orized w oollect and app 1y t he pm c e e d s,a t i t s o p t i o n.e i t h e r t a r e s t n r a t ion or r e pair of the P r a pertY or w the sums � `,.!,��..; --- <br /> �r•:�,- Tnctmmen '° '�r� ' r <br /> ; ; •,-..�, • secured bS+this Secur�tY �,whether os not thQn ane. � ' : �,,��,,,,� �' <br /> L =�-�,:*:�• Ualess Leader and Borrower otherwise agree ia writing, an3+ aPPlication af proGeeds ta principa! shaU not exteu� or .:����,�.��,4 <br /> '' '" �.8..; Postpoae the dae datc of the monti�ly paymenu refecred to in parag�apbs 1 and 2 or change the tunount of such payments. , � <br /> ....c� -,-^� Leader Not a Watver.Eztension of the qms for payment or modif r�ian �zs�..:?., <br /> ., ��. '. • ii.Borrawer l�Iot Released:Fnrbeaaance By , ��:�:_ <br /> << , .� '� of amoRirdtion of the sams secnred by this Secucity Insuument granted by Leuder to any successor in interest of Borcower shalf . �,��.,,.. <br /> - nat operate w release the liabiliry of the original Borratver or Borrower's sucaessors in 3nterest.Lxnder shall not 6e required W � � ,�r�_;-:,. <br /> � k,� �' ' cemmeace pmceed'usgs against aaY successor in mterest-or refiue to extend time for payment or otberarise modifY amorttration . -` „ ,��F���� _ <br /> �.; ,�`� .. of the sums sec�red by this 3ecurE�f lnstrument bY reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's � � j f�� �- :� <br /> , �,�?�i•` �r�ssors in interest, p ny fo r hear�r�b y L e u d e r i n e x e r c i s i n g a i ry ri g ht ar r e m e d y shall not be a waiver of or p�ecl�d$the �x:'s°�� <br /> , `�r�y ,� � exentise af any right os remedq. ers. The covenaau au�agree�nents of this "�� `°� �- <br /> - • ]2.SuccCSSass amd Asstgns Bozmd; Soint and Several Liabffitq: Co-sign � <br /> , . Security InsWment shall bir_d and beaefit We successors and assigns of i.ender and Bormwer. subject to the provissons of • •• , _ �. <br /> " f�t.�.; .• •. paragiapi� 17. Borrower's covenants and agrcemenu shall lr¢�oint and several. Aay Borrower who co-signs chis S�curity ,:.•. u ,,� _ <br /> , ,�,,�r,'�!•. , I�uua��i 6ut does not eaecure the Note: (a)is w-stgning c�s Seeurity Iastrumeat anly to raortgage,grant and a��Y�. _ :- <br /> ,+' ri;s����:. . Barror.�r's ii�tteerest i8 tt�Property om�er the terms of dus Seaanty Instniment:(b)is not persanally obligazed to��,aiie�ums <br /> �j� ' � �{.- .'`.: sewr�bY th9s S�y Insm�menY and(c)aSrees tha�L�der and any other Borrower•may agme to ex t e n d,m a d i f y.�c'�E�ear or. _ <br />';�;•";.:' �•:`�.'. . make�ny accommodatioru with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument or�e Note arithout that Sa�awer's conserrt. ' , ; ;_ <br /> an � <br /> " � 13�Loaa Cha�geg.If the loan s�by this Secarity Instmment is subject to a law which sets m�dmum loan cBazges. ` � .� •.���` <br /> ,'� and that law is finally interpreted so that the inierest or oiher loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the � � • <br />_ _��.":.�,�;r.:�� toan exc�the peimatted lim�u.then: (a)any such loan cliarge sha116e redaced by the amount neressary to reduce the charge ,. ���'�• F.. �, <br /> ':'%f;i'fi?'.".' to the permitted 1'unit;and(t�)any sums already co11ecced fro�Borrower which exceeded pernutted limits will be refunded to �• �. . _ <br /> .:� r , Borrawer. Lender may choose to malce this refund by reducing the principal o�ved under the Note ar by maldng a direct �1' k:r a� <br /> �'... • payment to Boaawer. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction wii! be treated as a partial prepuyment without any . -�' � <br />-',:� �..�. ��. ' . prepayeient charge under the Note. <br /> ._ wer rovided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing ;',"'�.;. <br /> - `TMa�� .: 14.Nottces.�►�Y aabce to Borro p �� - <br />-:;;��`. � it by fiist class mail unless app�irable taw requires use of ana*.?�:r method. 'f'he norice sh�il!be dir�ec�ed co the Properry Address �.,Y�r . <br /> -_ ;;::�'�.� ' ' or any other address Barrower designates i�y noace to LeasC.�. Any no,�ioe to Lender shali be given by first class mail to : y;:i:` �__.,-�:`� <br /> ' � I.�nder's address stated herein or any other address Lender��ignates by notice to Bormwer. Any rtotice provided for in this ,: <br /> :�._w:;��.,'t,�_:•.� Security Instrnment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. �.1��,��•3�_ <br /> ��.'�� ` 15.Governiag Law; 3everability 'I7us Secunty Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the , ��. > " <br />='1�'-�'.' '�`�� � J � jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated•in the event that any pravision or clause of this Security instrument or the Note - � ,.� � .. <br /> ��y�� `-��` ;` � - coitf(icrs with applicable law.snel►conflict s1�all not affecx ot�c-s�provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can he '�� �= <br /> .1�•. . . �` , <br /> give�:�ui without the oonfliding Cauvision.To this end tE�provisions of this Security icstrument and the Note are declareA y�,,f-;: •.•: '���- <br /> � to be severa6le. ����'� <br /> � . _� , ; 16.Borr�w�'�tC�py.Borrower shall be given one conformed wpy af the Plote and of this Security Instrument. " ��fiw:.. '�' — <br /> 17.Trunsfer a�d,�a P�ropesty or a Bea�ticial Interest irt Borrower.If all or any part of the Pr�perty or any interest in it '. .�t- <br /> � �•�• is sold or transferreb.��r'if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transFerred and Bosrower is not�natural person)withoui � � ' "}il�;;•° •`.:�._-- <br /> - � ' ' Lender's prior written wnsent, L.ender may. at its option, require immedia�e payment in full of all sums secured by this ,'~;�(��' � �t;•�.�� <br /> '�.�'?''Z � �' Instrument.However,�.option shall not be exercisc�dby Lender if exerc�se is R��ibited by federal law as of the date �;(��,;�.�t` °,=-Y-! <br /> '�'����'� ofs t�h9-s Security lnstrr�r.ient. ' ` .. • z' <br /> �� � [f Lender esc�i:c�this optioo.L.ender sdatt give Borror:er natice of�cer'�etation.Tfse nouee slsalt�rovide a periad of not . ��t,. <br />=v.�,;;� �• • • � less than 30 da ys frG;n the date the notice is delivered or mailed within u�hieh Borrower must pay a1T sums secured by this ' . �, �� <br /> • � Secur.':�►Insirument.If Borrower fa�ls to pay t hese sums prict e o t he e a p i r a t i o n o f t h;s p e ri o d.L e n d e r m a y i n v o k e a n y r e m e d i e s . :�y.. <br /> _ ,`:� �. ., permttr¢�by this S�curity Instmment without further notice ur.!temand on Borrowet. � • � - <br /> —` �•;�::,' �'�� ' � .•�,Q. Borrower's Rlght to Refnstate. If Borrower mr.�ss certain conditions. Borrovrer shall have the right to ha�e '.f.���; ,,. <br /> -'-'=';�f:_ �•. enfor�etnent of this 5ecurity Instmment discontinued at any dme prior to the eatlier of: (a)S days(or such other period as . , ��, <br />-�,`�:';�; . . . <br /> - t���..�• = ' , appHcable law c�p,specify for teinstatement) before sale of the Property putsuant to any power of sale contained m this � "�„�_ <br />--�=���:`-•�•:� •� ' Security Instrum�l.:or(b)entry of a j�dgmeni enforeing Wis Security Instroment.Those cbnditions�that Borrower:(a)pays . _, <br /> - �: :ti . Lender alt sums which ti�en would be due u.-�des this Security lnswment artd the Note as if no acceleratton had occurted:(bl . � <br />=`:-',��y"'�;,°�;�;�.; ��� eure�any defautt of any other covenants or agreemems: (c)pays all expenses incuned in enforeing this Security Instn�ment. . �- <br /> :,_•. , <br /> , iacludang, but nnt limited to,r�a.v�nable snttorneys'fees:and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably reqmre to assure ���_. <br /> • • th:.i�lien of this Sece�rity instrument.Lender's righu in the Property and Botrowet s obligation to pay the sums secureai by ��� <br />-�..Y. • tt�is S:cnriry Instnunent shall continne unchangc�. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the <br />- . , obligatians secured hereby shalt temain fully effeetive as if no acceleration had occurred• However,this right to reinstate shall ` ,�y � ; <br />— � �• aot 2.�1y in t he case of acceleration under para g r aph 17. . ; <br />= � � • I9: �sie of Note;Change op Loan Servtce�'• 'i'he Note or a partial intemst in the hote (together with this Security � <br />= • • Instmmecr�t)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resnit in a change in the entity ikno�vn • i� <br /> � � � � as the"Laan Setvicer")that wltects month{y payments due under the Note und this 5ecurity Insuu�rtent.Thc�re also may 6e one • .. : <br /> - • or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note.If there is a chamge of the l.o�n Servicer.�orrower will be �,� , <br /> = • . given written notsce of the chan�e in aexordance with paragraph l4 above and applicable law.The noiice will state the name and . , <br />