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<br /> .�s_�r'�'��,�,�� A G�'�C� o� land cornprieing a garC �n! Lot O�ne (�.) �n the �
<br />--,;�L����== Mz�i.nlan�i oE Che 9ouChweot Quarter (�W3f) a� th� Sautl�east
<br /> =�������:; Quarter (S��i? of S�at�on PaurCeen (i�I , Townehip Fleven
<br /> =:��v�.;, �� (�1) North, Range Nine (9) We6C n� th4 6th P.M., in Hali
<br /> f=��=���`•�� CounCy, Y�gbraeka, mere ��a�:Cicularly d��crAbed �g Po11D�e:
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<br /> -��:�;- -��.�•�: Ssgir�n4ng at �he Narthweet cornar o! r�aici Lot One (i) on
<br /> _.._r-�-:_r.r�..
<br /> �`=;9��:'`.��''"•''"'` Cha maiaaland o� the SW�SB�(; thence Sou�herly alang an
<br /> �,., .•
<br />-'�1'',�':���"�"'F'`��' up�n �he Weat line of said �W',(SE�( a dietance a� Se�en
<br /> -=-•:.,�_�:;;��.
<br /> --.��?���^'�=� Hundred Twenty�seven and F�ur Hwiciredthe (727.04) Eee�,
<br /> t.��
<br /> ---�`�`�"�'''` to a point on the Nart�easterly r�.ght of wa,y line oE t e
<br /> _-t,;�.,_._�.�.�.. ..
<br />- ""'�u s"���' C. B. & Q . Rail��ad; thence deflectixig le�s: 62° 32� a��
<br /> -:-;�, `�;_;�;�.
<br /> ---,�;-;�.�., .. running Southeasterly along and upon ea•ld Noxtheae�
<br /> Railroad R.O.W. a distanco of 'I�ro HundXed and Two (202.Oy
<br /> -�`� '`'����"- feeti; thenae deflecting left 35° 07� and running
<br /> -.,_�-���f,;,4�r� .
<br />_ t�ortheaoterly a diaeance o� 'i"wo Hundr�d Seventy-nine and
<br /> '-������,� '��� Twent two Hundredthe (279 •22? �feat; thence deflect:Lng _
<br /> :��.r."4 *��:. .. '. . y-
<br /> "+:�'�.; �,.:,' .,_�.. � left 23° 23' and running Northeasterly, a di.etanc� of
<br /> ' '�' � ' `�'��' Three Hixndred Twelve and Forty-Eive Hundredtha (312.�i 5) —
<br />'.<.�;<:..'. ,�-:� feeC; Chence deElecting le�t 19° 00' and running
<br /> � ° Northeaeterly, a distance o� One Hundred Thirty (130.0) _
<br /> �� � feet, to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing
<br /> - • - � Nox't�Qasteriy on ine Iaesi. ucS�.x'�.�c.'�. Ct�uY'O�� � ^��.c�a�r3ro nf -
<br /> ' � � One Hundred Nineteen and '1'wenty-five Hundradthe (119.25)
<br /> � �eet; thence deE7.ecting �eft 13° 21' and xun�ning ---
<br /> _,N_ . Noctheaatarly, a dietance of TwenCy (20) feeC; thence
<br />�- ~�� . � deE�ectirag right 83° 39' and runniny Sautheaeterly a __
<br /> � � diatax�ce of Ninety (90.01 feet; �hence deflecting right �
<br />:,r_..��„�Y�M,r-Yy,• . 55° 50• and running Southeasterly a d3etance oY One �`_
<br />-`;,��..,•,<<;.- �, Hundred Farty-eix and Six Tenthe (1�6.6) feet; thence �
<br />=_..��r.:F���;;��.r�- . deflecting right 121° 17' and running Northwesterly a �`
<br />"�`��` �-``'� �`' dietance of Two Hundred FiEteen (215.0) feet; to the �,
<br /> I
<br /> ��, ;.�> ..''.:,�.`-�: actual piace of beginning and containing 0.937 acree more
<br />_�,'"',y�'ti;;;`;y'�;;' I or lees, in Hall County, Nebsaska. . .
<br /> .. a
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