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ASSlfl�tfl,£PiT OF�EPi'f8 RtD�A ��4 ���s�. . �. __- <br /> £- : ��.� • SE�T 19 g� attd ts, - <br /> �=��`-�.v�_: THlSAfiSSflNl�ER1TflF��li'Sfl1DF.Rt9[na�a8nd.exscuted4h�ts � ' d�yof � - <br /> - -�"�'"�'"��" ' ` Inaar�orBteSt�toertdsi�ail�ed�gmed2oamendandoupptemant�theMartgageorD2sdolTntsi,heretn�fierreferredtnasttta�, � __ == <br /> �.���° , � �'SeCUriiy tnatrument; ot�e sama date gi�ran by the u�dsrst�nEd.�ereireaker�afensQ to as 4he"�otrav�gP', to sesure • __ <br /> �.���.��° � . �arro�reYs tndebtednes�,Reralnafter�pterrec!to as the"tYOte",to kt3tu�E�EflEEtAI SAVINt3s 61ND L�Ali`AS��GtATi�N�F � __ <br /> ,. ��� �4 ;.._;_ �RA�1D tSLAt�D,her�inaRer reten8d tca as Me"Les�det',o!the same date end covar tng t he prape r t y dea�r i b s d.t n t h�S e e�r i ry� „� �__ <br /> � �' lnairu�tent ertd toeate�a� - <br /> �l�z►`�+'� - . ' . t ` _ <br />_ ._�r:xY�;�` �..;'''�-. . 703 W 45TH GRRND ISl.ANE�, NF9RASKA 68�09 � __ <br />_n' `` ,� ' � , � (PraQarty Address) ` . ===== <br /> _ •j.>�, �,>,��::':k_;.= WiTtd�8SETai: - ' , • ,. , __,,v <br />- , � . �-�-_- <br /> -_ .���.�Y � V`JHERFAS,�orrawer a�ed lendet nave ag�eG�ttr�tt eny rents artd profits atMbutabte to tfi►s proye[ty aitouttf�a�tt�$ _ _ <br />-=��'�:'; .->�', ` aQditter�a}security to t�e Ler+dsr fat tRe payment af the Natc� � � _ <br /> -?*;��',-::��YS:'�..-t.✓.i. . . . . - <br />�`"�``- ''�-{`� • �NOSY,YHEREFOAE,it t�agreed that the8ecurity Instrumer►i sAalf be amended hereby and deerrsed to lnctade the fottaw➢eg � <br /> '-.-���_��:�.�,:�:�- pravistons: . . : <br /> ___ ,,' . . <br />- -`'�=:�:��..'-_. . . <br />=�=�_=�"-:�>���.�:.�:' 7. Asslan,Lnant o!Rents artd Lender�entat Coitec4lon Rip�ts.Barrow8r hsreby a�sotutety 8nd uaCOndittonaltyassJgns alf_ <br />—`=�'F��°'�� �ents. isa�s and proflts of the property to Beneftclary. Lender shail hava t�e righ3, pawer and sutho�ify durtag the • <br /> .�. . <br />_--���=;{.:•��.t�. , conttnuanca of the Secudty Instrument to caitect the ren4s.issues an�9 prafiis o!the property ansf cf arry persanal prap�rry� , <br /> � ��7 ' � � � facated tTtereon wttt�or wi4hout taking posses9ion of the property aftested bereby.l.en�er.hnwever.hereDy cansents to <br />_ -.'u•;:�...:a..�. s�. , <br />_ ,•_ .F.• � , . <br />_- { :�,t,�:��: .;. Borrawer's coftectlon and retention oisuch rents,issues artd profits as thay accruaand Becorrrepayabt�50 loitg as Hano�e►. <br />— `T��`f-'�:= ts�fot,at susb tlrrte,tn def�uit wUth respect to paymer�t of an/indebteQness secured hereby,or tn the performaacs c�f$ny <br /> -�-..1. . ... t.'� . <br /> `'�"�=.�_ �-����,: agrsement he►reurtQer. . <br /> -".�,,.;.•..,Y�.:.� :`� r <br /> _ '`:��-�e,.�r s':r� :-�, � Annat�tme�at of 1ier,etver..t�any event af detauit fr�respeCt 40,the 5ecurity Instrum�r�t shadt 3tave occuYred artd is� <br />_ _;�_•e,r.1-'::__:`,; coMinuing,tender�as a matter of rig4�t aad�rtthaat rtotice ta 8ottower or anyone�C�.ming under BorrOaret,�arcd without <br />_ �;---��-----•`� regard to tRe vatue�t the tnlst e3tate or ttfe Irtterest of the 6ano�erer t�fteretn,shatt have�u'�e�tghi to eppfy to arry cauR,haviAQ <br /> � �° ° jurtsdtctton to ap�.2f�i a recetver o!the property. ' <br /> 3. R oht to Pass��IQ�tn c8se o!detauit In the payment ot the said�srincipal Niote or tnte��mi eny part it <br /> '.�- ,� � � shall mature�or tn the ease of falturs to keep ar Derform a�of the covenants or agresments cor►tadnea!irr th�SeQ�sriry tnstni- <br />,''''•"-? ,• � � ' meM,Men tna lender,its successers or asstqns,shali�e and Is hereby autl�ROrized a�d empowere4 to iake immediate <br /> �z� ;.�, ��� --- possesadonotthesaldpremises4heretndascri6edandtocoltecithe�enisthereirom.andtnapptythepracee�sthereoftatt� � . <br /> � • ' � . payment of the Na:� ' � � � <br /> . • .• � , . 4. @anllaatton Q��ants.Issuas a�id Profits.Ap�Rts aoUecteO by Lendec or the rece(ver shaif�c�ptied firaito paymenf <br /> . ' � �`� of tAe costa of man�Qement of tha property and collection cf rents,including,but not limited to,recei�aCs fees.premtums on ' <br /> � receicer's bonds and�easonaDte attomey's fees.and tfie�i'Ca 4he sums_secured by tha Sacutity irt3trument Lendet.and tP�e� <br /> � ' . , ,- receiver ahall be Ilabie to account oniy for those rents acivat�y recetved. � � <br /> '' ' . '. 5. Constnlctton�iVlRtovisiona Each of the pravisions contained fn this Assigntner�t of.Reets F�idr�:and the SeCUrlry lnsEsia� <br /> , � . mertt shatl,unt�sa�:erwise specificalty requ��ed,be construed in ecc�dance with Nebraska tp�c,and in the event ar►�r -•. <br /> ' pravt$iQn herein�rcrarein conYained st�a11 be de4ermined by a court of car�ipetent Junsdictton to bs urtanforceabl�.iho sama���- ' <br /> - -. _ ahatS 1s�r•anst�ed�as thougA such unentorceabte pravistare ware not a paR hereo!or thereof. • <br /> ' � 8. Effectot Rider.Except as specHtcalty modifled by or lnconststent with this Assignment of Rents Rider or by any other = <br /> - " ' appitcabte rlder.all of the terms and provistons contained in ths Securlty Instrument shall conttnue tn full force and efiect. <br /> `�"��� ' ``' IN WITNESS WHEAEOF,Bor�owe�has executed this Assignment of Rents Rtder on the ate firat noted above. <br /> j '} ��d�. . �ilf� � ' ��_ <br /> -.:'- '�: � Tr: .. CALVIN E SI�ITHeorrower --_ <br />