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<br /> . fr.cpaparaYtadlnts�a�►deh8l�ty3deerstedioamen�art��ss�nl9m�a4tttgM4rigages�rpetdoi�'�us�,.Rer�frtaEi�r�etc�dt�o&�#d�� �
<br /> �y�r�� � "S�IS►1ty(�f�tiiJ1118111';ot fhe serrte d$°e�iven by!�e underrtgned,�sereDaeiter�te�ci ta as�tt�e°�O[td3Aftt",�ti�3B�is[!!
<br /> � ���� �
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<br /> �`�-�'�,�� C�FiAt�GfSLANG,herataafterr�fsre�dtaa�i�te°i.er�det°;oi't1106$med�tear0�C3YEt�rinYit9pta�rtydt�sC�i6edln4he�eCUCiig �
<br /> --'�'r"��''s�' ; In�trur[ient�nd tt�SCe9 a�' • � . .. , —
<br />__,�w•�� ` . , r . � . . - � .
<br /> =-�r�:--� � � 7 Ul. CAPIYIi! UlY1WSQR SQ. �2. GRpt1f[2 ISLAN6. f�RRSKA H860$ •;�
<br /> r �-,as ? � ' . , (�operiy A4dres5;• , ` .. ,
<br /> :����;��� � V'�ITNEBSETH:` , � � , ' ` . " '
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<br /> '4'wiye-�.eyL"�y�_ !lR6�4EalY31}3RCt!$.��T'6�W i7itiiDi �i1Vg$��i'iFiGi��jWNi�WtiF�i6iifi�$iiiitiJWitiv i����`ii^'ss7'�ift�vZStii�c �-_ ... . .. . . .. . .. .
<br /> � �� •�-�� 8d�tt�onal esautt3y io the lenQer tar tRa,89y�►ent of tha Na2e; � � � •
<br /> ��.t�:r,�-�: � . . . , . . .
<br /> �_ .� . .. . .
<br /> __�'�`` w x NOW,THERE�06iL,it i�agrea�that the Security Inatrument ahall�e amenBed Rereby ar►d desrasd�o inctuc�e ti7�fsflatvlr�,
<br /> °—��"��'', ' provtatAnB: • .
<br /> ���°'.. � � . � : .� .
<br /> �����:.�4;_' 1. ,Aaal�nment af.Rant9 and Lee�er Rer�#a1 Caltectfon F1t��,�onower hete�y aE�soluteiy and on�condttio►�tiy asaYyn�s*il _"
<br /> --=_- _- _ �enta tasues arsd profits oP'tAe preper4y ta 6aneftcEary•.Lertdee shaif have the right, pux�er and autAOrity Qurtn� tha '� ,�
<br /> -- - �tinG-�- continuanca of the�ect�r[ty lnstrument to collect tl�e renta.issues and profits.o9ihe prflperty an0 of ar►y peraanal praperiy�
<br /> ="�=��?' � located thereon wttb or wtlAout takin ' .
<br />--:��..�:�.,� z� `- 9 Gossession of the property af[ected hereby.I.ender,ftawever,her�tty consersta tr�
<br />:.;.-,n-:,. �-.}�-� _
<br />.:t,,�� �.:;:��.,_a• Horrawer's Coltscxicn and retenUon of suCh rents.tssues and proiHs 88 they BCCftteBfld beCOrtts�tayabi�SoSGnp 8s&N�swet �
<br /> __� .: _�•:�� Is n�t,at suob t[meb t�detault wEth respect to payanent of any irtdented�'tess seanr�d Rereby,os In the pedormance ot etny „
<br /> �:������'t`' agreement hereu�der. • . • .
<br /> �;��,`���� ��, 2 AooN e f d�� cei er if ar►y eirent o?deisuft in rospect ta the Secu�ity Err,�.�f;urrt2r�t sEr�lt�atve oc�utred and be 1.
<br /> i� +T;iY,y�f��,,�r* �:: centinuing; nder.as a ntatEet of Bgi�t aerdl�ritho:�t rtQ4tc�,ld�,�¢rr�ru�,z ar anyorss�isimin��s�.�(r i��rnov.�r;6�.^.d w(thout
<br /> ��. tY�;���r.�es'�' re�ard to the vattc�d.E the trust estate ar t�a Interest of 4E�s� ,�a�r�i�r��,ahall Aa�•��ts�ighi t�3�iiY}e ar�y.�„"~,st.ftaria.�s , �
<br /> `s 1�� F�°'°.� � J�arisdtcttan toa��"at a reeetvec of the proparty. . .:.":. 1 . •�..� �� . . .. . . r,`,' .., S��
<br /> ,r;r`�i"'���5 ' � } � � 3:.4�iaht to Posseqsion,ln�of defau[t In tAe pa9ar+��fi the said'pr(ncipaf C�v:r tnterest,or any paa-�i�tr��cf;a�e�
<br /> r ri�� stsal!mature,or in ti�e case of 4�rr�ma to keep or perform any oP tha cav2c�nt�or a�c�,x�r?i°xa contalned in 4ha Se��rtty instna �°'�
<br /> �{�i"�'' } , , � . ment,thon t��L.erQer. its suaa�users or asstgns, ahatl bs and fs heretry sutharr`�.�,ni�emgowered to take immedtate
<br /> ��`l�t�.`�,_�- .--•-f- passesstonofthesaFdpremts�st.,�areEaC�scribedandtacotlectthetentsthereirom,E.��spp(ythe�roceedsthereoftothe, �
<br /> ,�r� 1��,� �
<br /> ,��,o,, z<r . G�3!mp='�t of the Note. •. .
<br /> .�.`.�s}r��''�,.,� '�.,.. _
<br /> • ,��� , 4. �citaatian of Rsnts.fssu�and P�afita AU rents coitected by Lertder or�the roceiver shall be appfted first to payme�i
<br /> .� E. ;;• .':` •��:' pf tAe costs oi managsment of the property and cattection of ronts,inctuding,but not Iimited to.recetver's tees.premiums en
<br />� .�.. . �• _ recetvePs BonQs and reasonabie attomey's tees,and then to ths sume secured by 4ne Security Instn�ment.Lender eis�d the. �
<br />. � � • ". � recetver shail be Itable to eccoaat onty tor those rents aatuatty rsceived. • � .
<br /> ;... .;.ti,: .' ' � S. �onstructton of Pro,�vlotons.Each of the provisiorts contaiaed In thls Aasignment oi R�nta Rider artd the Securiry lnatru• � �__
<br /> �.; _ .:�:`• ;;: ment ahail,uNeas otherwlse speclNcatty require0, be con�4rued tn accordance with Nebraska low�and In tha event any.
<br /> . • R��g�on hsrein or 4heretn coMalned shall6e detersnirted by a.cou►t o!competent jutlsdtction to be unentorceabte,th�eame —
<br /> _ -��� • s�al!be constNed as tROUgh suc4f unsnforceabte provislon were not a paR hereaf or thereof. �..__
<br /> �.- ��`°'������� � � 6. Efiect of Rider.ExceAt as apnclftcatty moditled by or Inconstatent with this Asslgnmenl of Ren4s Rider or by any other �-�,�.
<br /> �.��:.��.:�� � ., appitcabte rlder.atl ot tlse terma and proviafons contalned In tre Securtty Inatn:ment shatl coMinue in tull force and et4ect. -� -_-
<br /> �� � i���
<br /> � •''"'� . IN WITNESS WHEAEOF,Bor�ower has execute0 this Aeatgnment of Rents RiCer on the date firet note�above. ��
<br /> 3;�::::«":`�e�'f.'>� . �n, � --
<br /> ;� . �:��,
<br /> `� �.�__
<br /> ...�.:. " . . . KAREN J. ENG Ef�orrowe , �'—
<br /> _.;��.=;o��s'r4-_•_ir:_ �.
<br />_ , �i. r-
<br /> '•� F!`:
<br /> ..'.}_•��.LJ.C�`�: . . _- __ ,.
<br />::'.;rE.,<��);��!•:: : Bonower `_. -.�.���
<br /> ,. _
<br /> ;,' • , -- ----
<br /> � . . STdITE OF NEBRASKA) ' '� `.ry,,.:
<br /> � (SS: � •a��,., -
<br /> � COlJNTY OF HALL � t,
<br /> �;�:;. ';��r�:
<br /> � ��� Onthts 28TM dayof �CTOB�R �g 94 ;�i�` -�� •� :
<br /> •�. ,before�o,the undersigned,a Notsry Pubfic duty cammisstoned and .
<br /> ' �:'�,.;. . , qualifte0 tor satd county.personalty came—KAREN J. ENGLER. A SINGLE PERSON � � ;'
<br />_tc��� ;.;. ;.. � �to be the tdenticat person(s)whos0 name(s)Islare su6scribed "
<br />-_ to the foregoing inatrument,ar d Pt�19Sielthey acknowledge the execution thereot to�te hisRterlthelr vofuntary act and deed. '
<br /> - ., .. . .
<br />- -.:.;.�;,>, . .
<br /> ��• �'��:=�., IMtness my hart�and Notarlat Seal at GRAND I SLAND, NEBRASKA �
<br /> �:�r� ' . • .
<br /> - �;�k_�,�;��� d county�tho date afo es id. ':
<br /> r�;.°, . EE����� otery Publtc , , ...
<br /> -�"':.. � My Commtssfo fbrsm.E=o�Hm►7�1935 • . . � -
<br /> ,.'_ Ni�03DR/�
<br /> ; : • ,
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<br />__- , .. _' . ' . , i�:,j;[:;�_. � ��.
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