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<br /> -- _ s�:bstant�ally �q►�+�vole��t mongaec insurance covcragc is aot:vnil,ble, Rorcormr shall�iay ta Ixnder c:tct.month a sur�rcaual to
<br /> �.�,.,�..�.:.,.,�.
<br /> --
<br />,..-�._:-�.�+7Firpci+"+�.� c h ..,-•.��j �vfi;,.,.�,.,.n � tr.: 1 i n � —
<br /> �r�t�•s,:lrh ot t s. i�. ,,,„ t��.m.um b�in;,� id��y E3orro�vcr wlien tlic ins�u.�uc�:covc�:���4��,�p�c+ ;sr c::u�c i., '
<br /> � • , � �J:_{IICiICf,2:`T 9I:I� :Yl�{ ... °� 7`:r� •�[t.^_'iC�)".yltl.^.Il[5��i L•�i)�'i fi.!::'iVC lll �IGA 0�� lil(1%P^f��,�'. �G`!!i� �lC,:. �.�ii.; l..:6:ct: = .�.:
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<br /> P-iylit iill:)lil.':y Itt)1,i . �r �, `„`.�;;;1U0 06�Y,f'ritll'1'. lf I�i 0li(,;�,.0 li_':1 i�lilCi:f.l1VCi�l;i;(lIl 1�1^f ii:�yl..lt ('1'.•.�i�l� iii';�i.�I:;.� I.�
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<br /> '•1 i n��. i ! � ,ti� b:a..,_..
<br /> -- .--.-.w th.e prezni��ns rec�uii�eci to mlIntain mostga�e insucance ln uffect,or to pmvide a luss rescrce,untU thc r.t�uimmetu fur n���4tp;u��d
<br /> ___—-=_--- in,uraucc eflds in a�cardance tivith any written a�;rcemcnt bGween Borrower;sud Lcnder or npplicable law.
<br /> ---- — 9.1'nspectfon. [.ender or its ageut may m�Jce reasvnable cntrics uQa� und inspectiims of the L'roperty. Lc���ler hha1R gi�
<br /> �:a=�X.,f,:;�„�*�na Borrower notice at tne time of ur pr{or t�ar�Inspection specifying zeasonable cau�r fur the inspectiatt.
<br /> ---_-_ _-- -_� L��. �op:d:=+±^�tl��i. Thn �rac�d�nf nny ntve•�d or cl�im Por c�a�ma�ey, direct or conscr�ncntial, iii c�nac�ction wfai�uu, ,
<br /> condemr�atiun ar ather tuking of any purt of the Prupe►ty,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, ax�e hcrc�y a;slgne.cl ui�
<br /> shull Ue paid to Lender..
<br /> --_�----= In the cvent af a totnl taking of thc Propr.rty,the proceects shall be applicd to the sums sccacc,�l by d�is S�r,urity instrumen
<br /> '� whether or not then due, wlth any excess paid to Borro�vcr. In the avent of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> -_-=_= mnrke2 value of the Property immediatcly before the tlkin�is e.�{ual to or greater than the amouni of the surn5 sccuiecl by tbis
<br /> -------�°•�- Security Instrument immediutely before d�e taking, unless Borrow�r und Gender otherwise ugree in wtiting, the sums seeurec!hy
<br /> ------�� this Security Instnunent shnll ba reciucecl by the nmount of thr, procecds mulPiplicd by die following tractlon: (u) tlte toEUl
<br /> -- - aniount of thc sums sccured immediatcly before the tnking, divided by(b) the fuir market valuc of the Prapecty immediatcly �—
<br /> ----�_—=1;�;� before the tztking. Any balan�c shall be paid to Borrpwer. In the event of n�ardiat taking of thc Properry in which the Pair
<br /> _ _ - -- markct vnlue of the Property jmmcdiately 6efnra thc taking is less Qian thc amount of thc Sums secured immedfntely before thc
<br /> ��-'�'� taking. unless Borcower and Lendcr otherwlse agree In writing or unless applicuble law otherwise provides, the pracecds shuU
<br /> �h.�'^;��� be npplied to thc sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sunts are thcn due.
<br /> �:�,;�:�;;� If the Praperry is ubandoned by Barrower, or if.after nodce by[,ender to Bonower that the condemnor offers to makc an
<br /> - -=='LL-"-'-=�'== award or settle a claim:or damages, Borrawer fails to respond to Lendcr wlthin 30 days aftcr tha date the noticc is givcn,
<br /> ---' '''�'-�"� L.znde:fis authorizcd to callect and appfy the pro�eeds,At its opt�on,either to restoration or repalr of the Propeny or M�he�amq .
<br /> " '`"'�� v secureci by thts Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br />_.,xi.a_i.r.,,r;�a� Unlr,ss I.ender and Bonower athenvise ugree in writing,any applieation of proeeecls to prineipal ahall nat eztend c�r
<br />-.•7�`. , • ..,, postpone the due clate of the monthly payments referred to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change tlie:�maunt of such payments. _
<br /> --���� "'� 11.Borrowee Not Released;Fo�rbearance Sy I.e[eder Not a Wulver. Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br />- -""�'��� of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of 8orrower shnll
<br />-���; , �;F,. nat operate to release the linbility of the original Horroaer or Borrower's successors in interest. I.ender shalt not bo rcquired to _
<br /> •.-.st�`�`::-:':���_'��
<br /> ..<: •� • commence proceedin�s against any successor in intcrest or refiisc to extcnd timc for payment or otherwise madify amortiuttion
<br /> s:.i•..,:�,-, -.. r•';1
<br /> .;;.�;.e.;�•. , ,�,.,�,; of the sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt by reason af any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrowcr's
<br /> �' '� �• successors in incerest. Any forbearunce by I,ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the -
<br /> - '-�.,: �''� ��'✓' exerciseof any rlght or remedy.
<br /> -'. < ' 12. �uccessurs und Asslgns Bound; Joint and Several Llnbillty; Co-signers. Thc covenants and ugrec�nents of this
<br /> • . Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the pruvisions of
<br />.•t:��.;, - .. pa�agtuNu Si. 17Uliuvrci�5 �A'vi:Titf'itS &Tu abi.,tuaw.io iiwi �.'�i.jCS31i: .7�,.'�. P°V�:$!. .�.5:� BL`.^.C::'.°.0 :Yf2Q C4'�:pS!S �1lc .�_'n_rtlj(►i . - .
<br /> •:. . Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-slgning t�►is Securiry Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convGy thc�t
<br />`��-�� ' Bonower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay tlic suun
<br /> • � secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)abrecs that L.endcr and nny other Borrower may agrce to extend, modify. forbear or
<br /> . � make any acconunodations with regard ta the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that 9onower's conscnt.
<br /> ' • • 13.Loan Churges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to u law which sets maxirnum loan chm•ges,
<br /> • � � and.that!aw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the °"
<br /> `�__.;,�:�.; loAn exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan cl�arge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the churge �,;
<br /> ''� to the per[nitted limit and(b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to �+
<br /> ' "'` ' � Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reciucing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> �`'v �"'� �'"� �� payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a parti;�l prepayment without any ,.;�-
<br /> " „ � � � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shAll be given by delivering it or by muiling ,
<br />,{:;"_ �� � .. . it by first class mail unless applicuble law requires use of another method, The notice shall be directcd to the Propcny Address
<br /> , _ ar any other address Bonower designates by notice to Lender. Any notece to Lender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> • ' Lender's uddress stated herein or any other addre5s Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> '�" ��� Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been�iven to Borrower or Lender�vhen given as provided in this paragrsph.
<br /> � � 1S.Governing Law; SeverAbility. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal luw und thc law of tl�c
<br /> Judsdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Notc
<br /> > contlicts with upplicnble law, such conflict shall nat affect other provisions of this Security instrument or the Note which exn be
<br /> - ,, • given cffect without the conflicting pruvision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Notc ure declured
<br /> � " • to be ssverable.
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note und of this Securiry Instmmcnt.
<br />��`' ' . 17.Trttnsfer of the Property or a Beneficlul Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of thc Property or any inrerest in it
<br />�,. _� is sold or transfencd(or if e beneficiul interest in Battower is sold or transfcrred and Borrower is not a natural person)without
<br /> �F Lender's prior written consPnt, L.cnder may, at its option, rcquire immediate payment in full of ull surns securcd by this
<br />•�. �•�'� ' �� Security[nstrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exerc�se is prohibited by federul law us of the dsUe
<br /> �, ., •�: of this Security Instrument.
<br />•• � If Lcnder exercises this option, Lrnder shall give Borr�wer notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide u period of not
<br /> " less than 30 days from the dutc the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrowcr must puy all surns sccurcd by this
<br /> Security Instrument. If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to thc expiration of this pciiod. Lender may invokc any rcmcdies
<br /> permitted by this Sccurity Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> �' 18. Borrower's Right ta ReinstAte. If Aorrower mects certuin ronditions, Borrowcr shall havc thc right to havc
<br /> enforccment of this Securiry Instrument discontinued nt any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 dnys (or such other period us
<br /> �- .•' applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this
<br /> �-�';. , � Security Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Seeurity Instrument.Those conditions arc thut Borrower,(a)pays
<br /> ?� ' . � Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Notc as if no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> �' r I cures sny default of any other covenants or asreemen�s; (c) pay5 all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> tr including, but not limitui to, rcusonable attorneys' fces; and (d) takes such uction as Lcndcr muy rc;isonably rcyuire.to assurc
<br /> � ' __ .___ ,_ that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obli�ation to pay the sums secureJ by
<br /> ---- -- ' '
<br /> � this 5ecuriry Instrument shaU canttnue unenangea. upon reins[atemenc oy norrower, �nis �ecuriiy insirumcni ,uw ine ` --
<br /> obli�ations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this riblu t��reinstate shall I
<br /> not apply in thc casc of acccicration under paragraph 17. I
<br /> 19. Sule of Note; Clim�ge uf Loan Servtcer. The Notc or a paniul intcrest in the Notc (togethcr with thi� Sccurity �
<br /> ��.., [nstrumenU may be sold one or more timcs without prior noticc to Bor�•ow�cr. A salc may rosult i�i a changc i tt Ihe entity(knuwn �
<br /> as the "Loan Servicer")that collccts monthly payments duc undcr the Note and this Security Instrumcnt. Thcrc alsu may bc unc I
<br /> �• �� ° I or morc changes of the I..oan Serviccr unrclatcd to a sale of the Note. If thcrc is a�hange of thc Loan Scrvicer,Bormwer will be I
<br /> ., � �ivcn written notice of the change in accordnnce with paragraph 14 abovc und applicuble law.Thc noticc will slutc thc name and
<br /> nddress of lhe ne�v I.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should Ne madc. Thc notice will also contain any othcr I
<br /> infomlation rcquircd by applicablc luw.
<br /> 20. Hntnrdous Substunces. Borrower shall not causc or permit the presence, usc, disposul, stor►gc,or rdcasc uf any '
<br /> � " �, Huwrdaus Substances on or in the Property. Aorrower shall not do, nor allow unyune else to do, anything aftccting the i
<br /> Property that is in violation nf uny Environmental L,:iw. 'Phe pn:ceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, usr, or
<br />; ;. stora�e on the Property of small quuntities of H;izardous Substanccs that arc gencrully rer��gnizecl to bc uppropriate ta normul
<br /> �
<br /> n:sidenti;d uses and to muintenance of the Pmperty.
<br /> �- � Pnpe J ol 4 Form 3028 9l90
<br /> ✓' ••
<br />