.....•wnevraLµYl� ._ .. .. . .�^•tlq�saenrnw�wlnt+t�alsatu� � ' "
<br />. -.-.,. . /� ,. n,��-n:.+p..+r+wv.r.wiww... ..
<br /> ."!C .. ..,}�„ -. . ... �� C� ., '.) „_.J�n _ - '- '_J�__'—
<br /> ....�� .-�-. .
<br /> � {(�1��' �ip:1.�°h i '.�r��1� ..,�:,,�;,. _ •��It�i104W118h�t . ._ vu—�� - " �� ,r
<br />--�--��-�ial�.. •• , 'x� __ _ •a'.^T•R�nwR ..�--'lllOill�/M!•
<br /> �� *��:"
<br />'–_ _ .��i'�ro .iQ�•#�� !�__
<br />-`"``�`:':"� .. 19.1'�•pi�sPe-r oQ t{ic G'`►•a�tz.ty or u f4enciicfal Yi�te.c.>4 i��13ai•ro��ci•. If ell or nn 1rt af�hc Pro ,,rt oe an t• ��--:°
<br /> Y p� p" y Y in�rest in it �•.
<br /> is eolcl or traoisfe�•rd(�rr if'n h:neficinl i�ucrest in 13inr���vcr is snld or t�-�ii���fer��cd un�l �arro:��es•is� unY n n�it�n.a!p�E:;un)uiUioiu I
<br /> L.cndr.r's prior virittcn co�iscnt, l.cndc�• muy, et its uption, rcy�dre immcdiatc p�ynicut in fuU of ull sums sccurcd by this !,�
<br /> __::E>•_ 5ecurity Ir.strument. I�Iowever, this option shall not be exe�•cisecl by I.ender if excrcfse i,prohiUitcd by federal law os�f the date
<br /> � �'''�`�"""''�`' af this Scc:uriey Instrument. -
<br /> -_�',.����f• —.
<br /> -z---.:_��°:�'�f�''•!"� ff Lcnder cxcrcises tttis o tion, peri�xl of nat
<br /> ,s_,_,-o�,.�, R Lcndcr shnll give I�orrowcr naticc of acccicration, Thc notice shall providc n
<br /> � Iess than 30 days from thc dute the notice is dclivcrcd or mailcd wfthin which Dorrowcr must pny nll sums secured by �his
<br /> .�;�::._,.,-=��=,T;J� 3ecurity Instrumcnt. If Horrowcr fnils to pay these sums prior to the expiration of tliis periocl.L.cndcr mny invok�nny rcmr,Aics -_
<br /> -- =--- per►:�lttul by this 5ccurity Iiisu�uincnt without funhcr noticc or demand on tiorrowcr. �
<br /> ________ 18. Horrower's Right to Reinstate. If Horrower mcets cerutin conditions, 8orrower sh�ll ha��c the right to linve
<br /> -v.-_:;���� enforcement of this �ecurity Instnrment discontinued nt nny time prior to the earlier of: (ii} S days (or such other peefod cs
<br /> --_�;:�:e�.ssa applirni�le law may specify for reinstatcment) before sale of the Property pursuunt to any power of snle cont�iined in this
<br /> _,� Security Instrument;or(b)entry of u Judgment enforcing tl�is Securlty Instrument.Those conditions nre that$orrower:(n)pays
<br /> _-,_;��� Lender �II sums which then would be due under this Security Inscrument cu�d the Note uy if no accelerntion had occurred;(b)
<br /> _-- cures any default af any other covenants or ngreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcinR this Sccu�it,y Instrument,
<br /> __--'''!''�'�'�''�'� including, but not limlted to,ru►sonable attorneys' fees; and (d)takes such uction us Lender may rcasanably require to assure c
<br /> � - that the fien of this Secudty InsErument, Lender's rights in the Praperty und Aorrower's obligation m pay the sums secueed by
<br /> ='`��"bt�h'�1_� ehis Securiry Instrument shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thls Security Instrument nnd dte
<br /> --i rrF��'3'=*''�� obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no accelerutian had occurrecl.However,this r:ght to reinstate shall �-
<br /> __��.��:- vy not upply in the case of�cr.eleration under parag�;�ph 17.
<br /> �•�Ti�:;"`. `. 19. Sale of Note; Chunge of I.oun Servtcc:r. The Note or a panial interest in the Note (tagether with this Security
<br /> -n:�u=,�:�+ Instrument)may�bc sold one or mure times without prior notice to Borcower. A sale may result i�i a change in the entity(known
<br /> �-��c�r^u;�r as the"I.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and thi�s Securiry iastn�ment.There also may be one
<br /> ••"-�lri�..I�.rri�•���.�..
<br /> -..:.,�,„x. ;,�„=,;,; or more chan�es of thc Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chan�e of the C.oan Servicer,Borrawer�vill be -
<br /> =:.i;�,.,.• ���;` �iven writcen notice of the chan�e in accordance with pnragraph 14 above and applicable lnw. The notice will state the nnme and
<br />_•���,�°r s�?�:: �� address of the new Loan Servicer nnd the nddress to which payments should be mude. The notice will also contain any other -
<br />- _ �� " information required by applicable law.
<br /> : .a„
<br /> ��"`-"'-="',���'` ' 2f�. Heznrclous Substanees. Borrower shall no: cause or permit the presence, use,disposal, storage, or release nf Any
<br /> :;-:v:'.r'sv.� ���"�{�ff ___r__.
<br />-';:,.:,,.,, .��.,.�, •:� Huzardnus Substanccs on or in thc Property. Aorrower shall not do, nor aUow anyone else to do, anything affecting the -
<br /> _-'�:�=M f4%�u py,;�.;' Property that is in violation of any Environmental I,aw. The preceding two sentences shall not a�ply to the presence, use,or `
<br />_,;�;,:,..{,,� .��,,,-u,,: storage on the Property of small quantities of Hnzardous Substances that are genen►!ly rcrosnized to be appropriate to norinal ��-_-�
<br /> '�� residential uses and to maintennnce of the Property. �'`'•
<br /> •;"•.�11;'..,,f�(f'i}}";r,�v>7:; _
<br /> r: . Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ,�_4,``��sjr'��+�;F governmental or regulatory agency or private party involvin�the Froperty und any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law �-
<br /> ��"�,%'�:,.•••��:.< � of which Borr�wer has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified b ar► ��'•
<br />_ :,,:�,.;,..;i>_.• y y governmental or regulatary authority, that -
<br /> 'i:,; .., . .. T any removal or other rcmediation of any Hazardous Substance affeceinu th�Prnn��r;���.•rP��,�,��;ru;;.�T;;;�!!pms�==y i��� - --
<br /> ,�;��;; ,y� aji necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ` r.��;�t As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances detined as toxic or hautrdous substunces by
<br /> T.:a��'�'�'��ry�`� Environmentu! Luw and the followin substances:
<br /> ' � • •�'*nr � S • gasolinc, Iccroscnc, othcr tlammable or toxic pctrolcum products, toaic
<br /> '``"�';�����.+�• stirides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materinls containing a�bestos or formnldehyde,nnd rudiouctive materinls. As used in
<br /> �Nr:", �.. ��,,, pC.
<br /> -="`��%u��4� thls paragraph 20, "�nvironmental Law" means federnl laws and luws uf the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br />-'��:,�''��y� . • rclatc ro hcalth,s,ifcty orcnvironmcntal protection. -
<br /> `�''`'"�'"" NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.9orrower atid Lender further covenant nnd i�grec as follows:
<br /> _ ."'>;,;,,,'�.�r,yz�. ---
<br />---=ti:..r_.�,ca�b:±__ 21. Acccleratlon;Re�n�edles.I.ender�hull give nottce to Dorrower prinr to ncceleration foflowing 13orrower's breach �.-
<br />. _.-r'.-.;f�.,a.z...P�.-.
<br /> - �n ,.�;,�YL_ of uny coveitui�t ur ugrc�nent In ¢h1e Security InsttvmenY (but not priur to accelerntton under pi�rngraph 17 unles.v
<br /> ��'�:"_:�_�__.� ieppUcable law providcs otlur�vise). The notice shall specify: (u)the defi�ult; (b) ttie nctic►n r�utred to cure the default; -
<br />-=r i=�-��:�::�'� (c)n dute, not Icss than 30 dny9 Pran the dute the nottcc is Iven to Borrmver b �vl�lch the defuult n�ust be cured; nnd
<br /> :::.�,�,:�:-:.� �s.�. � � y _�
<br /> -�-x�,.�f�,}t�� (d) t6nt tullure to cure the def�ult on or before the date specifled In the notice niny result in uccelerntion of the sums �
<br /> . �4.�,,� secured by this Security Instrument nnd snle of thc Froperty. The natice sl�all further inform Borrower of the rf�ht to '��'�;
<br />_—�-_r•_,�r�a� retnstate after nccelerallon and the rtght to brinF n court acNon to assert the nan-existence of u defnult or uny other � '�i�
<br /> -_`�'��""Tr,-�,-`H`LL:'� dcfense of Borrower to uccelerat[on und sule. IP the defuult te not curerl on or before tlie dute specliieri in the notice,
<br /> �_°_� ��`��r"�"-� Lendcr, ut Its option, may require immediute payment in full of nll sums secured by thts Secur[t.y Instrument�vithout � '
<br /> °���«�SY�!'�,�z- further demnnd and may invoke tl�e power of sale und any other remedles permitted by applicnble law.I.ender shall be
<br />�4=��`'�u�� entitled to wllect ull ex nses incurred in ursuin the remedies provided in tliis pai�ugraph 21, Including,but not Iimited
<br /> =-:::�.:.�,arn�f�•. Pe P s '
<br /> � -^����-� to,reasonAble attoane s'Pees nnd costs of title evidence.
<br /> ra;�;iti:.T-..,.z. y
<br /> "�_�~«"�•-";;'�'• It the power of snle is invoked, 1'rustee shalo record a notfce of defuult in each county in �vl�icl�uny part of the
<br /> r ���` Praperty Is loca4ed and shall mall copies of such notice in tlte manner prescrtbed by applicable luw to Borrower and to
<br />�'�`�::_=;,�:_�::��_ the other persons prescribed by applicable law.After the time requtred by npplfcable luw, Trustee sl�all giv�puUllc notice
<br />- ____ .••.;:, of sale to the persdns end in the manner�rescribed by npplicnble Inw.Trustee,without demund on Borrower,shall sell
<br />_ - � the Praperty a�t publtc auction to tlte htghest bidder at the time and place And under the terms destgnaced in the notice of
<br />- sale in one or more purcels and (n any order Trustec determines. T�•ustee may postpone sale af All or uny pnrcel of the �
<br /> .: , • Property by puDlic �nnouncement at the time und pince of any �reviously scheduled sule. Lender or its desEgnee may
<br /> __ . purchuse the Pro�erty ut uny snle.
<br />-;;: . ��..,. . .:,�
<br /> :u . ..
<br /> �. .' . ''
<br /> �_' ''�t�� Form 3028 fl/90
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