t'::P . . : :"'-._:'s' '"r':�' . L... .,, -_ . r . , . �. 'r � s...r�z+ostw-=
<br /> . . G�a. � : •'^�=. ,,r-:.•.,'�.'�K tk � r �,/ z, c - . : v . .•�:i •'r'�T�'t�xzc� •_•
<br /> � +�� + ���I`Z~Jf����. �.. t. _ _ �.J y r� i���.1�� F�y 4, i � a�� ��3�N �7b�S = __-.
<br /> � ry�` 1,�y lr�
<br /> : . . _ ' . �j �r.i f�ti i�1�.'�'( '�S ��}( R�C'^'�i3,� '�Tn'1'��Y��}�,[+it�"-45iz"t'a.,-.aati�.v-c--�-=-
<br /> }
<br />•_��`.i�i i . . -� — --- -- "
<br /> _ -ik111� _ - �i�r7R� ___.
<br /> -4g_y . ._ _` . . . _. .. { . . � •. . � , r . . _-
<br /> -� ' . � •. � • t , � . ' . � , ' . . �
<br /> ___ ,L . . 1 e , � . . ` . � . , . . . . ����� �� � , .
<br /> - all b� ��cused b thie De�d a� '�'zu��, a�ad s�ha3��b� f'm�e�ia�ely
<br />----- Pro�extyo eh �' –
<br /> �---� �d�e a3x8 repay�l� to th3 �3eAe€ia��xy: t�? not �a se3� �h� g�apexty o� ar�Y
<br /> – • �sortion thereof oviehmue t.�ae agprQVal o£ the Be��£iai�rY im artiting�� and.�.ra, <
<br />--� ` . �he �ven� oE<.aay ea�.e h�re�.n pr�h�i�ed. �a t�e en�f.r�: iac�ebtedne�� �ac�ed �
<br />`� by this De�d og Txlast el�alk„ �� �� optio� o� th� �ene�3.�ia�, ��a�° ��� �
<br />-:� payable: ti) that xf tYre Prop�erty �s aaiY p�rt or parce}. t�eraa� sY��3.1 �e `�.•,
<br /> __-= t:�k�, �r _�ttt�ig�d uaaar the. �ower �o� '�minent domaan, t�re aw�zd for •ar�y <
<br />_=='�� . FrapegCy eo �ak�a or c2amaged tfnClud�mg Beveranae &-t�g�s ta• i�h� gea�����- -;
<br /> �-�� ��c�mise�? �1I ��Faid to the•Ben�ficiasy and applie�a ir� fnil a���in,paic�'a��
<br /> - - the optinn of �he �ene£xciary in redv�ctian of the, �e�ebt�dnes� her� -
<br /> -- - secuued.. t j j that. the �BeneEs�ciary` s�a71 have the right ta insp�at :t�xs
<br /> -- p r e s p e r�y at auch r�ason�bl� time� a� the �en�£icfaxy may" degire te de���ine .
<br /> �� Treistor'� coiaplia:cce w�t�a the covenaa�e cAata i a e d �n t h i s Y?e e c 3 a f T n i�t;. t k�,
<br /> — that the Be�e€iciary may release from the lien h�x�of �any �Sa4't �a�r Pa�'ce; a� ,
<br /> � -- the Praperty without rea�e�f�g any• �ons�d�ra�ion theref�r, • aad tl) tha�
<br /> - - Truntor fs lavafull�'Qeized of eaid premis�e and P�coperty ia fee 'sim��.�, �.�t� '` `
<br /> �� the sau�e a�e fr`ee from a11 liens �and encumbr�ic�s exc�pt�as ma�r ctherr�s� be'
<br /> _---, . 8peci�ically notecl hereia or wai�red in writiag by� t�e Beneficiary:� that • .
<br /> =�=� Trustor�will execute ar precure any fust�er nece�sary aseurances of tftle and ,
<br /> -��:�� doea hsreby raarraat 9eneraaly the �itle to said�Pzoperty and ari.31 �orever
<br /> --= defead the same agains: th� claims and demande o£�all p�reo�s v�homsoever, �ane�. �
<br />=� ' that Trugto�'s seg�a.te �state, whe'ther ve�ted, contiuc3ent ar in expeataazi�Y��
<br /> - - #e herehy conveyc� and Trustor does herehy expreselY' wa.i�re.. zelease a}.1 .
<br /> .��� rfghta and benetits pf any. homeatead, dowez, curtesy, apprai.aement, exemptiott
<br /> °�� aad atay xaws of this atate. It- is agreed that.��he �intere�t pravided £o�r in ; •
<br /> ` `�� s�bsectioa� tg) abone sball be at the aame rate as a�aciffed �.n the� L�7otQ�
<br /> '��� secured Iaerehy oa the princlpal �thereof afeer defau].t and mat�i.�y. _ .
<br />-_;:.�
<br /> ~' � ES COY�Tfl. In the eves:t Truetar, without the prior wr�tten consent fl�f �
<br /> ;�,.;�;. .
<br />`�.�=x''� Beneficia�, sE�all eell, transfer or convey or contract to sel}.; trauefer or
<br />_,t��..
<br /> convey th� �reperty, or �� part thereoE os aay intereat �Yx!�.�rein, th� ent re
<br />`=��s� balance of the i.ndebtedness hereby secu�ed shall �come a�� be i�mediatelp .
<br />=z� - due and payable a� �he option of Beneticiary; provaded, howeve�, ��efiaiary
<br />�_J� may waive euah� agta.on ta accelerate if, prior ta euch eale, ts�nefer or
<br /> coaveyaa�ce or aontrac� tS�:�refor, Beneficiary and th� peraon to whom the
<br /> - property �r� to be seld or �rana€er�ed zeacYc aa agr�ement in tvritang tihat t��
<br /> �.�-°. credit o���uch pers�n i� eatiefactory to Benef iciary and that� the intere�t
<br /> '�`--� p�yrable on the auar,� secured by this �2eed of Trust Bhall be at auch rate se
<br />-''r���W S��efiafa�^y ehall request. _
<br />`-•'��`t zF�� � That as fisz�.i'aer security for the payment o� the Note and the _
<br /> TH � - -
<br /> '-�;��.� indebtedne�s thesehy evic�enced and the performance of all of the terms,
<br /> cavenauts and coaditione hereof, Trus�or agsees that Benefici�ry ehall 'and
<br /> - does herelay have t:Tze right, powez and authnrity during the conti�puance of _
<br /> this need� af Trus� to co3�lect the renta, ieeuea and profite of the Property __
<br /> and of any pereonal property located thereon with or without takiau� _
<br /> posseseion o¢ tha prop�rty affected thereby.; and Truator hexeby absolute3.y _
<br /> �'' � aad uaconditifonal:L�;� aeaigne all auch rents, ieauea and profite to Hene£fcia- ---
<br /> ryr., � Beaeficiagyr�, however, hereT�y consents to Truetor'e collec��.on� and _:
<br /> �.�:.<� retentioa ef such gente, i.aeuee amd profits� as they acerue and becc� payable ;,:�,
<br /> ...,�.,::.
<br /> •Fr�-�� so long.�c� Truetor fa na� at auah time in default with sespect to paymen�.oE �_
<br /> "�'�`�: any fndeL��:edneas securea hereby or in the per�ds-�nance of any agreemo�� i�-
<br /> "��'� hereunder: IIpo� any such default, Beneficiary may a� any time, either �in �;:.;
<br /> �.,. N;...
<br /> - person, by ag�nt, or by receiver to be appointed L�y a court, without notice t._"
<br /> � :• and without regard to the adequacy oE any aecurS.ty for the indebtedne�e i,
<br /> ,_�;�3 hereby secured ta) enter upon and take pcse�nsion o£ the Property or any part
<br /> �-��"` thereof and in itB own aame eue for or otherwise eollect _r�uch rente, ie�u�s `
<br /> '�_'�'� and profita, including thoae past due and unpaid, and app�.y the eame, Zess �
<br /> coeta and expensea of operation and collection, including reasonable f.::
<br />,��;:�'s attorney's fe�s, upon any indebtednese aecured hereby and in e�ch order as �,_
<br /> Beneficiary may determine; (b) leas�e the eame or any part thereof for euch
<br />':��_`"_: rental, teYm and upon auch conditiona ae Beneficiary's judgment may dictate
<br /> ` or termina�e or adjuet the terms and �ondit�.one af any exieting lease or
<br /> leases. Un2ess Truator and Beneficiary agree otherwiee in writing, any
<br /> , � applfcation of rent�, iesue� or profits to any indebtednees eecured hereby
<br /> � ehall nat extend or poetpane the due date of the inetallment paymenta as
<br /> � provided in the Note or change th� aneount af such installmenta. The entering
<br /> = upon �nd takin� par�sesafon of the Property, tY�e collection of euch rents, �
<br /> � iseuee and profits, ana th� appl3cation thereof as aforesaid, shall not waive �
<br /> or cure any default or noti�e o� default hereunder, or invalfdate any act �
<br /> � done `pursuant to such netice. Trustor a�eigns to Heneficiary, as further �
<br />,_.__ __� eecurity for the per¢ormance of the indebtednLes and abligations aecured �
<br /> . � . .
<br /> ��: ' , __
<br />