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' .. . <br /> ' ;,ubstantinlly cqulviilcne mnrtr�ilic insuroncc covcrugc is not nvail��blc,E�orrotver shall��ay to lrndcr cuch month a sum cquul tn ' <br /> • anc•t��lclflb of tlic yca�•ly mort�;a�c insura�icc prcmium bcin�paid by Aorro�vcr �vl��.n dic:insm•actcc covcra�c lap�cd ur ccasc.l to <br /> „ bc in cffcct.L,ti:nder�vell ncccpt, use anJ retnin thcse paymcnts as c► loss ress:eve in licu c�f mortgu�c insurcmcc. Li�ss reservc ` <br /> ='; . payments may no lon�cr be sec�uircxl,nt t0e option�f l.ender,if martgn�e ensurnnce covera�e(in�he amount uiid for the perit�J <br /> that i.cnder requeres) provideJ by:�n insw�er approvcd by l.ender agnin becomcs�ivuiie�ble and is obtaincd. Borrawcr sliall p�y ;, ,� <br />`°"'.�;�.•• �f .�;�''••' � the pm�niums required tn maintailn rnortg�ge insura»ce in effect, or to pravide z loss rescrve,until the requirement for mortgu�e <br /> ��T ' ., insueance cnds in aaordance�with uny written agrccmcnt betwcen Borrower und Lender or applicable law• '"� „ ��~-"r"t�:'i:'. <br /> ��, � , 9. CFiS�.::ttlai�.E.endcr or its agent may mnkr reasonable cntries upon and inspections af thc Property. l.ender sl�ull givc ,,. :, <br />_==_ .. . , : � Bnrmwer notice at the time uf or prior to nn inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. , ' .,;,;,�,s;,_- <br /> 10. Condemnat�on. Tiie proceeds of uny awurd or claim for damages, direct or cansec�uential, in connectian with uny ;• , yA.:Hi . <br /> , ,, � °' � condeinnation or other tak�n�of any part of the Propeny, or for canveyance in licu of condemnation, are hereby assigneci and � 4,. <br />-.r .. � S�1S��bC(1'1�1�IO�.CIN�Cr. . ��:.:.`;c:�,.',�.�" <br /> '\ In the event of a total tuking of the Property,thc procecds shall be applicd to the sums secureci by this Security Instrumcnt. -.-�„�t,;;z. <br /> � �vhether or not then due. �vith any excess Paid to Borrower. In the event of a purtial taking of die Property in which tl�e fair , ,.�:�J,�{, <br /> �, .. ��.,.-� . - <br /> market val4e of thc Prcperty inunedintely bcforc the taking ia equul�o or �rcatcr thnn the amount of the sums secured by this -.�:-.;-;--- ,.,_. <br /> .Y..:Yr:,_. <br /> . ., . �� Securiry Instrument immcdlately before the taking, unless Borrower and I.en�cr otherwise agrce in writing,the sums sccured by ;;;;a-�„,�;:_.e._ <br /> •.� this Security lnsr.rument shall be rcduced b the amount of the rocccds multi licd b the following fraction: (A) thc totnl ;R_�''}��:;°=;;�_ <br /> y p P, Y ..i .-.-="- <br />• ' � amount of the sums secured immedintely before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market vulue of the P�nperty immediately '°+�.-;'�__--� <br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid ta Bonower. In the event of s� partial talcing of the Ptoperty in which the fair �ri���:=�°--- <br /> „ " � market value of the Praperty immedintely before thc taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before thc �Y_�_ <br />� „ tuking, unless Bonower and Lcnder othenvise agree in writing or unlc;ss 3pplicnble law othervrise provides, the proceeds shull ��_ <br /> 'i " � be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums arc then due. —_ <br /> • if the Prupe►-iy is abandancd by Borro�ver,or if,after notice by Lencier to Bonower that the condemnor offers to make an <br /> ;� award or settle a clnim for duma�es, Borro�ver fails to respond to Lendcr within 30 days after the datc the notice is�iven, <br /> • L.cndcr is authorizcd to collect and apply the praceeds,at its option,cither to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums - <br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. --- <br />- � Unless I.ender and Botrower othenvise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal sha9l not extend or _-- <br /> postpone the due date af the monthly paymenu referred to in paragrnphs I and 2 or change the amount of such pnyments. __ <br /> � 11. Borrower Not Rele,�sed; Torbeurance By I.ertder Not a 1Vaiver.Extension of the time for payment or modiftcation <br /> � of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br />, • not operate to release the liability of the original Horrower or Borro�ver's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to <br /> . commence proceedin�s against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortization _ <br /> � of the sums secured by this Scc.unty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Bonower or Borrower's <br /> successors in intemst. Any forbearunce by L.ender in exercising any righ!or remedy shall not be a wuiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. —�T <br /> ii. �ucce�ur� u��u +��tbr.s 3c::asl; �s:n! sr.a �e�� r �ry.nry; C�►.�tonrr�. The covenants and a�reements of this - <br /> " Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors a�id assigns of Lender and Borrowea, subject to the provisions oi ^��— <br /> �� paragraph 17. Borro�ver's covenants and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Boi7ower who casigns this Sec.urity <br /> ' Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security [nstrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> Bortuwer's interest in the Property undcr the terms of this Securety Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instcument:and(c)agrecs that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or __ <br /> ' make any accomrnodations with regard to the terms of diis Security Instrument or the Note without that B9rrower's conse,�nt. <br /> • " 13.I.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security InstNment is subject to a luw which sets maximum loan charges, _ <br /> � and that lnw is finaliy interpreted so tha:the interest or other loan charbes collected or to be collected in connection with the �a.. <br /> '':�� loan exceed the �ercnitted limits, then: (a) any such loan eharge shall be reciuced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> ' to the permitted limit:und (b)any sums already coltecced from Bormwer which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to r�+�� <br /> Bortower. Lender rnay choose to make this refund by n:ducing ihe principal owed under the Note or by making n direct �ls! <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will bc treated as a partial prepaymcnt without a��y ��-°--- <br /> ' � prepayment charge under the Note. �, <br /> 14.Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing � <br /> .. ic by t'irst class mail unless applicable la�v requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be �iven by �irst class mail to <br /> " Lender's address stated herein or any ather address I.ender designates by notice to Horrower. Any notice providcd for in this :��� <br /> " Security Instrumcnt shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lcnder when given as providcd in this paragraph. .��_F--_ <br /> �;o� <br /> 15.Gove�L� Law; SeverAbiAa4y. This Sccuriry Instrurnenc shall be govcrned by federal law and thc la�v of thu .,;,=„� <br /> � jurisdiction in which the Propercy is locuted. In the event that ary prov ision or clause oF this Sec�rity Instrument or the Note :�,.,:: <br /> ' conflicts with applicable la�v,such conflict shall not affect other provesioas of this Security [nstrument or the Note which can be :r�.-�-- <br /> „ given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions ot'this Security Instrument and the Note ace declared L,;:�,�.`Y <br /> : � to be severable. <br /> .� 16.Borro�ver's Copy.Borcower shail be given one conforcneJ copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. " ^���; <br /> •• 17.Tcrosfer of the Property ur a�eneficial Interest in Borr-a�ti•er.If all or any part of thc Ft,�perty or any interest in it :„_�;_, <br /> ;� ' is sold or tmnsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bottower is sold or u�ansferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without • :.�.y:; <br /> � Lender's prior �vritten consent, Ltnder may, at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this <br /> . Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exerc�se�s prohibited by federal law;+s of tlie date <br /> of this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> . If Lender exercises this option. ➢..ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shaU provide a period of not <br /> j . ;,., less than 30 days from the date the notice is dclivercd or mailcd within which Borrowcr must pay all sums secured by this <br /> � '� Securi[y Instrumcnt.[f Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to thc cxpiration of this period,Lender nnay invoke any remedies <br /> • . permitted by this Security Instn►rnent without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> � �' 18. Borrower's IItight to Reinstute. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have thc right to have <br /> } enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discantinueei at xny time prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other period as <br /> + applicable latv n�ay specify for reinstatemcnt) bcfore sule of thc Propeny pursuant to any power of salc rontained in this <br /> � �' �� Security In,trument;or (b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditivns are that Borruwer: (a)pay+ <br /> � ' L.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Insirument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurn�d: (b) <br /> __� __ ___ (_ _ cures any default of any other coveuants or agreements: (c) puys all rxpen�es incurnd in enfurcing this Securiry in�trument. <br /> ..� .. �.....t,...., .,nah►v mnu�m tn:LC�U[C <br /> -- -- - -_ _ ._.�__ _ <br /> r . � including, bUI IIOI 1tf111[CCl IO,r�asonaoie aaorncys' ICC5; :inU lU 1���Rr �u�u au�vu.,�........�... ...:� "°-�.`•-•_-v -_ . <br /> � that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lendcr's rights in the Propeny and Bono�ver s obligation to pay the sums ucurctii by f- <br /> � this Security Instrvment shall continue unchangc�i. llpon rcinstatement by $orro�ver, this Serunry Instrument and the <br /> obligations secured hemby shall remain fully ef4ective as if no acceleration had occurcc:d. Howevrr. thi:+right to ntinstatc.hall i <br /> � not apply in thc casc of accelcration undcr paragraph 17. <br /> f 19. Sule of Notc: Chan�e of Loi�n Scrvicer. Thc Nute or a partial intcrest in the Note Uogethcr with this Scruricy <br /> ' " [nstntment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borcower. A sale may result in a changc in the entity 1 knu�vn <br /> . <br /> as thc "Loan Scrviccr")that mllcc�s monthly payments duc undcrihc f3otc and this Sccurity In�trumcnt. Thcre ul>u may bc�mc � <br /> or mor�e changes of th� Loan Servicer unrelated W a sale of the Noie.lf therc is a ch:�nge uf the Luan Srrvicer. Borrua•�r��•ill be <br /> , „ given�vritten notice of the chan�e in accorcfahce with puragraph la above and applicable law.'i'he notirr will +tate the nume and <br /> • � address of the new Loan Servicer and the addn�ss to�vhich p.►ym�nts ,huuld bc made. Thr nutire��•ill altia r�,ntain any uthrr <br /> information rcquin:c1 by applicablc law. <br /> ' 20. Haz:itdatts Substttnccs. Borro�vcr shall not causc or perntit lhC presC�ttt. u�C. J' �I��r.tgc. ��r rcica�r nf any <br /> ; Hvarduus Substanccs on ur in thc Property. Borrowcr tihall nut do, nor aUow anyunr el�c tu du. anything alt�titing chc <br /> Property that is in vii�lation of any Environmental law. Thc preceding n�•��,entrnce+ �hall nut upply to thc prescnce. u�c. ur <br /> stor:�;c on thc Prc�perty of smail quantitic,uf Haz;u�ious Subxtanccs that an grncrally mrugnircd tu hr appr��priatr t�� nurm:d <br /> � rcsidcntial uscs and w maintcnanrc ot'the Propcny. <br /> � � �,.,,�,�,.,,� Form 3028 9190 <br /> : Y� <br />