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<br />' ,. I, " ��CJI•'��-:� ��\Iyll.li`./IJ�IJ . .. .__
<br />_ �.,- :��:. ; ' 9. H�z�rdau�MaterlM�.T�ustor shnll k�aA thA Proporty In comQli3nco with nll c�p��llcatzfo tawo,otdi�anr.fl0 Asitl rayutsU�n9 ..,,�, _.-a-_•
<br /> �°�''�'° ��• rolatin�to lndustrlal hyglene or envlrunmental proter.tlon(collectively referred to hereln na"Environmental l.aws"►.Taator thaN ---- _
<br /> •"'`�,�;;,,,,,,-,�;,, ' keep lh�P►oporty free from nli Bub�U�ncso daomed to bo hau+rdous or toxlc under any Gnvlranmentai Lc�ws(coE!ac�lvely iatorrde!40 �?�ea�r_-°_-
<br /> r,�.::;. ,;�.-..,�,.��"1' herein ae"Hazardoua Meterlals").Truator hereby warranta and represente to Lender that thore ere no HAZardou�M�t�rlel�nn or __
<br /> - undar tNo Property.Trust�r horeby aproe�to indomnity and hold harmle�s Lendor,ita dlrector9,ofticera,employees bnd eDento,snd �.,�,,.�__.�,
<br /> � "` � ' any successore t�Lender's interasL trom end epalna4 sny and ell clalrna,darnagsa,luacca a�:J Il:.blticl:a ari�ln�In c�n���t!^n r±!.h
<br /> ..a::Y.•_.-._:.:�`;.ia:.4f..i�flh:;3ii�':� .
<br /> r.� -•�-��-�;�: the pr5sence,uae,dispocsal or transport ot any Hazerdous Meterlals on,under,trom or about the Property. THE FORECi01NQ
<br />- �a�'��:�'• ` � " ' SURVIVE RECmNVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. �
<br /> �.:�.•..�-:;'-.R�h;,'P:-
<br /> --�°�'^s" 10. Asd�nmon!01 R�nt�.Trustor hereby aesigns to Lender the rente,Iss�os ahd protits of tho Property;provld�d thet 4rurtor _
<br /> T��..� �,;' � ahall,until the occurrence of en Event ot Do}ault hereunder,hav�the rightto colinctand retein such rente,Isauea end profite ae they _
<br />—:�W-*�.•.T = �;. . become due and payable.Upon tfie occurre�ce o4 an Event of Dotnult,Lender may,either In petson or hy e�aeN,tvlth or wlthout
<br /> � `` � bringing any acdon or procsedln$,or Dy a rccoivcr appointed 6y a court snd ttirithout re�nrd to the RdequACy of Ita eeaurity,enter ___
<br /> ��+".• � '/��'"r.� :.. upcn and teke passesslan of the Property,or any pa►tthereot,in Its own name or In the neme af the Yrusiee,and do ony scto which It
<br />_*•',�?�;:. � .;�� ,• deems necessary or deslrable to pre�orv�the value,marketability arrentebility of the Propety,or any partthnroat ar Intereetthereln, _�W _
<br /> �". • . , InareAae the Income theretrom or protect the soourlty hereof end,�vith or without taking posseasion o1 the Properiy,eue tar or
<br /> �. • otherwleo colleot tho rents,Issues and profite thereof,including tho�e pnst due and unp�id,and apply the samo,leas ouate end
<br /> expenses of operation and c�IlecUan including attorneys'tees,upon eny Indebtodnoss seou�ed heroby,eli in such order as Lender __
<br /> s �-,� � ., may determine.Tho entering upor and taking possesaiun of the Property,the collectlon ot such rents,Issues end protits and the _-
<br />�• 1A � , appllcatlon thereof as atoreseld,ehell not aure or walve any default or no4lce of dofault horounder or Invalidate any act dane In ��'
<br /> �.^-; ,; . : '':,. ,
<br />- ,�. � � " " respanae 4o such default ar pursuant to:,uch notice ot detault and,nohyithstandinp the contlnuance in posaesalon o4 the Property or ,______
<br /> �� the collaction,raceipt and apDlication of rent9,iasues or profite,and Truatee and Lender ehall be entitled to oxerclae overy right _..
<br />—# • ' providcsdforinanyoftheLoanDocumenteorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventoiDetault,includ(ngwithoutlimitatlontheri9htto �'�
<br /> a 3 exercise the power of sale.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paragreph shalt be cumulative with,and In no way a
<br /> . Iimitatlonon,lendarerlghtsandremediosu�deranya3signmontofleasesandrentsrecordedagalnsttheProperty.Lender,Trustee �,�°`"-
<br />�+�� and tha receiver�hall be Ilabte to account onty those rents aotualiy receivad.
<br />�i- . {� 11. Evento 01 fAelaui�The tollowing ehall constitute an Event of Default under thla Deed of Truat
<br />"�:� � (a) Falluro ta pay eny Instaliment of pNnoipal or int9rest of any othsr sum secured hereby when due; �'"„�.4��
<br /> r.. - _
<br /> . . (Ib) A bteach of or detault under eny provislon contefned in the Note,this Dead of Trust,any of the Loan Documenta,ut eny ____
<br />- .�•:` � other Ilen or encumbrance upan the PraperN; '
<br /> �^:�
<br /> ° (c) A writ o}oxecutlo�or attechment or any Bimller procoss shali be entered apalnat Truator which ehall becorne e Ilen on �y�5.,.;:
<br />- '� � the Property or any portlon thereof or Interest thereln; "'•����'��`Y'
<br /> - ` � '.� . (d) There shall be flled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any preaent or tuture federal,stnte or other ';`�`;`;':;°.
<br /> s� ' awtutw.Ic�w or reaulaUon relatlna to bankruptcy.Insolvency or other reUet for debtors;or there ehell be appolnted any trusteo. '�`�"s�`_
<br /> - rece►ver or Ilquidator of Truetor or Borrower or of all or any part uf the properry,or the rents,issues or protite tnereoi,or i rustor ���,y; ;;-
<br /> -. . . or Borrower ahall meke uny general assaignment for the banefit of creditora; f`����`
<br /> �,;-�,,�' . s '
<br />�. ;::;^•' ..
<br /> (e) The,sale,tre�i�ter,lesae,asalgnment,conveyanco or furthor onoumbranca of all or any part of or eny Intorost In the ,�,�..:
<br />� � Property,elther volunterJty or Involuntarity,without the expross written co�sent of Lender, provided that Trustor shall be �-•,r;��
<br /> � permitted to execute a leaee ot the Property that does not contaln an option to purchase end the term of which does not exceed yµ-_-
<br />� one yeer, �'; .;
<br /> (� Abandonment of the Property;or :�:' �_i�
<br />- (g) H Trustor is nQt an Individual,the Issuanco,sele,tranafer,assignm�nt,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total �,,,_°_,; -_
<br /> - �. oi,�._parcent of(if e corporatlon)Its issued end outstending stock or(fi e partnershlp)e totai af percent o} '�' _
<br /> - pe�tne�shfp interesta dJrinp the perlod thla Oeed ot Truat remalns e Ilen on the Property. ,;
<br /> 12, R�m�d{�s;AccN�ntfon Upon DN�uit.In the event ot any Event of Default Lender mny,without notice oxcopt es roqufred by .` ,,
<br />- law,declere ell Indebtedness secured hereby to be duo and payabla and the samo shall th�roupon bacome due end payablo
<br /> :. �: � � wlthout a�y presentmont,demend,protest or notice of eny kfnd. Theroatter Lender may: -
<br /> � (r�) Demand that Truetee exorcice the POWER OF SALE grAnted hereln, and Truatee shall thereafter ceuae Truator's � K
<br /> _ _ Intarost In tho Property to bo sold and the proceoda to bo dlstributed,nit in the manner provlded In tho Nebraake Trust Deeda
<br /> -. Act '
<br />" 1 � . � (b) Exercfso any and ail rights provided for In any of the Loan Documents or by law upon occurrenceot any Evant of Default;
<br />_ ., and
<br /> � 7, , (c) Commence an actlon to foreclose this Dead of Truat as a mortgage,appolnt a recelver,or speciflcolly enforce eny nt the
<br /> covonants hereoi.
<br /> �•� No remedy hereln conferrad upon or reserved to'frustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,In the I
<br /> � " Loan Oocuments or by law pTOVtded or peronitted,but each shell be cumuletfve,shali bo in addltlon to every other remady gfven
<br />".�,;,.� hereunder,fn the loan Documents or now or hereafter exlstinc�nt Iflw or in equfty or by statute,and may be exercised ConCUrrentty,
<br /> �.. „
<br /> indapendently or successlveiy. �
<br /> - x.� 13.TtwtN.The Truatee may resign at any time without cause, and Lender mey at any time and without cause appoint e �
<br />�r`'dS" successor or substitute Truatoe.Trustee shali not be Ifable to any party.Including without Ilmitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or eny � ..
<br />�. '�a' ' purchaser of the Property,for any loss or damage unless dua to reckless or wlli(ul misconduct,and shall not ha required to take eny �
<br /> *; �� action In connec4ion with lhe entorcement of thla Deed of Trust unless IndemnHied, In v�riting,for all costa,compensatlon or
<br /> � ' expenses whlch may ba a&soclated therewlth.In additlon,7rustee may become a purchasor at any sale oi ihe Property Qudicial or �
<br />- � under the power of aale grented hereln);postpone the esle ot ail or any portion ot the Properry,as provlded by law;or soll the
<br />_ � �._ Property as a whole,or In separate parcols or lots at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> 14. Fea�and Frcp�nst�.In the event Trustee solls tho Propeny by exercisd of powor of sele.Trustee shall be entltled to apply 1
<br />-- any sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs end expenses of exercising power ot sale,including all Trustes's foes,and Lender's
<br />- and Trustoe's attorney's teos,rsctualiy Incurred to extent parmitted by applicable Inv�.In tho evont 8orrower or Truator exerclses any �
<br />_� ;� � rtght provided by law to cure an Event ot Default,Lender shsll be entitlad to recover from Truetor all costs and exponsos actually ;
<br /> � • Incurred as a resuit o}Trustor's detault,Including without Iimimtlon all Trustee's and attornoy's toes,to th�extent permitted by ; �
<br /> � applicable lew. '
<br /> ;� ' " 15. Futuro Advancss.Upon request of Borrower,Lendor mey,at Its optlon, meke additional and future advances and re-
<br /> advances to Horrower.Such advances end readvances,with inte�est thereon,shell be secured by this Deed of Trust At no time shull
<br /> r� -- --- ---- --- •no.,.���i..si mm�unt at tna indebtedness secured bv thts Doed of Trus4 not InClu�ing sums advanced to protect the security of thia `_
<br /> _._�....-•�---� -- •
<br />_ � • Deed ot Trust,excaed the original principal emount atated herein,or$ 1�•���•d�whlchever Is gre�ter. '�
<br />_' � � 16. MbcNlsnrow Provislone.
<br /> , (a) Borrow�r No4 Reltesed.Extttnslon oi the timo for paymdnt or modification oi amortlzation ot Me sums aecured by this
<br /> � - Deed of 7rust�rAnted by L�n�lerto�ny suCCessor in fn4erest of F3orrower shall not operate to release,in eny manner,the Ilablliry
<br /> � F of the original Borrower and�orrower's successors In Intarost Lender shali not be roqufred to commence proceedings sgalnst
<br /> .. ouch suCCessor or retuso to extond time for payment or othorwiso modHy amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust •
<br /> a ;� • by reason o1 any demanda made by th9 originel Borrowor and Borrower's successors In Interest
<br /> (b) Lend�r'� Powera.Without aftacting tho Ilablliry of any other parson Ifable tor the payment ot any obligation herefn
<br /> mentioned.and without att�ciing tho Iien or charge of this Deed ot Trust upon any�,ortton of the Property notthan or theretc�tore
<br />- � rxleased as securiry for tho��ll emount o}all unpatd obfig�tions,Lender may,from Hme to time and without no2fca(f)rel�aso eny
<br />� pereon so liable,(fq extond ihe maturiry or altor any of tha 4�rms of any such obligation;ti(ill)grant othor indulgences,(iv)retease
<br /> �� or reconvoy,or cause to be roleased or reconveyed et any time at Lender's optian any parcel,portian or all of the Property,
<br />�• .; (v)take or releasn any other or additionel security ior any obligation herein mentfonad,or(vp m�ke camposiriona or other
<br /> s�` „ orrengoments with dobt�rs in rolation thereto. �
<br /> '� . �
<br /> . .. _ --�, .. ..........._. _.._. . . _ - .. - .-----__.__�:....._y...:_�.�__------ ----_=_
<br /> . .,... .... ._ _�-.--��,.,
<br />