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<br /> ---_- . . . . aaaonz72a�
<br />—�-�ti� ` � . TH:BADJUST�4.F3LEIiE�TER�IERIsm3deti�3s �BTt�_�ESf .00T�BE� ' •1�``g4;y�is. _ ` ` �, .
<br /> � `��>l P: insotFOtat�d int�aQd�hail��deemed to aIIe�d�su�pl�t�t t�e P�iartga�e�FJe,;.4 o�'I�ioSt�r Se:urt��f�t�',� �
<br /> x 4 �j,�- �S: � � .
<br /> ����t� "Security Iaitrum�nt"yvf the s�mz�at�gi�ea isy eFie unsle�slgtied(the"8oarauer"}t�s�ure Buna�vc�s A�jdstablz. :'
<br /> �� �.��a� '�` . IIiateNaie(2he"Note")YO. TAe€�uit�ls'�uildirt�en6[o�e AsBOefetiart At 6rand Ys�a6��ti��us��� A �
<br /> -s-�'��-�.,_:�_ :
<br /> ��,';�. �a . �pQ�`8.t$aaings6en� � � ; _ . fthe"#.eader"#�ftfites�eci�e�?decr+r�gt;��=-cr-b,..-���---, - ; .
<br /> �x;.� �- .�� in t�e Security Instrua�ent and Ioc�ied.a� � ' t. � �. �� . ; . . ` ----.
<br />_'=����'���'` ' 3j25 t1 WEB� RO GRAN� ISLAHD, NEBRASE(/� 68803-�1�549 .. ,
<br /> m ���� . . - . . ,
<br /> ��� � . � ��m aaere�sD . . ;
<br /> __������ .. . TFIF NOTE COt1iTAl�liS PHOViSiONS ALLtA1Ml1tG F06�CH/WGES QRt'dHE(l1T��'iiAi'�; � , .
<br />?"=�' -- AND?'idE,Mt�I1�'�EiLV PAYMF.�f[.THE HOTE EIMITS Tl�lE ANlOUNT'�i�E�R�4W�S►
<br /> � ��'� [Ri7ERES7 RA4E CAN CaWl�IQE A7 AMY Oi1iE 4FN�Z AHD Tfi£MAXIMUM E�T£THE 80A- .
<br /> � l F ' .
<br /> '�'����� . ' ROW�i!11lLfST PkY. ' ..
<br /> -�.;�,:,�'��` . . . .
<br />= ��:� .
<br /> '�t�" F2._•� . . . . . . ♦. . . ! ' ' .
<br /> � S��' .
<br /> l-���,�uti�. : 1�1I��.3 iO�TAL COVENAI�PTS_W addltIon to the cove�,'�ts and agreemetus mat:in the 3oc+u�y Insiru���;�;. .
<br /> ��"-��.�x�""'�� �.� Bor�ti�.s�3.Y:�der further coVen�t and a�ee.as faIl4ws: • , .:"'•
<br /> �s' t 7�F° 6 . :. , . . . �
<br /> r�;� - .
<br /> .� _� :�A.II�.r,�'"�II�'�AND MONTHLY PAY��NT CSlINGES ' ,
<br /> ; _.� . � . .. The No��rovides€ar au initiaj intere;st rate of �,,.?50 °��.TheNote p:���far changas inthein��te anci tha
<br /> -�{'-.%?���`' ��: IIIOIII�wx�}'�t'd�(I[1Q11S�as follows: ' • '. � •
<br /> fK'�,:�� . : 4:L�3T RATE AND MONTHLY PAY1VdEriT Cf�_��ES• •
<br /> . . T_� - , - r � 1- ' . "_"' _
<br /> (��a�L� . .. . .�• NOVEMBER .95 ; . . .'�
<br /> {: : Tha interesc rate I w�l pay�ay cbange an tL�L�c��:`'�. .19 ,a�on tbat day. .���,�--
<br /> _, .. , every.l7ah manth thereafter.F.ach date on w��'»,my��:rate could change is calte��a"Ch�Date." . — _
<br /> �_• � �3 T�e Iades � - . . : : , .. ' "•� . ,
<br /> "� `� .; � Be�nning witta r�:first Change Aate.my interese rate w�71 be based on�an Index.The"�i�e�'`s the�weekty , " -_=
<br /> � 'f�.�. .•�: . ', ' average yield on Ua,*�.�d States Treasary securities�.adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year,as��ava�ab2e 8y, . : �i���
<br /> v� : �:.��•� � t},h,e�,F,�e),d,,etr�a{l Res�erve Board.'I'he most recent Index figure available as of the date 45 days befoze e��b(:haage Date ;
<br />.'�r.��k'���:'.. ':. �S KLL1W au6«44Ll�iJiL��.�� .. � .�l-•---
<br />-_�'. �ss:'. . � If the Index is ao tonger ava�ab2e.the YVote Hotder wIll chaose a new Index which is based upon oomparable c�; .
<br />- .''-`'�` ` information.The Note Holder w�1 give me aotice,2f ihis chaice. ''�:-
<br /> ���''•"-'� (�CaI�Isttan of C6anges ' •
<br /> ':�:�_.,: '�
<br />'.•�.���;�;�,� '' � Before each Change Date.the Note Holdea��I calculate my uew interest rate by adding T'� •�`
<br />�.��,�� � �, Dercentage points( 2.t3Z0 Qlo)tm the Current Index. The I�Te:e Holder w7i then routr� ;�
<br /> �__�°� : the resWt of this addition w the nearest one-eigkzb of one�ercentage yoint(Q.l25�10).�.�-.ajecE to We llmits sta*_�
<br />�.�JS.,�__�{.tlr,_;,�}.. ��( ..
<br /> � , r� : ia Se�tion 4{D)below,this rounded amount wn�'T.s�e my new iaterest rate�the next Cfiange D�e. . ': ����,
<br /> _�-_�_�_ . � T6e Note Holder w�l thea determine the��+�nt of the montiily p�ymeat that would bb sufc.s,zent to reyay
<br /> `r-.-�'�;�`i�i.;.. the unpaid ptlasIpal that I am expected to owe�ahe Change Date in full on the maturity date at cay+aew Interest � � • ��r.����
<br /> '� �`�. k�`�'r�°J'.3 rate in substantially�ual payments.The result of this ratcuL�on wiil be the new amount of my ata;..�y�~�y-s��. � `„��_ u-
<br /> ,� S
<br /> T-f' � �4•)i1J)� . t- 11 . '.t�?:
<br /> . . . , . tf.���Y. l[_
<br /> • ' .' (D)I�mtts oa lnterest I3ate C6anges ' - _.;�
<br /> �
<br /> . ,.�. 7Yie interesc rate I am required to pay at the�z Charige Dase w�71 not be greater tt�an 6.a 50 �'o or less than �.� �"�``:: �-����f
<br />� ' � • � 2.750 %.Thereafter,my iuterest rate will never be increased or decreased on any single Change Date by :�ti� �
<br /> :� -. . .
<br /> � '. 'more than two perceniage poinis(2.4�'a)from the rate of iaterefa t have bcen payiag for thc p�oeding twelve months.f�fy �
<br /> _ ' • iaterest raie wiD never be�rr�ter than �.750 � �lo. ' � . � � �
<br /> �" •"�' � f�Eltective 1DaSe o!Cfiangcs . . .
<br />-` '�� My new iaterest rate wiU become effectice on each Change Date. 1 wlll pay the amount of my necv mont�Iy � � � `�
<br /> .:.;`j.;:-, . _� . , _ �__
<br />_••.1_:'.:-.:t' . . � � ' �
<br /> . ,;r�: . � • payment beglnning E�the first moaahly Dayment date after the Change Date unW the amovnt of my montlily�ay-
<br /> -1�:.:t��` � ' � m.�S{���Ag��p�w. . � - . +-.
<br /> r,� :�:.
<br /> y:w�`�_s,''-•„ . �}' �NO�CC O�CMII$�9 � . . ' -
<br /> `�� - � The Note Holder will deliver or mail to�e a notice of any changes in my interest rate and the amount of my
<br />�.�ji.. L., . . •.
<br /> � mantlily�aymtnt before the effective date af�nny change.The notice will include information req^,aired by iaw W _ �
<br /> -1`"`"'`" be given me and also the titie azsd telephoae number of a person���ho will ans�ver any questioa 1 may have regarding � ��:�'
<br />=.�:«?..�:a..; -' . . .
<br />:`__;;,,,�;;._:., � ' .�� thenotice. ' �'_.
<br /> M''�,`�.... . �.'I'RANSFEK OF'Y`F�PROPERT7i OR ai BEI�EFICaAL IN7LREST 1N BORROWER � � '
<br /> �,:�i;,..r•_
<br /> "'::�`:�'� `: Uniform Covenant 17 of the 5ecurity Insttument is�eaded to read as follows: ' �.r
<br /> _= ��,:��. : -
<br /> �t ' � Ts�a9fer of the Property or o Beneficial Iatenest in Borrower.If all or any pan of the Property or any interest
<br /> � ' ln it is sold or cransfened(or if a beneficial lnte:est in Borrower is soId or transferred and Borrotiver is not a natural ,.
<br /> ", � ' person)withoat Lender's prior written consent.I.ender may,at its oprion. require immediate payment iu fult af . . �
<br /> � • � all sums s�cured by thIs Security lnstrument.Howeve=,this uDiton shall aot be exercised by Lender if exercise is ' _ ,
<br /> ;, . . yrohi6ited by federal law as of the date of this Security instrnment.Lender atso shalt not exercise thls option if: �
<br /> ` • ' ..(a)Banower causes to be submitted to I.endec informadon required by Lender to evaluate the inteaded transferee .
<br /> '�� � ' � • as if a new loan were being made to the transferee;and(b)Lender reasanably determine�th3t Lender's security , ,
<br /> . wi11 not be impaired by the loan assumption aad that the risk of a breach of aay covenant or agreement in this Securi- .
<br /> . . � , ry Instrument Ls acceptable to Lendet. � , � �
<br /> : � ' • To the extent permitted by applicable Iaw,Lender may charge a reason�bte fee as a condition to Lettder's con- . �
<br />-..-.__�.:-___�._ .. - sent to tke loan assumption.Lender may also re+quire tbe transfere2 to slgn an�ssumpliQn agreement that is acsept- � � -
<br />� � able to f.ender and that obligates the transferee to keep aIi the Dromises aud ageements made in the Note aad in --. � •
<br /> � ' .� tl�is Security Instrum�nt.�orroiver�vill continue to be abligated under ths Note and this SQCUrity lnstrumeat unless . �
<br /> � ' .� Leader releases Borrotver.In writing. . ' .
<br /> � atu�.nsra�nnsusTne�an�am�t-asua o-2-sm�ro co�+�v-��«��o v�rom,a�r,�a�, �a���ara9 • • . �
<br /> - . . ��•��a� VfSa�LOATGAGE POA!AS�13�3tt93-8f00•lBOW52t-729t - _ .
<br />