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i` ,. Y; +1 f; .'.' ';�},f:�li�- , �;1„ . li1 ;l1f�,Yo�j�' i . .."i.�,` <br /> - •i•• .r� . � .�i. . .t_. �.�;��,, . .. ..ry.- <br /> , .. -�u_ •�l'�„ • ��' , ' - .°•. �, �i':_r��Y: . - - • a -t..�.,...e �• _"_ <br /> i� .�a[�f.. . _ .n�. • n . .. `• . ...� .��.�. - <br /> �. . .. . � c� .. � _ . _. <br /> � ��«. ., . . . -�?_ <br /> _.._._._:!��'.brdf���'_�._:.__. - i)�----._...__,,.._ ._...__..___ ,, - -�. �' �,...._...:!,i±Wt±ti��Rl!R�+L�,e�. .a�,_,.v <br /> ., --.r�o�.r�.r- �....... - . <br />�.. ... . _ __..—� � a . . � _ —. .—_. <br />.f. . cg�_. �.0���� . <br /> ....�i) n ' - - — <br /> 9. Gondoa��notEon. The procoods o1 any award or claim lor damr�ges,direct or conscquc�tial, in conncctio�i�r�iG�s�ay ,t=,�-:w=�.-_z-� <br /> r.ondumn�uon or othor INun�ot iho 6'ropc�rty,ar pnrt Ihc:rr.o1,ar tar canvoyanca in liau of torid9r�ui�tlun,t�ra fi;:�C�,�c.C=!„��:tl <br /> and shall b4 pnid to Lentlor. <br /> In Ihd e��ont ot a rotal talang of tho Proporry,l�a procaods ahall bo npplled to tho�um�ac�cur�d by I�ilo�Led c�f I ru:,t,vdii>> �..�.�..�.�.-^ <br /> ,. tho oxco�s,if any,pafd to Borrot•�Ar.In tho ovont of o partfal tei<ing of IhEt Propo►iy,uNR�s �orro�er ond l.endefr oth�rrvibe _. ____ <br /> � " � �groe in writing,�here ehnll be ap�►lied to the sums eecured by Ihls Deodol Tru,t�uch�roportlan otthapraceedaaels wqu�a!to =--- <br /> thet proportion which theamount of tho sume secur�d by thls Qeedof 7ruat Immedlately priartothedate of tflkinp Baar�to ths __ <br /> I�ir ma►ket value oi the property Immedlately prlor to th�Aat9 of taking,with the balancn qf tha proce�ie p�ld to BorrQwsr. ____ <br /> If the Property is abandonad by Borrower,or if,aftnr notico by Lnndor to Borrower tt�ut Qha condomnar otter�tU rr�akb en =-'� <br /> awurd ar sattle a claim tor demages,Borrowor tells to re9�ontl to Lender wdhln 30�eys afterthe!tlAtO auCh natiCe ia ma�isd, � <br /> � Lender�a authorizad to collect and apply the Lender's optlurv,either to reetaretion ar rep�ir A1 ths Pro�ltty or to <br /> -- ;; the sums secured Uy fhis Qeed�}Truat. <br /> Unless Lender and 8orrower otherwise egree in writing,eny such Appllcation ot proCeedllo princtpai alialt notextend or <br /> _ ; - postpone the due dete of the monthly installments reterred to In paragrephs t end 2 horeof or Change the smount of euch <br /> inst�Ilmonls. �-.._. <br /> "' " 10. BorrowerNotRele�sfd.[xtensionotthatimeforpaymontormodificationofamortlzatlonottheaum�QeCUretlbythlb — <br /> Deed o}Trust granted by Lender to any euccessor In interost of Borrower shall not operate to relerae,In any menner,the <br /> � liabiliry of the original Borrower and Borrower's succossors interest.Lenderahalt not be required to comm�ncn proCeedfnga ` ° - <br /> , against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or atherwise modity amortization o}the surl�s seCUred by thle <br /> Deed of Trust by reason ot any demand made by the oriAinai Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br /> 11. Forbsarance by Lan�er Not a W�fver.Any forbearenco by Lender in exeraiaing a•r�y right or remedy Iterou�der.or _ <br /> otherwisc�aHorded by applicable law,shell not be a waiver of or preclude thr�oxercfse o!eny euch►ight or remedy.Tl�o _ <br /> procuremont of insurance oi the payment of texes or other Ifens or charges by Lendershall not be a waivar of L9nder's rlght tp <br /> accelerate the maturity ot the indebtedneas secured by this Deed ot Trust <br /> 12. Remedta Cumulative All romedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumuiattva to any other righi or <br /> remedyunderthisDeedotTrustoraHardedbylaevorequity,andmeybeexetcisedconcurvently,lnde(�nclenttyorRUaa�lvely. - _-- <br /> 13. SucceseorsandA�aipns8ound;JointandSevKalLlabiAty;CapGo�j�.Thecovenanteandagregmenlsherelncontained _ <br /> ,���r� snall bind,and the rights hereunde�shell Inure ta,the respective successors and a��fgnsof lenderattd�orrowQr,subJeCtto <br /> the prowsions of paragraph 17 hereot.All covanents and agreements of 8orrowershall be�ointend several.The capiiana and <br /> � headings of the paragrephs ot this Deed of Trust are for convenionca only and are not to be used to interpret or defmo the - <br /> , provisions hereoi. <br /> � 14. Notice.Except for any notice requ�red under applicable lew to bo given in anuthermanner,(a)any notico to Borrower =_ <br /> provi�od lor in thls Deed of Trust shall be given by mafling such notice by certified mall oddressedto�orrower at the PropeRy -- <br /> ' � Addross or at such other address as 8orrower may designete by notice to Londer es provided herein,and(b)any nottae to --- <br /> � Iender shall be given by certlfiod mail,return receipt Lender's addreso stated herein or to such other addresa as <br /> Lender mF:y designate by notfce to Borrower as providod f�erein.Any notice provided for in thisDeed otTrustshell b9 deemad � -� <br /> to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given �n the manner dosignated h�:rein. -_ <br /> �14.1 "Requeat for Notice.Trustor and beneficiary requestthat a copy oi any notice of default and notico of sale madd or — <br /> executed by the Trustee pursuant to the provisions hereof be sent to the Trustor end Benaficlary et thelr respeCtive meiling l;K-�_. <br /> add�esses set}orth above." - <br /> - '� 75. Unllorm Deed c+1 T�uet;Govemfng Law;Severab0ity.The form of deed oi trust combines uniform covenants tor ---__ <br /> • nc�tionat use and non-unilorm covenants with limited variations by jurisdlctfon to constltute a uniform securi�fnstrument �___ <br /> ., covenng real property.This Oeed of Trust shall be governed by the law of the jutisdiCtion in whiCh thp PrGperty 9loCatod.In <br /> she ovent thet any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable law,such confllct shall not ------ <br /> ,' attect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given ettectwithout the confllcting provisions,andtu thls � �,;;`�;— <br /> end t�e provisions ot the Deed ot Trust and the Nota ere declared to be severable. � ''�''"-__..r. <br /> 18. Borrower's Copy.Lorrower shall be furnished a conformed copy ot the Note and of this Deod ot Trust at the tfine of ,. ;��;�;�,�,._ <br /> execution or afte►recordation hereof. '��- <br /> ' 17. Tr�n�leT of the Property;As�umption.If all or any part of the property or an�nterest therein is sald or transferred by . `�°'�"- <br /> Borrower without lender's pnor written co�sent,excluding(a)the creati�n ot a lien or encumbrance subordinateto this Deed �� <br /> of Trust.(b)the creation of e purchase money secunty interest tor household applianres.(c)a transfer by devise descontor by . .-,_ <br /> operation of taw upon the death ol a joint tenant or(d)the grant of any leasehold interest of threo years or less not containing en <br /> option to purchase,Lender may,at Lender's option,declare all the sums securAd by this Deeoof Trust to b9 immedi�tely due � ��•'°-°`� <br /> and payable.,Lender shall,�ave v�aived such option to accelerate if,pnor to the sale ortr�nsfer,Lender and the per8on to •t,�;� <br /> ,;_. <br /> whom the Pro e�rtyr is t0 b�sOtd or trensferred reach agreement m wrmng that the credit of suCh person is satlsfaClory to r-�.�: <br /> Lender andth�ttP�a iritere�Ypayabl�on the sums secured by th�s Oeed of Trust shall be atsuch rate as Lendershall request.If �� �:: <br /> , L6ndBrhaswaiv,edthepptiontoaccelerateprovidedmthisp»ragraphl7.andit8orrower'ssuccessorinfnterssthasexecuted '"'9� <br /> a wi�tten assumption agreementaccepted in wnting by Lender.Lender shall release Borrower from ell obligatione under thls •:•� <br /> . Deed of Trust end the Note. ����•,� • <br /> - If Lender exercisos such optior� to accelerat�,Lender shall ma�I Borrower notice of acceloration fn acCOrdance with , <br /> paragreph 14 hereot.Such notice shall prov�de a penod o7 not less than 30 day3lrom the datethe notiCe is meileci within which <br /> �{ Borrower mey pay the sums declared due.If Borrower fails to pay such sums pnor to the expiration of such penod.Lender • <br /> may,w�thout turther notiCe or demand on Borrower,invoke any remedies permitted by pa�agraph 18 hereof. <br /> .. � NON-UNIFORM COYENANTS.E3onower and Lender lurther covenant and ag►ee ae follo►ve: ,� ; <br /> " � 18. AcCelerat�on;Remedles.Exc3pt as provided i n paragraph 17 hereof,upon Boirower's breach of any covenant or ' , � . <br /> agreementof Borrowvr m this Deed of Trust.includ�ng the covenants to pay when due anysums secured by this Deed of Trust, � <br /> ' Lender prior to acceleration shall mad notice to Borrower as provided m paragraph 14 hereof speCifying:(1)the breach;(2)the <br /> action required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice�s mailed to whiCh <br /> , such breach must be cured;and(4)that lailure to cure such breach on or beforethe datospecified in�he notice may result in <br /> •acceleratrorrof the sums secured by this Deea of Trustand sale of the Property.TtSe notice shall furthor mtorm Borro�n�er of the <br /> right to reinstate after acceleration and Ihe nght to bnng a court action to assert the non•existonce of a dofault or any other , • <br /> defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale.If tho breach is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice.Lender at � <br /> " Lender's opt�on may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be�mmedintely due and payable without further i , <br /> � " demand and may�nvoke the power of sale and any othor remed�es parmined by apphcable law.Lender shall be entnled to , <br /> collect all reasoneble costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the remedios orovided In the paragraph 18,including,but not <br /> limited to,reasonable sttorney's fees. <br /> . If the power of sale is invoked.Trustee shall record a not�ce of default in each county�n wh ich tho Property or some part <br /> thereofislocatedandshallmailcop�esofsuchnoticemthemannerprescribodbyapplicablelewtoBorrowerandtotheother � <br /> persons prescribed by appi�cable law.ARer the lapse of such tlme as may be requ�rod by applicabfA lew,Trustee shell give <br /> publ�c notice of sale to the persons and�n the manner proscnbod by applicablo law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower, <br /> • shallgellthePropertyatpublicauctiontothehighestbidderatthetimeandplaceandunderthetermsdesignatedinthenotice ' <br /> of sale in one or mora parcels end in such order as Trustee may determ�ne.Trustee may postpone sals of all or any parcel of <br /> the Properly by public anncuncement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Londer or Lender's designee <br /> may purchnse the Properry at any sale. <br />