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Sf.J,f r ;;��� �F ,�... ... , . a ... .,« . .. � � ...;,aY,`^w,:ril•'. ' . <br /> 1fF�5' � , _ . .., r.. ...'T .n... �...,.C. �-. ��. , � �. . ... . � �y�u n�'. '�,� , . . ��I� . �� 1' .• , ? !.1� ' . . <br /> T►'�, .._, ., , .., ... , . � <br /> V� � <br /> ,�; -. <br /> »:.,: . <br /> �� �.A�; , ��4=�.U��3 <br /> ��..� <br /> 5. ]E�saxarc� or 1Praperty I�uuranc�. Bc�rmwer shall �cep thc imprt�wr:rr►enCa tao�r :xisting o� �:ereafter erect^�d an tt�a <br /> Praperty insu;cd against Ip�.g by �rc, k►azurcis incfuded �v�'r�hin th��crn� "cFe�r��+!i,cave�^agt" a11t1 any c�ther hazards, induding <br /> flovcls or f1�oc;ir.g, fcr which I.cnder re�uires insurance. Thi�;7�;urAnce ShalY be mairicai��d �n th��nts�nd for the periuds <br /> that L,ender require5. The insuranre:�rrier providing thc i�tiurance shali t�c�aasen by Borrower subjecc to Lender's appmval <br /> whirh shail nat be unreasonabiy wit��h�ld. 1f Bnrrawcr fails tu maintain mv�*�ge drec�ribcd abovc, C.ender may, at I..ender's <br /> option, phtain cc,v�sage tu proC�t T..ender's rights in the Pro�erty in accc�rctance with parmgraph 7. <br /> Atl insuranc� policies and renew�is shali h�c a�ceptabte to Lendcr�nd shatl include a stand�trci mort,ga�e clause. l.,ender <br /> shall have thc r�ght to hald th�polic�es anci rrnewais. Tf�.erder rcquires,�3orrower shall promptly give to l.��nder all rectipts af <br /> paid premitrms and renewal notices. Irr the event of loss,Fjurrowcr shall give prpmpt notice to the insurance c.arrer and Lxnder. <br /> L.,cnder may make praof nf I��:Hs if not made prnmpt�y by�3orrv�er. <br /> t3niess L.endcr and 8orrawee o4heKrvise agrce in w�iting, insurance proceeds shall appliec!tv restoration or repair of the <br /> PrnpcRy cla.�naged, if the r�;storatian or repair is ecom7rnically feasibte and Lender's yecurity is noc le,sser�ed, ff�h�e restoration c�r <br /> repair is r+ot economical(y� Ceasibie ar L,ender's svcuri�y would be lesse.::.xl, the"rnsurancc pmc�eds shall be a�plicd to the sums <br /> secured by chis Security Instrument, whethcr or nat then due, with any excess paic� r!: Bvr.r: ver. If Borrawer abandons the <br /> . Pcoperay, or doe,� nat ar,stiver withic�30 ciays a natic� from I.encler that the insuranee carria:hus offered to setde a cl�im, then <br /> I..,ender may roliect the. insurancc ,rocet�ds. L,er�ler may u�e tt�c proCeeda to repaie or testore the ProFerty or ta pay sums <br /> secured try this Sr.curity'.nsm�m�nt.wh�et.her ar nc�t t�'�en due. The 30-day pericad will'�egin whcn th�notice is give,n. <br /> Unless Lcnder r�nd 1�3arrower othcrwise agrec in writing, any aF,plicatian af procceds ta pri�ipal sha11 not extend or <br /> postpone the due date ot the monthly payments referrai tv in para�raphs t and 2 ar change the amount of the �ayments. If <br /> urxler pazagrapri 21 :he Property is acquired by Lender, $arrnwor's rif;ht t�a��y insurance pclici�and pmceeds re%ultin; from <br /> damagc to the Propc.rty prior to che acquisition sha!!pass ro Lenc�er to thc extent nf the gums secured by this Sxurity Irsstrumc:nt <br /> immediately�rivr t��the aGquisition, <br /> S. Ckrup�ncy, FreservaCton, Maintenancr and Protectivra of the Fr�a�;:rty; Borravrer"s L.oan APplicatior�; Ia�.seho9ds. <br /> Be�rrower shal� ocrupy, estaa{ish,and use the Property a,a Barro�ver's principal residettce within sixt,�days afttr t4�e ezxuSion of <br /> thi5 Security lnsti�ment ancl s4ial[ continue tn occupy [he Prt�pr_rty as &�rmwer's prin�ipa! resi�enCe for a[ le��t qne y+<ar r�fCer <br /> the date �f occu�,ancy, unlcss !.ender othen►�ise agrees in writing, whict� cars�r.t shald not be dinreasonably wir.hheld, ,pr unles� <br /> extcnu<:ting circ�umscances :.xisc whicF are ixyond Borrnwer's control. &�rrower,shall nat destroy, damaUe or itr�puir the <br /> �roperty, �.Ilqw the Pr�nperty to deteriorate, or cammit was'.e on the Pmper[y. Sorrower shatl F�c in def�alt if any forfeiture <br /> action or pra:etxiing, whether civi! or crimin�l, is begnn tFat in Lender's g�c�d faith judgment ro�ld result in forfeitur�of the <br /> Property or nrherwise materially impair ti�e tien created by;his Security Instrument or Lender'�security interest. 8orrou�er�nay <br /> cure such a cfefauPt and reinstate,as provided in paragraph i$, by caus;ng ihc action or procarv�ing ta be distnissed with a ruling <br /> that, in Lender's good faith detettr.inatinn, precludes forfeiture of the Bcxrawer's interest in the Prope�ty or a!her unaterial <br /> irnpairrstent vf th� ficn Createci by this 5ocurity Instntmr.nt ar Lender's security intere,st. Barrowc.r shall alsa be in detault if <br /> Borm«er, during the lo�t application procc,�,gave mat+�riatty fa#se or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or faiteci <br /> to provide I�ender with any materiaf inforn�ation) in connectian with the laan evidencet�ll by the Note, inciuding, but not limited <br /> tn, repre�sentations concerning Barrawer's accupancy of the Prupew.y a�a principal residenre. If ihis 5erariry Instrurr�ent is on a <br /> leaseha}�i, Borrower shall carr�p{y with all the provisions of the 1f Borrnwer acquirts fce title to thc Property, the <br /> less�hr,ld and thA fre tide sha9t nat rr,cr13e unless L.erx',er aa:ees to!he rnerger in writing. <br /> i'. Protectivn of Lender's Rights ln the Frape�y. If I3orrower fails to perform the covenanEs anci agreements ccmtained in <br /> this �:ceurity Instr�ment, or there is a fegat pru-c�rling that rriay signi�cantly affcci L.ender"s rights in the Property (such as a <br /> prix.��eding in bankruptcy, probate, for�nnclemnation or forFeiture r,r tv errPorce laws or regulat�on.5), then Lender may do arxl <br /> pay T�sr whatever is necessary lca prpteet the value of the Property and Ixn�er's rights in the Propr:rty. Lerrder's actians may <br /> inc6urle paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, �,ppezring ip conrt, paying <br /> reasonable attorncys' Fee,s and entering nn the Praperty to make repairs. Aithaugh I.ender may take artion under th[s paragraph <br /> 7. Lender does nat have tv do so. <br /> Any amounts disburseci by I.cndcr under this �►aragraph 7 shall become ndditional debe uf Bcirrower se�.-ured by this <br /> Se�uriiy Instrument. CJnlcss Borrower and i,cnder agrea to othtr terms of p�y�ent, these amvunt, shall bear intcrest from the <br /> clate of disburseenent at the Nnte rate and shall be p.tyable, with interrst, upqn ttotfce from Lender to Bprrower requcsting <br /> paymPnt. <br /> $. i�tortgage Ansurence. If Lertder requir�ed m[�rtgage insurtance as a condition�f making thc:(oun secured by this Scc�writy <br /> instrument, Ba:rv�ti�er shall pay the prcm:ums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in wffect, IC, for any reason, the <br /> morigage insur.tnce coverage req�ired by C.errder lapses er Ceases to be in effect, Botrower shali puy the premiums requircd to <br /> obtain cbverage suhstantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effoct. at a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previ�usiy itt ef€ect, from an alternate mortgage i��surer approvcd by [.endcr. if <br /> substantially equivalent rrwrt.gage insurance coverage is not available, Borrower shall pay ro Lender each mor�th a sum equal to <br /> one-twelf:h of'the yearly mortgage insurance premiurry bcing paid by Borrower when the insuran�e coverage lapsed or ceascd to <br /> bc in ef"cct. Lenrler witt accept, ase and retain the.ce payments:s a.1.oss r�serv�in lieu of mortgage insurance. I..4ss reserve <br /> F�m 3018 9I9b <br /> ' P�w3ma <br /> I <br /> z �.��. <br /> � ,�w 4.� <br />