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. . , .. „ .:r�: r . <br /> . ..wMtN�M . � - . ri . . � <br /> . <br /> n+�.. -- . .. ' . '• � <br /> . . <br /> .. <br /> � : �.,�:u��i��� _ .. . , ._ .•��+�����<.� <br /> y�; ' ' ' . .... , !Y�`Y.7'•.. �, ., . . .. . - �.:.. .�.._,.. _.�QW�Y.+r.wwdN�--'-'---'-".---'—__"�^.".'rlin2.'.'-++a _,_ . . <br /> � � AMirnniw�v,�,�, - ,,,., _ _� - - ....,.rawr���liif� 4�'' �r.__ <br /> --, :". �.,`� "'��._"�" f��� ������ . �-,.: <br /> ' Thc Funds sl�all bc hcld in nn instimtiou whosc dc�cisits urc insurul by u fecicral agency, inst�untenutlity, c�r cntiry :��._- <br /> (includin� Lcndcr,if Lcndcr is sudh un instilutinn)or in any fedcral Hcnnc [.o:in l�ank. I.cnJer Shall apply thc f unds t�p.iy thc • <br /> .. L',cru��Itcros. Lcudcr may not ci�urgc 13��rr��wcr fu�•huldinl;and applyi�q;II���I�nnds,�innually nnnlyzing the escroz��acccnmC,ar <br /> ., , vcrifying thc Eiscro�v Itcros, unlcss l.cndcr pays 13u�'mwcr intcrest on Ihc I�ueids rm�l npplici�iil6 la��r�-rcr�i�fts Lcndcr to n�_ilce r;ucl� <br /> a chnrgc, I��wcvcr, Lendcr muy rcquirc Dorrowcr to pary u ouc-timc cl�iir�;c for�in indcpcndcnt rcal cstistc tax rc���rtin�;st�-vicc ,�_,.. <br /> used by l.c;nder i�� com�ection with this Imui, unless uppiicai�le liiw provldcs utherwise. Unless un ��yrc��nent is nmde:ar ..�..- <br /> applicablc la�v rcyuires intcrest to bc paid. I.cndcr yhall nut bc rcquired tn puy Ilorrowcr nny interest or carmngs on Qie fu�ds, _ <br />} 8orrowcr nnd Lender�nny ugrec in writing,howevcr, that intcrest shidl be paid nn Q►c Funds. L.c;ndcr shall give to I�orrower, <br /> � withaut churgc, un annuul uccannting of thc Funcls, showing crcclits nnci dcbits to ihc runds nnJ thc pui�osc f'or which cach <br /> debit to the Funds wus mude.1'he FuitJy ure pledged u.udditionul,ecueity fa�r ull sums�ccw•cJ by liils S�:cu��ity ln:tnintonL �-- <br /> If the Funds held by I.ender exeecd the umounts nermiucd to be held by npplicuble Inw, I.ersder shnll nccount ro 9orreswer <br /> .. � for the exeess Funds in accordanee with the requirements of npplicuble law. If tl�e nniount of'the Punds held by I.ender nt any <br /> time is not sufficicnt to pay thc�scrow Itcros whcn duc,l.endcr may sn notiiy Borrowcr in wridug, nnd,in such ensc 13ottower <br /> , shall pay to L.ender the amaunt necessnry to muke up the defieiency. Barrower shnll tnake up tite deficieney in no mare than <br /> ., twclve montlily puyments,nt Lender's sale discreti�m, <br /> � Upon payment i:� full of uU sunis secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shnll prompUy refund to Borrower any . <br /> , , Funds held by I.cnder. If,under pura�raph 21. Lcnder shull zrcquire ur ticll t1�e Praperty,Lender, �r�or to the acyuis(tinn or s�le � - <br /> . . of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lendcr at the time of acquisition or sale as u credu against die sums sccured by <br /> • this Security Insuument. <br />; 3.Applics�tion of Payments.Unless upplicable law provides otlienvise.nll payments receivcd by Lender under paragr�phs <br /> • 1 and 2 shall be Applied: first, to any prepayment ch¢r�es due under the Note; second. to amounts payable undes pnragraph 2; <br /> third, to interest due;founh,to principal due; und Inst, to any late char6cs due under the Notc. <br /> ' 4.Churges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attrtbutable to the ProReny <br /> „ which may nttain priority over this Security Instrument, and leaschold payments or graund rents, if any. Bonower shall pay <br /> � these obligations in the manner pravidecl in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrowec shall pay them uu tiwe directly f - <br /> to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounu to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower makes these payments direcQy,Borrower shaU prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidenc�ng the pnyments. <br /> �� Horrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Horrower: (u)agrees in ° <br />� , � . �>�•. ' wdting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceputble ro I.ender; (b)contests in good faith die lien _ <br /> , by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, le�ul proceedings which in the Lender's opinion aperate to pn.vent the --__ <br /> • �`����'•-'�.• erifor�c�ment of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to :';;:,..�, <br /> � . ���:'�� this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attai�n priority aver �_°�"' <br /> ' � �'�'��`� this Security Instrument, L.ender may give Borrower n notice idcntifying the lien. Horrower shall sutisfy the lien or takc one or <br /> � � � more of the actions set forth above within 10 dAys of the giving of notice. e <br /> • +=`; 5. Htuard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the irnprovements now existin� or hereafter erected on the <br /> .. � <br /> Property insured against loss by fire, ha�ards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, including <br /> _;_,._-_:_._.__.__...___. floods ar floodinF, for which Lender reyuires insurance.This insurance shall be maintained in the amaunts and for the periads <br /> `` '�. that Lender requires. The msurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by fioi7ower subject to i.ender's approvui <br /> which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain caverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's _ <br /> option,obtain coverage to p:otect Lender's rights in the Property in nccordnnce with paragraph 7: <br /> ,, ' All insurance po::cies and renewals shsll be acceptable to Lender and shall include a stnndard mortsage clause. I.ender <br /> shall have the right to hold thc policies und rencwals. If Lcndcr requires,Borrower shull pro�ti�ptly give to Lcndcr all r�ccip[s of <br /> �� paid premiums and renewal noticcs.In thc evcnt of foss,Borrower shall givc prumpt iwticc tn die insurancc ca►rier nnd Lendcr. <br /> Lendcr may makc proof ot'loss if not rnadc promptly by Borrowcr. � <br /> " Unless Lendcr and Borrowcr othcrwisc agrec in writing,insurance procecdv tihall bc iippllcd to rcytarat[c�n�r rcpair of the = <br /> ' Property Jumaged, if the restoeution or rcpair is cconomirully fcasible and Lcndcr's sccurity iti not Icsscncd. If the restorndon ur ��:: <br /> . repair is not cconomicully fcasiblc or l.c�idcr's sccurity would bc Icti,cncJ, tht: intiurnn�c procculs shull Uc upplicd lu thc tiums ��. <br /> secured by this Security Instrument. whethcr or not thcn duc, with uny cxccss paid to l�orrower. lf Burrower ub.uidons thc sr._- <br /> Propeny, or does not answer within 30 duys a notice from Lender[hat the insurance rurrier hus��ffered to setlle a cluim, then <br /> L,ender may collcct [he insurance proceeds. l.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restare the Property or to puy Lums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whe[her or not then due.Thc 30-Juy peri�xi will begin when the notice is given. : <br /> Unless Lender und 6orrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of pmceecls to principal shall not extend or <br /> • postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in nar�graphs I an.d 2 or changz the amount of thc payments.If _ <br /> under psr3graph 21 the Property is acquired by Lendcr, Borrower'.risht to any insurancc policics and procc:eds resulting trom <br /> dama�e to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to L,ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrurnent <br /> immediatcly prior to the acquisition. <br /> G.Occupuncy, Preservutlan,Malntenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Appllcation; Leaseholds. <br /> Borrowcr shall occupy,estublish, and use the Property as Bonower's principal residcnce within sixty days after the cxecution of <br /> � � - ' this Security Instrument and shall continue to acupy the Property as Bottower's principal residence for at Ieast �ne ycar:.�fler <br /> the date of occupancy, unless Lender uiherwise ugrees in writing, which consent shall not be unre:isonably withheld, or unless <br /> s , extenuatin� circumstances exist which are beyond Boreower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> _ � Property, allow thc Propeny to detcrioratc, or commit wastc ou the Property. Borrower shall bc in default if any forfciturc <br /> - action or proceeding. whether civil or crirninal, is begun that in Lender's goud faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> � Propeny or otherwise matcrially impair thc lien crcatcd by this Security Instrwncnt or L.cndcr's sccurity intcrest. Borcowcr n�ay <br /> cure sucli a default and reinstate, as providcd in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceuiing to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that, in Lendcr's good faith determination, prccludes forfeiture of the Borrower's intercst in thc Property or cithcr material - <br /> a ., iropairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bc�nower shall alxo be in default if <br /> Borrower, during the loan spplication process,gave muteriully fulse or inaccurate information or titatemcnts t�Lender(or failcJ <br /> ' to providc Lendcr with any material information) in ronnection with thc loan evidenccd hy the Nate, includinE,but rn�t limiicd � <br /> to,reprcsentatiom conccrninb Beirr��wer's occupanry uf the Property as a principal residenre. If this Sccurity Instrument is �m a �. <br /> Ieasehold, Eiorrower tihall comply wilh all the provisions af the Iea�e. If Borrower acyuires fee titic to the Pruperty, ihr � <br /> � . ' " lcasehold und thc fce title shull not merge unless Lender agrces tc�thc mcrger in writing. f <br /> �� 7.Protectlon oP Lender's Idlghts In the Property.If Borrowcr fails to perform thc covennnts und ugrcemcnt�contained in I <br /> � � , � this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceecfing that may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Property e tiuch as a i <br /> . procceding in bankruptcy, probate,for condemnatien or forfeiture or to enforcc lu�vs or rcgulations), thcn Lcndcr may do and � <br /> � , pay for whatever is neccssary to protcct the valuc of the Property and L.endcr's rights in thc Property. Lendcr'�acti�tins may <br /> --- -.-��'�' ---�� --.-- inrlurla novinn anv cumc .nrurs+r� hv a lirn whirh huc nrinriW nv�+r Ihic Svrurilv inctrumr.nt. :�nncarins* IIl CltUl'[. OSVIII!'. � <br /> - -- - _ _._.-____ . ...'•--- __...- -"-.__ .. ...-- <br /> f __...----�- o <br /> reasonahlc attorneys'fces and entcring on the Propeny to make rcpairti.Although [.ender may takc actiun under thi,paragr.�ph <br /> ; � 7,Lendcr does not have to do so. ' <br /> , Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 �hatl become aJJitiunal Jebt cif $orrowcr secured by this <br /> � Securitv Instrument. Unless Burrower and Lender agrec to othcr tcrms of payment,thesc amcwnts shall brar interest frum ihr � <br /> ;f datc of disbursemcnt at thc Notc ratc and sh�ill bc payablc, with intemst, upon notirc 1'rnm l.�ndcr to Bcirrnwcr rcyucsting i <br /> paymcnt. <br /> , . • ' 8.Mortga�e Insurnnee. If Lender requirai mortgage insurance as a conditiun uC making the loan+crured by�Ihi� Securiry <br /> �' Instrument, Borrowcr shall pay tl�e premiums requircd ro maintain thc mortgagc insurancc in cff�ct. If, t2�r any rcason_ Ihc <br /> mort�age insurance covcrage requirecl by Lender lapses nr ceases to hc in effect, Borrower shall p3y the prcmium+reyuired�o � <br /> . �� obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortguge insur�nce previously in�ffcrt, at a c�ist �ub�t:�ntially equivalent tci ihe � <br /> � cost to Borrower of the mort�a*e insurance reviousl m effect, from:�n altemate murt�a�e insurcr a re�ved n LcnJe r.If � <br /> . 4. b b P Y b'b PP Y <br /> s • <br /> , .. , _ , P,�?oi� • Form 3028 9190 <br /> '� . . • ' .; <br />