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/wisy i,7 R� �°,1 , . -, . .ii: <br /> ��l,.�ld%�1�;,�?.l�tr�.r.{�i . - . .. ' <br /> - ��Elti��:•,�ii '`. , .. <br /> `����.. r,j� ' . - _ .. -- , ' � � <br /> ' �, ` i.��l"��MW'e�:. � • � .. � • . ., ., s:."�r.w..,, . <br /> ,�:.p.a.�`^ frnw: . ��. ��,,;;3' .n_..,_ .! �....��=-.�'..�''kr4�►1=:_.._..: F.'°;°q"i`„y��.a- -��...n`-= <br /> ,. _;.�.. � —.- <br /> . .. <br /> ....yr .�,.�sa.t - . . •' .. .. . <br /> . .Y�..�' .-.'--,._.,. . ,.-_.... .. ....._ . .' —'--'--•- �-. <br />'�L iy:�^,��'�.'�.§L���, , �,r�� �f��� �j � i.:. _. <br /> '}�.. ' \ ���� �_.. <br /> ��4 .� �,tl . ' <br /> � 4. Thu Qnrrm•1oi r.hdi liccp tho Pwporty In pood repei�on�chc!I not oa�t;rdt e�calo or pormit Impr.irm�nt a►dotnNnrntion nt iho Pronmty. �,. <br /> 5. If Iho 6unowo►Icilo to: (al mcint�in or pay tho�romlum�tot tho raquircd In:.u►onco o}Iho Praporty,or(GI pay taxoa mofor�dc!inquont,or <br /> � , Icl poy ony amoun2 duo u�Ae►o ptlor mortpepo or trurt dead before dolinquent, ot Idl muintein the Property In pood ropnlr,c�le)portorm <br /> nny ol lhe oavenento o►epreemente o}tM�Truet Oaed,then tho lerd+�c mey,et it�op8on,pey suoh Ineuranae premlums,taxe9,mmtpepe <br /> , or trucl dacd poymenta,or maka ropolre end diaburea suoh ouma eM tako ouch aotlon oo It doomo noceoaery to protoot ito Interaat without <br /> •. . � walvinp or etfeotinp It�ripht to declnre o�de}sutt�nd eaodernte the Aebt seaured h�reby beoauae af eny suoh failure of t�e Borrower. Any , <br /> • nmo:mto eo diabureed by the L.ende�ohal!conatitute additlonal indebtedneee of the Dctrower eecu�ed by Ihi�Trunt UaeA end ah�l1 boar I�itereNt <br /> from tho dntp of dicburcomnnt ot tha roto paycblo��ndor tho Noto. tJnthfnp contr.Sncd in thin pnrcprr.�h chc!I ro�ulrn tho Londor to mc'co cny <br />_ such diahurwemm�u or tako eny eoNon whebowa. <br /> • 0. Tho tandor may mnke o�oauao to be made roeeoneble entriae upon and inapention o1 the Property_ .� <br /> 7. The proceode of eny ewerd or cla!m fo�damepeo,direat or oonaeCUentiel, in oonneotion with eny cortdemnation or othnr tekfne af the <br /> Property,or pert thereof,or Po►aonvayenoe In Ueu oi oo�demnetion,are hereby eaeipned end ehall be peld to tlie Lv�do►to the extnnt ol the <br /> full omount o}the remelninp uopold indebteJnesa eecurod bV thle Tr�et Deed. 'sv� <br /> �... <br /> ' If the Propeny��nbandoned by the Bor�ower,or,i}ettcr notics by the Lendet to tho Borrower thot the oondemnor oftero to make a�eward � <br /> or aottlo o cleim for demepeo,the Dorrowee feile to respond to the le�der witMn 30 deys efter the dete euoh�atice lo mailed,the Lender =_ <br /> in authorised to oolleot e�d opply the prooeedo to the euma secured by thl�Trust Deed. <br /> ,. � Condomnntion prooesds or ewnrde shali be oredited to ihe laet metulnn instellmente ot the indebtedness aecurad and chall not extond or <br /> „ • postpone the due dete of the Instollmante rotarred to i�patapraph 1 horeof o►ohanpe the emount o1 euch Instnlimonta. — <br /> „ 8. I}tha Lendn►lesuos a partiel releuse of thie Truat Deod,the proceede reoeived therefor eholl be aredited to the laet metudnp inatnliment3 0( _- <br /> • - tho indobtsdnosa aocurcd horcby. - -- <br /> � 9. I(the Lender oither voluntoriiy or involuntnrily beoomes e paRy to any auit or le0ol proceedinp►eletinp to the Proporty,Noto or thl�Truat Deed, — <br /> „ thnn the Borrowor evill roimburse the Lende►fm all ooeta ond,to thn extont pe►mitted by low, roesanablo ettomoye'feee Incurrod by tho �,;�-� <br /> Lm�dor rolntinp to suah auit nr lupel procoedines end euid sume ehell conatitute udditfonal indobtesdnnss 6ecuted by thfs Trust Ovnd nnd hvar �r'� <br /> .. mterest ot the�ote payoblo under tha Note,untii pnid. <br /> 10. A4 ndditionnl security,the 8orrowor doeu heroby osoign,ironafer eni set ovet to the Lender,in cnsa of default in the performanoa nf eny -- <br /> ol tho tarms or condrtlane of thSs Truat Deed,the Note o�the ter►ns of eny indabtadnese secumd he►aby, ell of the ronts,revenuea mxl eny __ <br /> incume of eny type whateoevor to be derived from the Proparry,inciudinp Innd contreot peyments. The Lender,In pereon,by upent o►by <br /> racoivor, wrthout rapord ta tho eolvoncy or inaolvenay of the Borrower or the votue of the Property, shall be ontitlod to take posaeea(on of. -�w- <br /> ropnir,rnnt end manuga Zhe Proporty und to oolleot the ronte, revenuos end incoma therofrom and itmaypey out of eald income�11 oxpenxes <br /> ol ropair and coste incurred in ronNnp und manapinp the P�oparty ond collooting rente and(or payment o}insuronce promiuma with eny <br />