L,�.,t : _ . ., �� � � • � 'ti ` `,k<;. $.^�`Y i�z'.-'�..' ., :. • ..�� r�Z1= -
<br /> �� � t ' `• . ; _ � 4 �.� � ..:•4. � s�- c�� 4 . ' ' . ,... yfc��r i ��� ��{ �Y��Y�.� ,y_ ����_:
<br /> �ry� Z.�.�„ � ��> :t'��S ` - . �f _��lr T �'�•� C'c }.,,�T c1 �-"�i S�, �� t4"� J4 R'�4"�'h..�"�FE��- _ _.
<br /> k "_tb` •,{� �'f�F�-.tr� �,.1,r'S c rs . }�. _ '` t� ��Fv'�rc�'k'�r:�,'e. �`V..�.r M r..,��� ,�.� � - —_
<br /> � .l - �i._ [,'�` •�c. '1'. 4 �r' .7 .�`. i�,` d.. +�cy. � .y�r�1�'=.7,a'�� _ _'_ _
<br /> t t.��{���� �._.__.. . � . ... - . . .. . . . .. . . - ', • .. �' � . ' —
<br /> ��- {�'� � , . ' � .
<br /> Z� y.L�„c�, . . . . . ' , . ' ' . .__
<br /> �( 'TS���L• . . c . . . , . I����V���� ` � } _ .__..
<br /> ,.����.. . � . . � .. . - . {.
<br /> �• � _..- . x • . �
<br /> ��•.,�':`� , �, nn�or ot fae�aft�r erectr,d on thc ptopescy.aad al!easements.�PF�ses, • .
<br /> _ tis:-. �:<. TQ��'fH�4i i�VTfi�all the impm�ments �filso be cavered b}►this Sec�?ty -
<br />=-_;��`.::=r�"fis;,_ aud fixtares�¢aw or de�'eafter a Part of the p3op�t¢y. Alt mpfzce�nts an�udditian�. , , , —
<br /> �`- ''�• Ensuume�. A1lofthe�oneSoin� --
<br /> �_ ��� , is r�fe�ed to in this SQCUZity Iastntmeat as�tlie°Progerly" .
<br /> _��r; �:-' � �BAR1zOWEf�a4VENt�I�'IS that Bmrov�er i�law�lly seiseld of�e estass�reb}r conveyed aIId�.as ei�e rigkt to grant,
<br /> _ �.� �nd cunveg the Property and thai the Pr+operty is u�as,�ber�ii,e�sePt for enaanhsances uf reroai. Bo�ea waaants�na .
<br /> � �vill d.,'fe�genetally the htta to the�caperty aga�asi all cisims aad demauds,sn6I�ct to aay��of m�ard. �
<br /> _ •.:'" •`ti�',5 . .
<br />--�=`:=�°`' . - ' 'I'HII� SECiJRTfY A�TS1'ELU.'Vffi�S`f combiaes msI�aan wvenanu for natinnal as$ aad �on-unifqrm covenants�vith !
<br /> �'''. • '��� � • limited��aiiatians by jurisdicoiva taconstitnte a�fcrm sscmity in��ument caveaingseal PmPertY• , • ;
<br /> _ C _•._.. . .
<br /> # � LL .:�A, UMFORM C�UVENAI�S'I`S- Boaower�d I.eaderaoveaaat aad sgt�e as follorls:- wttea dne the .
<br /> : ,, ' �: I'a}rmenE�Patacbp�l�d Iffi�t;Pregsa9�t s�a�Lstte�ge�Hmrower sbalI pmmpslY PaY . , ,
<br /> .1 a and Iate chaiges due under tihe Note.
<br /> `� ,��V4, . of and'miecest oa the debt evideaced 6Y the NQss aad ai►Y[�P Y�� h BoAOw�r shaII pay to �
<br /> '� '' a� �y�mds for 7hse.s ead:,sv.�...,Sabject to spplica62e�or to a wcitten w�vea(ay�d�r; �cr: a carl .,
<br /> �-�` � �Y �P��u�,�,'�ss�fi(a�,.�.�IJais is paict iu fa1i.��ais�.�"�..�a--�r.�s`�, y( )Y Y� . -
<br /> ,,'�:f �� �� L Q nderonthe mo a t'�s S���t:�sr-:i���i��:t�'?��!� Ieasehat
<br /> � �,r :��es i�.�,�essmenss w�.��a.���Y �'� �� ,r�)Y�7► aad .
<br /> , F�,s.,�, 'prapn¢Enrs �s f�round��'f�.�', �f any; (c)Y�Y.�T cI m'p�P�' �1��`� .
<br /> ---=�=-�'J�•8�.� e ins�anse greffiums.if a�':am+i t�?�Y. Ie Buraower to .
<br /> -_-,���, insurance premiams,if aaj tQ)y��P�B h S,in lieu of the paymcnt of ata3tgd&e inswraace pr�ms• T� • . .
<br /> -���:`�-,'� �`� Leuder,in accordanc�with the pmv�ons of patagtaP, �4rn�
<br />_=...,�r:.��:;�;^:'� items are called"Fscrow Items.'' Lender may,aE any.hme,coilect and hald Ivnds in an amarmt not to exceed 1h�ma . , ,
<br />�, '. ' `i�`�`' amoimt a tegder for a federally relared mort�af,�loan may r�ciuire for 8osroweF's escrow accouat imder t1�e f�ral Rea1 ,
<br /> - �;a:�s�rs�,b,i x �e Seffiemtent Pmcedures Act af 19?4 as aa�tded fxom time to time.l2 U.S.C.§2501 et seq.(°RESPA"�:unl$ss aaott�er •
<br /> _��``'i'��`�=�¢��:�`y • law tl�at applies w the I�mds sets a lesser aznoun� If so.Lendes tnaY:at atry time,�ollsct'aad hald Fitnds in an atffount not tfl. .
<br /> . -°_=r:�t �� , exceed the tesser amoa�m. [,ecsdet maY.estimate the amount of�unds d�e oa the bsisis of ctuzaat data and reawn�le
<br /> sis
<br /> � �' ' estimates of expend�tures of funue Escrow Ytems oT�atMeaiss in accordance with appttcable taw . ,
<br /> :- �,_ : . �
<br />`'�:` , ; 74�e E�nds s9�alt be held in an insti�ution whose deposits ure insu�ed hy a federa!egency.�nswmentaltty.or entity
<br />-`�_:�:,.->,.:,v�:. .
<br />- =:.•�'..*::�'- '�': (including Len4cr.if Lendcr is.suah an instiwdon)nr i�any F�tScral Home i.oan Bank. i:ender�ha11 aDP1Y��!�► t°p8Y
<br />= 'T:.� . . , ` .. the �.5crow ttems. LenQer may nat char6c B�+rro�vcr for ho11ling-nnd apptyirg the Fire�cls.enauuliy analyziag thC t5crow .
<br /> ° �'. ����•..- accAUnti or verif in [he Esemw Items,unless Lendcr pays Borrower inter�st on the Fuads and csppl�c�ble law permi�s
<br />,:rr-��:•':.�,, Y B
<br /> ....� . I.,cnder to maake such a charge. However.Lendes mayrcquite Borrower to p�y a one-timc c�a�x fos an i�td�'�entknt r�al
<br /> � � `. `�- . eatute tnx ieporting service used by LcnQet ie conacFtlon wt�h thig toan.untess appl�cabie taa pmvides athcrwise. Unless an _
<br /> _ - pgeemern is madc or applicable law requires interest to be paid.l.ender shaU not be reqiured to PaY Boirower tmy irateaest ar
<br /> ' �un3n�s on thc Funds. Borrower nnd Leadsr may agee in wridag.hawever.thut interest sbaII be p�id oa the Fiutds. t�sader
<br /> �� � shaU gtve to Boao�aer,witTiotit charge,an ant►aal ascounting of t1�e FSu�ds.sl�owinS crediu°A'd de6its t°the�.mds and t�e ��
<br /> r• �_ � pucpose for whieh each debit ta the Funds was caade. '[1:e Funds are piedged as addidonal securiry for all s�s se�d by .
<br /> • ' this Seauity Instrument licable law.I.ender shaU accaunt to' •
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amnants petmitted to be 6etd by app •
<br /> � � Bo:rower for the eacess Funds m accordance'xitb�e m�lauements of applicabl�law. If the amonnt of the Pimds held by
<br /> ' ��,. '�• � I,ender at any time is not sufficient to pay tine Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so noti�y Bosrower in writing,and,isi _
<br /> _ • • such c�se Boaower sha11 pay w 1�ender the amoant necessary to make up the deficiency. Sorrower shall make up the
<br /> . deficiency in no more t�an twehe monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ..._� .• ' • upon paymem in fall of all surns secured by ttus 5ecurity Insuament,Lender shall prompdy re�fvnd t�o�mo ition�
<br /> , . E'unds t►eld by Lender. I�under paragraph 21.Lender shall acciuue or sell the�raperty,Lender,gri
<br /> ..� � ,. . sate of the Property, sball apP1Y any Punds held by Lender at the time of ac�isition or sale as a credit an�tha sums
<br /> ---.: .,.:_:<:...;;: . � secared hy tflis Secaaity Insuumen�
<br /> `�
<br />