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'Prastor.e.t f:�o�:panco,�rCl ma!ntal�i�Lih Ina�ucm cqprovcd by Qon�fic!^.ry,ir�r,urcnc�cr�tii rc�pcct t�a tho � . --_- <br /> Ir�i��rov�mcn4a r.nd p�rcAnal prcp^�iy�c�n:f�iull.�p iy�Wro��Y�y,cflr.�n;t t��� 4�y frq,I:;jti4n�n�i,tomcdo,c^nd otticr��r;:�cnd hn^nrG� � • �--. <br /> cov�rod by ct�ndard cntcndod cov�T�Lo o�darccmanf,In nn enoi�m cquc.l to cl 1�^cQ on0 hundrad Norccnt a)tito iu;l rcp!'c�r�c�t3 ° � -�;�w <br /> � vAlue lhereaf and Inr.urance spalnst oush oiher heYt+rdv an�!In auch nmounta as la cuctamnrity currlcd 6y o.moro cnd op�tC,tO[il G? ,_,_ � <br /> �� elmiler propertloe or as Banoticiary may nquin tnr fle prottctian.Trastor willcampry�vfth cuch a:hsr requfrorao�ite ae F]eneilc!nry may• L.u'�_':�"��,_�— <br /> ` from t(me to Nma raquost inr tho protootlon by ineurane�o}lhe intarebte ol Ehe reap�ctive pnrtles.All Inaurartr,o paUaie�a�n!ntAinsd �_����„M��„ .__ a <br />�� pursunnt to lhi�D��d of Tru�t�hall n�m�T�uttor and R�n�ficlary a�insund�,a�th�ir r��p�ctiv�intu�nt�mRy app�u,ru'+d Pravld�s � <br />� that lhore ehall bo no cancoUation or madificalion wilhout no leaa lhnn 16 daye prior w�itt�n nmif�e�tlon to Twst��nnd Bonsf�elnry.In r <br /> lh��wnt anY paLcy hsraundet I�nat ren�w�d o�or b�tars 16 day�pr�or to da cxpir«t��n�3at�,T�uctc�ar CcnoF�!^.y mn;�pre�curs ��``�� __ <br /> -� �uch Insurnnco In accordnnc�wdh ih�provitbno 01 parapr4ph A.8 h�no1.T�u�tor thall d�llvu to B�n�flciary th�oriptnd paifcFlr of <br /> � inourance nnd renewale thereot or mema capNs ot�uch policlss and nn�wais IherM}.Feliuro to furnlah wch inaurana by Tvustor, ' _ <br /> or renowaia ne raqulr�d hereundor ehnll,at th�optbn of BenHicinry,conetituta edatdult _ <br /> 6. TAXE8,ASSESSMENTB AND GHAFlQEB.7ruator ehall pny all tax�s,nscossmonte nnd othr. chergoa,includinp,wHhout _ <br /> � Ilmitatlon, finss end Impositiont attributabt�lo the Prop�rty, and lo,noehotd paym�nts or ground nnte.M nny,bdore th� �am� . <br /> : <br /> " bscomo dalinquant Trustor ehall prnm�ty tumish to Hen�ficinry nll noUce�ot amoun4a due under thls pamgrnph,end{n t��ven <br /> Truator shnii make pnym�nt diractty,Truetor thall promptty furnieh to F3sn�ficiary wceipM�vkloncing sach paym�nb.Tru�tor shall . ___�---� °°`- <br /> � ' pay nll taxes and aRaesiment�which may 6�IsvUd upon Beneficlery'e intersat hnuln or up9n thh Oa�d�ff Trust wlthout repard to � _____ -- <br /> „ any law that mny bo onaetad tmposing payenent of tha whols or any peA thatAOf upan tha Beneflciary. • _ -- <br /> � e. ADDITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S SECUFIITY.Truator ahall meke all paymente ot inteu�t end __ � <br /> principal and payments of any other charee�, foea and expmnaes contracted to be paid to any existinp INn holdon or prior _ _ <br />_ � benafictaelea under eny prlor deed of truat vr mortgapo b�tors th�dat�►hay ar4 delinquont end promptly pay and dlsch�rp�any and ___=_. <br /> - all other liena,clatma or chnrgen whlch mnY Jeopardize ths eecurity eranted hsn(n.B Trustor falN to mak�eny euch paymsnt or tnfi� — <br /> • to porform nny ot tho eovenante nnd agroemmts contalnod in thia Dead of Truat,or In any prar mortgaga or deed of truat,oe ii e�:� _— <br /> �> ncHon or proceed(ng (s�mmencod wh�h mnterialty nNacta Beneficiery'�Interast in the Properly, includinp, hut no!Iimft�d to, <br /> eminent doennin proeeedings,or proceodinga InvaMng a decedent.or i}Trustor IAfis to pay Trustor's dsbb gmn�raly as thoy b�com• -- � <br /> i due,lhan 8eneficfery,at 8enoflciary'e option and without notice ta or demand upon Truator cn�1 v�ithout releastng Truotor lrom sny <br /> obligatlon hereunder, may mnk� aueh eppearencos, disburoe Quch sums and tak� such a��tbn a� ia ntcvssery to prot�d �r`'`' -- • <br /> � B e n o f i c i a ry's i n t e r e s t, I n c l u d i n g� b u t n o t l i m�e d t o, d i s bu rsement of reneonnble attorne y'e feos, payment, purchetae. conteat or 4'° <br /> compromfao of any encumbrence,charpe or tien,end entry upon the Proporly lo makr�repaire.In the evont thet Trustor�hall fnil to ���_�'`�`��` <br /> „ procuro ineuranco or to pay tnxea,assessmonts,or any other chargea or to meke any peymonts to nny exisUng prior Ilan holdero or � °.r•.. <br /> � `:; beneficiarlon,BeneScinry may procure euch haurance and mnke such payment Any nmounb disbureod by Benef+ciary pursunnt to :;�;:�; <br /> lhio Paragmph A.6 shnll bocome additionnl Ndebte�nssa of Trustor secured by ihie Deod of Trus� Such emounts ehall be pnyable ,- ;4w�_ <br /> . ' upcn notica from Bonoficiery to Trustor requesting pnyment thereof,and shall bear intorest irom lho date of disbursement nt the �•;"'� <br /> rate paynble from Nme to time on outetending pNncipat under the IVota unless paymont of Interest at such rate would be contrary to - <br /> _ nQalicnble law. in which event such nmounte ehall benr interost nt tho highost rate permissiblo under applicable law,Nothinp : ,��w <br /> " contninod in thla Parapraph A.8 ehau requiro Benoficiary to Incur any exponse or teke any action hereunae. ,.;,.�, _�� ,::'s�_ <br /> .�.�� ,; <br /> " . B. IT 13 MUTUALLY AQREED THAT: , <br /> 1. A6SI�NMENT OF RENT9.Beneficiery ehall have the ripht,power nnd authority durinq the continuence of this Deed of Trust • - <br /> " ta colloct the ronts,Iseues and profite of the Prope�ty end of any poreonnl property locaiod thereon with or without takinfl possesalon .!' <br /> of the proporty aNected hereby, nnd Trustar hereby absolutoly and unconditionally aseipne all euch rento, Isttues And protite to �'�� <br /> � Beneficinry.Beneficiary,however,hereby conaenta to lhe Truetor's colleclion and retention o}euch rento,issuea and profite ete they . <br /> nccrue nnd become paynble ao lo�p ae T�ustor ie not,at such time,in dafauk with rospect to payment ot Any indebtednoae secured <br /> horgby,or(n the psrformance of any esgreement hereundet.Upon any such dolaul6 Boneflciery mny at any tlme,either in person,by , . , ,;�, ;+ <br /> agent, or by a receivet to be eppointed by n court,without notice ond wi4hout rogerd to tha adequacy o4 any aocuriry tat the .��� • <br /> �� <br /> Indehtedncrsn hereby secured,(n)enter upon nnd tnko posseeaion of the Property or any pnrt thareof,nnd in ita own name eue for or �, <br /> othenvise coliect such rents,tssuea and proffie, Inciudfng thoso past due and unpaid,and eppiy tho enmo,leso coste and expsnses �� �;� <br /> ot operation end collection, inctudinp reasonabie attorneye feos, upon any indebtedness eecured hereby, and in euch order ae �> <br /> � i <br /> Beneficinry may determine;(b)pedotm euch acte of repair or protection ae mny be neceaeary or proper to conaerve the vAtue of tho F�'.'" � <br /> ., , ,__,.,_, <br /> Property;(a)lease the enme or any pad thoreof tor euch rental,term,and upon such conditione ae ds judgment may dlctate or .' :;�;�f <br /> t o r m i n a t e,o r a d J u e t t h e t e r m e and condRfona of existin g leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficfary theroot agroo othonvise in writing, f , �►� <br /> „ cny application ot rente,Issuea or profite to any indebtednese secured hereby chall not oxtend or postpone the duo dnte of the ":� . ti <br /> � instaliment paymente ae provided in aaid promissory note or chnnge the amount o1 ouch inatallments.The entednp upon and + <br /> tnkinppossessfon of the Property,the colledion of such ronte,issues�nd pro5te,nnd the epplication thereof ns ntoresald,shall not I ' � ;�-� <br /> . waive or cure eny defau@ or notice ot dof+nuR hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such noNCe.Trustor also essipns to • .�• ��� <br /> " Beneficlary,as turther securiry for the pe�tormance ot the obligntione aecured hereby,all propaid rente and ell monies which may +J• <br /> � have been or may hereafter be deposited with eeld Trustor by nny lesseo o?the Proporty,to secure the payment o}eny ront or . <br /> w demages,or upon defnuft In the pertormance ot eny of the provisione heroot,Trueto�ngreeo to delivar such renta nnd depocde to •,��., <br /> , Beneficfary. Delivery of written noticd of Beneficlary'e exorcise of the riflhts gmnted huroin,to any tennnt occupying said premisea ��+• .c�. <br /> chall be sufficlont to requiro said tennnt to pay rent to the Beneficiary untd lurthor notico. � . <br /> '� ''' 2. CONDEMNATION.If tillo to eny pad ot the Property ehell bo takon in condemnntion proceedinga,by right of eminent domain i ; <br /> � or similnr action,or ehall be sold undar threet of condemnatlon,all awarde,darnngea and proceeda are hereby asoigned end ahall be <br /> paid to Beneficfnry who ehall appry such nwerde,damage�and procoeds to the eum securod by this Deod of Truat,wifh the oxcesa, � <br /> if nny,pald to Trustor.It Truetor rece(ves nny notice or other intormation rogerding such actionc or proceedinga.Trustor ahall givo : <br /> prompt written notice thoreo}to Beneficiary.Bonefictary shall be ontdlod,st ita oplion,to commonc�,appear In and prosecute in ite , <br /> F own neme nny auch action or pruceadings and shnll be entitlod to rnake nny compromfse or¢ottlamont in connection with nny such . <br /> ' action or proceedingn. : ' ' <br /> 3. Fl1TURE ADVANGE9.Upon request of Trustor,Beneficinry at 86noficiary's option,prior to roconvoyanco ot the Property to � <br /> Trustor,may make tuture advancee to Trustor.9uch future advancos,wilh In4orost thoreon,shnll be secured by this Trust Deod � <br /> when evfdenced by promissory notea Mating thet eafd notea ere secured hereby;providud that nt no time chall the socured principal, <br /> • fuluro advancea,not including nums advanced to protect the security,axceed Two Hundresd porcnnt(20096)of tho origfnel principd <br /> amounte secuted hereby. , - <br /> !__--_ 4. REMEDIE9 NOT EXCLU3IVE. Trustee and Benofitiary, and each of them, chall be ontitiod to enforce paymont nnd ' <br /> ,� • padormnnce of any indebtedness or obligationo securnd haroby nnd to exerciso an nghta and poworo under m�s ueed oi Trusa o� - =- <br /> under eny other npreement executed in connection herewith or n�y lawo now or horeaRor in fotco,notwdhstonding some or nll ot tho <br /> - such indebtednesa and obligatione secured h�reby may now or horoafter be othenviam cncured,whethor by mortgape,deed of trual, <br /> � . .. plodpo,lien,assignment or othorwise.Neither the necoptanee uf this Deod of Tmat nor ita entorcemont whethor by coun csction or <br /> ' purouant to thm powar o}eale or other powere hereln cantalnod,ohal!pre�udico or in nny manner nNoct Truatev'o or Benofiaaryb <br /> �. right tu reN¢e upon or enforce eny othsr securiry now or hereaftor Neid by Truatee or Boneficiary,d boing agrood thnt Tructoe and , <br /> ;� . Benoficinry, and each o}tAem, shell be o�titied to enforce this Deed of Truct nnd any othor aucunly now or horenflor held by <br /> � • �oneticfnry or Tructae In cuch order and man�er ao lhoy or oither of tham mey in their absolute discretion detormmo.No �omody <br /> hereln conterred upon or reaetved 4o Ttustne or Beneficinry Is Intendad ta bo excluaivd ot any other romody herein or by law <br /> providod or permiltod,buQ oech ahell bc,cumulative nn�shall bo In adddian to every othor remody pivon hcroundor or now or <br /> � herenRor exfstinfl nt luw or In sqmty or by statuto. Every power or romedy prov�dad horoundor thfa Doed of Truat to Tructoo a <br /> Benoficinry or to whieh aithar of Ihem mesy 6a olhnrwise ent�tied,may bo exorcised,concurrontty or indopondontly,from t�mo to t�me , <br /> ' and ne o8on ns mny bs deemed�xpedienl by Trustue or I3onefici�ry and e�ther o}them may puroue mconui3tont romodioa. Nothmp , <br /> heroln ohall be eonetruod ae prohibiting�eneficiary trom aoekinp a dofic�oncy judgmont aflmnat the Truator to tho oxtont euch nction _ <br /> ia permilted by Iaw. <br /> ' 607071 NMrathe 0073P8 � <br /> �' .. I <br /> � l <br />