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C ' ._., <br /> \ ei..= <br />_-- TlEiI5 AD]USTAAL�3 RAT�RIDBR is nu�de tt�is �Q"r'Mday af SEF'T�.MP�E� , 19 94,ancl is _ <br /> ���i� �slull be deemod to �tsend end supplement the I�artg�ge, I)ood of Trust ar Securlty L7ood (che <br />-'-; ':Se3curity Insmuiient'�) of Qte�����t��i�`,�anY,�,���`d�rsl y� (the"�°n'°wcr") to secure Borrower'e,AdJustsble __ <br /> Rnu Nae(the Nocc )ro � <br /> (the"�cnder")of the swne date and covering�hc prape[ty descr[botl In <br /> cho Socurity Irstnuncnt end lacatod at: <br /> 231 COMMANCk� AVE ORANn I8LAND, fVE 6B903 <br /> [p�cpertY Add�essl <br /> 4H�t�l0'i'E CONTA�tiR PROVISlONS AI.LOY�96NGi FOR CN/lN�iFS IN THE INTEREST MTE <br /> — AN�f TFYE MONTNLY PAYMEPIT.THE NOTE LIIWITS vME A�AOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br /> __ INTER�ST RKt�C1lN CkANQE AT At�Y ONE TIME APlD THE NIAXIAl1U1A FiATE THE BOR- <br /> - FiOWER NIUST PAY. <br /> e►�ONR�.CovxrtANTS.In addition to tl�o covenants and agreements wade in dae 3ecurlty Ynsuument, BQrrow�er <br /> and L,eader fu�her covenant aad agrce as follows: <br /> -- A. IIVTERFb"I'RA.TE AND MONTHLY PAY1V��1�IT�5b NGES <br /> ="- The Note pmvides for�n inittal Interest rnte of �. The Note provldes far changes in the interest rnte and <br /> the montl�ly payments, as follows: <br />."� 4. IN'I'ERFb�'i RATE AND MONTRI.Y I'AY1ViENT C��NGES <br /> (A)Chao�e Datrs OCTOBER 9S <br /> --- T6e tntenst rau I will pay may change on the first d�y of , 19 , ana on thxt day <br /> — every 12 MON'fHS �ereafter.Each date on wIush my interest rato wuld change is callai a"Clun$o Date.,• <br /> _ (B)'1Le Inuex <br /> -_= u. ; o �h thr_. fir�t Chanae Date. my inur�st rate wlll be hased on na Inde� The "Index" is tLo weekly <br /> - average yield on Unitod States Ti�easury securid�s adjusted to a a�nstant maturlty of yeaKs), as male avaiiabie <br /> -� by the Fakral Rcserve Board.'I9ic most rect:nt Indea figurt available as of the date 45 days before each Ctiaage Date is called <br />.�� the"Cur�tint Indtx." ._ <br /> == If d�e Index is no longer available, the ]Note Holder wW choose a new lncdex which ie based upon comparable <br /> �.� infcrmAtian.The Idote Holder will glve me n�t+oe of this choice. -- <br />� (G�Csk�laHon ot Chaages TWO AND - <br /> -- Before each Change Date,the Note klolder wlll calculate my new iaterest mte by adding - <br /> :_� 3EV�N-EIGHTHS ��nqg�po��y � 2�a75 ggj��e�urent Index. The Note Halder wW then rauud the <br /> �� result of this addidon ro the nearest one-cighth of one perceatage point(0.12596).Subject to thc llmit9 statsd in Sectioa 4(D) ��p <br /> -- below�this rounded amount will br,my ncw interest rnte until the neat Change Date. - ^- <br /> - The Note kiolder will then deurmint the amount of the montWy puyment that wo�ald be sufficient to repay the ��; <br />,_. .� unpaid principal thet I am eapceted w owe at the Change llate in full on the maturity date at my new inurest rau ia �,�, <br /> "":i subsrandally equal paymencs. The result of this calculadon wW be the new amount of my monthly payment. �.. <br /> -�� W)Llmtts on Interrs�Rate Ch�nges 8.250 <br /> _�� 4.2 J�terest rate I am cequired w pay ot the first Change Da4e will aot be greater thnn 96 or less than <br />_�-� 96,'I� intereat rete will never be Increasal���e�c�on any singl� Changc Date by more � ��- <br /> �., � 7WD ����g� po��v ( ) from nry initial �o,;e y��f inter�est I <br /> ':�;� <br /> have been paying fur the preceding twelve months. My intemst rate will never be greater thun "` `70• <br />- � (E)E�ecdve Date oi Chwges <br /> . My new interest rate will become effecdve on eacfl Change Date. I wiil puy the amount of my new monthly paycnent . <br /> _ begirmL�g on 4he first monthly puyment date aRer the Chssnge Date uatil the amount of my montlily payment changes <br />_ e� .. <br />- " (F)N1Mke of Cbanges <br /> Tho Note Hold�r�vill deliver or mail to me a notice of uny changes in my interest rate fu►d the amount of my montlily <br /> paymcnt before tbe effcxrive dute of any change.The uotice will includc informntion required by law to be given me and <br /> nlw tho ddc aind tElephone number of a persun wbo will answer cu�y questlon I may hnve regarding t�e nod�:e. <br /> '� B. '�RANSFER OF'1'�IE PROPF:R'1'X 03�A DENEFdC�I.INTEREST IN BORROWER <br /> _ Uniform Covenant 17 of the Security Instrument is amended to rcad as follows: <br /> `"�� '1'ransfesr oi the Pruperty er a Beneilcial Interest tn Borrnwer. If all or part of dic P�operty or uny interest in it is <br /> •;=:� sold or transfeaed (or if n beneficial inurest ln Borrower is sold or transfemd und Barrow�r is not o nutural persoa) <br /> '� without I.ender's prior written covsent, Lender may, at its option, roquire immediate paymcnt in full of all sums secureci <br />--�?� htt dtia Crrnri�ar inctn�m�nL HOWCVei.this ontion shall not bo e�crcised by Lender if exercisc is prohibited by fedeml Inw <br /> as of tLa date of this Se,curity Insuument. Lender also shall not exer�ise ehis �pHon if: (n) Borrower causes to be �- <br />` submitted to I�ender information requtred by L.cnder t�ovnluata die intended trnnsferee as if a new loan were bcing made , <br />" to the transferec; and (b) Lendcr resonab�y determines thst Lender's security will not be imptired by the loan <br /> asaumption and that tht dsk of a breaeh of any coven�nt or agccement in this Securlty I�wuument is acceptc�ble to <br /> L�ender. � <br /> , ! <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> I <br /> t <br /> If <br /> MJi.YitiAiE ADJU9TAa�E RIITE HIDfR�5lnple Fumy—ir.►nN MiNlFnddl�kt�c Uelicrm InaWrtnnt Form 3ttt 9/s5 I. <br /> NMF�3177 J9t � <br /> f <br /> }_ <br />