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<br /> " � � 1`7.'d'ran�Pcf•oY 4he H�•a��i�riq or n T�c�cc�itcinl I�►terc;t dn 6tnr�a9str. If all or nny paci of the[�ro�;;riy or mry intcr:at i��it ��h�-
<br /> is sold rn•transfcrrcd(or i�n bcncficinl intcrest in fdo�•ro��cr is sc►Id or tr�risgcrral�ind�?a•rutvcr is not�i i►atu��al p�ticuu)�'�ith��nt
<br />, ,a�.���.� I�rcder's priae writtcn consent, Lendce may, i�t [ts option, rcquirc If11Al1Ct�l�tc �aayme�it in fuil uf nll sti���� Eccur�:! Gy ti�L; �,, .,
<br /> e.z.,�:�r.�:r��_ Security Instrument.I'iowovcr, this option shall n�t be excrc�sed hy Lcndcr if axcrclsc is prohiblted by fcdcrni Inw n�s of thz date
<br />-_Ye�,���`4�fx,':'� of this Sccurity Instrun�cnt. —
<br /> ��� ----' If L,endcr exerciscs this�ption,I,cnder shall give�arrower noticc uf cecccicrution. �`hc noticc shali provide n pcdad of not
<br />-__ _-_�__� less than 30 dnys from the dnte the notice is dclivered or mailed wltl�in wli�ch Dorrowcr must p:►y ull sum9 secureci by this
<br />-- - -- - �;;curity lnstrum;.nt.If Barratrer fails to p;►y IheS�s��m9 t�rior to thc cxpirntlon of'this periad,L.cnder may invakc wiy rcmcdles
<br /> permitted by this Security fnstrumcnt without fur:her natieo qr demand on I��rrower.
<br /> --"- 18. Horrowcr'9 RGght to �elnstate.-lf Bo�ro�vcr mcets ccrtnin cor�didons, Borrowar shaU havc the rip,ht ta hava
<br /> "�--'�=""="_� enforcement of tiais Security Instrun�ent�iiscominuul'ui•:i7ky, timc prior to the cadicr of: (a) S days (or such other pPrial as
<br /> �„���,,�,.,� npplicable ln�v may spccify for reinstatement) befo`rc�salc of the Property pursuant to any power of sale corttained in tY�is
<br /> _=_Y�_ry� Security Instnunent;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcir�g this Sr�curiry Instrument. Those condltions nre that Borrowc;r: (a)pays
<br /> --- Lender ul! sumc which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Note as if no uceeler�tion had occuered; (b)
<br />- --= - - cures any default�f uny other covennnts or ngreementF; (c) pnys all expenses Incutted in enforcing this Security Instrumen�,
<br />- --=-
<br />