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<br /> h,,.,�.�. ��.:, applicable iaw ma}v sp�ify fQS�instaiement)bsfo�e sate of the Pb t aai wer s e con4uined i�this �
<br /> a,�r ;,�:;;�: SecUritY Inst�umeni:or(b)enuY of a jad�teat enfo�ng[his Seauity InsuumenL•1�ass caaditiaas s�thet Bnmatver: (u) --
<br /> .•,- .;� . Pays Leader all sums cvluch then�wan2d be due ar.der this Securiry fsstrumzai aad the Note ns if no�eietad�u P�d " --
<br /> �G� �� �' ; ;. arx�med:(b)cums any default of a�r odierwvenants as agrzement�:(a)Pays all expenses iRCUrred in eafor�iag this S�uri ------ _
<br />=;'` ,':`���`�r , °: . Instrument,iucl¢ding,but not timdted.ta reas+enable atiomeys'fees:agd(d)mkes such�on os Leader may c+easanab Y -- _- -- -
<br /> ` . •, reqtute W assute tbat the iien of this Seca�ity instrument,Leader's rights m th�Fio and Botronc�'s obli�og to pay the � ; _
<br /> �
<br /> - ; -� - s-ums s�car�d tr� dus Sec�riry Ins�ent sDra}t continue uIIChaaged. Upon rems�atemc�t l�r Baicawer.this �e�uiry - _
<br />��•j . . Instrumeut and the obliga8ons sesaued heteby s5a11 remain fully e�fec6ve as if ao as�eteration#�ad occ�rred. Kowever.this .
<br /> •�' � ':` � , ri�ht w m.instate sfiall not appIy in the case of accetetation ander paragraph I?. � •
<br />:�_�.'" ' . � ' 19t Saie of Note;Ct�ange aY Y�n Seratc� The Nnte or a partial in�emst in the Nate(wgether vsr�th this 3ecurity �
<br /> �"-=��. -�.��4•:�. Insttumeat)may 6e sold oae or mucetimes wiBruBt prior notice to Brnrawer. A sale may resaIi in a change in the eutity. .
<br />_a��.. �; ' . , (imoum as ttac°Loan Seivic�et')that collectg mondiIy gayments dne ander tke Note and tbis Secwity Insuumen� The�e atso --
<br /> ;�.a ':• ' � . may be oue ar m�e cfjanges of the Loan�ecvicer imrelared to a saIe of Hie Note. If theie is a change of she Loaa Servioer,
<br /> ��_..�yf:;:.�:��.-: Boamwer will ba given writren no�ice of t�cttange in accordance with paragrapb 14 a6ave and applirable 4aw. Tfts notice
<br />"".'-_`- .<- .`�- w�71 natr:the name aad addmss of the new Loan Seivicer and t6e address to w6ich a
<br />-�.=: •�:. ."„• P Yments should b$made- 'l�e notice wiU •
<br />.':,"�._: •.,�.j::,`:.'.' atso cuntain any othet infaa�atiun required by agplicab2e law. �—
<br />=.�-�::•:..... 2iR Hazatdous�n6stances. Borromr st�a12 nat caase ar preseac�use.�isposal,stasage,ar ce2ease of any
<br />.;�.,-...�,•,�. .
<br /> l,s:;�.'.• � -..�;� Psrmiti�e
<br /> �,. •,--:.. �:�. ' Ha7ar�do�SuT�nces.on or in the Ppoperty. Bnaower shall aot da.aor aIIow arrydne else w do.anYthiong affec�g the.
<br />;����:,; ,,,':��, Property tbaII a��violation of a�r F�viroamental Law. The precedin�two sentenoes shaA aot I to the .
<br />-:�; :, . , .. , � staiagz an t$°.�mpeRy Qf smaII uttes of Ha7ardous Substanres i�c a.-e enerz�-� aPP Y P�senr.�.ose.ar
<br /> 'Y', nsidential uses aad to m�_•�,_ans�of the Pro g �' �to be appropiiate tfl unrmai
<br />_-. p�r.' -
<br />',-�;.._, � Botrower shall Pm�PUY 8iae Lendea writteu aotice of any urve��atinn.claia,.demand lawsuit or other acfion by any -
<br />