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(h) Psrsonal Prop�rty;F,scurflyr AptNm�nL As addltlonal securfty for the payment oi fiie Na2a,T�ootv�rrs;ay��.r.� - <br /> =='�-'�.�:n�=�.:.�w•: Lenddr under the Nobraslce Unliorm Commerclal Cade s sxurity lnterest in aU fixtures,equlpment,and other pera�+�al prop�rty __ <br /> w�''"'"R"'''''�`'��' used In connection witn�he real e3tate or improvements located thereon,end notothervvlse dec:lared or deo+ned to b�i e�W►t d <br /> '��Y ^ _. � � � the real estate secuned 4�ereby.This Inatrument ehall bo construed ea a Sec�rity Agreement undar sai8 CodO,and the Lender <br />��...,;�4,,,,'- <br /> -- -�.s,;�Sr i'� ehali have aii the rights and remedles of a secured parly under said Code In addltlon to the rfphSs and remedies crented unc3�r <br /> ` � � e n d a c c o r�1 e d t h a L ender purauent to thie Ooed oi Tr�sk provided t��at Lendor's rights and reme8la�under thta pareqrepf��nll <br /> �:�.r•�;•iw••-��.,,;;; ,.. be cumulstive wllh,and in no wey e iimitation on,Lendor's rf9hts and�emedies under uny other socurity agream�mt alpned 3�y <br /> �", '"�;`i2 �`f�� , Borrower or Trustor. <br />-�%�.:�t.� ���. �.:�F;; p) LNns and Encumbnncn.Truator hereby warrents snd represents that there ia no default under the,provis(ons af any <br /> �;.• . ' ' . t mortgnge,doed of trust,lease or purchase cantrsct doscrlbing all or eny part of 4be Property,or other car�2raCt,Inatrument or <br />��'`�"��'' �� '` � ''� agreement constitutinp a Ilen or encumbrance agalnst all or any part of the Property(collectively,"Liena'�,exlatUp as of the <br /> � '. :�;• dato of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all exlstinfl Uene re�aln unmodifled except es disalosed to Lender In Trustor'a <br /> � written disclosure oi Ilens and encumbrances provided for hereln.Trustor shall Umety pe�form ell oi Trustor's obll9adon�, <br /> . �.. , 3 ;;:' covenania.rnproyni�iniiui�8 aiu riauidi�iiw iii��a�a���ar�a;{�'.lrg:.r.3 lutus.^.:..Y^O,°.�!°.�1'`^-'t!�l4y�C't`-'-1°S�tn l anrlar r.tsoias <br /> . • � � � o}all notices oi default sont in connecUon wltM any and all exlsting or tuture Lien�,and shall not without Lender's prior wrftten <br /> , � - �,... ;.•; consent in any manner modify the provislona of or allow any tuture advancea under any exlsting or tuture Uena. <br /> . (J) Appikatlan ot Paym�nb.Unless otherwise roqulred by law,sums paid to Lender horeunder,f�cluding wlthout IlmlteNon <br /> �, psyment9 of principal and Interest,insurance proceed�,condornnatlon proceeds end ren4s and proflts,sh�ll be applled �y <br /> � .. ' . Lender to the amounts due and owing trom Trustor end Borrower in such order as Lendor in ite sole discreUon deems deafrable� <br /> ' (k) fiw�►at�Nity.If any provision ot thle Deed ot Truat confilota with applicable Iaw or Is doctared invalid or othenviEe <br /> ' � unentorceable,such confllct or Invalld(ry shall not RNect the other provisons ot thls Deed of Trust or the Natn which can bo <br /> `'�. '�' "�� � ' given eHect without the confllcUng provislon,and to thia end the provtsfona of this Deed of Trust end the Nofe a�e declared to be <br />,•,. ,' .. . severable. <br /> �.ii =- <br />'�"'�"��° {'�'�•"r A (q Y�nns.The terma"Truator"and"Borrowor' shall Include both singular and plural,and when the Trustor end Borrower <br />- � • ' are the same pereon(8),those terms as uaed In this Doed of Trust shall be interchangesbte. <br /> • •, � � • (m) OovKnbp L�w.This Desd of Trust shall Ge govorned by the lawa of the State ot Nebraska. <br />,'��"`�� ��� "`r'`� � Trustor has executed thia Deed of Trust es of the date wrltten ov . <br />_._yr.F.`1Y.:��� ',�• � . <br />_..'i..i.t�. ,.tn+f'n,-. / /� / � �/L'� .�� �-_ <br /> :AVS.�.�xi'j��.. . I/ 'i <br /> T <br /> . . . (� .-`'_ <br /> ,��. �., _ <br /> __ , Trustor ��-. <br /> �'�'!c:. <br /> _s:. wQ.:n <br /> . )'� "s4'.�.. <br /> '� .. .Ml:�. <br /> z- <br /> �ti . <br /> '�. ' <br /> • t.. " .. <br /> .:t " <br />�:�; ... . k <br />..,�, � <br />_µ.�:�. .: ;. <br /> �� � :, _ -.-_ <br /> _ � � ., : .. <br /> r . <br /> �- �,� , <br />�`i . <br /> �, ,. „ <br />