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<br /> 13. 1UnIYar�Yeca�ilylaatra�n+mt�fi0lfl�tl(��tYjfiEVEi�Yifi�3�.`1'iilai'c��a�csfSccu�ftyiit:traui:��ts:uri�L;:;:�ftuiiPauracu.�:a:ih:fcr►t:,ti�,�;zlu:�� 'a:-�.<,r
<br /> and numunifotm c�v�nq with Unai,t�c�d v�riA�tons by�urlxilctlon to c�nstliusc W unlfor�n sceu;tty InsrrumGnt co�•�ring rcal proYxrt�. 'fhls _
<br /> Sec�rity Instrumen¢alull be Quven��d by Federal(sw and lhe la.w of rhe jarisdi:tlon in whict�the Prapa•�y is lau.ted.In the eve�u that xny
<br /> p�ovlston or cl��ue uf thla Secu�ity In�trumc7[or the Note conilicu wiah appliceble law,such ca�Nc�shaU nat■ffea wher provi�ionti nL ehis
<br />� �:�ari?y f.::sti,�._ni e;ih�Ro!�t•rh!^h!�^�h�Livrn�4fr�t witlxo��t tho c�+_�tflctin�t pravision,c�nd to this ct;d cho�rovistans of thfs Sccurit,Y _.-.
<br /> Inttrumrnt�nd the Note ue dalara!to be aeverabk.
<br /> Uniform Cov�n�xnt 1'1 of tbe Sccudty In�trument Is amrndad to rr�d as ioltnw�:
<br /> iT. 'hs�skr ot tlw�'ro*erfg or s Se�elki�l I�terat i�Ho+roMe*•If all or any psrt of tAe Y'roperty u�an interat the.rein is sold or trwafand ,
<br /> (or it a b�enefidal inttrest in 13orrower is sold or transferral xnd Surrowrr is itot a�tsttue+il pe�so�)�:*fthout[.t,nd�r'e prtctir�.�ritt�car.�t. - -
<br /> Ler►dcr may,xt[,e�ider's option.decl�re dl the aums eecurod by this Secuslry Instniment to be immedlately due wd payabk.Howev�r,this
<br /> optton shdl not beexercis�xf by I.eader if exercise 1�not auihortzed by Federal la+v.Lendu m4y weiva the ex:rctse ot this opdon if:(a)Bcxraxa'
<br /> aiusa to bc submitted to Lcr.der;,t�f`ormadon requimd by I.cader ro eva.luate the lntenAed transfcrec�q if n aew i�n wae beir.�made t�the
<br /> trsnsf�era;xnd(b)i.endcr rqsoz�abty datnrmina that I.ender's saurity wUl not be impaired by thc lonn assumpqon and that d�e tt�k u[the �
<br /> bruch of any covenant or s►arcaucr.t in thls 8ecudty Instrumrnt ls�ccept�b)e to Lender. .
<br /> To the�.Ytent permittcdbY axDl'rcal�lo lew.Lendsr rpxy charge a rensanible fee a�a candltlon to Lender'�cocuent to the Iwn aasamption. __
<br /> ►.ender may also ru�u'sre�hc uunsferce to kap all the promis�snd ngreemente made in tho IVate nnd in this Securtty(n�uument.
<br /> 'Rf I.enilar exerclses sush option to aadcrate.I.ender shall rtuil Borrowcr notioe of acalerntion in atccordxnce with pu�rnph i4 hereoL •• �
<br /> Such aoUce sbnll pr�vide a period of not less than 30 days Erom the dnte the noticx is mailtd within w3�ich Borrower msy pay the sums dectued
<br /> due.If Rorcower fails to pty such sums prior to tlie expirxtion of such pedod,I,ender may,withpnt iutther noUa or dernand on Borruwa.
<br /> invuke any remalies permittetD by th[s Securlty.3�+sururuen¢." �
<br /> "Notwith�tu�ding a c11eoF tranater.Borrower w�l1 contiuue to be obllgated under the Noee and this Security Inatrument unleu La�er hao
<br /> rdasal Borrower in wddns.° �
<br /> f. LOAN CHANGFS
<br /> [f the loan secured by the Securtty Instrument is suhject to a law which sets maxfmum lo�n charges,and UuU!xw is finally interpreta!w
<br /> that t4e interest or other lu��charges coilated or to be collected in comiection w{th tha laan exceed germitted limiW,then:(1)any such la�n
<br /> charge sha.11 be reduced by the nmount necessary to reduce thc charge to the permttted lta�t;and(2)any sums already collected from b�orrowa
<br /> wtilch exceedcd permitted IImiW will be refunded to Borrower.Lender roay choose to make thls refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the
<br />- Note or by msking a direct payment to 8arrower.!f a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be tr.ented us a partia�prepaymcnt under the
<br /> Note. _
<br /> IN WITNE59 WHF.ld�OF,Borto�verYasexecatedl6bAdJwta6kRateRMea
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