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<br />. - �s , . � - ' .'�.r.. ° � c .,r � tt: - c -;�> i . .�. " _.°... . .� �r. y.
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<br /> C ` �`�4� `t'c•T~ i 1"[ - " (. c��`'�' ' _ _ " -
<br /> ,G' i`_ � _ � . �.` .
<br /> �i . .` a ` , , ( � - . � � � . .. .. � � i�_.
<br /> ��.i . - a , � ,' .. ���-.
<br /> ' F,� ` ' � - � � _ -
<br /> , � t k ..t{:- , , �� .
<br /> �� . . . , , ��� .�'i �� �;_ .
<br /> ,��. . :•._ � � ' 't'OGET�IER�YIR'H all the impmvements uow or herea�cse�ted oa the j�ruPert9,�an ' � . K,;,+:;� _
<br /> . '�t, .;�< . ''� . and f�ctt�aoiv or h�reaftcr a part af the pmpec4y. All reRla�emems and additions shall atso be covered by tbis$ecutity �-_ __
<br /> Ins�rumenF. AU aF the for�going is refemed to in dris S�aity Instnunenras ti�e"Proge¢ey. ; �_"'_
<br /> ' � . BOkI�OVUEFC COVEIYANTS that Bomuwer is lawfully seised�af the estnte hereby wnveyed a�d has the right to geunt _
<br /> � � � ' ;•,�f,, `<:` ' and canvey th$Peoperty asid that the Propetty is uaencumbeied.eACept for encumbtances of resoid. �orrower wanants aad . �_,,y{_
<br /> . . s r,i U defend g e aerall y rha 6de co d�e PmPertY eg�st all claims and demaaQs.sub,�ecc co any eacumbrances of recard. � �`3>=;.-;_
<br /> :,.; . THIS 5EC1JItITY INSTRIJMENf combines anifonn covenants for aational ase a n d non-u n i form mve n u n t s w i t 4 i �;.�__
<br /> ��- - limited�aaat�ons by jcu�isdiction m const4tu'te a nniform security inshvment covering r�a1�rogeYtY• . __
<br /> `':` �• UNffURM COVENAI�ITS. Bo:rowerand Leader wv�aani and ap,cee as foIIacvs: fl a whea due t�e _ _-_ -
<br /> aan
<br /> . l. Faymea6 of Prt�cigal gad In4eresti�F�eni aari Late C�ia�es- Borrawer shali prnnaP Y F Y —
<br /> ' ' ' piiucipal of and interest on the debt evideaced(ay the Ndte an�any pnpaya�nt aad tate d�arges due under the Nate. � . . _-
<br /> '::��' . ' 2. Faads for�xes aud Iasaraace- Subject to applicable law or to a wntten waiv�r by Ieender,Borrower sl�all,�sy to
<br />- , „ • . Leader on the day manthlY Payments sie due under the Note.nnu7 the Nase is paid in fn�.a sam t"Fuuds�7 for.ta�eliold -
<br /> � taxes and assessm�ats which may a t�a i n priority over t b is S e c n r i t y I n s t i v m e n t a s a l i e n o n t h e P t o p e t ry;(b)Y e a r I Y _
<br /> sm a en
<br />-- , `',� ° ,`u a y m eata or gouad rents on the Property,if any: (c)YeaBY h�rd o� progerty in�„rance p�miums;{�ye�Iy ftcsod .
<br /> .,, �:'. , ' 'p�nsurance premivais.if anY:(e)YeaztY�Se���P�minms, if any:an d(�sII5► s�ns Paya b i e b y B m�ower.ta .
<br /> . l.endes.in accoraance cvith the grovisions of Fazagraph 8,in lieu of the payment af anrtgage iasutaase premiwn's. 'dhese ,-
<br /> ym n
<br /> , `` ,`��, . it�ms aze called"Escrow items" Lender may,at aay ci;uc.coltect and ho l d F i m d s ia�amount not ro e x o e g d th$� ` -
<br />�. � •,.� � :,<.: � . amoaat a lender for a feder�ilty reL�mortgage Ioan may requi¢�foi Hotrowet's escraw accouat under ti�.4'ederal Real '
<br /> . FstaiP Settlement Pmaedm�es Act of 1974 as ameaded from tirae w t�.12 US.G§2�01 et seq.("RFSPA"j,imiCss�other< : .
<br /> • � law that applies to the Funsls sets a tesser amoun�. If so,Lender may,at any 6me,collect aad hotd Fhnds ia an amuu�t aat ta. . -�---
<br /> �".�. � - . e�z:�sl the lesser amount Lender may estnmate the a�snr of Fwuds due an the basis of caa�t data aud ieasonable� .: ,. .
<br /> .; . • � �tsimstcs of expenditw�es of fnture Fscrow Items or othe►�3e in accordance with applicab2e la�r.
<br /> •°`':� � ��The Fu�sbaU he held in an instituur.,�whose deposits a�e insared by a fe�etal agenc.7+.iastc¢meatality,or eatiry
<br /> ,.�' .r _, .._.._ ._ he
<br /> . . , .. (including Ler.�r if I.ender is such aa inst��rr?�i3 flr in any Pederal I�.^_me Loa�a Bthe�ad�s,�annu2"ly�aaalyzing t�tteSes�crox► �
<br /> . ' �• � the Escrow items. Lender ma not c e�i:,s.-�wei for irolding a�ssfi'�P Y�S
<br /> ;, �,ti. '� . . Y �. a ,
<br /> �:r f.a4,F�k, `,.�';.:....;.... � accounti or v�rifying the Fsccow Items,unr-ss�Lender pays Borroa�^zntenest on the Funds��piicable taw pemt�ts
<br /> Sf;�'i�a�'w � ' . Lender to make sacb a charge. However,Lender may mquire Bmmwer to pay a e�..°-time cir�'ge fa=an indepeIIdent mal
<br /> r� �;ly.� `�. " .'�.,.: estate tax regorting serv�ce used by Lender in connection witb ttris loan,�mless agglt�(�law pmvides othera+ise. Udless an . ___
<br /> �m
<br /> °�r�' .�' ., .� agreement is made or applicable!aw requiies intecest w 6e paid,Leader s�a11 nat t�v��te pay B'orrowes aap i�teresi or
<br /> "���-���:��
<br /> -`';;,i�,l.?';.! � eamings on the Funds. Boirower and I.ender may agree in wriflng,hov.�;er,that'vrterest shall tse paid on the Puads. L.ender ,_ .:::,
<br />__�;;�.�,.a;•,. , ' . � : Sda11 give to Borrower,withoat charge,an am�ual accounting of the Funds,showing c�edits and debits w tlte Funds aad dta � .
<br /> ` `•� ' purpose for which each debit to the Fuads was made. The Funds are pledged as additional secQrity for all snms sec�tt�d by !';`�.:;`• —
<br /> • . : c<;;;;r�+r��" � . --
<br /> •;`rr rn,,, this SeCUritS+Instrumcnb .
<br /> , , . If the Funds held by Leuder exceed the amounts pesinitted to tse beld b3 applicable law,Lender sha11 accrnmt tn
<br /> ,• ,. - • �� � ,� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance witb the reqniremenu of applicab2e law. If the amount of the Funds held by . - _
<br /> �� _ Lender at any t�ne is nat sufficient to pav�-.e Fscrow Items when du.�I.ender may so notify Bor�war ia wsiting.aad,in
<br /> � . . �`h� such case Borcawer shall pay w Lender t�amount aecessary to��up the deficiency. Becvwer shall make up d►e .
<br /> . �• deficiency in no more than twetve monthly payments,at I.ender's sole.y^�don. •
<br /> Insuument,Lendet st�all refimd to Borrower any `
<br /> � . Upon payment in full of all sums secured by e6is Securiry PLOt°P�9. �
<br /> � Funds heId by Lender. If,under pazagraph 21,Lender shaU ar,quite or sell the Prc��y.Lender,pttor to the acquisidan or
<br /> ' sa2e of the Property. shaU appty�any Funds held by Lender at tbe time of acquisirion or sale as a credit a�ainst the sums ! _
<br />, ' , . . , secuted by this Seairity Insuument.
<br /> • 3, ppplIcaBoa o4 P�ymeats. Unless applicable law pro��des othetwise, all payments nceived by Lender under �
<br /> � • � � paragtaphs l aad 2 shall 6e applieQ firs�to any preQayment chatges due under the Note:second,w amoants payable under -
<br /> ' , paragraph 2;third to interest due:fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ^_
<br />=. � q, C6�ges; I.�¢ns. Borrower shall pay aU taaes, assessments, charges,fines and imposidons attributable to the �w.
<br /> • -, . . property v�hlch may attain priority over this Securiry InsUUment,and lease6old payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower --
<br /> � � shall p�y these abligations in the manner��svided in para„araph 2.or"rf not paid in that manner,Bartower shaU pay thcm oa . _ _
<br /> � time d'uectly to the person owed payment �unower shall promptty fu�sh to l.ender aU notices o,`.;�mouats to be paid under --_
<br /> . this paragaph. If Bonower makes thes°.qaymenu directiy.Borrowe:syall promptly fumish to�:ender receipts evidencing ___
<br /> the payments. ' -°
<br /> ` ,f•t.. : Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lierr which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Boaawer:(a)agees
<br /> in writing to the payment of the ob�igatic�suured by ehe lien in a manner acceptab2e to Lender.(b)contests in gaod faitb the f .
<br /> ,~.��� �' ' '��'` lien by.or defeads aga�nst enforcement c��'�e lien in.legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinian operate W prevent the
<br /> :, . . �,.:
<br /> �� • enforcemRnt of the lien;or(c)secures fir.r�the holder of the lien an�ement satlsfactory to Lender subordinatiag the lien
<br />-`�� � � to thIs Security Instrument If Lender detertnines that any parl of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prtority :
<br /> � '•• ' over this Security Instrument,Lend+zr may give Boaower a noUce identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take ��°
<br /> �;�`: one or more of the astions set forth above within 10 days of the giving af nodce.
<br /> • ' 5. Hazasd os Propetty Insurance. Borrower shall keep ttie impmvements now eaisting or hereafter erected on the
<br /> ' � � •. � �, ;;� �rope�ty insured against loss by fire,hazards lnctuded within the terae"eatended coverage"and any other hazards.incladin� ,
<br /> �. • •, tloods or flaoding, fot which Lender requises insurance. 74�is lnscu-�ce shaU be maintained in the amounts and for t��
<br /> � . . . ,
<br /> ,�. � Fcrm3028 9190 (pc,,�2 oJ6 pages)
<br /> . ` ' .:i;f .
<br /> - . it-'i'✓,'.
<br /> ..�.
<br /> _ 7. � '
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