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<br /> a1 Y;em.sh�li ba nnt�tir.d to en(orcn this Truct poed t�nA any other eecz!dty rn�H ar hnrnaltor!ie►ci Cy tten�tic�ary ur 7�ublen!n Ruc:n arlp Ma+d mwrwwr
<br /> a9 they or elther o}IF�om mi;y In ths��:a,lu!e discretlon detarmina.No remedy hereln confcttetl upan r.r�eeerved to 7r��al�e or kl�nriicisry}e intsnda�
<br /> tcr be exciusive of any other rec�:r�f hzca:n ar by law pruv�ded or{Yamiittod,but oach aha0 t�cumulatiw snd oi�Wl M In�dd�llan iQ wNy o1Mr r�mdy
<br /> givan t,ereunder nr naw a fieres`���r u�s!:ng at law a in equfly or by statute.Every paver a remecfy provld�d und�r thla TruK ONd to TruW�w a 6xafidvy
<br /> a-to widCh 4llher of them rnay be c:'.=nn;u�nliped,i��:iy bo oxCrr,f�EQ,concurrenUy ar InifepenAor,Uy, lrcm t!mtt ta tlme xnN�aR»n w�rn.0 h�„w.�n.n __
<br /> ezpeAlant by Y�uetee ur QQneliciary nnd eilher of lhem may pursuB Inconelstent rs+�isdlq.NDthlnq hirr�ln ihd! bs cuo�tru�0�u�rohipitlnp!�ltdry
<br /> froc�u�skinp�daticfency�udpment eAslnat Ihs'fruetw to Ihe oxtsnt nuch actlon le permitt�d by I��v.
<br /> I1.'fNANBF�R Q� 7H�pRqPERTY;AS'UMPTION.if att or uny part of the Property a IntKS�t c?flrrin U aokl,lran�h►rnd or oth�rwiw oonw�d ,
<br /> by Tru�tor wllhout Benelicla�y'o p�lor wr,lten conaent,excludlr.p(a)Ih�craat�on or a Ilnn a encumbana auhordinrt�t�ihl�7ruH D�W,(b}�tr�e�
<br /> by cfprratlon pl law upnn Iha d�ath ol a Tni�t�who I�a�olnt lenant or{r,��he prant ot any 1e��3hdd ir,lrr�u o41hrN(3)y�u�cx h�t wMGh�not
<br /> cont�in an o►ttlon to purthe�e,euch acUOn la a brench oi 1MIe opreement,and QanNiclpry m�y,�t A�r�efitlary'a oplbn,d�cl�r�aN th��um�slwr�d by �
<br /> thil 7rus1 L7aed to be iimna�ut�lw tluw Rnrl payANl9.provkl!�t1.lurthet,Yhls Tru�t QeW may.at E?�ne[:c',ry'e a�;ay,fa da:�:re�Imrr,c.„:,a.yE;;:,�,�
<br /> p�y�bis,ll(1)Truata In�p�rineiship�rid eny interool In the parinerehlp 1s sotd or us�lpned by any R»a�Iwlsrtae�or�e,w(2)If th�Tru�ter ts�axpor�orv
<br /> Hnd a tran6ter ot Iho mn�onty slock uwncrship intorest in tBe corporDtlon ocCUr6,or�he Trustor cwporatlon mer�e In any lorm w!th�nothpr cppuraUore
<br /> or enUty.Benaficlnry shnll N�va wmved nuch opuon to i�ccelerate if,prlor In Ihe eale,IrHnsPer or Conv�lybnCe,�Elenefciar�pnd tha twrpan to wi�orn the
<br /> Property i�to be Eo!d or IrnnsierroU rtrnth agreoment In writin�ihat Ihe crodlt ol Ruch{x�rson la oatist�r,tay t0 EleneYciery and thAf tM Int�rMft p►y�
<br /> on the sums se.^-urnJ by IhfD Trust Oeed shall foe at such rata�9 BenefiClBry ehnl!rr�que�t.
<br /> t2.ACCEi.ERA7�DM UPON�EFAULT;qEt�EDIEB;6ALE.The feilure 6y the Tru�ta�,to make any payment ato perfam any af the brms and car�litbns
<br /> ot thiy Truat Ueed,o►the terms and conditlons ot the Note,or eny renowAtS,modilications or extensionathereat,or the leilur0 t0 make payment af Ny
<br /> o:her indehtedness,pr�or 0►SUb58quB111 to lhis Trust OOOd,And securrsd by this proporty,or the�eath ot one cx mae Trustors shldi t�s a Dreuta uK!
<br /> detauit o1 thls Trust Oeed and the Benef�clary muy declare a dateult end may dectara all sums secured hereby immedietely due a�G payabte end Ih�
<br /> same she11 thereupon become due And paynbla wiliiout prosontmenf,demand,protest or notico of any klnd,prov!ded,Trustor shall have aay si�tei-xy
<br /> right to curo tho defeult heforo any notice oT dofault and domand for sal9 mny 6e delivored to the Trustae.TherRafter,N�neficiary may deltver toTrualee
<br /> si written declaratlon o4 delault ancl demand for sete.Trustor agrees and hereby grants that the Trustee shall havo the pCwer af sale of Ihe Propedyr�nd
<br /> if BenofiCipry deCides the Proporty is to be sold it shall deposit with 7Yustee this Yrust Oeed and the Ne.teor notes ard ony other daumente eNdenCing
<br /> oxpeodituro9 secured hereby,and shall deliver to Trustee a writlen nolice of d�tauit and olaction to cause the property to be so1d,and Trustae,In tum,
<br /> shall prepnre a similar notice In the form required by law,which shall be duiy filed lor record 6y Trustee.
<br /> (a) After the lapsa of such tl�no as may be required by Inw toilowi�g the recordation of Notice oi Uetaull, and Notice of Detauit and Notice of
<br /> Sale having been given as requiretl by lav�,�rustee,without demand on Trustor,shall setl the Property,If not redaemed,in one or mor-�e
<br /> parcels and in such order as Trustee may determino on the date and the time and pfaCe designetad In seld Nottco af Sale,at puhi(c auction
<br /> according to law.
<br /> (.�)_ ::�::w1:T uoivv ooi:a'yi;ioi;ui�i tu ii�o yuwdro iiaroin,'irusiao snaii appiy[ne pra;eeqs of tno sa�e to paymant ot the CoST9 flnd expense9 of -
<br /> exercistng the power of sale and of the sale,including,without Iimitatlon,nttorney's feas and the payment of Trustee'S Fees Incurred,which
<br /> Trustee'a Fees shall not in Ihe aggre�afe exceed the lollowing amounts based upon the amount sewred hereby and remaining unpaid at
<br /> the cime schedulQd for salp:5 percentum on the balanCe thereof;end thFn tu the(tems in subpara9raph(c)In lhe order th6;e stated.
<br /> (c) Atter pt�ying the items specified in subparegraph(b),if lhe sale Is by Trustee,ar if the saio is pursuant to judiclal toreCiosure,the proCeed3
<br /> 01 sale shail be eppGad in Ihe followmg order:
<br /> (1)Cost ol any evidence ut titto procured in connection with such saie antl ot eny revenue trenster lee requirpd to be pald;
<br /> (2)All obligations secured by this Trust Deed; —
<br /> (3)Junfor irust deeds.mprigages,or other Benhoiders; ��
<br /> (4)The remainder, (f eny,to the person legally entitied thetnto.
<br /> 13:APFOINTMENY OF SUCCES50R TRUSTEE.Beneficfary may,irom time to time,by a written instrumant exeeuted and acknowledged hy Beneficiary, ---.
<br /> maliod to Trustor end recorded In the county or counties in which the Property is located and by othenvise complying with the provisians of the appucable '"_`-y
<br /> laws of the State of Nebraska substitute e cuccessor or successors to the Trustoe nemed herein or acling hereunder. "°"�
<br /> �_��
<br /> 14.IHSPECTION9.Beneficlary,or its agents,ropresentatives or employoos,are authorized to enter at eny roasonable ttme upon ar in any partof iha ���.�'
<br /> PrOperiy for the purpose of fnspocting Ihe same and ior t�e purpose of pedorming eny of tho acts it is authorited to pedorm undor th�tprms of the Trust Deed. �
<br /> ����
<br /> 15.OPTION TO FORECL�SUR�.Upon the occurrence of�ny breach and upon the declaration of default hereunder,Bsneficiary shell havo[haoptlon `,�
<br /> td larticlose this Trust Oead in the man�er provlded by law fo�Ihe farectosuro of mortgages on real property.
<br /> ..C1..•.
<br /> 18.FOpEBEIIRANCE 8Y BENEFICIARY OH TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance by Benefidary orTrustee in exercising any rlght orreme0y n`
<br /> hereunder,or otherv�ise aliordod by appiicable law,shall not be fl warver of or preclude the exorcise of any such right or romody.Likowise,the wafver �-'�=
<br /> c,.;�-,
<br /> y one ic ary or TrustQe of any default of Trustor under this Trust Dead shall not be daomed to be a waiver of any other ar similar dafeults SubsequenUy --
<br /> oscuning.
<br /> i7.BENEFICIAqY'S POWERS.Without aHecting ur relensir,g Ihe II&bility ot the Trustor or any other porson liabfe(or the paynrent of IIny ob�gatiOn
<br /> Nareln mentioned,and wilhout effecting the Iion or charge of this Trust Deed upon any portion of the Praperty,k3oneliciary may,from tima lo time and
<br /> wlthout nodce et the roquost of ono or more Trustors,(�)release any person Iiable,(ii)extond or ronow the maturiry or aiter any of the terms of any suth
<br /> abllgations.(ili)grant other indulgr�nces,(iv)release or roconvey,or cause to bo reteased or reconveyed et any ilme at Beneficiary's option nny p3rcol �
<br /> o�N�of the Proporty,{v)takQ or reloase any other or acldilional security lor any abligation heroin mentioned,(vi)m8ke settlemenls or othor arrangemenis �'
<br /> �}dih'1'rustar tn rolatlon thore[o-All Trustors shall be�ofntly and sevorally obifgatad and bound by the action9of the Baneficiary or any one Cr moraTrustor • �
<br /> ��statod In this parag�aph.
<br /> 1D.ATTORNEY FEHS,COSTS AND EXPENSES.The 8eneticiary of Ihls Trust Doed is entitlad to thd payment of attorney's fees.costs and e:ponsos
<br /> as pro�ided In this Trust Deed,excopt as othonviso prohibited by law. •
<br /> 19.RECONVEYANCC BY TFlU57EE. Upon wntten request of BenullCiary and upon payment by Trusiw of Trustee's fee9,7cuntttg shail rocanv�y lo
<br /> 'Pru�or,or the person or persons lu�nlly ontitlad thereto,without wurrnnry,any porUon of the Pro�G►4y thon hetd hereur.dor.Recituis in such roconveyancA
<br /> of any matters or facls shall be concluswo prool of tho truthfulnes9 theruof.Tho grantee(n any rcoonvoy�nce may bo descri6ed as the person or�ersons �
<br /> Iegaliy entitted thereto"
<br /> 20.t�lOTtCES.ExCOpt for nolices,demands,requvsfs or other communications roqwrad under epplicablelaw to be given In annthor mannor,whenpvor
<br /> Beneliciary,Trustor or Trusteo c�ives or serves any notico(including,�vrthout Iimitation,noNto of defauit and noliee ot sNnl.domands rne:,use�N�:w - ---
<br /> eommunicansn tv�tn rospcct to tn�s Trust 17eed,each such notico,domand,requ0st or othor communlcatlpn Si�211 be In�vriting nnd sh�ll bo af(eciNO onty
<br /> if tho seme is delivorod by pat$onal snrwco or�s mafled by cortifiad mail,postaga prepaid,addrossed to Ila addre3ss ae set forth nt tho beglnnfng of thb
<br /> Trust Oeed.Any parly may at any timo chango�ts od�rass for such�oticas by dQliverfng or maiiinq Io the ottier party herato,os o(presaid,n nolica�ol
<br /> such Chango.Any notico hereunder shall bo deernod to hava baen�ivon to Trustor or BCneficlary,�vhengivon in the manner doslpnatQd hvre�n. ��
<br /> 21.REQUEST FOR NOTtCE.Trustor and 8eneliciary hereby raquesl e copy of Any notfce of Cefault, and a copy ot any notiCe of Saio tflerounder, bp
<br /> msilad lo oach porson�vho is a party hereto at tho addross lor sur.h pnrson 6e1 forth fn tAe flrst parngreph ol lhis Trust Ooad.
<br /> 22.GOYEHNING LAVY.Thie Trust DQed shall bo govcmed by Iho la�vs of the Stato o}Nr�brasko.
<br /> 23.SUCCESSOHS AND ASSIGNS.This Trust Deed,and all terms,condilions and oblig�tions huroin,apoty to end inuro to tho bonoht of and hind9 �
<br /> nll partips horoto, Ihar hoirs, lag3teas,devisees.personal reprosentativos,succnssors and pssigns.Tho�orm Beneticiary"shall mean tho o�vror and
<br /> hotder of tho Noto,whethor or not nnmed as 8enoliciary herp�n.
<br /> �
<br />