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<br /> ,_._,_._y.--_----..,.,_r.� �' 1L5 f,6�(1 PP�fdll;�CY7'��((iP IF:i�21t:;�IClll� I[ilCYa;:;1111�i:)i'fUl':Ci i; ::D�l_GY l6�1I1;{�C71Y��i'll(� I;LSiiUC:�.:' �91T'ft il N:.IUkJ��l'1:��yl)1':fiiii�l':. V'µM1y
<br /> _ -- -- I„erder'4 pric�►- �vritten cousent. Lend�r rna�. �t its �ption, rcqitir ir�iinGdinte pay�i�ci�t in f��ll c�f nll sui�u sccuiL�i!ay t�ri:;
<br /> __�_—_= Secm•iry!nst�ument.Nu�vever,this optiun sl�all not be exercised by Lend�r if exercise is pruhibitcd ify fcd�ral law as of the cfaPL
<br /> of tliis Sccurity Inst�ument.
<br /> ---- ---_
<br /> 1f l.ender exerciscs this option, I.endcr shall�ive Bo�rcwer riotlse of acceleratiun.'a'he naiice shall provid�a perial uf not
<br /> " lcss than :�����ry4 fioro thc dntc thc noticc is dclivcrcc7 or�nailed wltt�in whiefi l3orrowcr must pay all sums sccured by t ts
<br /> -- - - - :: �
<br /> Securily Instr�ment.If Barrowcr fa.ils to pay thesc sun�s prior to thc explration nf this periuJ, i..e+��1er nzay i3iuul:c uos rcr�:: ic� --
<br /> permitted by this Security Instniment witha��t funhcr natice or demand a�n Borrowcr.
<br /> - 1�. Borr�wer's Right to Relnstate. If Borrower meets certain conditiuns, Borcowcr shall huve the riglzt ro have
<br /> � enforce�r.ent of this Security Instni���ent discontinued at «ny timc prior to the earlicr af: (a) S days(or such other period as
<br />-------- applicable Inw may specify for teinstatem�nt) bcfore sale of tli�Prope►ty pursuant to any power oF sale contained in this
<br /> - Sccurity Instrumcnt;or(b)entry o8 n judgrncnt enforcing this Sccuriry Instrumcnt.Those conditions arc that Bon•ower:(a)pays
<br /> --_
<br /> - - - --� l.endir nll samc�vhich then would be due under this Security[nsttuntent cu�d the Nate as 1f no ncccicration had occurr ; (
<br /> - cures any default of any other covenants or Agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enfurciiig this Security I�strument. - - -
<br />- -- -----_ _ including,but not limiced to,reasonnble attamcys'fees;and (d) takes such nction as C.ender rnay reasonab�y requ�re to assnre
<br /> _ -- ---_-- thut the licn of tltiis Security Instrument. L.cnder's rights in the Property and Borrower's obli�ation to pay the sums securcd by
<br />______ _ ��� this Secudry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon rcir�statement by Borrower. this Security Instrumcnt and the
<br /> - _- --- obligations secured hsreby shall remain fully effective as if no acccleration had occurrcd. Hoovevcr, this right to rcinstnte shall
<br /> ___--� not npply in Nie case of ucceleration under paragraph i7.
<br /> _-- ��^� 19. Snle af Note; Chan�e of Lc�na Servicer. The Note or a partial intcrest in the Notc (together �vith this Security
<br /> - - --[=,�;���� Instrumcnt)may be sold ot�e or more tinies withnut priar notice to Borrower. A sale rnay result in a change in thc enti►y(known
<br />-'����.�=�-=�{�l� ' as the"C.,oan Servicer")thlt collects monthly puyments du�under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also iuuy be ore _
<br /> ��:-,_'-,�_;.�,:�,�:-- or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated tu n sale of the Note.If there is a change of die Loan Servicer,Borro�vcr will be
<br /> ,, given�vritten notice of tlte change in accordance with para�raph 14 above�tnd upplicable law.The notice will stat�e the name and
<br /> "���"-===��-�'�,�-a'"�"'� address of thP new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The r�otice wi11 alsa contain any other
<br /> M:,r.;k._.
<br /> � �="'w�'�'�i�'�s information required by applicable law.
<br /> �Y'4� .
<br /> �..:;� � � _ 20. Hazurdous Substnnces. Borrower shall nat cause or permit the presence.,use, disposal, stornge, or release o any
<br /> _�""`�`'•`���" Hazardous Substances on ur in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonc else to do. anyd�ing affecting the
<br /> �u`l��'4'`,..s'I:F ?�,i:
<br /> �.�r�:,?�•-.q Ui• Property that is in violation of any Environmental Luw. The preceding twu sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> -�:� ;�" t'•��� stora c on the Pro ert of smaU unnnties af Haiardous Subs�ances that are generally rccagnized to be appropriute to normal
<br /> ;�:r; s'r .. :..4'.�; .. g P Y q
<br /> .:�'�nY, �,�;�y�.'� residential uses and to r�naintenance of the PropetYy.
<br /> �z�; _..,5 ..�,,.. ,;, Borrower shall promptly givc[.endcr written noticc of any investigution, clairn, dcmand,lav�suit or other nction by any
<br /> <i�;�- �� go`ve{r�nmcntal or regulatory agcncy or private party involving the Property and any H�zardous Substance or Environmental 1.1w
<br /> ;,.:-:rs.,��>�;;.� ��41`.�, Ut �Y11�c3'��a;r"��.hs�s=is»!l:n^"'I��ior. Tf A�rrowEr leams,or is notified by any govcrnmental or regulatory authority. that
<br /> �' any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Sorrower snaii prompiiy idnc
<br /> •+` �•:;�•�����.c,,�. all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental L.uw.
<br /> '`� As used in ehis paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" nre those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ,`,,. • .,''�� :, 6nvironrnental L.aw and the following substances: gnsoline, kerosene, other flmnmable or mxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> . • ,:.�,�,`r''�'�r, pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> ' � � this paragraph 20, "Emironmental Law" mcuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> '� '"' F�''��� relate to hcalth,safety or environmcntal protection.
<br /> �`°"��' '��"'�`` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.�onower and Lender further covenant and u�ree as follows:
<br /> ` "• � � ' 21.Acceleratton;Remedtes.Ixnder shall give notice to Aorrower prtor to �cceleration following @orrower's breach
<br /> " ' ° '"r``''' of a�ty wvenant or s�greement lu this Securlty Instruenent (but not prlor to uccelerattmi under pnra�raph 17 anless
<br /> (b)the action re uired to cure the defattlt;
<br /> ' , � ;: � � � uppltcubfe law pravides other�vise). The notfcc shall spe�:iiy: (a)the default; 9
<br /> -_ =� :.,;:�.•. , (c) a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice fs given to Borrower, by �vhich the defnult must be cured;und
<br /> ='�^�•�"'•�'-��$"�-' '� (d) thnt failure to cure the default on or before the dnte speclRed in the notice mny result in accelern8on uf dne sums
<br /> -"''�`�"� ����n'P"- sec:urcd by this Securlty Instrument nnd salc of the Property.The nottce shall further inform Borrower of the rlght to
<br /> "v"�'�"� �`'������`f, reinstate after acceleratton and the rtght to bring n court aectla� to assert the non-existence of n defsult or any oeher _
<br /> .--._.�.�..�,,�,,:'f�:•..�...
<br /> ;Y;;,r�, .,,-_�.-.�;.,:• defense of Borrower to accelerution nnd ss�le. If the default ts not cured on or before the date speciGed In the not ce,
<br /> ^�,,,:.-,.,«±;:�.`•�'; � Lender, at its option,may requlre immedlate paymcnt in fadll of all sums seca�red bv ihls Secur(ty Instrument�riti�nut __.
<br /> �:,;,��,;;.'�;�'..;�,';; further demand and may Invoke the�wwer of sule and auy other remedies persnitted by appllcable Is�w. Ixndcr sha11 me
<br /> entitlet!to coflect nll expenses incurred in pursuing tlie remedtes providcd in thls pAragrszph 21,including,bu!not lirnited
<br /> �� '�'i�;�<'�` to, reusonnble uttorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. _
<br /> ..�, ', � If the power of snle is invokc�cl, Trustee shall record a notice of defuult in each county in whieh auy p�rs o1'fhe
<br /> praperty ts located and shull mail copies of such notice in the munner prescribed by nppllcable luw to Borrower�tnd to --
<br /> `:�: the otlier persons prescribed by upplicable law.After the tlms requfred by applicable law,Trustee shull glve publlc mokice
<br /> - of sale to the persons and in the manner Prescrlbed by applicab►e In�v.Trustee,without demund on �orrower,shall scl!
<br />�.;,� ; the Property at publfc nucdon to the ht�hest bidder nt thetirne and pluce and under the terms deslgnated in the nottce oP
<br /> - sale in one ur more parcels und In any order Trustee deter�ines. Trustee may postpume snle of nll or uny p�rcel of tl�e
<br /> . praperty lry publ[c annowue►nent at the time and pluce oT any previously scheduled sale. Lender or it5 desfgnee may �
<br />;, � purchnsc the Property at any snle. -
<br /> � Form 3028 9/90 -
<br /> Ptpo 5 0�6
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