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<br /> r x;r ` "` ' ' • . -
<br /> t su�sstanti�alIy�qtsival�ent mortgage insurauce ooverage ia na�avai4able,�orrowu shaA pay to l.en�der each month.a sum equal ta , _<� v F �: � _
<br /> ' �one-tcvclRh of the yeacly mortgape insvrance premiWn beinS Paid f�Barnower when t�e iosaiaa�baverage lapsed or c�to t ,_
<br /> � _ � be ia e��t.Lender will ascept.use and ratain tt�se pay�anenis as a lass mserve in IIe�i of mortgage insuiaaaa. Loss reserqe� •��``` �_�#-�``-
<br /> : . "c� �� incnr2nrP ;. k �
<br /> �r',� :PaYm�nu�y ao lon�ea be iequm�9.:�t tne option oF l.ender.if muRB�e o�vetage tin ths amount and for the��.zc�� "� S Y .���-_-
<br /> . . • t6at Ixhder reqaires)ps�vided by an insu�r approv�6y�.eader aga'sn d�ecomes avai l a b le a n d is a btain e d.B�rower s h a U p a y �� �r��,�� -
<br /> �� . - ' the pcemiaaas required to maintain cnortgage insurance in effect.or,c�provide a loss mscrve.antii shs requiremea�far iaortgaga � � ��: �;�,�w��._:
<br /> ' '�`r insurance ends in aarordanoe wIW ariy cvriuen agreaeinent 6enNecn$onavrer and I.easder or applicable law. • �' '` 'a� ��� :--
<br /> e ds
<br /> � ..` • • ' �: =
<br /> , }'_. :�` . .9.Ias�edtom ixader or its ageat ma�►matce reasonable enn�ies npon and ia.epestions of the PcQperty.I.ender shall giv�:� u,=, ,_...T—:
<br /> •'<<.�. � Bonower uorice at ttie tiiue of or gnor to an inspectian specifyin�reasor,abie cavse for thc�spectinn. . � "�r ---
<br /> � ` � l0.CoaBemnssiton.Tre pmeeeds of mrry award or claiar for danmges.dirert,or conseqagritaal. in coar.ection with a�iy s a_ ;
<br /> : � � mridemnation or ather takin af any art of the Paoperty.or for eonveyance in tieu of co��mnation.are 6ereby assigned and� �,t_���r;;°v..-.�
<br /> � P
<br /> ' t:' . • shall be paid to Lender. • � ' �''��"�� _
<br /> In the eveat of a tatal hatdng of the Property:the praceeds sball 6e applied to tt�e sums sECUred by t�is 5ecuriry Iastnunea�� �..��-,�,� -
<br /> whethet or aot then due.cvith any excess paid to$arrower. in�e c,Kent af a pariiat taking o€the Praperty fn v�'tic�th�fa� ' �.�,�r.F—
<br /> . • . markct value of tbe Prapetty immediately befo�the ta�ing is equal`to or greater Wat►the amount of ths sums secured by this �--�= m-_
<br /> ' Serurity Instiument immediateiy before the takiag,unle.cs Borrower and Lender ottrerwise ag[ee in writing,the sums serured 4�y . �'�Y���?��tt°-
<br /> � : this Sechrity insrivment sfiall be reduced by the amount of the pmoePds muldplied by the following frasiion: (�} tbe tatal �'�°==--
<br /> - ,:. .� amnunt of the snms secured immediately before the,tatdng.divided by(b}ehe fair market value,of the Property inunediatety __
<br /> ' � 6efore the 4akiag. Any balancx shall 6e paid to Bosmwer. Ir�the event of a paztial taking of the Pmpecty in wWcb the fair
<br /> • anc
<br /> ' '� �.�,�: ; mflrket value of the Property immediateiy before the takjng is tess than tt�amount of the sums secuzed iaunediately b�fore the
<br /> .,:; <� . :;. , • tats�ug.unless Borrower and Lender athenvise agree ia cv�iting or unless applirable law otherwise provides,the pruceeds sha11
<br /> , . be agplied to the suans sewred bq tius Sec�rity Insuument whether or not the suTUS are then due.
<br /> . if the Property is abandoned by Borroa�er.or if,after notice by Lsnder to Borrow-er tbat the onademnnr offers to make an
<br /> • � � a�vard or settte a ctaim for damages.Sorrower gails to resgond to lsnder arhtun 30 days af�er the date the natice s�given,
<br /> � ' • � Iender is�thori7ed to collect and apply the proc�eds.at its opuon,either to restoration or repair oP the Proptrty or to the svms
<br /> �••� secur�d by tlus Security Instrumeat,whether or aot then due. ' .
<br /> :.,f , Unless i.ender aad Borrower athelwise agree in writing, azry application af prcc�ds to princigal shatl aot extend or
<br /> � �;,
<br /> ; �, �; ���- � Qastpane the due date of the aionthlY PaYments r2fernd ta in paragiaphs'1 aad 2 9�'c�aage the azaotmi of sach payments:
<br /> ;�;". il.Bormwer No�Reteased;Forb�arauce By Lemder Not a Waiver.Extension of tke tinQe for paymrnt or mnd�frc�tion .
<br /> of amaitization.of ths suuts seaued by this Secxuity Insuument�ranted by Lender 2o any saccessor is�imerest of Bormwer shail
<br /> 'z�' �-:--- ` - �- - • nor ogeiace ta release the Gability of the original Borrower or Borrower s s�ccessors in interea� IxAder shalt not 6e re�ui�d to
<br /> � ' y commence praceedings against any successor in�nterest or refuse to extend tirne for payment or atherwise raodify a�a�as�
<br /> r .' " of the sums sec+ared hy this Secunty Instrument by reasan of any demand made by the original Bormwer or Botrower's
<br /> •• - s¢coessrns in intetest. My forbeamnce by Lender in exercising arry ri�ht or remedy s6a11 nat be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> :. .� •. _ ex¢�cise of ai►y right or reme8y. .
<br /> ._ g2.Suecessois and Assign4 Bound.doimt and Several I3aBiliity:Co-stgaeis. The covenams aad�nts.af t�is
<br /> .-.. . Securiry Instr�mPnt shaU bind and benefit s�e successois a[ld assi� of l�ender and Borrower. subject W the provis�ans of ��.� .
<br /> , '° � Para�raph i7. �orrower's covenants ana�eements shali be joint and seceral. My Sarrower who co-sfgns this Se�ity --�
<br /> . . ` . Instmment lsat cC�es not execute the Not��ta)�s co-signing this Seeurity,Instrument only to mortgage.grant aIId camey tPr2t
<br /> � . � ',,; �•,_ . EQarc:vet's i�sterest in the Property under t��terms of this Secvrity Instrument;(b)is nflt pecsanalIy obligated to pay the su�.
<br /> s�an-ed by this Security Ins�t;and(c)agees that l.ender and any other Bonower may agree to extead.madify.forbear or �
<br /> �� cr.��any accommodations a+it�regard to the temcs of this Security Instrument ar the Note without that Borrower's wnsent. � .
<br /> ', �`•'<' � � 13.Loan Qf�arges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a!aw which s:u m�ximum loan ch�,,es _
<br /> • �. and that law is f��ally interpreted so that the interest or qther loan charges collected or to 6e colt�'.ed in connection wi4tt�e __
<br /> � .� ' � loan exceed the pertnitted limiu.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amaani n�e.ssary to reduce the c:z:�� __
<br /> . : �• : • to the pemutte�limit:and(b)any sums ulready collected from Bormwer which exceeded permitted limiu arill be refanded to =
<br /> Botrower. Lender may chacse to make ttus refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note ar by m��o a dlrect =_
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a m�und reduces principat, the reductioa will be treated as a partial prepaymu� svithout.any -
<br /> �. , ' prepayment charge under the Note. - � .;:,
<br /> • • 14.Notizes.Any norice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by deliveriag it or by mailing :.•.-
<br /> • . . . ' it by fiTSt class mail unless applicable law requires use of another msthod.The notice sha11 be diier�ed to the Property Address ' _ _:'--
<br /> ' or any other address Borra�ver designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to _
<br /> � . � • �:r's address stated hzrein or any othet address Lender designates by nodce ta Borrower. Any aotice provid$d for in this —
<br /> ,`%i ` $ssarity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borroarer o�Lendet when given as provided in this��r:ph. �
<br /> '��::• . ' .. 15.Gover�ng Law; SeverabilIty. 7'his Security instrument shall be govemed by federaS•iaw and.t�r law of the
<br /> :� . ' , jurisdiction in uiiicfi the Property!s located_In the event that any provision or clause of this Se�n:t� InsUVment or the NQt� ,
<br /> ' � conflicts arith apFiicable taw,such conflict sisyl not affect other provisiaas of this Security Instrun�r.:t the Note which can be ���—
<br /> � , . , given effect withaut the conflicting proviG:a�.i'o this end the provisiors of this Seca�tity Insttument and the Note are declared _ __ _ —
<br /> ,, . . • ta 6e severable. ' ��—
<br />.� � ' 16.Borcower's Copy.Borrower stiaU be given or.:cu:�formed copy of the Not::�ad af this Security Instnun.,.nnt. ' ;""., ,=r;�
<br />- ,;` � � n7.Tra�sfxr of the Property or a B�sl3cial lat�st in Borro��.If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it . _�:`,.,:.,�,_,,;,,___
<br /> t � ' •.;;�}�. j is sold or transfezred(or if a benef cial irt�fi:.s�in Borrower is sold or rs-�.hsferred and Borrower is not a natural person)arithout ��- -
<br /> ��':� •,. . . ;;;,� Lender's prios written consent, Lender�y.at iu option. r uire f-unediate payment in ful! of all sums secured by ttus _ . . �P?'�:,_
<br /> �� ,. � �risy Instrument.However.this option snall not be axercised�y Lender if exerc�se�s prohibited by federal law as of the date � . ��
<br /> .�,�'{';`.�1,>„
<br /> ` af�is Security Instrument. �•... ' . �.-
<br /> ''� '�'�'�� If Lender exercises this:;ption.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceteraticrc.The notice shall provide a.�eriod of not ;. • �- "�
<br /> ��. : less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay aU sums s+,rured by this � `
<br /> f Security Instrsment.li Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the e�itation of this period.Let:dc.s may invoke any remedies - • "
<br /> permitted b�thts 5ecvrity Inswment without further notice or demaIId+cn Borrower. . , _
<br /> -� � 18. Bc�mm�ver's Rl�t to Reinstate. ]f Bonower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right tv have . . -
<br /> � � � i enforcement of this Securiig l:�strument dlscontinued at any time prior to the eartier of: (a) 5 days (or such cZ:er period as . �. . � `
<br /> � , , • j z�gglicable law may specify i'c: reinstatement)before sale of the Praperty pursuar.t ro any power of sale cor.r.ained in this . �
<br /> '� . � � . Securit�Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgmr_nt enforcing this Security Instn�ment. Those conditions are that Be�cwer:(a)pays �_ .
<br /> ' . . Lender all sums which then would be dse under this Security lnstrumwnt and the Note as if no::�eleration had occurred:(b) • , • -_
<br />- . cures any default of any other covenants oc agreements: (c)pays all E�penses incurred in enfcnir,�this Security instn�ment. � . . �� ;;�=:_•
<br /> ` � � � including.but not limited to.reasonable attomeys' fees;ani1(d>takes such action as Lereder may reasonabty require to assure }•
<br /> � tf�at the lien of this Securiry lnstrument.l.endcr's tights in the PropeRy and Sorroa�r's obligation to pay the surns secured by ' 'i
<br /> a �� • • this Security Instrument shall rnntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bacrc•�rer. this Security Instrt►tr,ent and the ' • . • ••
<br />-' �� : � � obligations secured here by s h u l l remain fu l ly e f fective as�f no acce teration h a d occu r r e d. However, t his ri g h t to reins t a te s h a l l , .
<br /> '' � not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph!7.
<br /> �.� � '� • 19. Sa1e of Note; Cl�ange of Los�n Servicer. 7'he Note or a panial interest in the Note (together with this Security � �
<br /> - � Instnunent)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known .
<br /> :••,�. as the°Loan Servicer")that coftects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Irtstrnment.There also may be one • ,.
<br /> or m�re changes of the Loan Serv}cer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wiU 6e � ,,
<br /> .�,_ �.. , Sivee written nouce of the change in acoordance with paragrapfi 14 above and applicabte taw.The notice wip state the nazne and �
<br /> • ' t'„: . . � a,ddress of the ne�v l.oan Servicer and the address to which payments shoutd be made.The notice will also contain any other •�,.
<br /> ��� ' information reguired by a�spficable law. ,. � : . .
<br /> � ..
<br /> 20. i�Mz�rdous Substanecq. Bonotiver shall not cause or pemtit the presence. use. disposal. storage, or release of any
<br /> �°• � • :` H�ardous 5ubstances on or in the Property. Bono�ver shall not do. nor allow anyotte else to dv, anything affecting the ` �� � '
<br />__� _ __ , _... �:opc�iy iliai;s i�zi+�iatitts oE as�y EnLSUxsm,.-tita!i.ar:. Tt:e prcxding s�ea sente�ees sha!!r.n:apply to she ptes�tx.s�.c�t � � - - �
<br /> . � storage on the Property of small quantitics af Ha7.udous 5ubstances that are generally recogniced to be appropriate ta normal .� •
<br /> . . , ' rcsidential uses aad to maintenaace uf the Propeny. .
<br /> ' veao 3 ot o FCtm 3028 �JJ90 • . .
<br /> • :�' . o`, • � .
<br /> . , .
<br /> :,� : .__ ._—° —
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<br />