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<br /> __° _ — ��.������.....�,��.�.��.���.�.,�.�:�:T �#Tilu',ti�(3.�.i'ffh:T:f:'iR`----
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<br /> � `' p���ads�Ir..t �.c�i�cr i�:��ol�-.:s. 7'I�;,in5isi•.nra carricr psovidin,r;tir;im,n�cncc shall ba cl�+i�cyi liy Nm�am:cr suDj:.ct ro A.cndce�. I
<br />-"''"'=��``""_�?� a roval�vi�ich sltull�tat lf�snr�a�Qnnl�ly withhcid. If i3orc��wcr fnils to in�intain covcra�c dr.��crib�zi nftuvc,l.c►idc•r n�ny,.it L�_, :-
<br /> - pP
<br /> _��_�,�� Lcndcr ti option,obtniia�:ovcr�se ta pratcct l,enderS rights in ih�:Progerty in nccasd:utcc w�tii�yar�grlsph 7. c,__
<br /> All insui:vue�ticies and renewnls shall be accepu�ble to L.ender nnd sl�all include o.:dansi:�rd rnon��age clause. I.�ndsr
<br /> shall havc the ri�ht w hold�hc policics and renewals. If I.ertdcr rcquires,Bumowcr shull promptly�ivc to Lendcs ull rcccipts
<br /> -�_ -�-=�'�`-� of p�id pn:i�►iums and ren�w�l notic2s. In the event of toss.Borrower�h;sll�ive prnmpt motiic to�t►e insueance ca�rier a�id „�,,.
<br /> L -----"'—' Lender. l.etider may malce prooF of loss if not mude prornpAy by dorruwer.
<br /> � Unless L.ender and Borrower otherwisc�grec in wriung,insur.►ncc prnceeds shnl!be applicd ti�rcstamtion of r�pair of
<br /> •-_==—= Qie Propeny damagc�, if the rcstomtion ar r�:pair is�cenoroically fe�sible and Lender� security is not lessened. !f tliG -
<br /> �— restoration or repair is nat econumieally feasible or L.enders security we�uld M;les.>enad,the insumnce praceeds shall he _
<br /> - ----_- npplied ro the sums secured by this Security Instrume�t,whethcr or not �hcn duc,with uny excess paid to Borrowcr. IC _
<br />- ------=__ Bonov+er a6andons the Yroperty. or dc�es not unswcr wiihin 30 days n nuticc from Lcreder tho!the msurance cairier h.is
<br /> __ n:� offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collecS tlic ir�surance proceeds. I.ender m.tiy u.se�he prrscecds to repair ar restore
<br /> ----------- tt►s Progerty or to��ay sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.whether or not thcn duc. '(�e 3tl�day perioa will bcgin wLen _
<br /> -=_>�ctii the notice is given.
<br /> -�.„..�,�,� Unless Lender and Borrow�r othenvise agn;e in writias. any appliaation of procecds to principal uhall nat extcntl or
<br /> _����•'�:.� postpone the due date of the monthly paymen�s mferced to in pamgraplis 1 nnd 2 or change the atnount of die payments. If
<br /> -�.,-.z=�;,���
<br /> ----e:� under par�sraph 2l the Property is acquired by Lender,Iiorcower'.s right to any insuranse policies nnd pr�ced5 resu(ting
<br />