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<br /> . ' �. , slibstubnl�ily cc�itivnlent i�inrtLi��,;c in;;urur.i.�cnvcraz;c is iiiu avniAabla,I�Of'i'OGCY 6llall p�y t�I�tuicr c�:r.h nionti�u suEii e,c�u�1 tc� E-y,,.
<br /> . .o�ic tt�:IR6i nS'tite yc.trly��inu,;n;;c hi���►,it,:c E�r���il�+��t Iz�in,�p^id hy Pinr�•�nvc�•�vDc:n tl�c fiv:iu,vicc cnvcro�c I��p��d oi•c..�ud te�
<br /> `1 I�o in c:ffci�t.If•ncicr tivlll uccc[�t,���..^,nncl r,.t<�la�k��t.p:�y��rzsus ns n lu;:� rcr.s�rvc in Ilcu of IllUii};a�;e iusut•ancc. [.uss r�;crvc; r
<br />�.,;,.•., - ,.,�, payiriems niay no longee�c rd uir�d,nt the��ptimt uf L.endcr,if moi�tgo�c lnsuennee euvernge(!n the csmou�it n�cd for the p:eio� l�,:.,.,
<br /> .. .,,;n.ld�t�n.
<br />�,���njp;»y;��pa� • tizat la:nder ��cc�uirc�)prnvldcc by at insurcr npprc�vcd hy Lcnslcr agnin b:.comcs nvailab!c tmd is obuiined. Bnrrower shall p�y _-
<br /> �,.���,,_„�,�„�• Ihe preml��ms rcquired lo mnintnln morigage i�surance In cffect, or to provide n loss reserve.until tl�e rquiec�n�nt for mortQuga �z_
<br /> �„---,y���:,--�w;= insurance ends in acenrdnnce with any wriuc•:n t�greemeut between Eiorrotver and I.ender or upplicablu law.
<br />_.o,..
<br /> 9�lt:t,pectlo�i. l.crdeP nr its ngcnt may mak�reasanable cntries upon nnd inspcctions of tha Prop�.rty, i.endcr s�inll givc
<br />- , . ... ... .. ��r_.
<br />_=--�a.�:;�;�.a�;�,, L�oiTOwcr notirc nt thc tim:at'or prior to nn in:;PCCi AUD b��l'I�ylii�i�iiti011li�IU C1iU5C WI'i�IC i�c,�tlon. � --
<br /> ���w,:;;=y����,� 10. CandeinnoNon. The �roc�ed�s uf�sny nwurd or clnim for dnmages, dlrcct ar conse�uentlnl, fn connection witi� uny
<br />�r„j���,�•'.r- ;?�"� cornicmnution or uthcr takiu�i�f 1ny part of the Properiy, or for conveynnce in licu of wi2dcinnation. a� licreby�+ssigned und
<br /> -�`:' shall be paid to Lendcr. `
<br /> 'w,;''.:,-;,, :y'l��r;_
<br />�ti�''�'`����'�.�"�,' ; In the event of a tocul tnking of the Property,the proceeds shall be npplicd to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,
<br />",��•-�.: �' whether or not then due, �vith m�y excess puid to Aurrower. In the event of n partial taking of the Prnperty in which the fnir
<br />"�-;:;•��• - - mnrket vr�lue nf the Property immedintely before thc tnking is cyual to or greutcr than thc amount of the sums sccured by this _
<br />.�;;k•,�„'::i.:4::� � Securiry Instrument immediatcly bsfare the tuking, unless Borrower wid I.ender otherwisc agrer,in writing. tl�e sums secured by ___
<br /> - •, �;:�. this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the praceeds muldplied by the foUawing fraction: (a) the total
<br />_ , .�':��' .?,;�:f�.-� amount of the sums secured immediately before the tnking,divided by(b) the fuir market value of thc Property immedistcl� �_
<br /> r�. . .. before d�e taking. Any balancc shall be paid to BArrowcr. 1n the event of n parti�l taking of the Property in which d�e fair
<br /> "''` ' � market vnlue of the Property inunediately hefore the tnkins is less than the amount of the sums securr..d immedintely befom thc
<br />:� : taking,unless Bunower and Lender othenvise agree in wrlting ar unless applicable luw otherwise provides,the procceds shall �
<br />_.� � , � 6e npplicd to the sums secured by this Security Instcument whether or not the sums are then due. �
<br /> . If the Property is nbandoned by Horrower, or if,after notice by Lender to Bonower that thc condemnor offers to make an
<br /> awnrd or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respnnd to L.ender within 30 days aRer the Jnte the notice is givcn. _ -
<br /> :� ,. Lender is authorized to collect and upply the proceeds,at its option, either to restoratian or repair of the Prop�rty or to the sums �--
<br /> . sccarcd by this Sccurity Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> � ,, Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any upplication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 or chunge the amount of such paymenu. �-:=-=�
<br /> 11. Borrower Not RelP,ased;Forhearance�y Lender Not n Watver.Extension of thc time for payment or mudification ' '
<br /> r of amonization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bonower shall �',�.
<br /> • not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Bonower's successors in interest. Lcnder shall not be reyuired to �"�-.
<br /> cammence proceedings a�ainst eny successor in incerest or refuse to exter.d time for payment or othenvise modify amonization ;,.:,�
<br /> of the sums sccured by this� Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand mude by the original Borrower or B�rrower's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sl�all not be a waiver of or preclude the ,�`:
<br /> . exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ._ .
<br /> 12. Successors and Ass(gns Bound; .Io[nt and 3everal L[ability; Co-slgners. The covenants nnd agreements of this .
<br /> ----—
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and ass�gns of I.ender und Hocrower, auojrxt iu tiie y��Y�s�:,rs:,f :..
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security �'`-
<br /> ' Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-si nin this Securit Instrument onl to mor[ a e, rant and conve th�t ��'�--
<br /> 8 F Y Y S fi S Y .t•;�
<br /> � Horrower's interest in the Pr�perty under ttie terms of this Security Tnstrun�ent:(b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums .__
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instniment;and(c)agrees thst Lender and any other Borrower may agrce to extend,modify, forbear or �s_
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms o(this Securiry Instrumcnt or the Notc with��ot that Sorro�ver's conscnt. -�
<br /> 13. Lonn Char�es. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subjcct to a law «-hich sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or othc� loan rliarges cc+llerted or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> � loun exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)uny auch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to rcduce the charge
<br /> to the pertnitteci limit;and(b)any sums already collecteJ from Borrower which exceeded permitted limit�will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. L.ender muy choose to make this refund by reducing the princip:d owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> " ' payment to Bonower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prcpayment without any
<br /> , prcpayment charge under the Note.
<br /> .. 14. Nottces. Any notice to�orrower provideel for in this Sccuriry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicablc law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Addresc
<br /> or any other uddress Bonower designatcs by notice to Lender. Any notice tu L.ender zhall be given by first class mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any c�ther address Lender designutes by notice ro Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> Security Instrument shall bc deemed to have bcen given to Borro�ver or i.cndcr whcn given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Caverning La�v; Severability. This Security instrament shall hc govcrned by fedcral law and thc law of thc
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provisiun or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> , conflicts with applicable law, such contlict xhall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrununt or the Note which can be
<br /> • � given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provitiions of this Sccurity Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> ' to be scverable.
<br /> " 16. $orrower's Copy.Borrower sh:�ll be given nne runti�rmed copy c�f the Note und uf this Security Instrument.
<br /> ` 17. Trnnsfer of the Propertv or a Beneficial Interest In �iorrower. If all or�iny p:�rt oi'the Property ur any intcrest in it
<br /> is sold or trsnsferreci(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sc�ld or u•an�fcrred anJ Borrower iti not a natural person)without
<br /> . Lendcr's prior written �onsent. Lcndcr may. at its option, rcyuirc immediatc payment in full of all sums sccured by this
<br /> 5ecuriry Instrument. Howevcr,this uption shall nut he exercised by LenJer if exerrisc is pruhibited by feJrral law as of the d�tc
<br /> of this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> . if Lcnder exerciscs this option, Lender sh�ll�,i�•c Borrmver nutice of��relerution. Thc notire shall pruvide a period of not
<br /> Iess than 30 days from the daee the nutice is delivercd ur mailed within whirh Borrcnver must pay all sums �ecureJ by this
<br /> � Sccuriry Instrument. If Borrower failti to pay these sums priur to thc expiratiun uf thiti periuJ. Lender m.ry invoke any remedics
<br /> ' ° � permiucel by this Seruriry Instrumcnt without funher notice or demand on Borrc�wer.
<br /> 18. liorroa•er's Itight to Rcinstate. If Borrowcr meetti renain ronditi�m+, Bnrrowcr shall havc thc right to havc
<br /> � ' enforrement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the eurlier ot`. (a) 5 days (or such other pericid us
<br /> applicablc law may sperify for rcinstatement) Nef'orc sale uf the Property pur�uant t�� any power of sale cuntained in this
<br /> Security Instruntcnt; or(b)entry of a judgment entiircing thi.Sccurity Instrument. Tho,e rc�nditiom xrc th.tt Fiurro��•rr: (a)pays
<br /> Lcndcr all sums whirh thcn would bc duc undcr thi�Srruriry Instrumcnt and thc Notc as if nu arccicratiun had uccurreJ: (hl
<br /> rures any default of uny other ruvenunts ur;�grcemcnts; (r) pays all Crpentir� incurrrd in enfur�ing lhis Scrurity Instramcnt.
<br /> _ - ��� "- _____ _ :.,�i���i��� hur nnt limi�eci u�. rcasonable atrornrvs' Icca: and (dI takr�surh artiun as Lcndcr rnay rensonably rcyuirc tu a�sure L
<br /> - _ -_ _ _ ___ ..._.__...o.
<br /> that thc licn of this 5��uriry Instrumcnt. Lcndcr`s right� in thc Propert}•and E3urr��wrr's ubliganon tc�pay tnc swn� �crureci i,y r --
<br /> ' this S��urity (ntitrumcttt shall continuc und�an�cJ. Upun r�instalitmCnt hY R�ur�i�ccr. Ihi� Scruriry lmtrumCnt and Ihc ;
<br /> obligations securcd hereby shall remain fully rff'ecu��c ati if nu ucreleration had u�currcd. Howe�•rr, thi�right tu rcin�tatc�hall i
<br /> � not apply in the cusc of acceleratiun under par,igraph 17.
<br /> 19. tiale of Note: Change of Loan Servlrer. 'The Nutc ar a panial intcm+t in thc Note Rogcther ���ith this S�rurit}•
<br /> , ! � Instrvment)may br suld nne ur more iin�es without prior notire tu Burruwcr. A sale may rc.ult in a chanFe in thc rntity(kno��•n
<br /> � � as thc'L��an Scrviccr"1 that cvllc�ts in�,rn'il a�tncnts duc undcr thc Notc anJ thiti Scrurity Intitrumcnt.Thcrc al�o may hr urtt •
<br /> YP') !
<br /> •� or mon rhangcs uf t�ic Luan Servircr unrrlatcd to a�alc i�f thc N��tr. If'thcrc iti a rhangr��f thr Loan Srn•iccr, B��rro�vcr�vill h�
<br /> . � ;;iven wri�ten notice uf the rhangc in arcurclancc witli para�;raph 14 aho�-r.md appli�:ahlc la��•.The notirc�rill ,tate thr namr and
<br /> • _t . uddreti5 c�f Uie ne�v Loan Servicer and [h�� aJdret. tu�vhirh paymrnt+ �!wuld he made. The n��tice .�•ill al�u re,ntain any uthcr
<br /> information rcyuircd b}�applirablc I:�w.
<br /> � 20. Hnznrdous 5�bstanc�.v. Barn�wrr �hall nut uiu,c ��r prnnit thr prc�cnr�. utic, di�po.al. .tor:i�:c, ur rrlratir of a►iy
<br /> � Hatarclous 5ubstances �m ��r in thc Prop�:rty. Bc�rrowcr .h:ill ni�l du, n��r allu�r an}•un� rltic tu ��,. wtytliing attcrting thr
<br /> Propcny that ia in viulatiun uf�ny !im•irunmrntal La�e Thc prcrcding t��u ,cntrnrr��huU nut apply ta thc prr.cnrc. u+r. �,r
<br /> ' , .. stor.igc cin thr Pruprny ul'timall yuantitic. ol' Har.arJuu+ Suhtitanrr� that arr ��nrrall�• rcr�,�:niied t��hc apprnrriatr t�, n�,rmal
<br /> , " resiJenti.il u�c,and tu nuiintcn:mre ol'the Properly.
<br /> ,•„�,..i„�.� Furm 3029 9�90 '
<br />