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'' ��' - — - ',.,,��"���Y��.�-�----=--� -_-- <br /> . _* ; _ ' . , . �r/�?`ep� ��as�off� `` . '�` � ' -- <br /> ��,.P <br /> ` payieents�ay cin ldrag�tt�Falu'sred,,at�the ogaian af i.ea�.er.if u�ssstg�;e instsranse caver.a�e(In the umoEU:t sud for��crimS ----— <br /> ' t�a3�.etuf2t Fzqu�'zs)Pravitted b}au i�su�.'r ePFruYC�i Gy Y�uder:+��±n becua�cs avalEabie m�d is oi�taiae�l.8onawer�gay • __..-_--- - <br /> � ' tfir�me,tma r-�..quix�sl to�intain cuoaE�ge in5mance in e�fe�c.or to paov�de al8ss t+�senie,ontit tts�req�.�icement for mol��age• ' -- — <br /> IASiraa�t�erjds in�ordatts�cvith sny written��eetaent bc�wegn�urrou�et ans!L�nder ar applicabl�taw. ' • . <br /> � � ' . 9 Insgecitaa.L�ade.c or ib agent may ma�ce rc�so�abte en�i�s�sn,pc�tioas of the Fraperty.Lensler shatl�ive . < _--- <br /> ` Barrovs��otice ai the E�e of or p�iar w an inspecdon`spr�ifyin8 r�sonable cause for the is�spection. � --�-�='�°°�°-- ` <br />� . �. tU..Co�Eon. 'l�e praseeds of any awand or eL2im for damages.di�ct or ceasequenti�i.i�aonaection altii a�}+�Z -- <br /> . ` oondrxnaaaon ar other ta3wng of anq the Prog�rty. or far canveyanca in iieu of�6�ereisY assa�t�and , �- --_—---_ <br /> shall be paid to Le�sfer. • . . �-=�=�-_�.�- <br /> iu tbe event of a totat tnking of the Prop�rty�,the pmcet�ls shall6G appiied to the sums secured hy_this 5ecurity��t: `` - -_— <br /> �v�z;tiT;_��.,�.. <br /> ��h�r or noE then due,with any ea�ss g�id m fiu�rocver.In tPte event qf a parpal.taking of the Prap�rty in which the fair • ���. -- _ <br /> m�rk�t value of i'iie Prdpesty immediateiy before�thhe•takuag is r.qaal to or greater thu►t�e amount of the sums setvted by t3�is �`�_�._ --__--- <br /> . S�curity Instnunent imme�iately 6efore ti�tal�tng,'utsIess�orm�ver attd I,et�der othera+ise agree in writing.,the sums seaete�f by� ; F�x:�_f,._:_�--.,.-,c.�,_= <br /> this S�mrity Iasuument shall be red�ced by ttte amount of the pioceeAs muIuplied by the following feaction: (a) th�total ��-{��-.�>=�_-�---- - <br /> ��_-_- <br /> amount of the,sums scxuied�ly befpre the talang,divide�trY(b}ihe fa'v maFkket valae of the property irrimediaiely iy�s_-_�_-- <br /> 6efor�the tatong, A�r balance shall 6e paid to Earr�wer.In t�e event of a paztial taking of the PraPertY sn wfuch the fair . ��°__- ----— <br /> market value of the Pmperty immedi�ely hefore the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the Q=��— <br /> ta2Qng,anless Borrow�r aAd Lender a�aernrise agcee ia writing or anless agpficable law mherwise provides.the psviceeds s6a11 ��'�.°-- <br /> ' be ap�lie�2o the sums serured by this�rity Insmiment�vhei�er or aot the sums are ther►due. ' �x=�'==°�~--- <br /> f�f t�'�'roperty is abandonsd tsy.l�srower,ar if.after aotioe by Lender to Hntrower that the condeamar offers ta a�ake an �=���,--_ <br /> �.�s a:_- <br /> award or settte a claim for damage��orrawer fai1s to r�spand to I.ender witHin 30 days after the date tiie notice is given, �;,�•��- <br /> , L�ndes 9s autitori�ed to collect and.gply'the i�agtion,eitfler to restoration or repair of the Praperty or to the sums . -``==- <br /> .�,�;secnrea,*�r this Security Tnsirument.�*.�ther or not then due. . • '_.�--' <br /> ' . Uttiess I,Qnder and Sorrowe��erwise� i n w r i t iag, any agp t i r d t i o n o f pmceeds t o p r i n c ipai s 6 a l l n n i e x t e n d or �•'`^�'_` --- <br /> : �__ <br /> '���, pos}pcme the due date of the momhly pay�enis referred to in paragr�hs 1 arid 2 ar cU.wge ttre amonni af snch payments. ,,,J- <br /> ,�. ]l.Borr�wesc Noi Qete�sed;Fo�bearance By Lendet Not a�4aiver.Extension of the time for paymem,or modification ���.,;'',�—� <br /> ; of amocaiiation of the sums sewred by this Sewrity IRStniment grauted by�to any successor in interest of Borcower shal! ;.��,�:d_:_ _ <br /> nat op�,�rate to�elease 4he IiabHity of the original Bomun�er or Bornauv�'s scru�a�s in interest.T.ender shall not be required to "'°" <br />