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<br /> �../`s;��i�ai���inivR tir �.�c:NS�,:i.U�xsn Ltntitr's rKqucst, �inrrnK�er shaii u�vign iu P.cwr:aii 1�....,u�..�..
<br /> Pm�rty arxl a►It Securiiy de{wsits mada in cnnnecdcm w+�h leaseti �f thc Prcrperty. Upon the a+yignment. l,cnder .
<br /> s13a1R havc t�c righ!ro mafity,cx�cixl or terminuii thc catsting IGaus und to exccuta nrw lcases, i�L,ctxier's��IG
<br /> dlscretion. As u5ec1 in this parn�;raph G,ttac wurd"lense"si�all mean "sub�easc"If tl�e Sa:ucitv instrmncnt is��►i
<br /> a leusthold.
<br /> -- –° . Fiurmwer ub�ulutely aud uucunclitiunuYiy nssigns ancl transfers ro i.cndcr ull t1u;�x:uts u��d►eve�ues f"Rcnis") of
<br /> thc Property, rcgaedless of to who�►e tlic Rents of the Property 1re payable. Borrowe�• authorizts L.ender or •
<br /> Lendcr's agcnts to caltect the Rents,and u�rus tliut each tenant of the Property shall pAy the Rents ta Lencicr or
<br /> [.endcr's agen�5. However. Borrovrer shall receive the 1Rents uotil (i)Lendcr has givcn Fiorruw�r notice af"default
<br /> pursuant to parngruph 21 of the Sccurity Instrurnent and(ii)I_ender has giv�n notice to the t�enant(s)that�he Rcnts
<br /> are to bc paid to L.ender or L,gnder's agent. This nssignment af Rents constitu�tes an absnlutc assigiiment nnd not
<br /> an ussignmcnt for additional security only.
<br /> If Lender gives not�ce of bre��ch to Harrower: (i j all Rems received by iionnwer shall be held by iionower
<br /> as uvstee far the benefit of Lcnder oniy,to be applied to the sun�s secured by the Securiry Instnimenr,(ii)I.�nder
<br /> _ � simll be entitled to collect and receive all of the Rents of the E�roperty; �iii)Borcower agrees that cach tenant of the "
<br /> _ E'noperty shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to i.encler or Lender's osents upan L.ender's writ�cn demand ro the
<br /> - tenant; (iv) anless applicable law provides odienvise, aU Rents collccted by Lender or Lcnder's agents shall be
<br /> � appliad fi�st to the costs of tnking con�rol of nnd managing tha�'roperty ai9d collecting the Renu, ir�:luding,but
<br /> --- not limited to, uttorneys' fees, rccciv�er's fc;es, premiums on receiver's bonds, repair ;u►d mainten�nce co:�c�s.
<br /> —= insurance prciniums, taxes,assessmcnts flnd other chArges on the Pmperty,uncl then to the sums secured by the
<br /> ---- Security Instrument; (v)L.ender,Lender's zgents or<�ny judiaially nppaintecl receiver sh�ll bc liable to acc�unt for
<br /> �_�� unly those Rents actually received; �nd (vi) Lender sliall be eatittul to have a receiver uppointed to take
<br /> __�—F�;,�"� possession of and manage the Property and collect die Rents and profits derived from the Property withau2 uny
<br />____,�_t�,�,_�� showing ns to the�naueyuacy ot the Nroperty os security. .
<br />- ��L—�•.��� If th� Rents ��f the Propeny are not sufficicnt to cover the costs of tllcing control of and man�ging ihe
<br /> _'=:�;;��ym�,•„ Property and of coltecting the Rents any funds expendeci by l.ender for such purposes shall become indebte�ness
<br /> -���'��� of Borrower to Lcnder sccurcd by thc Sccuriry Instrument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> -- ���'" Borrower represents and�varrants that Borrower has not cxecuted any prior assignment of thc Renu and has
<br />-��"�� rSi not and will not perform any act that�vauld prcvent Lendcr from exercising its�ights under this paragraph.
<br /> �8G`W'!'�'�'' Lender, or L.ender's a�ents or a judiciully appointed nceiver. sliall not bc requirul to entcr upon, take
<br />--�-'""-`�'�'��>_;:fl�, control of or rnaintain the Prolaeny beforc or after giving notice of defuult to Borrower. Howcver, Lender, or
<br /> `---�"``��=�°--°�' Lender's agents or a judicially appointed receiver,may do so ut any teme when a default cxcun. Aoy application
<br />_ ;:..��.r�.►��...
<br /> ;�,;,�-,�,.-�� ;� of Rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalidatc any other right or remcdy af Lender.i1�is assignmcnt of
<br /> '"'``"� Rcnts of thc Propeny shaU tcrminatc wiicn all thc sums securccl by the Sc�ueity Instcument arc paid in full.
<br />._�v�:.(.�K�L^1-:�-• �. .
<br />.-_,.����r�::.l.i._..,
<br /> -_== ::� I.CROSS-DLFAUL'i'PRO`VISION. Bornower's default or breach under nny note or agreement in which
<br /> -�"''Y""``;�'r=? Lender lias an interest shail be a breach undcr the Security[nstrununt und Lender may invoke any of the remedies
<br />-���;� _°��'���
<br /> - ,.,:,, , pemiitted by the Security Instrument.
<br />'--����.-:'� HY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accept d a •s to the tcrnis and provisions contained in this t-�
<br /> - y�r� Famil Rider.
<br />�;r;inuT°�,'?3`i`–i�'�:w _ 1/� — --
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<br /> -Borroacr -Barrow�er
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<br /> ;'��.�(�':�,. ' Form 37�03/99 �
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