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<br /> _ _ .MMA11 �.w���.k.rr�..y.l�. '1 1 1 ���:�' '�`_�-�.�-� f��5�,�����i�iiY�e� .�sv��w�s.s�.-+ .-�^�i' ti'�'T
<br /> _ _ .. .�T.J��W��. rr .�.�uW. . ...�Y�i���c�'_S1S1h _ ..__
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<br /> f� � ._� ����,� �',����'.��'� ��o,i,plccad a mc�dn ng�'�Inst tha Irust , _
<br /> �r�;:urrcrr.o��rctNurns, dinur�ti rcnto,c.nd r,ll�thor chr.r�ea«i�ctcn�vci lovlctl upcn or nscc.,., � . .�
<br /> {'rri;t:a�y.'rr��::(ur f��r�Frar,4frcc�.u��n�.rlft^n►Ilf fm�c�'nscassrlrn��c r cJot��cF����fo��vup�on o�a.tl rcac(�t��t�`Ni��;Yr�r,t ai � . - ..
<br /> c�� such chr.r���. i'ru�to�li;ro��l�o c�grcc3 to�ay n , - I , �,
<br /> � " a�aln3t,av moUSUrod by,ti�IS Dr�od ot Yruot ar Iho rccordnUon Jtr�rcoL G __
<br /> ' -- � 6. App!laatlon of PAymo�ts.All n�ymones ro�alvod 6y aenollclAry as ro any det�t,Ila+blury or obll,ryc�don owad to�oneliclary ay Toustur �� #�5�
<br /> �.� ;
<br /> • ' rney bo nppllad by�snoliclary fo tho poymont of tho Indobtodn�ss�O�eme Fp��ato.�Ur fos��oth��srtywpso electn�d by Donofr��ry�anY �',u��:�`r``°`�-
<br /> ... �
<br /> � �' ' mattner ol appllcaNan whlch Benoflclery,ln!ts absolute dlscret/on, ___ __
<br /> such paymonc sfm.11 hc�Ju�mad appllod Ilrst to tho naymont of ony debt,ilehlt+N or ohJl�r�tlon otPio�ths�n the Nvie. t,� �,_':_ �« _
<br />;^;�,y . 6. Charqas;Llans.Tiusta w1/!kovp fhe irust Propo�iy froe fiorn clJ!!cn:and oncumhrenaes uvhlch In eny�vny rnay,In tho Jud�rrisnt of �';,._:u:_-�w�,:�,=.
<br /> BartaPlclery,have pdodry o�er,o�Impalr th�secudry ol,thls Deed ol 7rust but Tru�tar need not dlscherge eny suct►Jlan so lonA as
<br /> � ' Trustor shall agree,ln wrroing,a1ePo 81 e oceed/np s effectiveto prevhent the enlorcement o�he Ilen end tho loss of eny Interest!n o�th
<br /> � , • contost such llen by app F 8 P 8 -
<br /> pan of the Trust Properry.
<br /> 7. Mezerd Insurance.Tiustor ahAll kQep the bulidln�s and oiherlmpPOVOmants now exlsttng o�ho��eufter erected on tho Trr�st Prnperty _ _
<br /> ..
<br /> „ ' insu�ed bylnsur�nce carriera satlslactory to Beneflclary agafnst loss by tir9, hnzards lncludad!n the terrn"extendod cove�ago"an --- _
<br /> such othe�haza�ds,casuaftles end conNngencles es r��ey be requlrod by Bene�lclAry,!n such amounts end br sucH p+�rlods es may be F__L__ . . __
<br /> requlred by Bene/iclary,The pollcy of insurance ahall be!n form acceptab►a t�8nd sh��have lo�shea t s61e movla►ons Inlavor o1 and ----
<br /> cancel/ed a modiBed wlf/rout flfteen(1b)days pdor written noUce to Benefic/ F� y A ---
<br /> !n(orm sccoptable to Beneliclary.All premlums on Insuranae polTcies shall be pafd fi the manner provlded�rrder p�aragraph 4 hereof �� �
<br /> or,ff nof pnld!n such manner,by�iustor making payment at least fi�3aen(15)days pdor to tha due dt+te, dlrecily to tho/nsurance =
<br /> , carrlev.Beneflcfary shell afde�emlu�m reaelp s recelved by!t M no ave t shall Benefictery or Tru/stea be heldrio+sponslble for fe�ge ro _�__
<br /> rene�ral notices and al p p .___—__
<br /> . �� . pay lnsuranco promlums or tor any Inss or damage�dsJng out of a defect In any poRcy or arlsfng out o/eny fallure of eny tnsurance
<br /> company to pay for Any loss o�damage lnswed egalnst or for IaQuro by 7rustor to eNect the lnsurnnce re�ulred hereunder.ln thd event ______
<br /> of loss,Trustor sheU glve prompt noflce by mal!ro the Insurance carnei and Beneflclsry.Beneflclary maymeke proof of toss If not �.�`
<br /> ' ;•y,:; made prompfly or In proper form by Trustvr.A!1 po!lc ies ot insu�ance and any end all refunds of unearned p�emiums are l�eroby
<br /> assigned to Beneficl�ary as addlUonaf secudty for thA paymont ol the Irtdebfedness.fn the event ol Beneflcl�ary's exerclse ol the powe� �,-..`i'�� `_.�
<br /> P Y �4_::°--''-
<br /> .;:"--:._,• .;�;�'-4,,.,• a1 sale contalned har�eln, or In ths event ollo�ecloss+re,all rlght,tlUe end Intorost of Trusto�ln and fo any lnsurance oll�ct t� o,Non of
<br /> �'�' ��;; ��. shall pass ro tho pur�c:h.�sAr at the trustee's snle or 9oreclosure selo.ln case o�a�ny loss,tho lnsurence procgeds may, p
<br /> ;'':,t.`.,.,. .,; ,
<br /> , ,;��:7<i 6eneflclary,be appUod by Bene�iclary upon tha Indabtedness,or eny part thereof,and In such order arod�rm�unt es BeneNclary may ��:,��_-
<br /> ' ��=�-;�!.�� dofermina;or seid lnsu�tnce procoeds,et the opflon of Beneftclary,may efther be used!n neplacing or rost.�ring the 7r�."t Aroperty _v
<br /> F"-
<br /> ' parifa)!y or tofal(y afestroyed to a condldon sedsfectory to Benaflc/nr�;orsa1d Jnsu�ence proceeds,or eny pordan ttterop�aaxny 68 �.._.`_
<br /> � releasod fo 7iustor. Unless Baneflclary and Trustor othe�uvlse a{���a!n wnUng,any such appllcaUon ol(nsurance proCe�rl shall not ____
<br /> � extend or postpone the due date of tho Note,o�any Insia!lments ca//sd for therain,or change tho amount o1�uch Jnstallmnnts.11 fhe �. _
<br /> Trust Property Is acquUod by Ben�Clel��Pa blatas ahresult o/damego�o the�T ust�Pro Biher�fooei thors�e'or eoQu!leUon shal!pnR� •�•�� _
<br /> Tiustor fn and to eny insurance p P Y p � � � '
<br /> �_..,,..,,.,.�l;;�;fa�g�n�t.c nnd exoenses.lncluding eitomey fees,Incunod!n co0octing such pracaeds, en „�,�� ��, ._
<br /> ��i — � _—= f0 tlBqB1JCiFCIy eriu anmi am a�.y.�v.. ��. �
<br /> / �1 ;,` ' � (n the manne�and rn the order provlded hereln. :� �
<br /> 8. Pieso�vRffon and Malntenance ofen/dscond�o end wll otf commlt or perrmff weste,wt 11 not alter the des�n o rst�uctur fal chera�cte r n �+;•; s ,-_
<br /> t h e T i u s t P r o p e►i y i n c�o o d�e p a -
<br /> constituling any bu!lding now or heroafter erecfed on and cons Utu tlng t he Tiu s t P ro p e r ty w l t h o u t t h e p d o►►w d t t e n c o n s e n t o
<br /> Beneficlary, w!!1 rtof do any act or thing whlch would urrduly lmpelr or deprgclafe the value o/the Trust Propeity and wlll not abandon
<br /> the Trust Properry. Trus[or will not remove any llxtures consUtutlrtg tha Trust Prope►ty unless the same ere lmmediately repfaced with -�
<br /> , � ' like�roperty subJect ro the Ilen and secu�ity Inierest ol thls Deed ol Tiust and ol et least equa�value and ut/lity.Trustor w111 compfy with
<br /> ali present and Puture ordlnances,regulallons end roqulrements of eny govemmontnl body whlch ere applicsble to the Tiust Pioporty
<br /> :,s�
<br /> and ro the occupsrtcy and use thereol.1/thls Oeed of Tiust!s on a untt ln a condominlum o�e planrted unlf davo►opment,llUSto►ShBN r,,,
<br /> pedorm aAol Tiustor'e obiigetlons under the declaretlons or covenants creatlng or goverr,lnp the condominlum or the planned unit � ��
<br /> development,the byJaws and rogulaUons of tho condominlum orplenned un(t dovelopment,ond the cvnstftuent documents. �:
<br /> ' �� 9. InspecUon. Heneflclary o�Ifs agenYs may,et a1f reasonable tlmes,enter upon the Trust Prope►ry to�the au�pose ollnspecHon. �,
<br /> Beneflcfary shall have no dury to make such lnsper,tion end siiull rtot bo 1lablo to Trustor or to any person!n possesslon!f ft makes or � � `
<br /> ° fatls to make sny such InspecUon. w ' ��'�� _
<br /> 10. PiofeCtlon o1 Secu�iry.l/Trusta feps to porform any ol the covenanis end agreements contalned(n thls Deed of TiuBt,oi fl any actlon , •"'.,�,,
<br /> r,i
<br /> or Froceedfng!s commenced whlch doos a may edversety a/fect fhe Trust Prope►ty or the Inte�est ot Tiusto�or Benoficlary thoretn or �% ''6y
<br /> " fho Utte of Tiustor therefo,thon Beneficlary,et its optlon,may pe dorm su c h c onvensnts and a greoments,make such appearances,
<br /> dofend against and lnvosUgete such ectlon or proceedtrtg and tNre such other actlon es Beneflclary deems necessary to protect its . �:,
<br /> lnterest lncludfng,but not llrrrlfed to,dlsbursement ol reasonable attomey fees end entry upon the Trust Properry to make repeirs•MY ;;��
<br /> emounts d/sbursed by 8eneficlary pursuant ro th�s parag�eph f 0,with lnterest thereon,shall constitute Indebtedness of Trustor �
<br /> �� secured by thls Doed of Tnrst.Unfsss Tiustor and Beneliciary agree to other terms of payment,such amoLrtts shall be payable upoa� , �
<br /> � notica from Beneficlary m Tiustor roquesUng payment tl.eroof,and shell bear lnterest Irom the dato of dlsbursem�nt at the de/ault rat�e, �< ,f
<br />_ � . - if ezny,set forth!n the Nofo,or othenvlse at the hlghest rate permitted by law.Notfifng contatned!n thls paragreph sha11 requtre .�
<br />_ -� BenoTiclary to lncur any expense or take any actton ho�RUnder. Trustor fnevocabty eufhorizes und empowers Benefictary to enter upon „ i'1-
<br /> 4 the Trust Pioperty as Trustor's agent and,in Tiustor's name or athen�vlse to perform eny and a/l covenants and sgreements ro be �_
<br />°- �' . peAormed by Trustor as herefn provlded.Beneficiary shell,nt its opdon,tie subrogeted to any encumbrence,Gen,clalm or demand �
<br /> end to all Nghts and sacuriUss for Phe payment thereo/pald or dlscharged by Beneflclary under the provlslons hereol and any�uch I
<br /> subrogaUon rights shall be addiUonsl end cumu(advo socurity lor thls Deed of Tiust. I
<br /> 11. Condemn�fion.The procseds o/sny awa�d or clalm for damages, dlroct or consequenUa/,!n connecUon with en y condemnaUon or I
<br /> `' othar taking o/tho Trus[Property,or any part thereof,or for conveyanco!n lieu of or!n anticlpaUon ot condemnaGon,are hereby
<br /> � sssigrted to snd shNl be pa/d to BeneTrc(ary. Trustor will fife and prosecute,in good laith snd wlth due diligence,its clalm tor sny such ;
<br /> � award or payment,and wUl causo Ghe seme to be col/ected and pald to�enefrctary,and,should(t lail to do so,Trustor i�revocably �
<br /> authodres end emAowers 8ene�clary,fn the name ol Trustor or othorwtse,to Iile,prosecute,settle or compromfse any such claim end
<br /> to collect,recelpt for and refain the proceads.ll fRe Trust Proporty!s ebandoned by Trustor,or,aRer rtonce by Beneficlary to Trustor I ,
<br /> �, , tliat the condomnor offers ro meke sn eward or setdo a clafm for damages,T���r fafl�to respond to Benoficiery with(n thlrty(30J days I
<br />- afie�dro dato such notice ls malled,Beneficlary fs authndzed fo collect and a tha roceods In the mannerindiceted hereln. The
<br /> proceeds ot any award cr cla/m may,aftor deduc8rtg n/l reasonable costs and expenses,Including attornoy lees,wh�ch may havo ,'
<br /> - been lncurred by Ben:�ficlary!n the coltectfon therool,at fhe sole disc�eUon ol Beneficlary,be released to riustor,applfed to
<br /> � � restarition o/Trust PropeRy.�orfe p't n�rpi�rhadR sm hal�not extertd or pos�no�tho due deteeot e N esar�the paymen�ol uny Wntj�9
<br /> �-- _ ..
<br /> ---�---- � �----` _�. _r viry 8'ti�ir apryn..a.,.�.�...p.....��--._...---._ � .
<br /> ; lnstallmenis cnfled far thereunder. _
<br /> , c � 12. Tiustc►Nof Releasod. Extenslon o/the Ume for payment or modi�rcation oF s�iy ari�o�uzstion of tha Inde6tadnass grantcd by Beneficrary
<br /> , • to¢ny successo�In(nte�est of Trustor shall rtot operc�to to refease.!n nny menner,the liebility of Trusror and Trustor's successors in
<br /> }. interest Benerclary shali not be naqulred to commence procet�dings agafnst such successor or refuse to extend 6rrr�tor payment a
<br /> j. „ oLlerwlse modify smortitation of the Indebtedness by reason o�any demand mude by Trustor and Trustor's successors
<br /> In lnteresL �
<br /> �' 19. Finarrclal lnfom�atron.Upon requost o/Bonefrclary,Tiusfor►vifl provlde ro Beneficisry,withfn rtinoty(90)da�s ot Ihs close ot oach fiscaf ;
<br /> , ye�09 Trustor,the Corrsolidated bnlortce sheet end statement of eam;ngs oi Trustor and eny snd all gua�antors o�rhe Indebtednoss
<br /> ' ' , secured hereby,il any.and wl��Provjde and doliver to Benofi�tary such ofher financial!nf'om►ation�n�1ln such manner as Bene�iciary
<br /> may reason3Dry request trvm dme to time. -
<br /> 14. F7nsrtclA!Covsnants.In uddi[ion to sny other linrirtclsl covenants of 7rustor made!n any other agroement,inshument or docurneru.
<br /> , ' Trusto�shall compfy�vith end sht�ll cause any snd sll gua►antors ot[he/rtdabt�p�ss securod hereby to comply with,or bo in ;
<br /> � complisnce with,the fallowing Crnuncial covenants:(Trits paragraph shall not ►f coveitants and requiremer.ts are not set ,
<br /> • . � fonh 0►erein.)
<br /> • �. S5. Schedulo of L�tasos.Within ten(10)dt�ys after domand.Trustor shall fumish to Benoticiary a schedule,certilied to by Trustor,settmg
<br /> � fonh r�ll leases ot the Trust Property,or any porlicn tAereot,lncluding in each case,the namo of the tenants or accupants,a des�ription
<br /> of tho spttce oc�cup:ed 6y such tonant or occupant,fhe rental paya6le fvr such space,and such other inlormation and documents►vrth '
<br /> rQSpoct to such�aasvs t�rt�tonuncres as Bortofrclury may roasonabty request.
<br />