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<br />.. . ,. , (i) f�`•7 ct t:a;2 c�7 C;� 5��:,�;sri�y� r.r ta b;,ic^�.�i L�:a;c�2 h m f�u�i c:s,;��;j c.:l a �;;t u1li:c� i'.ti;....tf, Ia c;:U cr `_ ._
<br /> t::�::,t;:::�E,,._:..,,.:�(c:�t°r t�:� a L7 ''_:' ;cr f'.,:r.-:,�)F,,r G;•�G.,��,:..r.t�ti::l � � ..
<br /> � � O yi:�i'�a,�;Sy l��i�1 R:.�:;,;'::;1 f�\i;t�t,i:,�,:::::u cr L:�:i°:�r.� it.�c;•itcr�e;:,,t'; <d i��`.;.-„c,a,cr G;��:�-�::.-.,r�c: �- -°-,
<br /> '�'°",!'.:��:a=�'"a ���nt�e dc;ea Ko occ��py tl�a f���ocfi, but h!a or her uedit h.�9 rtoC b�eari apFrav+ad k� accorci�ncc w�h lh� --
<br /> _-=_�`�"'4' �' reyuiremaite of the Sacrole►�I,
<br /> --`�'r��==`�,�„'�� _----
<br /> �"`"` "'"'—_ (cy Na W�hnr. fl dnxim�ta7as oc�ur th�t wou�d pa�mN lend�r to requir� NrKn�df�b p�ycrwn! fn 4ui. but L+��dex
<br />-.r.f:�:-="',"�`'T"� daos not requho such prymxnte. Lende► dac�not wake Ite�tphts with rcwpoct to eubeequent ev�nte.
<br /> ----_�:�� (�) li�uiiltiqt�� of Hiii� �ooratl�y. �n m�ny ckcumatancea re�utaticsne hsuad by th� Sac�ec�ry wid im3t
<br /> — -1° Ler�der'� rlphts, !n tfie uee ot p�yrnmt d�fau��, to rpulrs knm�cll�t� p�ym�eM In iUN�nd fonolosa R not p�ld. ThM
<br /> ----- -�:�.�se,o
<br /> •=�-`:'�`±"�`•""s, Socucfty Inatrument doee not authorhe iac�leratiao or tore�f.oaure H not perrnit[ed try requl�UUene nf tha 3�cret�uy.
<br /> "''�4.' .��� �n
<br /> -- "'�"`� (w) �prty�� Nd Insur�d. BonmvK�prees ituit ehould thb S�ecurriy Inatruma►t�nd th� Nota a�ecured thenhy
<br /> -_"r::n��
<br />__:;,�,ii"s+`°'�,:nY;:,;��, not qe eNgftde tur Insur�nce under ihe fV�Uonal Houslnp Act withk�90 d�y� from th• d�te heroaf,
<br /> ,, rr:. +���_ j Lender m�y, nt ke optlon �nd �otwithet�ndinp �nything M pv�gr+ph 8,recp�drs krmedi�te p�yment In fuM of�11 auma
<br /> �` . ` 'F`.. esr,�r:,��y ih�la S:.airtty InsUa:r.:,rtit A wrtitcn cLicm�t o1 eny authorized aa-n1 0!the�cret•ry dsicd esL+�eM�ettt -_
<br /> _ .;:�;<..r,.x`. .'`�'��•'
<br /> ":.±_�.:.�:•�,�:.•.,;��;+- . to 9U d�vs kom tha date herco}, decltalnp to insuro thls Securlry tnsWment and the Nots secured
<br />—`�:��i�� • . ° .,�: theroby, sh�M 6e deemad condushre praaf ot auch InellglbtNry. Notwithstendir,p the twe�ofny, thb ap•.lon may not be
<br />:: �•:�: . . . ,.. exerclud by Lende�r wher�the unavallobi�iry ot I�surance 19 satety due to Lendx's teNuro to rcireit a motig�ge Inauran�a
<br />; ":: , premlum to the 3eCretary. r_—
<br />"-'`-�:�- ••+� •-.':. ,•�`�'?, 10. Rstnatatlnl�nt.BoRUwc�h�s e dght to 6e reinststed N Le�der h�a rcquked Mxnedi�te p+►yme+it In fuM becausa of v
<br />__�� ` �- =���'� Bwrower's tafluro to pay en amount due urtder the Note or this Searity Instn,mcnt.Thla rtght appfios even aR� toredosure
<br />_.,_ �. �
<br /> . p�iocac�:zga era L-�st,'ttR2d. To r��st:te fhe �curiy Instrumw�t, Bcrrc:��ah�q tcrtd7 Fn a!u� sum c9 tmaunta rc�.�!red to
<br />= 6ing Borrower's account curcent In�uding, to the extent thoy are obNgaUons ot Borrower undtr this Securfty Inst�ummt,
<br />_ toredosure costs end reasanable end customary attomeys' tees end oxpenses properly essoctated wkh the foredoaure
<br /> a ' � � �Oroceeding. Upon �ekistatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument and the ob;Ie�aUons that It sec�res sha11 nemak� In eHect ns �{:;,;;:
<br />- • � • N La�der had not requfrod Immediate paymcnt in tuM. However, Lenda is not requkod to pmnk roinntatmxr►t H: p) Lender has _
<br /> � � eccepted re�nsta4ement after thd commencement of lorodosure proceedings wfthln two years Immedtately preceding the
<br /> � commencement of e cu:rmt torecbsure proceeding, (ti)reansTatement wGl prcdude toredosure on ditferent grounds In the tuture, ���`
<br /> � or(i{�retnstatement will adversely eHect the pdotity of the Ilen crcated by this Security InsUument. --
<br /> , 11. tlorrowar Not Releasedl; Forbeerance By Lertder Not a Watver.Extenslon o4 tho ume ot payment or ���i;
<br /> modiflcaHon ot amortimUon of the sums�ecured by this Sewtity Instrument grented by Lender to eny tsuccessor In fnterest ot ��ti
<br /> Borrower shaA not operate to release the ItebNily of the origfnal BoROwer or Borrower's successor In Interest. Lender shap not be 1�F
<br /> _ requ{red to commeace proceedings against any successor In Interest or refusa to extend Ume (or paymeM or otherw�se modity ��f;;
<br /> amoAitaUon o1 tho sums secured by thls Secutriy InsUUment by reason o1 eiry ciemand mado by ine ori�'r.,ai Sorrowar vr - -'
<br /> „ " Borrower's successors hi Interest My fotbearr�nce by Lender In exercising any rlght or remedy shall not be a waNer of or -- '
<br /> preeJude the exercise oi any rl�ht or remedy. ��-
<br /> �.
<br /> 12. §uccessora �nd Assl�ns Bourtd; Jo9n! and Saverel Llabflfty; Co-3lgners. The covenunts and �j��,.
<br /> " �� agreements o1 thls Securiry InsVument shell bind and benefd the successors and assigns o1 Lender end Borrower,subJoct 3o the �� L
<br /> provislons of Puagraph 9.b. Bnrrowere covenants and agreements shafl be Jolnt and several. My Borrower who co•sic�ns lhis
<br /> Securiry Instrument but does not execute the Noto: (a)Is co-sir�ning this 3ecurity InsUument onty So mortgage, grent end c.�nvey .
<br /> „ that Borrower's interest In the Property under the tertns of this SPCUrity Instrument; (b) Is not personalty obligated to pay the
<br /> sums secured by thls Securityr InaWrnent; and (c) agrees tha4 Lender and any other Bortower may �gree to eMend, modify,
<br /> torbear or make eny nccommodaUons with regard to the tertns of thls Security InsWment or the Note without that Bortnwer's
<br /> „ „ consmt.
<br /> 13. NotiCe.My noUce to Bortower provlded for In this Securiry Instrument shell be given by deihredng ft or by mail'mg it
<br /> ' by firs4 clasa mail uniess oppiicable law requires use o1 another rnethod. The noUco shall be directed to the Property Address or
<br /> any other address Borrower designates by noUce to Lender.My noUce to Lender shell be gtven by first class mafl to Lender's
<br /> � address stated hereln or any address Lender designates by notice to Bortower. My nottco provided for In thls Seariry
<br /> - InsUument sheG be deemed to hnve been given to Bortower or Lenda,r when gfven as provlded in this paragraph.
<br /> � 14. Governing Law; SeVeordbllity. This Security Instrument sha0 bo govemeU by Federal law and the law o}t7�e
<br />.. Jurisdctlon tn whfch the P�aperty Is located.In the even4 that eny provision or clause of thfs Security In�trument or tho Note
<br /> � conflicts wlth appllcable law, such conflict shall not aftect other provislons oi this Security Instn�ment or the Note which can bo
<br /> given ef(ect wilhout the conflfcUng provislon.To this end the provislons of thl3 Security InsWment and the Note are declared to
<br /> ` � be sovereblo.
<br /> , 15. BOitOw81''8 COpy. Borrower shall be given ona contormed copy ol this Securily Instrument.
<br /> 1G. Assl�nment of Rents.Borrower unconditlonally esslgns and H�ansfers to Lender all the rentn und revenues of the
<br /> T Property. Bortower authorizes Lender or Lender's egents to coUect tho rents and revenuos end hereby dtrects each tenant o1 the
<br /> Property to pay the rents 40 4ender or lender's egents. Flowover, pdor to Lender's notice to Borrcwer of Bortow�'s breach ol
<br /> � any covenant or agreement in tho Secudty Instrument, Bortower shan collect and receNe np renta and revenues of tho Property
<br />. � as trustee for tho benefit ot Lender and �onowec This assignment ot rents constiNtes en absotute esstgnment and not an
<br /> essignment for additlonnl security onty.
<br /> ,� It Lende�•gives noUce of breach tu Bonower: (e) all rents receNed by Borrower shall bo held by Borrower es trustee for i
<br /> � bernefit of Lender ony,to be applied to the sums secured by tho Sea�rity InstNment;(b) Lender shatl be entitied to collect and
<br /> ' . receive el1 01 the rents af tho Propeity; and(c) each tenant ot the Property shall pay ell rents due and unpnid to Lender or �
<br />' f Lender's agent on Lendcr's wdtten demand to the tenant. I
<br />• � ,
<br /> , Borrower has not ezecuted any prior asslgnment oi the rents and has not and will not perfortn any nct that would provent �
<br /> � Lender irom exerclsing Ys righto under thls Ptuagreph 10. ;
<br /> � Lender shall not bo required to enter upon� tako control of or malntain tt�e Property betore or u4ter gtvhig noUco ot breach to �
<br /> � _ _- - — •. . . t.._.
<br /> � - — sorrower. rtowever��enaer or e aia. . . .
<br /> S pl 'auy flppotntetl receiver may ao so ei arry iime mere is a oreacn. Hny appawaon or rerns • -
<br /> I , shyl not cure or wntvo any defuult or inv�lid�te any othcr rlght or remedy of Lender.This asslgnment of rents of the Properry
<br /> •( shail terminate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument Is paid In(u;l.
<br /> Y 17. Foreclosure procedure. {f Lender requtres Imtn�dlate payrttent in full ue�der Paragraph 9,
<br /> � Londor may Invoko the powver of sale a�d any other remedies perm(tted E►y applica@le law.
<br />; i�� Lendar sh�ll be entitled to collect all oxpenses incurred In pursuing the remodles provld�d in
<br /> � thia paragraph 17� tncl�diteg. but not Ilm(ted to. raason�ble attarneya' fees and coste of title
<br />•; # evidence.
<br />; � .
<br /> i � F5913.LMG (1/94) PagC 7 Ot 1
<br /> 9:077
<br />