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<br /> 5.Se�ea,El^.aaas�e+,'Ca,�9 f���aa.Yrustnr shell paq oll taxos,assossn3n4s as:�i oiher ch�sQas,includinp,v�iSi�uu4 IirniPu4ion,(i�t�s er,t�lru•
<br /> pasl9lons 094PIDUIG+���f0 4h�RIC�(1�74v,Qild�CUS��iald�SIIY61;ii49 OY�Y01li�d PCf11S,1�Q:�'iy,b�S'tOiQ 4�t�SC�Tit��t�COTii�d���IT[jU�i14.YPU9P0T£SipII pY�r���•
<br /> � ° Ny fumish 4n Q:n�@iciary all roticos o}anounts dua una.r 4hls pvza�taph,a�rd in 4:��ovcnt Yvu3ic7 sitall�i;a'co poy�n�n1 dirQCtly,Trus4a•r�<<ull
<br /> „ ".. • promptly furnish to Benofic(ary recAip4s eviCencing suth pAyments. Trusto� shall pay aN toxes artd ossessmants which muy be lavfed upon
<br /> � ,. -.. Beneficiary's fnterest herein or uQon ihis Decd of Trust witd�out repard to ony t�u 4t�t nnay ba enocted imposinp poyment�f the whale or ony
<br /> pars thereof upon the 8ert+ficiory.
<br /> 6.lid�kLaiwl Us���wd I�tKtlan of kRe4{tio�'e S�ewEry.Trustar shall m�ce all paymenis of intePest and prfncf{r�l and payniants of any
<br /> , other chap�s,tees and expensas�ontrated to be paid to any oxistinp IienholdHS or pria braaficiariea under any priw deed of trost a mor• �,
<br /> � � fpage before the dote they are delinquent and promptly pay and efischarpo any an�all oTi»r liens,claims ar chorpes wit(ch may jcopu�dize the �''`=
<br /> ' security grantod herein. If Trustor fnils to�ako any suth pnyment or fai�s to perform any of the tovenanis and aprtements confained In this �Y
<br /> ' . Deed of Trust,or in an riar mort Q e or deed of trust,of if an action or octed' is cammenced which moteriell affiects Bertefiti `� *
<br /> Y P 9 9 Y Pr uq Y ary'S in• �;�-.
<br /> torest in tha Property,includinp,but not limited to,ominent domn(n praeedings,or praeedinAs(nvolvi�y o decendent,or if Trustor fails to pay ��"�:
<br /> ::' fi:
<br /> , Trustor's debts generolly as they become duo, then Beneficiary,at Beneflci�ry's option and without r�atice to or demand upon Trustor and �k:_;
<br /> without releasing Trusror from any obligation herounder,may make such appearonces,disburse such sums,and take stxh oction as Is necessary _-_
<br /> � � to protect Beneficiary's i�terest including,but not limited to,disbursemem of reasonuble otturr,ey's fees,pnyment,purchase,contest or com• =:.-
<br /> • promise ot any encumbrance, charge or lien,and entry upon the Property to moke repoirs.In the event that Trustor shall fail to procure m• �
<br /> surance or to pay taxes,assessments,or any other charges or to make any paymentsto existinfl prio�lien holders or beneficinries,Benefir.iory _
<br /> may procuro such insurance and make such poyment.Any amounts disbursed by Beneficiaryr pursuant to this Paroflraph 6 shall become additional
<br /> . indebtedness of Trustor socured by this Oeed of Trust.Such amounts sholl be payubleupon aotice 4rom Baneficiary to Trustor requesting pay-
<br /> . � msm thereof,nnd shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at tho rate pe�ya�le from time to time on uutstanding prin�ipul under the `__
<br /> � Note untess payment of interest ut such rata would be coMrary to applicable law,in whkh event such amounts shall bear fnterest n4 fhe highest
<br /> rote permissible under opplicabl� lo� Nothiny •ontaineo�n i his Parn�•uph 6 sholl require Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any xtion _
<br /> hereunder. =-'
<br /> � 7.Aist�rxnent of Rmt�. Beneficiory shall have the right,power and authority during the continuance of this Oeed of Trust to collect the
<br /> � rents,issues ond nrofits of the Property and of any personal property located thereon with or without toking possession of the property affected =-
<br /> '; hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionally ossigns all such rents,issvesandprofits 4o Benoficiary.Beneficiary,however,hereby
<br /> . consents to the Trustor's collection and �etention of such rents,issues und profits as thoy accrue and becomo payable so long as Trostor is e�at, W
<br /> ' ot such time, in default with respect to poyment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or i�the performnnce of any agreement hereunder,l6pon �
<br /> �� ' any such default,Beneficiory may at any time,either in person,by agent, or by rec�iver fo bo appointed by a tourt,without notice ond withaut
<br /> .
<br /> regard to fhe adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby securc�, (al enter upon and take possesston of tha Property or any part
<br /> __._.____ .____-__ thnronf, nn�i in itc�wn nnma c�ia fnr nr ntharwicp rnlla�:t tuch rantc,iccuac and n►ofitc.includino those oost due and u11D�( .fu1 UOU y t B Snlne.
<br /> „ less costs ond expenses of operotion and collection,including reasonable attorneys fees,upon any indebtedness secured heraby,and in suth =-
<br /> � order as Beneficiory may determine; (b)perform such atts of repair or protection as may be necessary or proper to conserve the volue of fhe
<br /> Property;(c)lease the same or any port thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions as its judgment mny dictote or toeminnte or od• _
<br /> • just the terms and conditions of any existing lease or leases.Unless Trustor and BeflefKiary ngree otherwise in writing,any applicotlon of ree�is, _--
<br /> issues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shull not extend or Rostpone tfi�e due dato of iho installment paymonis os proveded in said �,
<br />' promissory note or chonge the amount of such installments.The entering upon ond taking pussession of the Property,tha collection of such �
<br /> ° ronts, issues and profits,and the applicatian thereof as oforesaid, shall not waive or cure ony default or notice of default hereunder,or in•
<br /> validote any act done pursuant to such notir.e.Trustor also assigns to Benoficiary, os further security for the performanco of the obligoti�ns �_ ,
<br /> secured hereby,all propaid rents and all monies which may hove been or may hereafter be depositad with said Trustor by any Iesseo of the Pro- m--
<br /> perty,to secure the payment of any rens or damages, and upon default in the performunce of ony of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to
<br /> deliver such rents and deposits to Boneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Benefitiary's exercise of the rights granted herein,to any tenant oc• ��;a��:
<br /> cupying suid premises shall be sufficient to require soid tenant to pay said rent to the Benefitiary until further notice. �
<br /> 8.Cnodomnatton.If title to any part of the Property shall be taken in condemnationproceedings,by right of eminent domain or similar attian,
<br /> � or sholl be sold under fhreat of condemnation,ull awards,damages and praeeds ore hereby assignQd and shall be paid to Beneficiary who shall
<br /> �'� �: apply such awards, damoges and pro�eeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust, with 4he excess,if any,paid,fo Trustor.If Trusfor reteives
<br /> uny notice or other informotion regarding suth attions or proceedings, Trustor sMll give prompt written notice thereof to be�eficiary. .
<br /> '` Beneficiary shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,oppear in and prosecute in its own nume uny such action or proceedings and shal!be en-
<br /> „ sitled to rnake any compromise or settlement inconnection with any such ac4ion orproceedings.
<br /> • 9. Re�nedlai Mot Exclu:lve.Beneficiary straB be entitled to enforce payment a►�d perfarmance of any indebtedness or obligations secured
<br />- hereby and to exercise ali nghts and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any oih�r Qgreement execu4ed in connection herewith or any luws
<br /> now or hereafter in force,notwithstanding some or oll of the such indebtedness ond obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be other-
<br /> � � wise secured,whether by mortgage, deed of trust,pledge, lien, assignment or mherwise.Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its
<br /> °,, , enforcemant whether by court uction or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contoined,shall prejudice or in any manner affect �'
<br /> � '� � Beneficiary's right to reolize upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Ueneficiory,it being agreed that Beneficiary shnll be
<br /> " • � ,. entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust ond ony other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary in such order and manner as it may in its ab• �
<br /> solute distretion determine.No remedy herein tonferced upon ar reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein �
<br /> or by law provided or permitted,but each sholl be tumulative and shall bo in addition toevery othor remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter �
<br /> � , ' existing at Ipw or in equity or by statute.Every power or remedy provided hereunderthis Deed of Trust to Beneficinry or to whith it moy be �
<br /> otherwise entitled, may be exercised,cancu�rently or independently, from timQ to time and os often as may be deemed expedient Beneficiary !
<br />= � and it may pursue inconsistont rQmedies.Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibitinp�eneficiary from soeking a deficioncy judgment agoinst �
<br />- the Trustor to the extent such actian is per.:�itted by law. I
<br /> 10. Tran�ftr oi Prupsrry;Aawnpfbe.If all or any port of the propQrty or ony interest therein is sold,tronsferred or convoyed by Trustor �
<br />- - � without Beneficiory's prior written consent,excluding (o!the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Oeed of Trust, (b)the creo• �
<br /> tinn nf n nurrhnem m�nnv caruritv intarwct fnr hm�eohnld nnnlinnrne (r 1 n trnnefor 6v devi en davant nr hv nnarntinn nf Imu unnn tha dan9h nf n
<br /> - -�_ . _ __ �. . ..- - -• ---- � - -- - ---- - --�� - ---• •-•- - - - -• -- --•----- - -• -�-- - - - -�- - ---
<br /> joint tenant or (d) th� c�rnnt of ony leosehold interest of three yeors or less not containinc�an option to purchase, Benoficiory may, at
<br /> • Beneficiary's option,declare all the sums secured by this DQed of Trust to be irnmediately due and payable,or cause the Trustee to file a notice
<br /> of default. Benefiti�ry sholl hove woived such option To occelerafo if,prior to the sale,t ransfer or conveyance, Benoficiary and�he persoa to
<br /> whom the property is to be sold or transferrctd reath agreement in writing thot the credii af such person is satisfactory to Beneficiury and that
<br /> �
<br /> the intorest poyoblo on the sums secured by this Qeed vf Trust shall be at such rate as B�neficiary shall request,
<br /> '«
<br /> � „
<br /> ..�
<br /> ��
<br />